What's it like to have a gf?

What's it like to have a gf?

I dont think I'll ever have one.

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what a cutie wow. I'll never feel her beside me. Love hurts.

Same here mate. I might have to an hero :(

a real hassle sometimes but warm cuddles are heaven

Idk imma loner too.

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Their emotions can be annoying af and their decision making is driven by emotions which isn’t necessarily a good thing but as user said warm cuddles are second to none

Sucks sometimes not gonna lie. But if you have absolute faith in that person then it's great to have them around

Imagine having decent sex for about a year, then not being interested in each other anymore. Imagine paying more money for pretty much everything. Imagine celebrating made up shit like Valentine’s Day and sweetest day. Imagine getting bitched at. Imagine not doing exactly what you want to do whenever you want.

It’s not always like this, but this is the story most of the time.


Don't think it would be all emotional support and reduced stress. It's work, remember you'd have to keep someone else happy and that can be a fucking pain.

I'm focusing on temporary relationships cause I hate slowly learning things I hate about the person I'm fucking until I can hardly stand em.

Sometimes it's nice.
Then theres the other times where you feel pressured to do shit you dont wanna do. Its tough to find someone who shares the same ambitions and interests and life goals. The life goal part can be a bit of a hassle, and make or break a relationship.


You won’t find one like your picture

Trust me, don't.

Talking girlfriends not wives

Why not? Just go get one.

Hit the gym user

Not the user you responded to but I’ve been in a stable relationship for 3 years and I can confirm after the first 12-18 months it’s not that different from marriage tbh except you can call it quits without giving her half your shit


It's like having a hand, but it costs a lot more and causes you to go prematurely grey / balding. It's like having a hand that consistently picks up shit and smears it in to your face.

holy fuck, see kinda looks like some one i knew back in the days. got any more? she is hella cute

It's like the transition from one family to another (your own).

>their emotions are annoying

Get them off the pill and start making babies.

unless you find a really good and understanding gf by your standards, you gonna have these to deal with:

mental discomfort for making you feel bad about stuff you otherwise would not
eventually she will comb you out the way she like you better and you won't even mind (that's the sad part)
she will leave you for someone that is just like you was at the start

and this is literally every dude i know in my life with past gf's
i had one but i fucked up for other reasons, no cheating or anything, now single for 2 years, i still see the same shit happening around me

Exactly this
>source: 5 year relationship

fucking breeder, get the fuck out of here you dont belong

She's been fucked by so many guys that she's lost count

Nah I don’t want to risk this not working and I have to pay her 18 years worth of my pain and suffering but thnx for the idea user

This. Its not as glorious

to have never loved or had is better than to have loved and lost or in most cases to have loved and still have - anonymous poet

That's true and the kissing is great

Sadly true. But there is the super rare occasion when you meet an amazing woman who becomes your best friend, while wanting to fuck you. I’ve been with my girl for years, and the magic hasn’t faded.

But I think there is a couple reasons for that. We both share the same hobbies. So we love the same music, and play every major video game together (or side by side if it’s a solo game). The issue is most women don’t share the same hobbies, and instead of being supportive, they nag and guilt you.

The woman I’m with doesn’t have the same sex drive like most women have. She doesn’t care about sex. However, because she’s in love with me, she loves having sex as an extension of that. Sex is amazing, and happens often just from cuddling.

We do have fights every once in a while. But she acknowledges she’s a woman, and therefore can get emotional and irrational. Because she’s self aware, our fights don’t last long. But I do have to put up with her crazy female side, just not as long or often.

Based on past relationships, and what I’ve seen time and time again with my friends, almost all relationships go the way you describe. Almost all women are the same. Women cant escape their biological nature. However modern society has molded them to be selfish and indignant. Just have to get lucky. It’s really rare.

Not a breeder. Just mentioning that the pill fucks with the frontal cortex of the female brain making them hysterical.

Very true. Especially the part about having at least one mutual hobby.

This thread reads like a bunch of people who have yet to take ownership of their own faults.

After having been married for 7 years and subsequently divorced, and now in a different relationship for the past 2 years, I can say that the difference between a healthy relationship and a miserable one is the ability to be open and honest, WANTING to discuss problems as soon as they arise (and not to try to prove you’re right but to work towards a mutual understanding and deepening your relationship; chances are that both of you are a little right and a little wrong), listening to your partner and actually retaining those conversations in your memory, and most of all being respectful.

