How do I deal with a wrongful rape accusation, Yea Forums...

How do I deal with a wrongful rape accusation, Yea Forums? This stupid bitch at my university is claiming that I raped her and the campus police and administration are currently investigating. I'm shitting my pants, this is every guys worst nightmare. As far as i know nobody saw me do it so i don't think she has any evidence at all. Any and all advice is appreciated.
Inb4 get a lawyer, obviously i am
Pic unrelated

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What is she saying you did?

Did you use a condom?

what is the first letter of your first name

Just actually rape her

Pay a nigger to rape her and film it. Women who make false rape accusations deserve to be actually raped. Even if you go down, break that bitch's spirit.

>As far as i know nobody saw m do it

The fuck did you actually do?

Get a fucking attorney.

Found the absolute fucking retard

>nobody saw me do it

If it’s false there is nothing to see right?

Unfair, false... Whatever you want to call it

Unfair is not the same as false.

If the sex was consensual if didn’t happen then it’s false

If she couldn’t consent or didn’t consent you raped her legally(whether you think it should be illegal or not)

OP explain the situation or kys

Fuck off nerd. I didn't rape anyone.
Besides it's not my fault she went to a pi kap party wearing tight ass leggings and drank ever clear laced Gatorade slop out of an open cooler that probably had ghb in it.

Ah got it.

Chop dick off and proof you could not of fuck her

Why are you this gay

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If no evidence, you'll be fine in the end. Afterwards, make sure to sue for defamation of your character citing a false accusation of sexual misconduct. If the courts refuse to entertain that, start getting very vocal about "guilty until proven innocent," especially to the media. You'll probably end up on TV if you're committed enough.

You’re fucked. Good luck getting into another school after you’re expelled for raping some drunk chick at a frat party.

Oh Christ, are in Pennsylvania?

The school can still expel him. There’s no innocent until proven guilty when it comes to school administrative decisions, not even for state schools.


>this is every guys worst nightmare
Correct. Even if you're innocent and get cleared, that shit will hang over you like a dark cloud. The rumors and whispering will always be there. So make her life as miserable as you possibly can in any way you can for as long as you can.


holy shit yeah its almost as bad as actually being raped and nothing ever happening to the rapist

I think they'd have a hard time justifying it. Something similar to this happened at my college a while back and the school ultimately did nothing. They said they couldn't kick him off campus because he was a student there first and can't kick him out simply because of a claim. Also, I suppose there might be a difference if the school is a state university vs a private university.

just tell the truth, that you are a virgin

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you should be ok if there is a lack of evidence and you have a lawyer. especially if she has a public defender.

Prepare your ass for prison.

fake, but if it's real you deserve to be kicked out


Kinda sounds like you took advantage of a woman who couldn’t consent. That is rape buddy. You’re fucked m8.

Were you drunk too? Then you're a victim of her raping you. Make that accusation against her.

The best thing you can do now is be pro-active.

Tell them your version of events - yes, you had sex, but she was unconscious, so she didn't say no even once.

You can offer to take a lie detector test to verify this.

>its not rape if shes not crying, my cousin told me so!
Yer fucked

You really do get into universities by paying over there beyond the pond? How can one kid be so retarded?

did you have sex with her?

>wrongful rape accusation

OK, so you did not do it, but then...

>nobody saw me do it
>i don't think she has any evidence at all

What? Better turn yourself in to the police and tell what you did.


>fuckin a wasted girl
You are so stupid, dude. Enjoy your jail time.