Half german half french user here. Lived in both countries. AMA
Half german half french user here. Lived in both countries. AMA
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how interesting do you think you are?
Which country did you prefer to live in? Which is more accepting of foreigners?
Have you surrendered yourself to the gas chambers yet?
I am not. Just bored really
I prefer germany. Germans (most of them) are more accepting because even the younger generation feels guilty for what happened in wwii. French people aren't that welcoming imo
Never went to poland and don't plan to
Baguette or Brötchen?
Depends on what you wanna eat with it. French baguette is something you need to try once. Brötchen are not all the same. Some taste like baguettes (kinda), some are with corns. I personally like the ones with the sunflower seeds on top
Who have better kitchen Germans or French peoples
Stay in one country, be one or the other. Dumb Ass.
Since you're French, tell us how it feels when you stick a rubber pipe up your ass and then inhale your own farts?
Also since you're German, tell us how it feels to not understand the concept of humor
> Even the younger generation feels bad about WW2
Germany is beyond saving. RIP.
Who is better parent or brother,sister to you German or French?
Who gives a fuck
I used to live in france but soon i realised that it wasn't for me. I'm a french citizen (born and raised there) but honestly i wish i was born in germany. I probably could get the german citizenship but my french family would be mad at me. Actually I don't really care but yeah.
Feels great
Yeah man it sucks. I can't even vote for the christian democratic party without being called a nazi or a dumb fuck. I hate my generation for being that stupid
One bro only and he is german. Chill guy even though i barely know him and he is like 10 years older than me
Can I see a pic of your penis?
Depends. Who are you ?
Just someone who's recently discovered that he likes looking at cocks, preferably from anons on here.
So come on, be a bro.
Would probably have done it for a femanon but fuck that shit
you know you wanna show it and jerk off knowing people like your dick.
Brainwashing beyond retardation. germans are scum of europe. Literally every nation in EU hates germans.
Not really user. Don't need that shit
Who told you that lol
I live in EU all my life. Been living in different countries, including shithole germany. I don't even consider those imbeciles as humans.
And yes, everyone hates them. We all hope germany gets nuked into oblivion.
are you Jewish?
I have 0% jew in my blood. Jews should be and will be removed from our society. Ultra orthodox religions are unnecessary.
So where are you from, if i dare to ask ?
probably poland
I was born in estonia but don't consider myself as estonian.
estonia is another brainwashed shithole.
Would have been my first guess as well lol
So what do you consider yourself ? Russian ?
Fucking gopnick or whatever. anything east of berlin is pale skin niggers that call themselves slavs. that poster is just angry at whitey but in eurotrash way
Yes, I can proudly say that. I have old believers bloodline. Nothing like todays russian, i look like spanish with blond hair.
Oh well oh fuck
Lmao i wonder where all that anger is coming from.
Right now we're on place 15 - used to be better a couple of years and i guess that's due to Merkels policy about the refugees, but we're still far away from unpopular.
Go look up other random studies - Germany is not as hated as you may think it is.
Its like saying: feel bad for your grandgrandgrandgrandparents owning black slaves oogabooga.
Which country has more pajeets and nigs op?
Let me guess. Your main source of news is TV: "Russia bad, Putin evil, such criminals."
Consider actually going there and then decide. I've been in every country in EU and germans are the fakest fucks out there. And on top of that they are as stupid as niggers. One can be so naive.
Nope barely watch tv. A guy like putin would be good for germany and i would love to go to eastern Europe. Only thing keeping me from doing it that my grandpa killed a few russians in 1945. Can't really convince those people my family was innocent during the war
Lose that jew mindset, bro. Nobody cares what your grandgrandparents did. Remember, jews killed 100M old believers in Russia and now killing whites in europe.
You're probably right