FORMER Trump supporter here.I have a question

FORMER Trump supporter here.I have a question.
Where is the WALL? Why wil Mexico never pay for it? Why is immigration now HIGHER than before? Why are Trump supporters getting banned and censored on social media? Why are we now more Liberal than in 2008 when Obama was elected? What has Trump OR any other Republican done since 2016 for us?Mike Pence claims to be a Christian Conservative.Head of Supreme Court says that too.Why don't they end gay marriage?
Is this how ''being great again'' feels? We are worst now than we were in 2008 when Obama was elected.Believe it or not,even Bush built 53 milles of ''wall'',more than current Republicans did in Trump's first term.
Why doesn't he just assassinate Pelosi?Why does he and other ***Right wingers*** play by the Liberal rules?
In 10 years our *Right wing** will be reduced to Merkel/Theresa May/Sarkozy EU verion that are actually just bunch of liberals if something doesn't change.

I voted for nationalism.But all I got is a President that throws hissy fits and spams on his twitter instead of a real action.And what's scary is that other Republicans are even worst.They are turning us in to EU.

Attached: Trump before after.jpg (618x1079, 87K)

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Hey shareblue

Fucking retard

Well, I'm enjoying the show. Keep doing your thing americans.

xaxaxaxaxax (laughs in russian)

>Turning us into the EU

Oh thank christ, maybe the dollar will rally, healthcare and utilities will be affordable, and we'll be able to negotiate with North Korea from a position of strength.

Here I thought the republicans weren't doing anything good.

>Why don't they end gay marriage?
trying to take away rights from people is harder than the NRA would lead you to believe.

What is Orange man IS Bad?

How do Trump supporters feel about being kicked out of social media,demonized in mainstread media and mocked world wide?You can't even that you support Trump in some places.
Yet he is a President? In a normal country it would be the other way around,those who oppose him would be presecuted not us.
Fuck this shit I can't take it anymore I just can't.

Why doesn't he just assassinate this scum?Or at least arrests them? At at least sends police to beat em up? Or at least bans them from social platform?It's like a having **Right wing** politician from EU that claims how being French or German is more about values than race or ethnicity.

Attached: trump wall.png (584x718, 526K)

What have you done to help him?

''Rights'' that didn't existed until few years ago.''Rights'' that are wrongs.

And the best of all, you'l be beheaded by the ISIS

How was church this week, user?

Not going to lie, former Bernie supporter here. I’m going to vote trump in 2020

>healthcare and utilities will be affordable
healthcare will never be affordable again no matter who is in charge.

what most people are paying for in premiums will just get taken out of your paycheck automatically... probably more.

rights that were guaranteed and upheld by the supreme court. rights that were correct in not doing a "separate but equal" thing again.

When was the last beheading by an Islamist extremist in Europe?

Oh shit, so all of Europe can't afford their healthcare? Shut the fuck up.

This is the ***Right wing*** by standards of some EU states.Believing how French people exist as ethncity is considered ''far right'' and it's illegal to count people by race and ethnicity so you don't even know your own demographics anymore.Is that ***right wing*** we want?Imagine the Left then.

Attached: Macron French President.jpg (600x596, 100K)

Move to Europe if you want a fifty percent tax rate then faggot

Wrongs that were forced by Supreme Court and didn't exist until few years ago or exist in majority of the world.

What a ***progress*** we have made since end of ww2.

Attached: Macron France.jpg (634x423, 41K)

Just going to point this out here...
If you ask for or, rather, demand something significant from another person, something so monumental you know it's not a reasonable request, and then you make a smaller, more reasonable, less-involved request, that second one is more likely to be granted, by comparison.

And, the other way to do this, is when someone thinks negotiations are breaking down, or a relationship isn't good, if you're the other party involved and you assuage their concerns, and speak to their insecurities, they're more likely to listen to you.

Trump did the first with Mexico, the second with Norte Korea. Trump is getting NAFTA redone, with better terms for the US vs Canada, because Mexico is willing to back up the US so they can get a better deal. Norte Korea was going to back out of negotiations but Trump faced their concerns and is slowly opening up the country to western influence, which will benefit the leaders, the people, and the planet. He's also helping open up Chinese government to western business on home turf, which may end up changing their minds about communism.

