Hitler vs Trump

Hitler vs Trump.
Trump = no wall, no stopping of mass immigration, no nationalist laws, no oppostion to multiculturalism, support to only jewish nationalism and Israel but ignoring White goyim in middle America that voted for him, no help to his supporters that are being censored, no ban on Antifa.
His main ''tough guy'' is childish posts on Tweet that he can do even if he isn't President.

Hitler = united Austria with Germany, united German speaking lands in Czech and Poland,created pro-German laws,ban Jewish influence and burned their books,started a large scale invasion of Communism world,created many SS divisions across Europe,fought back Allied powers,tried to wipe out all Jews and make German reich in to a serious world power,as he promised in his book.Everything he said, he tried to acomplished,evetything.

If Trump is Hitler,he would just go on OCD spams about Marxists in Germany but would not even ban them.Almost got arrested for something he didn't even do in his own country WTF.US continues to decline morally socially and culturally in a Weimer Republik we live and he won't do anything.Or other Republicans.What a useless Reagan-tier puppet.Liberal-Jewish media comparing him to Hitler was suck a oxymoron.

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Don’t know if i can really be on board with somebody who forgets basic grammar. But i guess this is the average trumptard.

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nobody but your own echo chamber actually believes this, retarded shitlib. if the kikes liked him then hollywood would back him.

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>op spouting anti trump rhetoric and claiming he ignores white america for jews
you ignorant fucking libs make me sick with your reading retention, and yu talked about his grammar lmfao.

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>Anti-Trump rant

Jesus Christ.Please if you are liberal don't even respond.

Where is the wall? What happened to Mexico paying for it? Oh yea it's not the wall,it's just a tall metal fence now.OK but where is that fence? George FUCKING Bush built 53 milles of a fence.How much did Trump built?
But don't forget to recognize Golen Heights as Israeli land,while no one else in the world does.Or Jerusalem as capital of Israel.

All Trump does is rants on Twitter.His supporters are getting banned on social media.He said ''I will look it up''. Really? Some of your own fucking son's posts have been delated and you will just look it up? You are freaking President why don't you do anything? Talking about free speech and actually doing it is something different.

Yea Hitler that would go on OCD spams on Twitter but fail to do ANY.SINGLE.PROMISE while praising how Black unemployment is low,how Hispanic unemployment is low but ignore to even mentions his main base,White gentiles from middle America.

Now he is talking about how LEGAL immigration should be bigger because of the economy.Hey vote for me because I won't really built the wall and Mexico won't really pay for it but I will make legal immigration even higher than Obama did.Most legal immigrants aren't Europeans either but hey,what ever is good for the fucking economy.

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

what about bumpstocks?

Israel sure likes him.He sure has no problem calling Democrats ''anti semites''.
Not anti-White.Not anti-Christian.But anti semites.Crying how Ilhan Omar hates Israel.Doing everything he promised for Israel but doing basically nothing he promised for us.Oh yea besides tax cats for the rich, because so many of us earn over 10 million per yea.

Fuck Israel.Fuck that genocidal state that nobody besides America truly supports.How the fuck are we supposed to solve the Jewish problem if Republicans call Democrats anti semites and Democrats do the same with Republicans?Most Republicans including Trump are Jewish ass kissers.

Fuck Israel,AIPAC, and Ronald Reagan boomers.You are the reason why we are in this mess with your civic bullshit.

Arnold Schwarzenegger made sure that California never votes Republican again and Guiliani did that in New York.
When your biggest acomplishment is that you gave amnesty to illegal Mexicans and made Black unemployment lower,something is seriously wrong.Is Republican party trying to alianete Whites from them? I am sick of Shean Hannity crying about taxing,I am not rich.I don't have 100 million dollars in a bank.I DON'T FUCKING CARE about ''radical far left socialist agenda that is bad for the economy''.Where is the wall? Where is it? The economy is doing great,why are they keep talking about that.Fucking economical Monster is so hungry that is needs more immigration than ever before,but it's ok as long as it's legal while they are still millions of illegal immigrants.

