How do I deal with a wrongful rape accusation, Yea Forums...

How do I deal with a wrongful rape accusation, Yea Forums? This stupid bitch at my university is claiming that I raped her and the campus police and administration are currently investigating. I'm shitting my pants, this is every guys worst nightmare. As far as i know nobody saw me do it so i don't think she has any evidence at all. Any and all advice is appreciated
Pic unrelated

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innocent until proven guilty, She will need the when and where and evidence, if somebody questions you just be honest. if she says it happened at 6pm on Tuesday and you where at work or with people now it is her word without evidence vs your alibi with evidence, also false rape accusations can get her in serious shit.

So you raped her but nobody saw it? Should be fine as long as nobody saw you together at all, but if just one person saw you together you're fucked

Move to mexico

Lawyer up. This is the only advice.

I wouldent be posting on Yea Forums while a investigation is underway.


This. Don't say a single word to the police and get a lawyer.

If you talk to the police you will go to jail.

>wrongful rape accusation
>nobody saw me do it
Well you coul... Wait what?

Yeah talk to a lawyer now. He will tell you dos and don'ts going forward. No doubt administration will ask you to do stupid shit that they can't legally ask.

rape her again to show dominance

Fuck that bro I'm a poorfag college student and besides the police were actually pretty cool about it and said they will help me

so you didn't rape her right?
In that case all you can do is be truthful and hope you don't get fucked by the system. You'll probably want a decent lawyer too.

>As far as i know nobody saw me do it
>i know nobody saw me do it
>nobody saw me do it

Attached: watfak.jpg (300x288, 56K)

Whoever claimed first usually gets the verdict. If you were to say you didn't do shit before she claimed, the school will side with you. But if she claimed first, they will side with her.

Did you fuck her? If so, was she conscious? Did you overpower her, beat her and the force yourself onto her? Those are the only actual forms of rape. Anything else is bullshit and they can't do shit.

time to move tbh

u gotta start over after something like that

trust me. go somewhere new and pretend it never happened.

do you know her?
have you ever seen her?
any texts from her?

Throwing a lawsuit at the accuser for "False accusation and character defamation" during an investigation tends to stop it. It puts her on the defense and puts in place a judicial action that counters the rape investigation. A good detective will take note of the lawsuit where your convictions of innocent are enforced by your civil action. I've seen girls setting out of court trying to have their tears make up for them being a bitch.

The police that came to talk to me said I'm not allowed to leave the county while this is being worked out

more like false rape excuses then

You are a low IQ idiot you deserve to go to jail even if you didn't do it.


>nobody saw me do it

this is true generally, but how are you going to come out of the blue and say "I didn't rape anyone" and expect them to take you seriously?

This thread is copypasta


LOL, don't trust a single word the police say. Their job is to put you away. DO NOT TALK TO OR TRUST THE POLICE. Get a cheap ass lawyer, or just ask questions on r/legaladvice. The police do not want to find the truth, they want to put you in jail.

And if you two had sex, there is dna. Get your story straight.

"police said they will help me" ...incriminate yourself so they can get an easy conviction. Not to be a dick and burst your bubble but a large number of officers just want quick and easy cases, and the easiest case is the one where the defendant confesses or admits to a lot of evidence of wrong-doing. The best advice you can get is to not say a word to the cops, either on or off the record, and to lawyer up immediately

It could be a pasta, but it's also something that happens a lot, especially lately.

Especially to famous black people, Bill Cosby, MJ, R Kelly, all wrongfully accused of rape

Cosby got fucked imo. Charges that old with not a shred of evidence should never have even been listened to. He pissed someone off I'd bet.

trainhop or transfer

Always record yourself

Yeah, probably the people he raped?

Once had this happen to me. Only in a US territory not a state but same shit really.
Only real saving grace was I fucked her in her car in parking garage and there were cameras recording everything. Even a nice little goodbye smooch she gave me.
Dumb bitch went on to crash her car that night and have her parents question why there were stains in the back seat...So naturally she cried rape.
In my case it never even went past Police department questioning due to the cops knowing she was full of shit.

But user, women never lie about rape.

This! It may be copypasta who gives a fuck. I’m killing time here anyway. The faggots saying talk to the police just be honest must becinto prison cock.

Not talking to the police? What do you have to lose?

Talking to them? Everything you say will be evidence used against you including a simple mistake by you
>tell me again
>w-w-well w-we left the bar at t-t-two o cl
>y-y-yes t-t
>y-y-yes w-w-w-wel I m-m-m-eant

Your lawyer talks for/ with you always.

Also it’s not enough to remain silent. The Supreme Court has ruled you must invoke your fifth amendment right to stay silent in order for them to cease questioning.

Yes and mattress girl are complete victims that go on to have lurcretive art careers poor girl.