He may be a doofus on tv to get the media going for him, and he's got the tact of a burnt turducken in terms of political opposition. But damn, the man knows the psychology to handle business deals. For all his bravado and braggadocio, he doesn't have much ego in dealmaking.

>Why wil Mexico never pay for it?
Trump: [with conviction] "Mexico will pay for the wall!"
"Who's going to pay for the wall?"
Rally attendees: [shouting] "MEXICO!"

Liberals: "You cannot force another sovereign nation to pay for your vanity project."

Trumpsters: "We'll show you libtards!"

Turns out there actually is no way to get another sovereign nation to pay for your vanity project.

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technically it's rights, due to it being legal to marry. america is about religious freedom and democracy, not theocracy.


Welcome to a leader of ***moderate Right** in EU that loves to import Muslims where simply opposing mass islamic immigration means that you are basically Fascist and should be arrested.

What a great progress we are making.This is NOT Right wing.This is bullshit and to think that believed in Trump as a someone to represent our views wow he wasn't even able to end immigration from 6 most extreme islamic nations and he is a freaking President

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So why not change it?What is Kavanaugh doing?

What's wrong with gay marriage? Why did you expect Trump to end it?

because you would be taking rights away from people who were granted them.

Wait.....what? Do you think Kavanaugh can just declare gay marriage illegal? How do you think the supreme court works?

>What's wrong with gay marriage?

Everything.Trump personally? No,but the people around him that claim to be Christian and Conservative but seem to be useless EU-tier **Right** morons who at this point can't even stop Tranny agenda.
So what do they actually do? What is their point in politics?

You mean correcting a mistake?

How exactly do you expect them to end gay marriage? Give me the legal path by which that happens. Also, explain why you are against gay marriage.

Because the Supreme Court can't change the constitution, chief.

mm nope. a homosexual couple deserve the same rewards/rights and same risks of getting married that a heterosexual couple that gets.

Why not just ban Antifa and all those anti-Trump protestors? What's the point of anti-riot police?Again we do we have all of this limits and rules we have to follow,even Macron the faggot beats up protestors in France.

Why not actually DO SOMETHING besides make Twitter hissy fits?

Same way Supreme Court made it.

No it doesn't you faggot.

You're under 25 aren't you? Still on Mom and Dad's healthcare. Its cool, you'll get it in a couple years.

why don't they deserve the same rights? because christian leaders told you it was wrong?

Modern Republicuck party

Elephants eating the shit of a RINO

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I don't like you. You can never marry because I don't like you.

And this kids, is why we need to bring back civics class.
If you're an American I'm disgusted. Your piss porr grasp of civics makes me think you aren't. How's life in Macedonia?

Europe pays less money once you account for private insurance premiums n shit, you utter fuckwit bitch

Keep ignoring the problem,keep ignoring the elephant in the room!

Attached: Homosexual extremist.jpg (720x405, 84K)

Thats just a protest. Nothing "extreme" about it.

No I’m 38. And I own a home and a business in Marin county. I also own a rental property that cash flows for me


Siding with enemies.This is some serious EU tier shit.Go suck a dick

Attached: Trump Lgbtq.jpg (760x553, 97K)

Say that again real slow famalam

I wish that Boston kid could have bombed this too

You have employees?

>n shit
This is why affirmative action needs to stop

haha yeah w/e I have a master's degree suck my dick

I use subcontractors. I saw what my sister has to pay out in payroll taxes at her business and said fuck that

At least the Black unemployment is low.That's what matters the most.Who cares about the wall.Or arresting Hillary.

Attached: trump voter.png (482x564, 649K)

Pfff in what ? Feminist dance therapy?
Gender studies ?

Good. They deserved to earn a living too

such sad little Yea Forumstards blaming their shitty NEET lives on black people when obviously it is capitalism at fault

Who here blamed the negroes ?

What do Republicans in Senate or Congress even do? Senate just throws more money for Israel and puts sanctions at other countries while Congress often sides with Democrats.
What do those people actually do that is in our interests? If we don't put pressure on them,they will continue to be EU tier lazy fucks that refuse to stop social and moral decline.

There's no such thing as a former Trump supporter.

>Lying Kike

Keep crying and whing libfag, you're not fooling anyone here

Attached: mr_potato_head_btc.jpg (540x693, 128K)

What do the democratic senators do? Give mo money to dem programs ?
Make sure parents can cut their kids dicks off and pump them full of hormones at 7 years old?

