How to fuck up someones car?
How to fuck up someones car?
Are you trying to be subtle or obvious?
If you have a truck, fill it with rocks and gravel to the point it's flowing over and then drive on the highway. Anyone behind you will be pelted with pebbles going at speeds that can crack their windshield etc. They'll no doubt get your plate and hunt your ass down but still a fun thought. Slash the tires for a more discreet method
Pour sugar in the gas tank.
>Are you trying to be subtle or obvious?
Obvious is fine
Sugar where you put the engine oil Will fuck it for good. Or splash a tire of course.
-Drop a couple c- or d- cell batteries into the gas tank. Everytime they start/stop, they'll hear a bunch of batteries rolling around and won't know what it is and will spend $$$ to fix
-Sugar in the gas tank will fuck it up
-Pour diesel into a gas engine or vice versa
-Pop the drain plug on the oil pan
Shit explosively on and/or inside the vehicle.
Make them buy a Chrysler product.
you can shit in their ac where it brings in the air
plug the exhaust pipe with some socks or whatever you can find
why do you wanna fuck up someones car? did they fuck your girl or something?
The year is 2019, you can't just unscrew the cap on a gas tank.
>splash a tire.
Bleach works best to splash tires with. Water has no effect.
let a nigger drive it for a day
Put a woman to drive it.
Try not being a huge pansy OP
Always works for me
Are you old enough to drive?
Dot 3 brake fluid on the paint it will start to bubble after a few days. Then it will peel. If you found an efficient way to spray it to get a good thin layer most of the paint would rub off the next time they wash it.
Nah just wanted some ideas for future reference.
you're a pussy. Just like the thing between this wigger's knees.
Banana in the tail pipe
If you live in an area that often goes below freezing, buy a package of bologna or any deli meat and throw it on the car. It'll destroy the clear coat and paint.
How am I a pussy. I've never done it. I just know that brake fluid fuckes up paint. You seem like the type of person that does some fuckery and worries if someone is out to get them.
Bologna that whole fucker up until Gustav Klimt is proud
Slash 3 of their tyres... if you do 2 or all 4 insurance covers it however if you do 3 they have to pay for all 4
Drive by doing approx 30 mph and throw cinderblock from back of pickup. Momentum will destroy window frames and interior
da faq?
You do 2 or 3. Unless they have liability then fuck it do all 4.
Holy shit. That would be nuts
I think that's a myth tbh. Just pop all four.
Yes, bleach and then soap for that extra clean look
No rub your dick on two of them after putting toothpaste on the tip.
Feels awesome and fucks it up.
Buy frozen fish, thaw and pour liquid in vent intake near bottom of windshield. Hot days best results.
fucking cruel
Yea it's pretty wild when you spill a single drip on your motorcycle gas tank and now there is no paint in a perfect circle the size of a dime.
Sugar in the gas tank (they'll have to rebuild the whole thing,) key it, or break off the mirrors.
Put your wiener in it.
>break off the mirrors.
This. It can cost about $100 on average to just replace the glass part, if u destroy the housing (bracket) the glass sits inside of by smashing it all the way back with a bat it'll be a few hundred.
Also, it looks like another car could've just clipped it on its way by and just kept going.
When you do it, just do it at night so the person is most likely asleep and won't hear the alarm + have a get away plan
throw it in a pool takes a crane to get it out
Going after someone’s car is cowardly, makes me feel bad for the car... it’s not the car’s fault. That being said.... baloney on the paint.... if it sits overnight and dries out it will take the clear coat off went it’s peeled off
best post in the thread