Why does he hate white people when his white mom raised his mutt ass while his black dad abandoned him?

Why does he hate white people when his white mom raised his mutt ass while his black dad abandoned him?

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Wait what?post source

As an arab living in a 1st world country, getting two cultures mixed in one's identity is nightmarish. To even get into political shit in Hollywood while struggling with one's own identity I can't even imagine.

>Peele was born in New York City, the son of Lucinda Williams and Hayward Peele,[6][7] and was raised by his single mother on Manhattan's Upper West Side.[2] His mother is white, and his father is black.[8] He attended the Computer School in Manhattan, graduated from The Calhoun School on Manhattan's Upper West Side, and went on to Sarah Lawrence College. After two years, Peele dropped out to form a comedy duo with his college roommate and future Key & Peele comedy writer Rebecca Drysdale.[2]

>Upper West Side

His mom wasn't just white, she was rich white

Because this allows him the privilege of both growing up with a rich, white mother while still being able to play the victim card.

Hating white people is "in" right now

that's exactly why


they are in denial that the coal burning white mother was a whore and the black dad they longed for abandoned him.

he doesn't hate white people, you faggots are too oversensitive

a few years where you are ONLY pointed out and told you are privileged you start playing victim, after centuries of dominating (in a literal way) other races

just grow a pair

So he can belong to the African-American community. Pretty sad, actually

>why does he hate white people
what makes you say that?

>white people have it so rough

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Except whites aren't privileged we just have a fucking work ethic and aren't content to live off handouts and charity like most niggers. Shocking that people aren't too pleased when you blame their families for all the problems in the world

Being told you're the most evil race on earth and it probably wouldn't matter if you went extinct, from the moment you can walk, is pretty rough if you ask me desu.

daily reminder that Get Out was based on Peele meeting his gf's parents and feeling uncomfortable, the parents in the film are anglos, but they weren't in real life. can you guess what were the parents? the answer may surprise you

I personally never dominated anyone.
>b-but you received benefits from your ancestors dominating the rest of the world
My ancestors were common farmers, the bitches of the aristocracy.

He literally doesnt hate white people he is just trying to be a black man making black movies for black people. He's one of the most diplomatic at this too, he's literally just a liberal gentrified guy making inoffensive minority-focused movies

Please leave my country ta xx

Yeah? You cry to sleep at night?

you still play life on easy mode and should have a thicker skin when minorities bitch about white people

Name ONE race that isnt accused of this.
Blacks, Jews, Asians, Mexicans, fucking Canadians, all have narratives running against them why they are ruining the world and should be extinct. Im not saying you cant defend yourself,


>you are privileged
we should be, but we're not

, but just consider how popular the idea has been that blacks ruined america and should be entirely gone


His jewish wife tells him to embrace his blackness and strike down the white masters that ruled his life before he met her


Well, you are

Check the CEOs of the main companies in the world (Chinese don't count because their companies pretty much only opperate in China) and say whites males aren't privileged

>Being told
yes being told, as opposed to people who were actually being lynch just a couple decades ago. Why are you such a sensitive little bitch? Am I hurting your feeling right now?

Jussie Smollet already destroyed white privilege. There's rich privilege not white privilege

Mulattoes are the most insecure people on the planet.

rich coming from a nigger
Oh, I'm sorry, did that offend you? Grow some thicker skin.

Also great how minorities will bitch about wypepo yet are completely dependent upon white countries to survive, as well as being the first people to make slavery illegal, and secure human rights.
White people have created the world you have around you, but no, apparently you would rather be back in the jungle, running around naked having to hunt for a living, only to die at 30 when a neighboring tribe decides they want to sell your daughter to slavers.

by that logic jews are more privileged than any other group on the planet

what does that have to do with me?
Do I get a personal paycheck to my account every month from all of these white CEO's?
Will they hire me when I turn up just because I'm white?

White people denaying white privilege is like males saying patriarchy doesn't exist because there are like 5 female presidents in the world

I don't want to exaggerate but what you say is offensive and generates violence, it's almost like Shoah deniers

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>White people by and large are Godless or follow a desert cult that has nothing to do with them.

Bro you living under a rock?

See only the Ashkenazim are amongst these you say, and they are white

You have more opportunities just by being white

Yeah except none of these are socially acceptable to push and are not accepted by mainstream media
Also funny how its only white european countries that need diversity

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Truly a holocaust

>people on Yea Forums unironically talking about white privilege
Lmao Reddit please go back you stupid niggers


It's what jews offered him fame for.

>> A few white guys are rich
>> all whites males are privileged

So since a few niggers in Africa sniff shit to get high does that mean all of them do too?

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Name some. As far as I can tell, I have just as many opportunities to become a jobless dropout as any race. If I go to try and get a job, I still have to compete with everyone else.

In fact, the only people who actually have an advantage in job hunting are minorities and women. Affirmative action?

