How can I become intelligent?

How can I become intelligent?
Pls halp Yea Forumsros

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Other urls found in this thread:

Read books you find interesting

Your knowledge is a combination of your ability and time spent using your ability.

Most people stop using their ability, so you can eclipse most people regardless of your ability so long as you keep going.

read a book genius

Become asian

Pros - intelligent
Cons - small dick

Stop posting frog images.

It is just that easy, stupid frogposter!

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dont watch tv

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Welp. Gratz mate.

holy shit

Now a get thread?


>imagine basing your entire philosophy on the incoherent ramblings that schizos used to leave in pamphlets by payphone banks in the 70s and 80s



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Truthfully, you can't do a lot to raise your IQ. If you learn a skill well then it's alright if you don't know fuck all else. Just find something that someone will pay for like a trade job and work hard at being really good at it. You don't need to know how to code if your trade keeps a roof over your head and food in your belly

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Alimghty Kek has spoken

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youre right, there is no agenda by the chosen people's elite to encourage degeneracy, nor was there in pre ww2 germany despite records of the 'progressive' libraries and facilities that were burned by the evil nazis

imagine being a cocksucking cunt

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>How can I become intelligent?

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Frogposters eternally owned

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I'm degenerate on my own, thanks.
Nazis were grade A cunts that tore up all kinds of shit for disagreeing with them
No need for imagination, goodfriend

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Is this really the end?

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Oh god oh fuck

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Fuck off nigger

not your friend foreskin thief.

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Consequences will never be the same

>t. a nigger

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it's not like either of us have actual friends

off by one, but still based and icepilled

Stay away from everything made by jews, it's either made to dumb you down, or it's just lies.
Read books and learn your own primary language as best as you can.

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you dont know me moishe. your only friends are your shekels.


>frogposter OP in meltdown mode now spamming himself with self-(You)s in order to prevent people from observing those impressive numerals

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nor you me
>thinking this soi goi boi has shekels

already seen it, but thanks anyway

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Consider ye self check’d

frogposters on suicide watch

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You should add to the picture that the goyim are almost always freemasons, that is servant to the jews.

that's just common sense. they would never allow an outsider hold a high position.

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it's just a cohensidence goy.

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>talmud is literally the old testament

I know, just clarifying it in case someone doesn't. Thank you for posting the truth, we must stop those kikes.

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>t. a schlomo

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if the jews started plotting europes downfall just before ww1, and then geared it up with "fake holocaust" after ww2, why is it europe stopped having constant internecine wars between its various powers only then? wouldn't constant war have been the beneficial route to keeping europe broken and poor?
what do the jews have to gain from living in a broken society?
what makes you think the average jew boy isn't as fucked over by the high level jews as the average white boy is fucked over by the high level whites?

>everyone that disagrees with me is a jewish communist alien

>tfw irish and italian so I'm really fucking dumb AND have a small dick

th-th-thanks genetics

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*jewish space lizard

honestly, you jew haters create the jews
without you, they would've melted into the local genetic stock a millennium ago. instead, you kept them ghettoized and separate in every land they traveled to

they've been plotting for centuries, but only now (((liberalism))) and (((social marxism))) allowed for (((diversity))) and (((tolerance))) to become entrenched and allow them to take important positions in governments.
constant war would simply hurt their finances in the long run.
easier to control, they aren't even hiding the fact that the average iq has been dropping significantly.
jews are tribal, a jew will never exploit nor hurt another jew. no other ethnicity in the world holds such a level of group loyalty.

>you kept them ghettoized
yes of course, lets ignore the fact that jews were persecuted only when they fucked up. cause the very second king casimir of poland took the jews in due to persecutions they walled themselves off in krakow. the jews would often take christian children and sacrifice them to moloch. they spit on goyim and hate all non-jews. its in their unholy talmud. fuck off shill.

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You literally believe not treating people like shit is a jewish conspiracy.
Average IQ has been raising ever since they started measuring it.
Jews fuck each other over as much as anyone.
If you think they're so overpoweringly awesome a force, shouldn't you be trying to find a nice little jew girl to bear you some jew kids so your kids can be part of the super elite gundam kai jew force?

this is the kind of shit elementary school kids make up as a reason to play smear the queer against the lonely jewish kid, not rational positions to take on

>all these faggots ignoring these sweet digits

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>if the jews started plotting europes downfall just before ww1
The jews want the downfall of the white race since the time of the jew Paul of Tarse (aroud the Roman Empire, that is).

>wouldn't constant war have been the beneficial route to keeping europe broken and poor?
They are sending white people to endless wars for Greater Israel in the middle east, for now, but do not think that this WW3 isn't going to happen, the jews win too much with every war for it to stop. Also, nowadays all european countries are nothing more than just basically an extension of the USA.

>what do the jews have to gain from living in a broken society?
They don't want to destroy the society itself, as long as they control it (which is the case right now), otherwise if they are not in control enough they will start revolutions ("french revolution", "russian revolution", etc.). It's the strong independant people (mainly the white race) they want to destroy.

>what makes you think the average jew boy isn't as fucked over by the high level jews
Of course not all jews have a high role in this, but they all benefit from it, they all go along with the plan. Also, jews are very often in conflict between themselves (religious vs not religious, pro Israel vs anti Israel, far right jew vs homosexual activist jew, etc.) but they ALL agree as long as it benefits jews and helps destroy the white race.

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Overdose on drugs.

