cuck thread again cuz i wanna share my story and the last one died.
Cuck thread again cuz i wanna share my story and the last one died
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my gf and mother of our two kids has been with three other guys since we started the lifestyle.
one was basically her boyfriend for about a month. they worked together and got real close. he started coming over without me knowing and it was basically cheating so we called it off.
the next was a guy that frequented the bar she works at. he was half black and the dick pic he sent was huge. she got off work one night and he was there so they drank until the bar closed and she asked to go to his apartment afterwards. i was reluctant but said if she was going she had to make it worthwhile. i didnt want to stay up all night for her to come home with a lame story. she sucked his dick that night and swallowed.
the third guy was about a week later, we found a guy on reddit and had him into our home to fuck on the bed while i watched. i took a few pics and vids but he got shy and we all moved to the livingroom to chill for a little before he left. i took this opportunity to leave to get beer. took long on purpose. when i got back they were in the same spot on the couch and i was bummed. then he went to use the bathroom and i asked i lf they were gonna try again. she told me they already did and he came on her face. it was at that moment i noticed dry cum in her hair.
that dude kinda let her down tho and his dick was about the same as mine, so the next day i told her to hit up her bar regular and go to his apartment while i was at work. we even had her mom watch the kids for the night. i got off work and went for a few drinks myself while she was there. i told her if he didnt have a condom to fuck him raw. he did and when she got home she ate a plan b in front of me. so hot.
shes texting a guy right now but he lives in colorado so no plans as of now.
Did she use a condom for the other guys?
Let's see her pictures
>he started coming over without me knowing
during her time with this guy, what kinds of sex did she have with him? Must've been something extra spicy since she didn't want you to be around for it. Did she let him do things that she never let you (e.g. anal, swallowing, peeing in her mouth, etc.)? If so, how did that make you feel? I bet she even blossomed a small romance (eye-contact passionate sex) while she was with him.
not for the first guy because he had issues getting it up. he was young and on antidepressants. at least thats what he told her. his dick picks were big but according to her she never really got to fuck him like she wanted to.
the OP pic is the only one i feel comfortable posting rn.
we are 25 and 28, he was 19 and worked with her so they talked a lot even when he wasnt coming over to mess around. like i said he couldnt stay hard so he used hands and fingers from what ive been around for. he made her squirt with his hands, ive never done that. maybe that was it? but they definitely got too close and she would rub his hair and be super affectionate with him on the couch while i sat on the recliner next to them. shes really not the affectionate type, shell be the first to tell you. that kinda got to me. they talked a lot on snapchat and i never got to see more than what was accidentally saved, where she was lying to him and telling him she wasnt also fucking me at the same time. i found out he had come over without me knowing when i went thru her phone and found their messages on insta where she was telling him she had fun the night before and stuff. we almost broke up but i decided that its what i had wanted all along. she just needed to be open about it. thats why im okay with her fucking without me now, as long as she has a great story and fucks me soon after.
me and my girl have been fantasizing about having a 3some with another guy. found a guy thats quite older than us with a huge dick willing to host us over. not exactly cuckold but definitely want to see her get fucked and she's into the idea as well.
what can i expect?
You are the cancer of society
How long until my go cucks me?
Kik cgr941 for pics of my ex
thats a little different, never had a threesome with her before. we've talked about it but i've also explained that i really just wanna watch her.
expect a lot of crazy emotions and a hot face. there really is nothing like a) knowing your girl is getting plowed by someone else or b) actually seeing it.
it really takes a lot of confidence in the relationship and confidence in yourself tbh
it seems weird for other people, i get that. you have no idea the sex we have after or before she goes to fuck someone else. it is so fucking hot. its like the ultimate taboo and knowing that youve found someone that (FINALLY) feels the same way you do and gets off on it. its bliss
we dont do this because my dick is small. im average to say the least. but 2/3 of the guys shes fucked have had much larger than me. the guy shes talking to now is like double my size. i cant wait to see how she handles it.
Amen to this brother. The sex me and my wife have after she has been with another man is like next level stuff
yeah we dirty talk about it and were gonna goto his place but chickened out. im not sure if i can handle the jealousy but also it turns me on like nothing else
even leading up to the encounter can be amazing. the dirty talking one of our favorite aspects of it all. i love making her say someone elses name when she cums with me. so hot.
all i can say is keep up the dirty talk and soon itll be on yalls mind a lot. it took me nearly 2 years to finally get her on board.
yeah but, how did you cope with the feelings of jealousy?
theres no real answer to this. best ive heard is turn your jealousy into passion and use it to turn you on. there is absolutely no way to not be jelous, especially if you let her do it on her own. but there is no feeling like the weight off your shoulders when you get that phone call that shes on her way home. you can hear the sex in her voice.