At no point in time were you ever hired just for being white. It was always based on merit or connections.

kek I love this argument. American minorities bitching while people in the world work for 10 cents an hour, 15 hours a day with no bathroom breaks. Just the other day 15 year old Americans were lying about their age so that they could work in coalmines and send money back to their grandparents. Get a fucking grip. If you live in a western country in 2019 you are one of the most privileged beings that has ever fucking existed.

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It's not a black vs white thing, I'm neither of these

It's a white vs the rest of the world. Whites fucked up the whole world by stealing their goods, which made them be capable of the industrial revolution, and then fuck the rest of the world by trade even more than by military domination

Centuries of domination keep other peoples down, and whites today live on easy-mode because of that


Fuck off with this awful bait.


Not talking about the USA, but whites and non-whites in general

Black Americans are privileged if you compare it to people in the 3rd world, they live in a "white country"

Antisemite die you racist go support palestine

Its not a matter of race but of gender idiot

Not saying whites should give us all they have or that they should say sorry, just not act like there is a white genocide going on right now, nor getting defensive, just accept you are privileged

As I said, it's the same for males and females. Partriarchy is a fact and denying it as a male is just offensive

His wife is white. All of his friends were white. He was raised in a white community, went to white schools. What makes you think he hates white people?


Majority are owned by jews. Jews make up just 1.4% of americas population, how is it fair to put the blame on white people (irish, german, british etc descent)? And even then, all these ceos dont make up even 1% of the population probably, how the fuck does one a rich jewish guy define the wealth of millions of working class white people?

She's jewish
>Gib mey dat
No you nigger

>non white countries are mostly 3. world shitholes
>this is the fault of whitie
They had every opportunity to turn things around.
Whites colonized the entire world, yet the only places that are shitholes are places where nonwhites are the majority.
Really makes you think.

see You are also privileged. Accept it.

I like how victimized people are about their skin color.

Kill yourself you little worm.

Are you retarded? I said the opposite of that

I live in the third world

He does it for good goy points.

Shut up nigger. Go back to the fields boy

You have the luxury of having enough downtime to post on this cancerous shithole meanwhile 9 year old Syrian girls' bodies are being used as currency. YOU ARE PRIVILEGED. SAY IT.

Please explain to me how I as an average white man am privileged.
Don't know if you could call it "genocide" but white countries, even those that did not have colonies in africa or asia like sweden are getting flooded with immigrants and "refugees" from africa and middle east, whites are getting replaced everywhere in the world besides eastern europe.

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Compared to other people like blacks or countries in war, of course. I would never dare talking shit about them

>being racist is bad
>but being racist againt white people is ok because your fathers and grandfathers used to be racist

Almost like stripping the country they invaded of natural resources benefitted them greatly. And that just because they left some broken shit heaps in industries that represent apartheid/slave labor/oppression by the people who lived there doesn't make up for the billions already stolen.

Fair enough

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Judicial system. Economic banking system. I'd go on but really, those are the two biggest ones.

are you a yazidi syrian sex slave? you're privileged compared to them as well , you retard

You can't be racist against the power

No shit

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You can be prejudiced.

Elaborate on them and provide evidence

So white South Africans can't be racist? Cool to hear I guess I'm going to say it

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maybe you should try blaming other people less for your failures. what do you expect that your whining will accomplish? wypipo giving your third world monkey ass reparations?

Youre right. Theres a mass political-ethical vector to forcefully forgive and forget with everyone except white people, who are popular to blame in life and media. Its still true that Jews are holocaust paranoid and suffer lifetimes of closeness to genocide, and hundreds of millions of blacks hate themselves and are too lost to realize the recent advantages offered to them, and love loves of hopelessness and feelings of being destroyed


Live lives*

I love this argument.
It creates a picture of a horde pillaging a country so fucking much that only a desert remains.

Africa (we're talking about Africa, let's be honest) is the most resource rich continent in the world. White people could have pillaged that for another thousand years and there would still be enough to go around.
Secondly, they didn't just leave broken shit heaps. They left rail infrastructure, road networks, schools, hospitals, electricity.
Everything you could ever want to start exploiting your own resources.

But what happened when the white man left or was thrown out? Everything went into disuse. People use pillage the cables from the electricity network, people fuck up the rail lines for the metals.
>b-but they weren't educated enough to use these things
The British built all of these things in all of their colonies, yet somehow India manages to be a contending superpower, while Africa is basically the same it was 1000 years ago, but with AK's and more drugs.

>why are you such a sensitive little bitch

He says as he valiantly defends his victim status

Yes, but that's not bad per se, but just natural

White South Africans are a small minority in amount but they still own most of the means of production in their country

>Judicial system
What, the longer sentences for the same crimes meme right? Black Americans, ON AVERAGE, have more priors. Priors are taken into account during sentencing. So that means black Americans, ON AVERAGE, are going to get longer sentences.

That's rite shitskin

You can't make up your own definitions of words because they fit your narrative

>"if i say mean things about whites then daddy will love me and come back"

>but they still own most of the means of production in their country

It's explained in Armond White's review of Get Out

They don't own shit. South Africa was buddies with Israel until they got backstabbed. Guess who owns the banks in South Africa you shitskin.

