Why are you so triggered by cuckoldry? Why do you care so much about other peoples relationships?
Why are you so triggered by cuckoldry? Why do you care so much about other peoples relationships?
I agree! Seems to be so much cuck hate on Yea Forums lately.
It's not natural. It's like mankind is just giving up... sad realy.
>It's not natural
that is 100% an Australia
im not, why are you assuming I am?
Yea, I remember David Attenborough in that documentary saying:
>Yes, every white bird craves for a cuckoo to come to his nest, lay its egg inside and murder all the offspring of the white bird. It's the ultimate sexual fantasy of every white bird.
Yes, she is an Australia.
Who is this 10/10?
Sarah, a friend of mine.
Because it literally means you don’t have self respect. That you’re not good enough to make love to your woman. And if it’s BBC cuck shit it’s just gay racism mixed in with 0 self respect.
Who cares as long as it's not you
I mean, unless you are a repressed cucko there is nothing to worry about
And if you are, goddamn get a grip on yourself. Be what you are and not what others want you to be, unless that is murdering people or raping children.
>Nigger are not people, please kill
>in defense of people who wish to be treated poorly, I must inquire as to the reason people are treating the aforementioned so poorly
Why are you triggered by cuckoldry? Why do you care so much about other peoples relationships?
she gonna end up dumping out a litter of kids and get fat like the bogen slut she is
My jimmies remain unrustled, I just like red pilling cucks with the fact that their self hatred has turned inward and became a fetish, and how pathetic that is, how their parents would be so ashamed and disgusted by what a beta they've spawned
Hot af. More
Lol, keep taking your pills.
what about being with a cuckquean?
What is that supposed to me? lol
I don't take pills.
burn the coal, pay the tole
If it's what you want then go for it.
having a gf/wife and being able to fuck other girls while she watches.. well, seems good
too bad it's kinda rare tho
ITT: Thots looking for validation
It's a retarded term, it's like black people claiming that they're "woke". You're not somehow "awakened" because you watched some hollywood movie 20 years ago.
it's just a figure of speech
Ok, keep taking your pills then.
More please
Because you young dumbfuck its always funny until it happens to you.
Given the nature of this thread I'm 100% certain your being cheated on and are acting out.
to allow degeneracy to flourish is to deny civilization. cuckoldry is near furry levels of degeneracy and should be stamped out.
Furries can die first
keep fapping to cuck porn :) cucks should never reproduce.
Please dont stop. Does she cuck?
You know this is the last generation of humans before we all die out and retard OP is still posting the same stupid questions.
>Why do you care so much about other peoples relationships?
It would be fine if they kept it under wraps but a lot of people are stupid and easily influenced and sharing your partner doesn't need to spread. It's one of the things that add to the breakdown of the fabric of a civilized society.
Yes, she's cheated on every bf she's had.
yes i have to agree that a furry is more damaging to society than a cuck, however neither is behavior to be held up as normal or desirable in society as a whole, their existence damages the social order.
Nice attire but bitch face.
Oof. I want
cheating isnt the same as cucking you fucking mongol retard!
>their existence damages the social order
What exactly is the social order you care about, and how do sexual delinquents destroy it?
Is it kids having 2 parent homes? I doubt a fursuit is hitting harder than all the druggies out there
Do you think these fuckers don't have jobs? Those suits cost a fortune. Those faggots are making bank.
Is it some kind of religious faggotry that's got you butthurt?
Do you just get mad at people doing "icky" things? Try killing yourself. Relives the nerves something wonderful
It's not the same as a fetish for cuckoldry, but if her guys are booting her for being a whore, they're being cucked. It's historically accurate usage.
Because women are too good off already, wtf
because insecurity
it goes away once you get laid on a regular basis, you stop caring about other mens success
Had a swingers party the other night at our place, wife didn't get any action, she watched me fuck two other girls though. was the hottest thing ever
you are perpetuating a system that promotes sexual infidelity, and even if you are self confident, the ideas present in this culture are destructive to any and all who desire a family of their own, including yourself, should you ever decide you want children, or meet someone who strikes you as marriage potential
It’s almost like you cuckoldry aficionados are being forced to watch others corrupt something you love and make it theirs before your very eyes.
Good ideq
my first real experience. Ive gotten off when I was cheated on in the past but never told anyone
It shows the degeneration of society
Sadly its more like a symptom then anything that would have a point to fight against
I'm not triggered at all, I love it. I think every cuck out there is doing the right thing in filtering himself out of the gene pool.
Weakness is genetically predisposed to be separated like wheat from chaff in all living things. Cucks are no different, and I adore them for it.
I think of them along the same lines as gays: Noble in that they are doing humanity a selfless favor.
Thank you, cucks. By all means, carry on.
>imagine caring about the relative distribution of complexly folded molecules in the population while hating the people that make up the population
Did you catch your mom cucking your daddy and that's why your so triggered fag?
The only problem with your theory is most people involved in cuckoldry are either in active sexual relationships or have already reproduced. That's how the fetish is a thing, you can't be cheated on by your partner if you don't have a partner.
On the other hand you're on Yea Forums during working hours of a weekday so i'm sure you're an upstanding member of society worthy to pass on his genes..
They are gorgeous. More pls
OP is a cuck and tries to get his fetish normalised. Please off yourself you beta.
Holy shit you don goofed boy xD
>Jim Beam
Ausfag confirmed
Degenerate practices can change the norm of what society accepts and encourages.
if she's dressed like that on her actual facebook image, I doubt Yea Forums's usual autism is of any risk to her
True. Imagine not tossing a shitheel like you over a cliff at birth.
>make culture spartan again
Newfag kys
I wanted to dox her but she's not OP's friend. This image was used in a couple of threads before. Jesus fuck off to your house schlomo its past your workshift.
Sharing my gf oc nudes on kik : strawb3rry89
it's not "personal relationships" we are on about.
it's degeneracy and lunacy that strikes us.