Why does Yea Forums hate vaping?

Why does Yea Forums hate vaping?

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Let's ask. Why do you hate vaping, guy on Yea Forums?

dont hate vaping or weed just the culture and these fuckin preteens

cause its for faggots. so considering that, i have no idea why Yea Forums would hate it.

this. I vaoe, but I just do it for myself and don't tell everyone how much better vaping is than smoking

I also vaoe.

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The fact that you bundle vaping and weed culture together makes me so depressed. Are they really that one and the same now?

I've always only enjoyed cannabis but I'm not annoying about it. I dislike vaping though...

Smoker here, because it’s fucking stupid. Aside from how stupid taking smoke or vapor into your lungs is, the fact that you brainlets have convinced yourselves that it is both safer and “cool” is something only millennials could do. I am under no delusions that every time I light a cigarette, I’m shortening my life and raising my chances of having heart disease and whatever else. Maybe I like knowing I’ll possibly die from doing something I like. But you vape people are like vegans. I want to smash your face in every time I see you blow a cloud of that shit into the air at the park like you don’t give a shit that normies don’t want to breathe shit that came out of you. At least they’ve passed laws against smoking in most public areas. I’m going to laugh my ass off in 20 years when people who vape start developing a new type of cancer. Fags.

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the people are generally the same, not saying there arent others like you and i that dont care about the culture and have to share it with the world

Shit...people who vape are like vegans.

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i loath the culture its as cringy as the 420 stuff. But i started vaping myself to quit smoking after 15 years

calm down bro....good for you...youre acting just like those "vegans" but youre pushing your own agenda

No u

i think its because zoomers are gay and the newer generation is always shit imean we had cigarettes they have vapes

What agenda might that be? That people are stupid? Or that millennials are stupid?

I do not care

> Develop a new type of cancer
user I hate to break it to you...

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I do not care that you do not care. Kys

that people should smoke and not worry about finding that "healthier alternative" people should believe what they want despite how it makes you "feel" the difference comes from when people try to force it on others.....take the LBGT community for example

I'm vaping to quit smoking, which I did for 15 years. I'm probably gonna get cancer anyway but if you think vaping is as dangerous as smoking, you're a retard.

On a long enough life span odds are most of you fags will get some sort of cancer. Smoke, drink, food all gives cancer. The pharmaceutical meds you take to whatever else you think won't give you cancer, it will. So does it really fuckin matter?

you will die so or so... shit happens…

I mean, if you’re smoking you should know that shits gonna kill you. There is no healthier alternative to inhaling something into your lungs aside from air.

What about oxygen?

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Yes, air contains oxygen.

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But does oxygen contain air?

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Hey guys, this is your friendly Yea Forums doctor, just here to remind you how cancer works.

Any activity that causes damage to the cells raises your risk of cancer, as the regeneration of cells will possess a varying degree of mutation.
So, what kind of activities are we talking about? Harsh pollutants and burns to external and internal tissue, including sun exposure, inhaling cigarette smoke, consuming scalding food or drink, trauma to tendons/muscles/bones/nerves, autoimmune, even your bodies routine regeneration.

It's not that everything can give you cancer, you just constantly have the risk of giving yourself cancer.