Of course you can.
>racism : prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

any race can be racist against any other race.

>White South Africans are a small minority in amount but they still own most of the means of production in their country
What about Zimbabwe?

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So do Jewish Americans. Guess American WASP's can't be anti-semites right

Which group of people claim to be superior to whites? That's the definition of racism

Minority isn't about the number, but the power. See women, they are a minority even when they make more than 50% of the human population

Kill yourself you stupid nigger

Stupid shitskin.

That's absolutely false, Jews don't own shit

Strong arguments there

So we can't be racist agianst Jews? Your version of white is way to broad.

Judicial System:

Financial System:

Just two seconds of googling.

there is no race privilege, only class privilege. the sooner we realize this, the sooner all races can move forward. i'm not holding my breath though.

Because of kike vermin creating a White hating narrative in academic society and retards just conformed to it.

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LMAO Jew detected.

See But there are pretty much only white people in the dominant class of the world

>non-whites: generalizations are bad! One bad doesn’t not represent the whole!
>also non-whites: white people are all rich and evil


>also non-whites: white people are all rich and evil
I think this is the mistake I'm (or you are) making, sorry if I get lost in translation

I say all the rich and powerful are white, not that all whites are rich and powerful

In a democracy mob rule counts as power. So long as the system is 1 person 1 vote demographic minoritys are fundemntal political minoritys.


You're welcome.

if wypipo are so bad, why is the popular strategy to appeal to their sympathy by loudly proclaiming your own status as a victim at every chance? why would the evil race of slavers and conquerors care? and perhaps more importantly, for how long will they care? ignoring the part about evil slavers, how often in the history of our species has a group given away their wealth and power out of the goodness of their hearts?

i would posit that white people only care, or pretend to care, precisely because of their power and privilege. the moment the baying of the colored hordes actually become a threat to their station, the chanting of victimhood will fall on deaf ears. it will be interesting to see what happens after the next financial crisis

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>Avoids mentioning Jews

>t. Just read the hypertext link guy and am now an expert on the links provided

>That's absolutely false, Jews don't own shit

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If you hate the Ritch and powerful say that, you can't say "man fuck all crakas In shit" and follow that up with "I just mean Ritch people of course."

Statistically VERY rare.

Literal Lunatic says what?

by that logic jews aren't a minority

>"ehh.. I'm not a fan of this guys work"
uhhhhhh ok but what does that have to do with television and film? If you want to spend the day sperging out about conspiracy theories just go to /pol/ or /x/

>the moment the baying of the colored hordes actually become a threat to their station
> it will be interesting to see what happens after the next financial crisis

You got that right.

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From the way you speak and act right now you deserve the lynchage.
You forgot how privilege you are that you can act like a monkey and not getting lynched. But keep pushing for the race war. i'm sure you will win it so go for it.

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>wanting people to shit up /x/

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This is wrong.
They wrecked the world because of their superior navies. They were able to trade (yes, they preferred to trade over outright stealing) with every country in the world. They would find land sparsely inhabited and claim it for themselves.
You might find this wrong, but if you country is so assbackwards that you don't even have a concept of ownership, then why should you deserve to keep it for yourself?
Like seriously imagine Australia today if white people had decided "you know what, let's let them live in peace".
There would be literally no vegetation left at the rate they were burning their continent down.

>Centuries of domination keep other peoples down
Yes, that is life. Had you brought this up 500 years ago, it would have been someone else dominating whatever shithole you live in.
Such is life. It always has been, white people were just better at it than others, or, from a different point of view, simply lucky enough get really fucking good at sailing.

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mr upper west manhattan has ironically enjoyed more white privilege than the vast majority of white people in the world.

Whites that aren't in the elites are also privileged and have more opportunities than the rest of the world

Imagine a "white trash" guy living in a trailer park in some small town in the USA, he has waaaaaaay more opportunities than a guy from Congo or Papua

Jews are white, there are catholic, protestant, jewish and other religions between whites. You are confusing the terms "race" and "religion"

I wish slavery never happened so we didn't have to deal with this shit.

Stop living in the past you cretin. This is the 21st century. You wanna talk about sensitivity? Minorities literally get upset if they aren't represented enough on the television or in movies. That is the definition of a first world problem, and shows just how comfortable they are in white countries now. Minorities have it fucking EASY now, and they use racism as an excuse whenever they fail at life.

>just a couple decades ago
Today, user claimed lynchings were happening in 1999 in the US. Yes inded, those Y2K hate crime riots are a serious black mark on our nation's history.


And what does that have to do with anything?
White people colonized a massive continent that was inhabited by literal savages, and tried to integrate them into civilization. Turns out that Africa is the only continent that wasn't able to integrate into civilization.

Like seriously, the entire fucking world was colonized, but it's only Africa that there are serious problems with.
Should make you think.

