Guys it’s perfectly normal to be attracted to a fat chick if she has big tits. It’s alright

Guys it’s perfectly normal to be attracted to a fat chick if she has big tits. It’s alright

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i assume pic unrelated?

>it's okay to be attracted to a fat chick
>doesn't post a fat chick as an example

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No. She’s fat but she has big tits

lol yea wtf? that supposed to be a fat chick? Is that what you define as fat?

ok retard

kv confirmed. go outside

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She’s fucking fat. You don’t have to white knight here save that shit for when you go to the bar and try to trick women there and trade your dignity to look sensitive

Yeah. That’s what 99% of people consider fat. Because she’s fat

>ya'll niggas posting in a bait thread

TIL there are anons who don't understand what fat means

sorry but incels like you that don't know shit about the female anatomy are so pathetically retarded that they don't belong even in this degenerate board.

not fat, she's chubby

>flat stomach

oh look, another virgin

Um......can I get a fact check on that. I know ppl call Kat Dennings a lot of things but 99% of ppl thinking she is fat seems........unlikely.

Are you faggots blind. She’s fat and it’s okay you don’t have to talk shit to me because you feel offended. I literally just told you it’s okay to feel attracted to fat girls. I’m attracted to her because her tits. It’s okay

It's all about the waist to hip ratio.

You sure about that? Thick maybe but fat? Idk about that bro......

>post pic of perfect hour glass figure
if u honestly think this woman is fat, it's time to leave the basement and go whale watching for yourself...

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That’s just not true

I said I want to fuck her even though she’s fat. What’s the big deal

It's perfectly normal to be a retarded weeb faggot

You are a beta loser faggot, you think because a women is fat she will sleep with you? They don't even realise that they are unattractive, men will fuck anything when they are horny i'm sure the fat chick who smiled at you once gets tons of attention elsewhere.

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She'd look so much better if she lost 15-20 kg and got some tit implants. She also needs a bit of facial surgery of some sort to get rid of the markings on her face, they really detract from her look

I’m not talking shit about fat chicks. I’m just telling you guys it’s okay if they have big tits. Idk why your insulting me I haven’t talked shit about them at all. I’m not judging you guys

She would be a 8/10 if she lost maybe 15-25lbs but kept her tits the same size as they are right now

maybe she was, but not in that photo

Nah she ain't fat, you just plain wrong

Fat women with big tits is like a car that's fast falling down a chasm.

Dude it’s because she’s showing off her tits making her seem skinnier. It’s the right move

You're not even saying it right.
Its supposed to be:
Having big tits because you are fat is like having a fast car because its falling off a cliff.

Dude it’s cool to be attracted to her but she’s fat and there is nothing wrong with that. You’re fine no one is going to make fun of you

Here is what fat girls look like, for reference

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Dude that’s like saying “hey that one only has skin cancer that’s not real cancer. look that person has brain cancer that obviously means skin cancer isn’t cancer because brain cancer is worse”. She’s fat and it’s fine just calm down

Lol ok then, by that logic everyone with any fat is fat?
So literally everyone is fat, gotcha.
In that case, yes she is fat.

No there is skinny, normal, fat. She is fat but she has got big tits. I’m not insulting her it’s just a fact

>Guys it’s perfectly normal to be attracted to a fat chick if she has big tits. It’s alright
I don't need your approval for a god damned thing

You are a fan of the "D" aren't you?

No. I would definitely fuck her. Look at those tits. She’s just fat

Got back to your basement, nigger

Dude idk how many times I have to say this but. ITS OKAY THAT YOU LIKE FAT WOMEN. GOOD FOR YOU