If you yourself are capable of those things and truly, actually, honestly do those things, you will find that your relationship is nothing like the negativity being described in this thread. Relationships are very fulfilling if you’re willing to try.

>grown man who plays vidya
well she must be a smart girl lol tard

And having shared interests is good, but that can actually be quite boring if you’re so similar. Don’t be afraid to meet someone with different interests and let them open you up to new things. The key isn’t having the same interests but rather showing interest in what your partner is interested in, REGARDLESS of whether or not you would normally be interested in it yourself.

Never in a million years would I want to go to a glass/ceramic workshop and make my own ornaments, but doing it with my girlfriend because she enjoys it made it one of my favorite outings yet.

It’s a mix of having a mutual hobby, and a willingness to admit their gender has flaws. Most women will not admit this. They are not self aware. And they dig down hard when acting crazy. Whereas I call her out if she’s acting like a bitch or being snarky. And she then will feel bad and fix the behavior. In all my past relationships, they would never do this. They would act like a bitch, triple down on it - and then expect you to apologize.

I think it helps that she was bullied only by women growing up. Because it made her hate most women and see the bullshit they pull. And she’s really cynical about the whole empowr women, feminist crap you see being pushed.

I encourage her to do what she wants. I treat her as my equal. But no I won’t bow down when she gets moody or acts crazy. Most men are expected to do this. Most women now get indignant about this.

I just got really fuckin lucky. The shared hobby really helps a lot for sure. Don’t have to worry about being nagged constantly. Made to feel bad for doing things I want to do. Because when I spend money, it’s for both of us.

The other hurdle is the sex drive. Most women are flat out hoes. If they care more about the pleasure and detach it from the emotional, then it’s a ticking time bomb. This one I’m not sure if it’s social behavior/ learning. Or if it’s just genetics.

>Not having a GF means you have to an hero.

Plz do, I am a 34 years Wizard and I still find life attractive, that depends How you take the social hostility, in my case I just dont give a shit, I find pleasure in hentai and videogames, I have a good work and I am fine with it.

Good we become weaker as a species if you do

You sound like a dick who just happens to be with someone who bends to your will the same way you’re saying some men bend to women’s will. That’s nice that you’re “happy” but gaslighting a women into admitting their sex is inferior or genetically flawed is a pretty terrible thing to do as a human being. If you can’t see that, then I think the flawed genes aren’t hers but yours.

To be clear I’m not saying we are 100% the same. We have different qualities that round each other out. We don’t like everything the same, and that’s great.

But it helps in a big way that we have the same hobbies, since it means spending money usually is for both of us. So I don’t have to worry about nagging or being guilted.

As far as people saying “grown man playing vidya”, what’s it to you? If I didn’t have a job and played games all day you would have a point. But I literally have a woman who is great companionship, amazing sex mutually. I make good money. And we both enjoy something on our time off. Why should it matter if it’s video games? Just seems like a weird thing to pick at.

My point was

* shared hobbies (regardless what it is) can help.

* A woman that is willing to acknowledge she can get moody or emotional also really helps.

* sex that is tied to the relationship emotionally also helps.

That doesn’t mean you should fine someone who is 1:1 you.

the girl in this vid broke my heart, what should i do?


For me expensive

Sounds exactly like my gf.

>reading comprehension

You misunderstood. He talked about a mutual willingness that both genders have their respective flaws. Women being emotional first, rational second. Men being aggressive and stubborn. For starters. He also said that he treats his gf as an equal for being able to overcome her possible flaws.

Its overrated af, when i was single i wanted a gf, when i had one i didnt. I broke up and now i want one again. I might just be retarded. Overall im happier witouth rhab being in a relation that isnt 100% the perfect one

>have a job
>finds pleasure in hentai
what has the world become jesus christ

there isnt a perfect human you dumb kike

sauce ?