Fucking snowflake, whites have it fucking good and we want to keep it that way. Other people also having a good time doesn't mean your time is going to be any shittier.

Without slavery whites would be still playing with mud and driving horses

"struggling with one's identity" only exists because of political shit in hollywood. it IS the political shit. race means almost nothing outside of the ghetto and hollywood (essentially the same thing these days).

>Why does he hate white people
he doesn't

>Jews are white
not according to themselves

Funny how minorities will do this, but then you pull out the N word and they run away crying

Apparently words do hurt because the n-word is completely forbidden in any social setting isn't it? The hypocrisy among you brainlets never ceases to amaze me.

Basically this. His movies are a little overrated but he doesent seem too crazy


You can do better then asserting your way of life is superior because you have better weapons. Because frankly, that just proves the point.

3/10. made me laugh though

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actually that's exactly what it means since resources and power are zero sum games

Without slavery, the triangular trade would have been less profitable to the slavetraders and cotton farmers.
That's it.

And on top of that, white people were the first to make it illegal.
Where's the credit for that?
Literally every race on the planet practiced slavery.

>Why does he hate white people
Why? Because he wants black leads in his movies?

let's just say the film could not have been filmed with the original type of parents

Yes. He hates white people for wanting to give black people a voice and opportunity in the media.

And yet whites were the one able to enslave other races. It tells a lot about the other races states right ?

>((His)) (((White))) Mom.

Because human beings are fundamentally hateful creatures. Hatred, anger, all that, feels good in the same vein that complaining does.

You know what did happen just a few years before that? The fucking LA Riots. Reginald Denny would like a word with you.

You can post lot of pictures of non-whites living like shit, and the reason is always the same: white people conquered them at some point

Before you say "but they didn't have Nikes or western technology before us", don't you ever think they didn't need them? All whites did was to create a need where there wasn't a need, just to make more profit

Again you're pulling shit out of your ass. What does that have to do with anything I wrote?

But ask yourself this, why did white people have better weapons, ships, infrastructure, medicine and technology in general than the people they colonized?
Could it be because they were superior to those who still ran around wearing nothing but loinclothes and carrying spears?
Saying that the way of life in general wasn't superior in white countries is honestly fucking retarded.
I would have preferred very much not to be born into some 3. world cesspool, being raped as an infant by a rival tribe and then sold to the arabs at the slave markets of Zanzibar.
Not that Europe wasn't a cesspit as well 500 years ago, but it was marginally better.

>Sarah Lawrence
No wonder he's such a limp wrist sóyboí

Newsflash, boyo

If you think men have more power than women in western societies you're more dumb than your shitty baiting in this thread is leading us to believe.

>ayo we wuznt dumb or shiet, we jus didn ned boats or technology
No, you were always less advanced. Whites had the technology to travel the world and conquer, while you were still playing with sticks and stones.

>all the retards ITT taking the shitposter seriously

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Where did he say he hates white people?

Being jewish is the only identity jews see themselves as. Everything else (nationality, ethnicity, etc) is just a tool to the betterment of their tribe.

It should still be legal to lynch shitskins, prove me wrong.

>Jews are white, there are catholic, protestant, jewish and other religions between whites. You are confusing the terms "race" and "religion"
if that's true, how can there be atheist jews?

Besides white males maybe

he plays up his "blackness" too much.
this dude grew up in one of the wealthiest areas in the world and pretends like he's in tune with the homies on the corner.
it's cringe tier, tbqh.

he's overcompensating, which is usual for half blacks.

White people also conquered Southeast Asia, Australia, China and America.
And yet only Africa is a total no-hope shithole...

Something else that should make you think: the Spaniards bred with the denizens of South America, creating the genetic fuckery we see today.
Compare north America to South America.

Again it's as if primitive people are entirely useless and don't deserve shit.

How about getting your kids hands sawn off?

Nobody is hired just because they're black or a woman. This is a myth perpetuated by white failures.

Jews aren't white.
>I say all the rich and powerful are white, not that all whites are rich and powerful
The opposite is literally what you've done in this entire thread. Saying that all white people are privileged because a few of them are billionaires.

your culture isn't your identity, you moron. stop falling for the propaganda and take some responsibility

But that's the case, native Americans and Africans lived in vast lands and weren't "advanced" becasue they didn't need to, evolution in science only works for military purposes

Europeans have been killing each other for an inch of land since forever, they developed weapons to defend themselves from other violent white thieves. Why do you think vikings were the first to travel long distances by ship? Their lands were shit and they needed to steal

Native Americans and Africans lived in a literal uthopia until the white man came to steal what's under the soil, killing us in the process

I eagerly await your detailed list of what said "privileges" are....

Go ahead.

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Because they strip mined colonized countries and profited greatly from it after they banded together after centuries of strip mining each others resources?

You keep raising strawman arguments instead of looking at the topic of the discussion. Which is why you get nothing but lazy responses from me because you're just not worth the expenditure of energy when all you can do is keep proving me right.