Yeah....because fuck personal responsibility.

sage grows in all fields

Attached: e09.jpg (478x300, 17K)

They sure do.Every group besides White hetero males deserves special interests.After all George Washington was a transgender Black Mexican gay woman with 5 legs.

Attached: Trump Kanye.jpg (1100x619, 133K)

It’s diabled on b

No Trump supporter thought Trump was suggesting Mexico would write a check that said "Pay to the order: US Border Wall".

Only a very poorly informed person would ask Where is the Wall and blame Trump.

Democrats have blocked all his efforts, no matter how small, to get the Wall going.

But, of course, you were never a Trump supporter, so there's that.

Affordable, yes.
Available in time? No.
Average waitinglines for healthcare is around 3 years. Waiting for surgery 4-8 months in case of tumors. You cant get a check up unless you are 40+ cuz its not likely you have anything. If you do you pretty much die. Nothing gets found out early because its "waste to check" and if you are 50 you cant have surgery even if you want it.

What a disgrace, letting some loony narcissistic rapper with a whore wife to lecture about politics in White House while yelling and interupting himself ever 2 minutes.You don't even know what he was saying,after 20 minutes of his rant.

Was never a Trump supporter except for the memes
>Where is the WALL?
It takes a long time to build a border spanning wall dumbass
>Why wil Mexico never pay for it?
Cause it's a direct insult and IDK why Trump even said that
>Why is immigration now HIGHER than before?
[citation needed]
>Why are Trump supporters getting banned and censored on social media?
Cause the left is cucking out hard, and it has nothing to do with Trump. How can Trump even legally fix that?
>Why are we now more Liberal than in 2008 when Obama was elected?
Cause the people historically have always swung, also it's not as liberal as you think, it just goes back to what you were saying before about the whole banning thing.
>What has Trump OR any other Republican done since 2016 for us?
I don't pay attention to that
Mike Pence claims to be a Christian >Conservative.Head of Supreme Court says that too. Why don't they end gay marriage?
Cause it's not that simple you retard
>Believe it or not,even Bush built 53 milles of ''wall'', more than current Republicans did in Trump's first term.
Citation needed, also wtf do you mean by >"wall"?
>Why doesn't he just assassinate Pelosi?
Cause that would be a totalitarian dictatorship, and we shouldn't want that
>Why does he and other ***Right wingers*** play by the Liberal rules?
You mean by the rules of discussion and republicanism? Because that's what our country is founded upon dumbass.
>In 10 years our *Right wing** will be reduced to Merkel/Theresa May/Sarkozy EU verion that are actually just bunch of liberals if something doesn't change.
Slippery slope fallacy

ITT: Butthurt conservicucks who are shocked to find out their savior is a con artist. Dumbasses.

None of this matters. What does? For Trump supporters, it usually comes down to trolling.

Make libturds cry, separate families, trigger folks, etc. It's all good as long as you hurt someone because then you feel powerful.

Who pays for the wall? Who cares as long as it gets built and makes liberals and brown folks freak out.

But it also plays into the larger Republican/conservative narrative that loyalty is more important than success. What actually happens (banning supporters, gay marriage, etc.) is much less important than blindly supporting the current GOP leader. Even nationalism doesn't matter as long as you 1) vote GOP for everything and 2) support any and all GOP proposals, even if they're contradictory.

In other words, the GOP wants you to be a good boy.

Why not give the amnesty to illegals next? Reagan did it, clearly deporting millions and building the wall of way too hard.

Attached: Trump no wall.jpg (1280x720, 177K)

Don't assassinate anyone,don't arrest anyone,don't use the police, don't ban anyone.
Instead let your supporters get banned from social media and let immigration keep going up and up and up.
If we wanted this, we could just elect Marco Rubio or Jeb Bush.They would not change liberal laws or built the wall.

I would rather have a con artist than have Hillary Rodman Clinton.

The families should not import their kids illegally in a foreign country.
Trolling isn't hurting.
The wall isn't going to be built,the fence at most and even that still doesn't exist besides what Bush built.

>Cause that would be a totalitarian dictatorship, and we shouldn't want that

Assassinations happen all the time,it gets job done.CIA killed JFK and nobody besides one guy got arrested.Fuck off with this made up rules people are supposed to follow

But yes. Having her would be terrifyig.