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you really drone on don't you?

At least Darth Cheeto has some fantastic concentration camps going and he's been able to sell a lot of the children to his friend Hillary's pedo ring.

actually this is nothing new

weak and predictable

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>Ronald Reagan boomers
Saint Ronnie was from the Silent Generation.

Neoliberals aren't liberals, son. They're fascists just like the alt-Reich, only they're a bit more discreet about it.

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this is retarded

Didn't Hitler start Word War 2 and start extermination of jews? That's really bad. Trump sends out wacky tweets nowhere near the same.

Where is the wall Mr.President?
Why did Alex Jones and countless of your supports got banned on social media? Aren't you the President fighting Deep state?
Is this how being ''great again'' feels?How is this different than with Obama? Maybe only in a sense that we got even less socially conservative than we were in 2008?Why is that Mr.President? Why do we have Homosexual marriage? Why do we have social degeneracy and why is White birth rate keep failing?

Is this how having Hitler in power feels? Because I feel like I am in a Weimar Republic.

Seriously, I only supporter Trump at before because of some of his supporters,but it's obvious that he doesn't support us back.Only nationalism he supports is Israeli one.

He is a Republican and his daughter is maried to a literal ''Zionist Jew''. What were we thinking?

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its a recurring liberal theme, sadly

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Really? Cash money became worthless in Weimar Republic.

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weak and predictable

its getting there...

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sure kid

the downward spiral

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down we go

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best part is the the weimar rep. was as corrupt, insanely progressive and morally bankrupt as the democratic party is to day. the whole reason the national socialists gained as much support as they did at first was because the germans were so sick of Weimar

>sound familiar?

Where is the wall,Mr President? I am mean the fence? Mexico will pay for it?? Sure about that? Hillary will be in prison? Sure about that?

Besides shilling for Israel and tax cats for the class that majority of us aren't part of,what the fuck have you actually do for us? And no ''muh the economy'' shit.I don't care about the ecnomical monster you are keep feeding.As if all of us are business owners.

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He wasn't bright, if that's what you mean, but he did have an eidetic memory that allowed him to fool a lot of people.

ironic for someone who doesn't work

All paper money has become devalued over time. All. Everywhere. Not a single exception.

more shit from this retard

hillbilly detected

still making retarded replies

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what he forgets to mentinon is wages go up.

Aw, whazzamadda? Saint Ronnie your buddy or somethin?

weak and predictable

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try acting like an adult

weak and predictable

Impressive that a ten-year-old boy could hunt down and turn over Jews.

Fuck economical monster.Fuck Israel, Fuck Boomers and Ronald Reagan cult.

No more support for this orange clown.I am officially off from the the civic cuck train.

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Of course $15 an hour hamburger flippers.

[citation needed]

M80 Castro was a Marxist-Leninist Communist.

Holy shit yang is a dead meme

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that was the wrong reply

During the 60 Minutes program CBS interviewer Steve Kroft asks Soros (born Gyorgy Schwartz) about his boyhood in Hungary during the Nazi occupation:

KROFT: (Voiceover) You're a Hungarian Jew...

Mr. SOROS: (Voiceover) Mm-hmm.

KROFT: (Voiceover) …who escaped the Holocaust...

Mr. SOROS: (Voiceover) Mm-hmm.

KROFT: (Voiceover) … by — by posing as a Christian.

Mr. SOROS: (Voiceover) Right.

KROFT: (Voiceover) And you watched lots of people get shipped off to the death camps.

KROFT: My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours who swore that you were his adopted godson.

Mr. SOROS: Yes. Yes.

KROFT: Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from the Jews.

Mr. SOROS: Yes. That's right. Yes.

KROFT: I mean, that's — that sounds like an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many, many years. Was it difficult?