How is that in any way relevant to the discussion?

Were they jewish?

Why is this nigger dressed as an SS officer?

He's the type who believes that whites are still being hired over minorities for jobs. When in fact the exact opposite is true.

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Not fearing for your life whenever a cop is around

yes being told, which leads to being indoctrinated in colleges, which leads to retarded millennial hitting whitey on the head with a bike lock. stop shilling for the left by tacitly implying that racial agitation isn't a serious issue propagated almost solely by people like you

You are priorised for quality jobs, you don't get killed by the cops, the "justice" system tends to favour you

Some of these are intentional, like a racist cop who doesn't like blacks, but the majority are just part of the System and is inside our "common sense"

That's power, making other people believe what you want and them not even questioning it, and just taking it for granted and as the only possible option

More cops get killed by black people than the other way around.

commie tranny (yikes)

do you fear for your life when you ride a car?

That's a completely different argument

Compare whites killed by cops to blacks killed by cops if you want to talk about that

how many black people got kille by cops last year?

kill yourself mudslime. i hope allah chokes on a dick tonight

So? Irrelevant to my point.
I would when cars start shooting unarmed people in the back. I get you're going for a reddit tier stats argument but that's also missing the point.

Most of them are told this because they are legitimate subhumans though. Unlike whites who are told that because of jealousy and blind hate.

if blacks kill cops to such a degree it seems highly relevant. it could explain why they in turn are more likely to be shot by the police


>Compare whites killed by cops to blacks killed by cops if you want to talk about that
Maybe blacks should stop commiting so many crimes. I think there's a correlation between comitting a crime and getting shot by a cop.

don't commit crime and you won't have to worry

>native Americans and Africans never killed each other
Lmao nigga read a book

stop commiting crimes and disrespecting the police then
if you do nothing and act normally nothing bad will happen to you

Jew "white" actually, so not white at all...

it's not missing the point at all. death by police is so statistically insignificant for all races that "fearing for your life" when you interact with the police is borderline mental illness. you should, no joke, consider therapy

>So? Irrelevant to my point.
No it's not. One of the reasons cops kill more blacks (aside from all the crimes the latter commit) is because they're always on survival mode whenever they work around black communities.

Police aren't hired to execute people.

They are hired to stop crimes and protect themselves while doing so.

okay, more whites are killed by cops every year than blacks killed by cops. now what?


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It was never to colonize and steal land and plant a successor friendly to the conquering nation. It was at most maybe a raid for slaves maybe some border disputes. Never full on war.

>if blacks kill cops to such a degree it seems highly relevant. it could explain why they in turn are more likely to be shot by the police
But I understand that, blacks commit more violent crimes than whites, and cops fear blacks more than whites

But that's not the reason but the consecuense, blacks commit more crime because they are forced to lvie as pariah, in a country where the Power doesn't like them and hell, until a few decades didn't even allow them to ride a bus

90% (at the very, very least) of the time since the discovery of the Americas, black lived as a slaves and then as lesser creatures, and then as a second class citizens

Let's imagine, which doesn't happen but still, we now have equality, do you really expect all that time of violence against blacks to just go away? Violence generates violence, if you don't treat a group of people as shit, they don't act like shit

yes, nobody ever conquered lands before wypipo showed up. you figured it out

yeah which is why they don't

how does that make any sense?
So whites got stronger from stripping bare each others countries for resources, then magically became best friends and decided to do the same to Africa, but Africa didn't grow stronger from it?
You're pulling all of this out of your ass. Africas biggest exports are palm oil, gold, diamonds, oil, precious metals and other common items like timber and cocoa. If they were stripped of all their resources, why are they among the biggest exporters of these items in the world?

>Despite being 13% if the population black people make up 50 of all police shootings

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>whites have work ethic
>Literally use slaves to get out of paying a livable wage

How does that help the dead victims of black crime you literal fuckoid.

Shhhh user, this goes against the narrative.

every race has slaves. Whites are the only people who freed them, historically.

>Despite being 13% if the population black people make up 50% of all crimes
Ayo wait what

nice bait, but so did everyone else, and whites were the first to end slavery.

you retard. you ever hear of the bantu expansion? or the behaviour of the aztec empire? or the routine conflicts between north amerindian tribes who often took each other as slaves and tried to exterminate one another? you are a fucking moron

Self defense from poachers stealing game you need to ensure your tribe is fed for a brutal winter is not the same as King Edward taking control of Scotland and granting titles and lands to Robert the Bruce to be a loyal to the crown toady.

and then they forced pretty much everyone else to also end slavery

Literally not a excuse.

Paki detected

I'm not saying it does

I'm just saying blacks don't commit crime because they are genetically predisposed or some shit like that, just saying they are a product of the white-center world order

Lots of ethnicities have been under to boot of white conquerors, sometimes living under harsher conditions than black people, and they don't treat white people with as much vitriol as black people.
Slavery has been abolished since the 19th century and black people have been giving full civil rights since the 60's. There's literally no reason to this oppressor/oppressive mentality other than wanting to blame white people for your personal mistakes.