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nice 0s



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OP owned beyond recovery



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>imagine wanting to bring down the anglo-saxon whites 4-500 years before the saxons invaded the angles land in the first place
Also, the Romans the jews hated were basically italians, who weren't even considered white by racists until ~40 years ago. probably still aren't by european racists. americans finally integrated and society largely forgot the difference between those from various european mother countries
I notice you didn't comment on the idea of finding yourself a nice jew girl to settle down with. I hope you do user. Busting a nut in the jewish deep state a few times a week should calm you down nicely.
good luck

OP asked how to increase his intelligence over all, not his IQ. There are different kinds of intelligence, IQ is just one of them.

>imagine wanting to bring down the anglo-saxon whites
I said "the white race", can't you read?

... Then I read the rest of your post and immediatly understood you are a filthy subhuman jew.

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Sky here

Have you never read histories where people decide who counts as white? People disagreeing about whether darker spaniards are white or not, or if italians count, giving south east asians a pass while excluding darker asians from the fold.
And I didn't mean to trigger you by wishing you a happy life, user. May you stay as miserable as ever.

lol, why do the jews have jew-skin lamps?

>t. reddit ice fairy poster
c*rno niggers get the rope

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>Have you never read histories where jews impersonating white people, try to make white people fight eachother instead of fighting jews?
I wish you pogroms and extinction.

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afraid not guy. I'm just a shitty american mutt with vaguely irish and british ancestry.
now you can post some of the american goblin face shit if you've got it though

also, wow. that's mean, user.


Oh ok, sry then my white friend, I totally mistaken you for a dirty jew. Here, have some (((goblin))) face.

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Thats fucking beautiful :o

Have fun thinking everyone that disagrees is secretly in cahoots against you, user

You're making a post
I'm checking it twice

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i see the anti-kike thread is still well and alive

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Those stupid kikes keep bumping these threads trying (badly) to trick us, so yes, it works everytime.

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the jew exposes himself every time.

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Yes, they are so predictable (with such low intelligence and unability to be creative), that when you have interacted with a jew and remembered all the lies he used, you will know the lies of the next one because it will be exactly the same, everytime.

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It's just so unfortunate that so few people see this, while the majority prefer to bury their heads in the sand and stay blind to the jewish machinations.

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This is so perfectly well resumed. I wonder if it's genetic or if they are taught to "debate" in this way...

Do not worry so much about being a minority, it has always been like this and always will be, this is human nature: a vast majority, passive, led by a very few minority of well informed and determined people, taking the matter into their own hands.
As for the jews, yes they have never dominated us that much as of today (at least as globally as this), but they also have been punished/expelled times and times again throughout history, it has been a relatively very short time that they are not unpunished, now. My hope is that due to internet/the globalisation of the world, the next time will be the last.

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is this the end of frog

that they are* unpunished.



You are right. But I am afraid that now they'll try to censor the internet and other means of communication. We're in deeper than our grandfathers in the 1920's and 30's.

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Checked my good sir

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>Imagine being a jew, that is, a creature forced to lie 24/7 since the day your parasitic race of inbred exists, yet be so bad at it.

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If you become schizophrenic your IQ will gradually increase until it is in the quadruple digits

That is true, they are doing their best to censor it right now, I hope that if they succeed, all this huge amount of young people who learned the truth about them, having no way of expressing their anger towards them neither in the real world nor on the internet, will become too frustrated and start acting violently against them.

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>they are censoring the internet

>is posted on a site with rape fantasy, gore, gay straight and trans porn, extremist views etc


Maybe because this is one of the rare place on the internet where I can? Otherwise I would get banned (even other boards on Yea Forums censor this type of things and ban for this), and there is absolutely no website in Europe where you could discuss this subject and not risk prison.

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Active /r9k/ Discord, stay out normalfags:

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based 2hu poster

Their own scheming will result in their own demise.

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Try posting any of this on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or any other trash service. Instant ban and in some countries a visit from the thought police.

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Watch out, because now those stupid kikes say "it's antisemites who make those fake photos"... they really are immunized against shame.

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They used one of those fake picture for a Holohoax documentary on ((("french"))) TV

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me asking how to be intelligent: 5 replies, archived
frogposter asks how to be intelligent: 125 replies

They are immunised against everything apart from being exposed.

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Documentaries and books are their main disinformation weapons. I remember few years ago sitting and taking in everything the TV told me about WWII and Germany and the Holohoax. Now I can't watch anything WWII related without spotting propaganda in every frame.

Correct, that's why I cringe everytime I read the word "zionist".

I know that feel, I 100% stopped every jewish lie source like TV/radio/newspapers, etc. 11 years ago. Since 2 years I can't even enjoy movies anymore.

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It's also scary how in some films they are outright spitting in our faces and no one even notices.

In some films? You must mean in everything!
Everything is white bashing, white guilt, poor jews, monsters depicted as heroes and then the contrary, fake persecutions and mass murder stories to hide the real ones, etc.
Of course it makes sane people go crazy, since it's made by mentaly ill people (jews).
Sadly the masses of our people have really became cattle for jews, so yes, either they don't notice or they don't care, or they don't dare say anything. But it's people like us who matter, we don't need to save everyone, the vast majority of white people of today, defecating on their own ancestors and on the future of their children, having insulted up to their own survival instinct, deserve to die anyway.
When the next meat grinder to reduce white people's population happens (WW3, or a revolution, for ex), a lot of people like you and I will not get duped, and will know the right thing to do in order to end this nightmare once and for all.

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I hope that we won't see another European holocaust, WWII was more than enough for me.

By the holocaust, I mean holocaust of Europeans, killing of whites, I hope I made it clear.

Active /r9k/ Discord, don't join normalfags:

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Yes, I know, Holohoax bullshit belongs only on YLYL threads anyway.

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holy moly

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