Huge problem bros! I fucked a girl last weekend and she was pretty drunk... now she called me and said that I raped her and she is calling the police and they showed up and left like 5 mins ago... what do?
Huge problem bros! I fucked a girl last weekend and she was pretty drunk...
Well what did they say to you?
1. Hope you didn't talk to the police
2. Hope you didn't talk to the police
3. Get a lawyer
They just wrote down stuff like with who i was at the party and if anyone was there that can prove that I didn't rape her etc.
I just said the truth
And one fukin problem is she is 16 and iam 19.... how fucked am I?
Truth doesn't matter, do not, ever, volunteer information without legal counsel first.
Depends on your state's laws.
>I just said the truth
You fucked up
Depends on your laws
I don't fuckin know the laws... I live in London so do u guys know??
I was in panic
God speed user
Teach her why she doesn't lie about bros. If you're going away anyway you might as well teach her a good fucking lesson. Fucking Cunts. Ruin her fucking life.
say you were drunker so she double raped you.
Age of consent in UK is 16, so that's not an issue, at least
>in dubio pro reo
What 3rd world country do you live in OP?
its latin retard
Same user here also, whatever happens next do not say anything to the police without some legal counsel first.
Have you been charged? Questioned? Or did they just take a statement ?
So is any reasonable justice system
But rape would be a issue
Doesn't work like that
Just take a statement
I think I go to lawyer now... fuck men why are girls like that yo
It means that they have to proof your crime, not the other way round
Deny deny deny, and stop fucking posting cuz of charges are pressed they might look at your phone.
You were equally drunk right? You didn't hear back from her for days, you honestly dont remember the night, and you sure as shit wont talk to cops without a lawyer, yes user?
>I dont remember having sex with her, I woke up and we were in the same bed
Lol try to press charges for rape against her!!
What you need to do is get some mussies to murder her so she cant testify. Make sure they dont link back to you, so pay them well. At least 30£
Police will not investigate due to mus crime and you'll be off scot free.
Rape would be an issue yeah, but she'll be questioned why she waited a week to report it etc, try keep calm.
Definitely go straight to solicitor.
Just say ur Muslim and you'll be fine
>I just said the truth
Stay calm. Get a lawyer as fast as you can. Don't talk anymore to the police. Don't worry. You probably won't go to jail.
Enjoy prison!
Welcome to the new America
Don't fuck women
Ur going to jail.. have fun!
did you do sperm ass to mouth with her at least? If yes then just accept the price and go to jail.
Did you enjoy the fuck? If so, well done.
Other than that, don't worry. You didn't rape her, and even though she says you did, she has no proof.
If the police asks more questions, be honest about everything, since you have nothing to hide. You don't wanna lie and get caught on it, that'll make you look bad.
Rule 1 WHATEVER you tell cops they WILL use it against you
Rule 2 WHATEVER you tell cops they WILL use against you
Rule #1. Don’t talk to the police-anything you say becomes liable as well as just helps them if you’re the suspect
Rule #2. Get a good lawyer...not a public defender
Rule #3. Always check the barrel!!!
hello fellow felon
Rape her for real. You're already fucked, so why not make an honest woman out of her? Teach her not to lie again.
Don't listen to this absolute retard
The police aren't your friend they aren't there to help, they have a job to do and the more you tell them the easier it is for them to fuck you. Their only purpose is to gather enough info for a report to be sent to a procurator fiscal, after that's done they don't give a fuck what happens to you in court
Lesson: literally never talk to the police, deny, remain silent, let a lawyer take all the heat. If you get arrested so be it, still don't answer anything unless your lawyer tells you to.
16 legal age limit but they need to prove you guilt but you also have to prove your innocence (don’t believe innocent until proven guilt shit)
First thing you need to go is contact a solicitor as they will invite you to the police station for a voluntary interview (it’s only voluntary until they have enough evidence to prove guilt)
Now unless you can prove it’s was consential your solicitor will tell you to go no comment but you already fucked up there as police will have recorded your interaction on there body cam.
Now all crimes go to the CPS if there not enough evidence they will not continue the matter so GET A SOLICITOR
I’ve just come off a suspended sentence for commercial theft, and get previous for drugs, assault, going equipped, twoc
Be careful worse type of prisons in UK are 1) child killers 2) pedophiles 3) rapist
Good luck
Not prisons was meant to put prisoners
Congratulations you just helped put yourself in jail.
There is only one reply when the police want to talk to you. "I will need to retain a lawyer for you to speak with"
Look up stat rape
Lawyer up nigger. This isn't one that you try to figure out on your own.
Since you spoke to the police, very.
They will hit you with multiple charges, all felonies. Rape, statutory rape, sexual assault, and if you are more than 2 years apart in age and she is 16 they will add in child molestation (with a child over 13). There will be sub-charges under each of these so when your lawyer pleas them down you will still end up doing time. Given what you've said (and unless evidence comes forward that you didn't have sex with her) I'd be trying to plea this one out at 5 years minus any time served pre-trial.