Except when they suspect you of a crime for having the audacity to go outside black.

Murder isn't the response to committing crime retard.

so nobody except for whites ever laid claim to lands and then constructed various elaborate political systems to justify their control of said lands? they were just a bunch of tribal hunter gatherers? sounds straight up racist

Arab living in the first world as well.actually born here. Don't be a bitch and be happy that your parents left their countries

Europeans didnt have slaves since the fall of rome.

Oppression. Economic and otherwise.

>since the 60's
So, only around 450 years of treating them like shit? And there have only happened 50 years after that liberation?

I'm just saying, you should be more comprehensive

>Except when they suspect you of a crime for having the audacity to go outside black.
that doesn't happen. you live in a paranoid delusion

Self hatred, inferiority complex, imposter syndrome. He probably grew up around whites.

>Murder isn't the response to committing crime retard.
agreed, it clearly isn't judging by how rare police shootings actually are

No it just shows how disingenuous you are. This isn't "muh per capita" .

Whites commit more crimes than blacks so it makes sense.

They don't. Whites are over half of all convictions.

>I don't understand different kinds of conflict so I'm going to strawman like a retard
Yessss... That's exactly what was said...

typical white bigots forcing other cultures to bend the knee. disgusting racists.

They are though, its literally in their genes to be more violent.

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>I'm just saying blacks don't commit crime because they are genetically predisposed or some shit like that
Black people unironically are genetically more proned to violence than other races. Couple that with the lowest average IQ among sizeable populations and it'll explain a lot of why so many of them are violent even when they don't have to.
>just saying they are a product of the white-center world order
Just like asians?

>wife is white
>mom is white
Get a grip /pol/

black men are underrepresented in police shootings considering they make up more than 50% violent crime despite only being 6% of the population. you are literally 10 times more likely to get robbed or beaten by a black man.

This is a positive thing for whites in the same way that Hitler did good when he killed Hitler.

i'm just making fun of you since you're quite obviously completely retarded

All races are genetically the same and no personality aspect is related to genes

Everything is cultural and political


Most minorities just wish they'd been born white. Their own race is a source of insecurity for them, this is why they're so sensitive to racial abuse whereas a white person would just shrug it off. Minorities envy whites, they wish they were white, and they hate whites because of it.


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>treating them like shit
nigger slaves in the americas often lived better and longer than poor white freemen. you need to stop believing in things you've never researched or even questioned

Youre right its all cope. We can still defend ourselves as whites but absolutely yes the general political attitude is subversive mass cope for what has been mass white victory

>They don't. Whites are over half of all convictions.
You know that most of these "whites" are hispanics, right?

To which white-controlled country/region where Asians sent to be slaves and lived like dogs for 450 years and then liberated to live alongside their white masters?

>evolution stopped at the neck


>I live in the third world
Your ancestors sowed that life for you. Be muttmad at them, not white people.

said noone with even a cursory understanding of genetics. i'm not even in the /pol/ camp but that is just straight up wrong

nigger criminality is not a debate. stop lying

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Yeah an unarmed black has never been shot before. You're right.

But your chances of being robbed at all are so low that it doesn't really matter what colour the person is.

>mane fuck tha PO-lice

go back to leftypol you deranged subhuman

>AmeriKKKa police state!!!

lesser IQ = more violence
There is a reason why africa never created a real civilization before the europeans arrived. The people just dont trust eachother and are busy slitting eachothers throats.
Fortunately for the rest of the world it will never change.

Too bad for you soon there won't be anything left glorifying the culture of racist southern rebels who almost destroyed their own country because of muh shekels and muh superiority. Most southern soldiers were poor and uneducated, they never and would never own slaves. They just acted ultimately against their own self interest, dying for the 'property rights' they'd never have.

Evolution takes millions of years to take place, humans have been on Earth for a very short period of thime, we are the same as the first homo sapiens

Bodies have grown because better diets, not because of evolution

This phenomenon is very common and not only for black people, for anyone who has some "tough" ancestry. I live in Balkans and have some cousins who grew up western countries. There they display national pride and the love for their country while calling the people of that country weak. Yet when they arrive here they are scared shitless because they don't want to go out in a club where there are men with guns, they are afraid taxi driver would rape them, they are shocked with drunk people driving and young people drinking.

TL;DR People who grew up in cozy environment will play up their "tough" size because they are insecure

Whatever helps you sleep at night, whitey.

There are other crimes. Are you being an idiot on purpose?

Understanding this is the key to getting over white insecurity, and breaking the conditioning. Whiteness is pleasant and truly effective, those without it are trapped between envying it and trying not to prove they are insecure enough to want it. Most honestliberals know minorities hate it and are insecure

So since most criminals in Africa are black, what do we do? I mean I bet it's like 99% of all crime is done by blacks over there.
How do we fix that? Do we gotta colonize and civilize them or what?

what does being unarmed have to do with anything? do you believe that shootings are only ever justified if the deceased is armed?