I am nationalist not your average conservative, I was on their train because I hoped Trump's a populist and not another Deep state shill.

How would things be different if she was the President?I mean may as well vote for Jeb Bush next time.

Trump = Republican Obama and Hillary

No wall, no ending immigration, no ending gay marriage, no support for his voting base, no change of liberal laws, keep draging Right wing in to EU version of **Right** no friendship with Russia, selling your daughter to Jews and putting them all over your administration durp durp Hillary would be totally different.

Son, only a leader who is ready to GET DIRTY can bring a change.Not Soros puppet like Obama who tried and failed to take guns after 8 years.Well Trump is the same.

I have an idea for all amerifags. How about you cut in half the military budget, invest it in healthcare and then watch the miracle happen ? I mean yeah, you'd have to put your unneeded forces out of countries you have no business in in the first place. Why the fuck would you even spend billions of dollars on military in an era in which humanitarianism and pacifism is ruling ? I don't like the idea of some childlike orange with a trigger-happy finger to be holding the big red buttons on the nukes...

>Assassinations happen all the time
Is that really your basis for morality?
>Come on man, try this new drug that'll fuck you up, everybody else is doing it man
You fucking sheep
>Fuck off with this made up rules people are supposed to follow
"Thou shall not murder" is a basic thing every society agrees upon. Doesn't matter if the government is corrupt and does it anyways.
I as an American agree kinda, but before we invest in healthcare we better use the saved money to pay off our debt long before we do healthcare, cause healthcare just adds more debt.

Son, Black thugs and Mexican drug dealers shoot at each other every single day in the hood.You can't send a one FBI agend to just do the same what people we arrest do every day? The only way to defend morality is to end those who are agaisnt it.

>Thou shall not murder" is a basic thing every society agrees upon.

We invade entire nations for neocon geopolitics and steal oli and natural resources for the Corporations lol

As Hillary said ''we came, we saw, he died'' on Lybian President. As Marco Rubio is sending images of dead Lybian President and wanring Maduro that he is next.

But God forbid we actually sidline CIA and their murder and sabotage and torture on foreign population and instead give autority ot FBI to deal with political enemies domestically.

We can't do that because we would be same as thugs and criminals.right? But we can when it comes to foreign policy, we just can't on domestic police,

Attached: Wilder.jpg (1908x1146, 149K)

>Son, Black thugs and Mexican drug dealers shoot at each other every single day...
>We invade entire nations...
You're not getting it, are you? Besides that being a total "what about this?" fallacy, I don't want it to happen anymore. My position isn't hypocritical, I just want our foreign occupation and invasion of other nations to end. Are you really this dense that I had to spell it out for you?

Debt ? What debt ? The world debt to the banks ? That debt can never be paid. Basic economy bubble rules. Where do you think inflation comes from ?

The US has trillions of dollars of debt to other nations and itself

Yeah and those nations have debts as well. All world debts are in the end debts to the commercial banks. So back to the previous post - that debt will never be paid.

>these nations have debts as well
well screw them, we can at least lower our debts

Weak domestic policy, broken promises, useless hissy fits, and still no wall.At this point I would perfer Communism over this EU inspired cuckservative-libertarian-civic weakness.

Attached: Trump a traitor and weak President.jpg (700x525, 191K)

>noted con-man promises stuff
>Gets elected
>Doesn't give stuff he promised
>Spends time making money and shit posting

What did you expect user?

So American.

Newflash faggit Neoliberalism ist the economy of the far left AND the far right. What u search for is Conservative Law and Order Politics. The only thing that can drain the swamp of both and save the Freedom of America and the survival of Mankind.

Best of luck user!

I don't think you get it. The problem is with the bank as an institution. It's a world economy problem. Not just for the US. So the debt argument is invalid. Truth is your government (like almost every) gives so much of a flying fuck for it's people that it exploits you in a fantastical blunt way, and since it fucked your educational system so deep, it's conducting that exploitation while sticking a middle finger right in your face. It's one of the main reasons the lower class US citizens are the laughing stock of the rest of the world.

>FORMER Trump supporter
no such thing

>Where is the WALL?
close your eyes and walk until you can't anymore. Odds are it will be a wall.


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