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pretty nice at first, you can do stuff together, have fun and sex. then stuff gets boring rather fast. you run out of things to talk about, the laughing at your jokes soon turns into being annoyed by your immature humor. the flirtations are replaced with a constant radio of how you could do things better, even trivial shit like wiping your own ass. there is an instant feedback how you do it wrong. well you still get laid right? wrong stuff gets scarce, blowjobs a birthday thing at best and she starts to be lazy and fat. also demands for expensive presents increase. you get also older and fatter and stick around because you don't feel the energy to socialize or meet new people to start over. you start working overtime to have more you-time, she start to cheat on you witho. whoever is around. you die of a heart attack and she inherits the house and your wealth to travel the world. the end.

maybe for you

sounds like you were just a bad boyfriend

That girls is ugly af.

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ITT guys who hate women and can't form an emotional connection with them, and then wonder why all their relationships have sucked

If you actually love each other its the best feeling you can possibly experience... BUT ... its literally like a hardcore drug .. if you lose the relationship you are left with withdrawals for the rest of your life. so from my perspective id rather never had experienced love ever because now after losing im just a wrack. im completely honest about this... be happy you never had a gf.


[but she acknowledges she's a woman]


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sauce on this whore

Op, i know why you'll never have a gf
youre a fucking gaylord

Love feels good but it's addicting and I'd probably an hero if I lost my gf. :/

Almost everyone i know dates eastern/italian/spanish girls and skips the western feminist, who are so full of them self and so "free"(sluts). Try to find somewhat traditional girls and not western consumers.

My gf is the same way. We both play video games together, like the same shows/movies, she hates drama, so none of that bs housewives or other trash. She has a similar personality as myself, so we rarely have a disagreement. We both workout, she is thin. We had actually met playing l4d2 on a custom map, what are the chances? Been together 7 years now.

The hobbies thing i would say is one of the most important parts to a relationship. No guilt, no nagging, no having to do things you don't want to just to make her happy. You end up doing things together to make each other happy and enjoy spending all your time together.

Before anyone asks, I'm pretty normal and have had 7 previous gfs. Most were OK, one was super sweet but I had to move. The thing about this gf
that shines above the rest is that our hobbies line up.

Imagine, babysitting someone you can fuck.

its like having a best friend that you also fuck

it feels like bags of sand

It’s always nice when 2 unproductive losers find each other

People always say this but I just don't change fundamentally and if shes not into me then that sucks leave if you want. You alter a little bit but never a full character swing unless you just have no backbone or you're literally just brainwashed by her into believing shes the best you'll ever get or some clouded judgment shit like that.

This is honestly why you dont date super hot girls and you go for the mid range 6.5-7 group with minor insecurities that don't have the ability to go out and fuck 30 guys under an hour. The girl knows you need her because youre the settler, shes the one in power role, you never want that situation unless you want to get heavily manipulated. Its the same shit guys to to girls they know are less attractive.

Depends on if you won the girlfriend lottery or lost.

Depends, I haven't had the best of luck with the girls I tend to attract to me, a lot of them we're crazy or had daddy issues.

If you get a bad one its literal hell on Earth. It's better to be single than stuck with a bad gf.

If you have a good one, your life is better in a lot of ways and worse in a lot of others. So amazing or still terrible. Depends on your values.

Also depends greatly on what kind of partner YOU are.

Yeah I always let out a big yikes when people say they met on a video game

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Do it faggots

The fuck is sweetest day

My dubs cannot be stopped

Made up shit.

Incels on here bitching about no gf. I use em up throw em away and move on to the next.

Pic related. Girl I dated years ago. I strung her out on drugs. Was a 8/10 now...look at her lol. TW of Ky

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Like...actual made up shit or valentine's day type made up shit

Shut up faggot

I'm not him. I don't know what he's talking about either.

You're a psychopath, user.

Maybe, but that's what I do...

Stress dude, pure stress...

Those lips on my cock....yummmmm

pretty much this, like having a little retard attached to you at all times that does annoying shit but you cant really say anythiing or else they will complain about what you complained about

I used to keep that bitch so high...lol

I'd crush up Xanax dissolve it in propylene glycol and shoot it up her ass...insta zombie

A lot of work and effort just for a wet hole to put your dick in. Save yourself some time and money, focus on yourself and pay for chick to fuck you... or go get girls and never commit anything to them.

what a great access and protection

got moar?