>body changes due to nutrition stopped at the neck

>FBI statistics are fake news

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>lesser IQ = more violence
I agree with that, but IQ isn't genetical, but cultural

Compare the IQ of blacks living in the USA and blacks in Africa. The Americans are smarter because they've had better education and better food over generations

Chinese that came to America in the 19th century often lived in worse conditions than african slaves since they didn't have a master to feed them and were left to their own resources.

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your chances of being shot by a police officer, regardless of your skin color, are much lower than your chances of being robbed by a black guy

Why do we need to fix Africa?

Most of society believes that you don't shoot unarmed people.

It literally is though otherwise slavery would still be prevalent (or at least more prevalent than it currently is). Your post would only make sense if white people started slavery as a concept.

Let them be. Voluntarily electing to bring non whites here was our biggest mistake

The brain also changed, but it isn't called evolution (which is a product of random mutations), we got better by better food, that's all

Napoleon was like 160cm and he was average sized by his time, now he'd be consideed short. It doesn't mean humans evolved in a few centuries

Everything is genetic.

>american blacks are smarter
You mean the ones with 30% white admixture compared to real africans? Of course the are, a little bit.

kek best bait I've seen in months desu 10/10

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You only looked at violent crimes. Over half of all convictions are whites. No surprise there.

afrikwan amerikkkans are 30% hwite on average.

P.s look up the warrior gene, and it's varying prevalence in different races.

>Why do we need to fix Africa?
There's a lot of black criminals there. How do we stop the black African crime problem?

rape and homicide and other violent crimes are the most important crimes. no one gives a shit about how many people are caught driving without a licence or something

damn you really showed him there. blacks are only grossly overrepresented in violent crimes, this changes everything

>I agree with that, but IQ isn't genetical, but cultural
Most serious geneticists and evolutionary biologists agree than between 30% to 60% percent of IQ is inheritable.

"unarmed" doesn't mean "not a threat" you fucking dolt

Nice dodge

Does nutrition affect the brain? Therefor if your lineage was eating bushmeat and water with animal shit in it for 2000 years surely this could have an affect on brain function on average?

So that makes it ok for the cops to shoot unarmed black people? You're just saying your wallet is worth more than a human life. What exactly is your argument?

Hitler didn't create Hitler bro

Did you just say that different demographics commit different levels of violence??? UMMM racist and sexist much???

>but IQ isn't genetical, but cultural

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>IQ isn't genetical

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No, the biggest mistake was giving them food, medicine and technology.
Retarded Western Europeans managed to create a billion of useless low IQ savages while before there was less than a 100 million of them.

Good fucking job, now we have a billion useless consumers that are too stupid to take care of themselves but think they are "oppressed" and entitled to the quality of life they can never achieve on their own.

>The UCR classifies most Hispanics into the "white" category. The NCVS classifies some Hispanic criminals as "white" and some as "other race". The victim categories for the NCVS are more distinct.
>Overall the FBI didn't include a 'Latino' or 'Hispanic' category until recently and 93% of Hispanics are classified as "white" by law enforcement officers (irrespective of their ancestry) often inflating the amount of crimes attributed to whites

My favorite part about leftyfags defending their pet nigs is that they will NEVER EVER live in a majority black area given the choice

They will go their entire lives living around whites if they can and acting like the only reason they never lived near their pets is because of their evil white bretheren keeping them down

>So that makes it ok for the cops to shoot unarmed black people?
imagine being this dishonest

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>It's not a black vs white thing, I'm neither of these
Oh, you're a filthy Jude. That explains everything.


There's a lot of samefagging going on in this thread, I blame the shit-for-brains /pol/ produces.

Looks like blacks are under-policed and treated with kid gloves, like always.

He denied facts. It's not about "showing" anyone. Only insecure white betas get worked up over crime stats.

We are talking about America. Not sure what you think you're saying, but it's coming out as nonsense.

Yeah financial crimes never ruined lives. Must be too young to remember the housing collapse of 2008?

Yeah that's literally what it means. There aren't tons of karate champion black people running around.

You vilify /pol/ but secretly hold their beliefe. You will never live in a majority black area given the choice. A smart move I might add

This doesn't refute what I said though.

>a white dude crossing a red light is comparable to a black dude mudering a family for a tv set

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yes it's /pol/ that's the problem, not the niggerloving leftists spewing their propaganda 24/7. go back

Explain to me how literally everyone's plan isnt assumed assimilation and to elevate the lesser races by incorporating productive Western values by some sort of reverse-colonist osmosis

What point are you trying to make with this infographic? Just because some police kill armed black people doesn't mean they also kill unarmed black people as well.

Seriously, how the fuck do retards like you even leave the house if you're clearly so paralyzed in fear of other races?