Mr. SOROS: Not — not at all. Not at all. Maybe as a child you don't — you don't see the connection. But it wasit created no — no problem at all.

KROFT: No feeling of guilt?

Mr. SOROS: No.

KROFT: For example that, 'I'm Jewish and here I am, watching these people go. I could just as easily be there. I should be there.' None of that?

Mr. SOROS: Well, of course I c — I could be on the other side or I could be the one from whom the thing is being taken away. But there was no sense that I shouldn't be there, because that was — well, actually, in a funny way, it's just like in markets — that if I weren't there — of course, I wasn't doing it, but somebody else would — would — would be taking it away anyhow. And it was the — whether I was there or not, I was only a spectator, the property was being taken away. So the — I had no role in taking away that property. So I had no sense of guilt.

Where the FUCK is the wall???There is a wall in Israel,tho.You said that in 2015 it's 2019 what happened? Why can't you make Mexico pay for it?You isn't Hillary arrested? Why are you keep screwing lower and middle class Whites in middle America? We gave you an office in White House and what have you did on domestic policy that we benefited? Or that overrated traitor Ronald Reagan for that matter?
Narcissist,ego maniac obsessed with the endless feeing of economical Monster and serving Israel.

its right there in the small box... BLS (u.s. bureau of labor and statistics) CPI index


weak and predictable

>Civic cuck logic: Call a Communist dictator who was obviously antifascist a ''fascist''.

Are you are boomer or something? Reagan is dead,get over it.

Imagine Hitler ranting and crying about Marxists on twitter but not doing anything about them,not even banning their party.

Imagine Hitler being mocked by the entire German media and almost arrested by Germany while he is in literally in power for something he didn't do.

Hitler?? No,this is a Weimar Republik,we are actually now worst than in 2008 when Obama was elected nobody even talked about trannies in 2008 and even Obama was agaisnt homosexual marriage.If Trump is fighting Deep State he sure is losing big time and besides Israel he isn't helping anyone.

He was 10. What the fuck do you expect? When I was 10 I was more shocked at my ball hairs than the war crimes America was committing.

As long as Cuckservatives are keep voting for pathetic useless candidates that lie about being populists while in reality being anti-nationalism (except Israeli nationalism) nothing good can be done.

As Eric Trump said ''My father only sees green color''

Exactly, but many of his supporters see another color Eric,and that color isn't the far massive Economical moster that your father is keep feeding while making legal immigration even bigger than before so that the economical Monster will continue to grow bigger.

I only feel sorry for some of his supporters that have been stabbed in the back by the Anti-Nationalist GOP while Democrats are promoting identity politics more than ever before,the Orange clown didn't even posted words ''White people'' in his entire Twetter history.

um no, he was several years older than that

> comparing him to Hitler was such a oxymoron

Back in 2017 I compared Trump to Hitler.
I think my words were
"A senile, cowardly, fat old incompetent Hitler"

We saw his incompetent Hitler was in France you kike

*Or cowardly by attacking a country with a largest army and most ruthless leader at that time.

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>If I run the elections in Israel I would won''

Imagine being that such a massive traitor to say that.Well go there and take your Kike loving daughter that gave up her religion for a Kushner

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If you want to see how serious Hitler was to do what he promised, look at the battle of Stalingrad,battle for France or Auschwitz camp.

If you want to see how serious Trump is to do what he promised look at fictional,non existing wall at the border, ''arrested'' Hillary walking free, and defending free speech by letting thousands of his own supporters getting banned from the social media

I am a sick of the Jews. Milo is half Jewish, Jones had Jewish wife and kids with her, Trump has Jewish daughter and grandkids and Lauren admited being part Jewish.

There are over 7,5 billion humans and only 16 million Jews and ''our'' entire movement must be full of them.Even so called ''anti semite'' Nixon had Jews like Stein and Kissinger as his top advisers.Fuck that shit.
There are like 2% of this country but it seams as if they make 85% of all famous people.