I dont see what all the hate is about, Indians make your clothes, your computer chips and transistors...

I dont see what all the hate is about, Indians make your clothes, your computer chips and transistors, ensamble your cars and help you with your computers. Why do you hate us? I understand there may be some stuff you dont like about our way of life but it doesnt affect you does it?

Attached: GTI8426.jpg (400x400, 44K)

Other urls found in this thread:


You mean china. Indians make my bath towels.

I buy Intel. Keep your shitty processors

You do know that most of them are made in India, right?

Eat Shit aman dujagkoff

Attached: 56372205_2217581958301142_4967671101401333760_n.jpg (704x867, 96K)

Foxconn is in china cocksucker.

You need google bud.dii

indians fuck goats and shit in the street

Foxconn and intel both has big ass factories in india. mothefucker

get cucked, you fat bastard.. that's what you are food for anyway

>it doesnt affect you does it?
See thats where you're wrong, kiddo. You street shitters and the rest of the third world are constantly flooding into our countries, courtesy of the kikes who opened our borders and constantly try to prevent us from stopping immigration.
I wouldn't give a fuck if you just stayed in your own shithole country.

Attached: jewsimmigrationcanada.png (1297x683, 395K)

Majority is made in China, Mr. Ram Itinmass

here you go your glorious nigger'murica

this curry nigger went from 0 to full retard in 3 fucking posts

because you're racist to people the same race as you, y’all shit in the streets, there’s a large population of indians who are telephone scammers, and t-series is indian so basically idk why someone wouldn’t hate india

Oh look it's this thread again

because there is a retard with a shotgun and black cock in his mouth think you are awesome.

Are you the one who's friend we killed? Because it was fun. And I'll do it again. Sayid

Go pray to a toilet

The graphic looks like an asshole inside a vagina

Fuck pewb --e-niegh ... and fuck your gay ass country. and fuck the guy who made this fucking thread. looking for validations from people would either fuck their cousins or suck nigger dick.

english motherfucker
do you speak it?

Try again, but in English this time

Go suck some black cock .... I don't speak nigger english.

Did you see the news where India lied about downing a paki jet? PROOF that India is an entire country of liars and thieves. The whole world is laughing at you

you mean this one


They're going to nuke you. And then I'm throwing a party

You can put that party money in Jew bank might as well get something out of it before USD devalues

They are begging across the world to some pennies. They are a true shithole country.

>Indians make your clothes, your computer chips and transistors, ensamble your cars and help you with your computers

Nope it's the Chinese.

If your irradiated ass survives, you're invited. Can be the pinata

Remember that the last post like this resulted in the death of one of your own. So keep em coming

Poo in the Loo

You have a fascist Prime Minister. That bothers me.