>people are only ever killed by arms! unarmed people are never threatening or dangerous and they can never do harm!
this is what you actually believe

>white collar crime is no different from rape and murder
yep that's me. see ya guys

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Hard lefties think it is racist/bigoted to inject/assume western (white) values even need to be in black communities, cities, countries

If everyone were on the same page we would probably police black areas more, get rid of affirmative action, stop lowering test score requirments for blacks, etc

>early europeans had better nutrition than africans or americans

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there's a conception that whites went over to africa with a big net and just caught slaves and packed them on ships. what they did was cynically exploit a society in a more primitive state by trading with its ruling elite in what was to them a common currency.

it's like time travelling back to antiquity and trading rare metals and primitive weapons for a human workforce with some bronze age european society.

if african society was as developed as europe at the time, it never would have happened. it was almost a sci-fi time travel crossover, like putting dinosaurs in times square. european society was in a small window where it was technologically powerful enough to build an international trade empire based on human resources, but without yet having the sense of pan human equality to see it as barbarically inhumane. it was a window of only about 200 years.

Ok provide comparable examples where cops are killed by unarmed people.

I don't think you understand the severity of financial crimes. They ruin lives.

>Seriously, how the fuck do retards like you even leave the house if you're clearly so paralyzed in fear of other races?
>t. nigger who literally fears for his life whenever he sees a cop
keep projecting retard

>We are talking about America. Not sure what you think you're saying, but it's coming out as nonsense.
I'm saying, that you complaining about white people commiting more crime in America is retarded. Because in China, most crime is done by the Chinese. Because in Africa, most crime is done by blacks.
Is that simple enough? The largest segment of the population should commit the largest share of the crime.
Even though it's irrelevant compare to per capita and blacks are the most violent and criminal beings on the planet. But you already know that.


>but what would happen if 2 million aboriginals moved into your neighborhood? And why has there never been an aboriginal inventor or innovator despite them being integrated into western society?


>give me examples of how people can ever be threatening without being armed!
fucking retard

His point is that white people are pathetic

When the argument is a factually incorrect "blacks commit over half the crimes" it is a pertinent point. Whites commit more crimes in USA than blacks do.

If white people are so pathetic why does everyone try to get into manority white places? Face it pal, nonwhites are pathetic. And if you think we're so whiny or lame, feel free to move to a nonwhite shithole, we need nonwhites WAAAAY less than they need us lmao

black people are dangerous and homicidal

Do you know what per capita means? Why the fuck would you compare absolute numbers between one group that makes up 52% of the population and a group that makes up 13%

yeah dude you're definitely not a beta lmao

The fact white people are taking obvious bait in this thread shows just how sensitive they are.

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No provide examples of cops being killed by unarmed people in regular situations. Should be easy if I'm such a retard.

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It's real btw

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I merely made the factual statement that whites commit more crimes.

I don't think anyone is going to your mom's basement for your help on anything.

This is just playing semantics. Blacks commit more than half of the homicides, most years, while being 13%. Even when they do have plurality, they have the majority. They are exceptionally over-represented in all crimes but DUI.
The criminal nature of blacks is undeniable.

And if Hispanics where counted separately from whites, then "PoC" would have the majority of crimes as well.

This explains so much. I was born and lived in Manhattan for sometime. You see a lot of rich black kids like him that were born with a silver spoon in their mouth only to act like they had it tough as shit and the same experience as your run of the mil black guy. A lot of self hatred going on with that dude I’d wager.

You don't know how proportions work

What is semantic about "whites commit more crimes than blacks" ? Seems like adding in "muh per capita", or picking and choosing crime is the semantics.

Outted yourself as bait or a redditor since you can't go 1 day on this site without someone telling you 80% of plantation owners were Jews and 100% of the funding for slave voyages was from Jews

Okay cool and im merely making a statement that per capita, meaning taking into account the respective populatio sizes, blacks commit more. Im also positing that the larger population will obviously have more total crime however per capita numbers are useful because they tell you liklihood between and across groups. Your total number is worthless

Because you know you are being misleading as you know that blacks commit crimes at a much higher rate.


I never mentioned proportions. I merely said that whites commit more crimes than blacks in the USA.

Yeah we have to deal with Niggers

You fucking moron. Per capita gives us likilihood across races

If there are 100 people and 30 of them will commit a crime, that means 3 out of 10 will commit a crime

However if 7 out of 10 people will commit a crime, that means 7 out of 10 people, or 70%



You fucking lose

Hi Yea Forums!!!

Haven't been to this shit board in years.

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Your likelihood of being involved in a violent crime is basically zero. Whites commit more crimes than blacks and apparently suck at statistics.

Why the fuck would anyone browse Yea Forums if you arent jerking off?

But white people commit more crimes in the USA. Period.

When did peele say he hates white people?

Ahahaha holy shit.

You will bever EVER live near blacks given the choice and you know this. You'll never admit it though. A wise choice friends. Keep lying to yourself and people around you to appear virtuous however

I'd never live in the USA given the choice. The whole country is a shithole.

Yup, and blacks are more LIKELY to commit crimes

Where are you from?

But whites do commit more crimes.