Fuck this newly vegan faggot I hope he dies choking on his boyfriend's semen

Fuck this newly vegan faggot I hope he dies choking on his boyfriend's semen

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Why do you care though? Its his loss if he doesnt want to enjoy some of the best foods ever again

The more celebrities that to vegan the sooner California tried to make it law and then the rest will fall like dominoes

he almost died of a heart attack

This. If he didn't fix his diet he was going to be fucked.

Then he should have died

Make what a law?

Make being vegan the law you saw it can't happen but these same nuts banned straws

>Caring about a c-list celebrity's dietary choices

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I care cause I know what it will lead to

Lol well that wont happen. And whats the problem with using paper straws? They work the same as plastic

>best food ever
t. brainlet that can't cook for shit
I used to eat nothing but meat but I haven't felt myself "missing" it since quitting. Not even once.

omfg toasting in an epin bread lmaoooo kevin smith a fuckin loser kid

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What the hell are you implying? Paper straws either soak up fluid or are so airtight they can't biodegrade

Ever notice how many vids Kevin does about how EVERYONE is a jerk, jack ass, etc etc

Uhmm, kevy if it's Everyone maybe start looking at thy self for source of problem. He comes across as stuck up narcissist ass no wonder everyone can't stand him I can't stand him and sick of hearing about a fucking movie about two guys talking about random shit (cf Seinfeild) as being some genius work of art. It's stupid flick full of sex scat and weed jokes sure funny but take it off fucking pedestal already.

I’m a vegan myself and I can’t imagine being this insecure to get triggered over this comment.

Calm your tits faggot.

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yeah, fuck that dude that had a heart attack too young and changed his diet so he would live longer.

you're up late, don't you have school in the morning?

>Ever notice how many vids Kevin does about how EVERYONE is a jerk, jack ass, etc etc

No. I have things to do other than watch his gay videos. Sounds like a waste of time.

I'm 32 and I will NEVER be vegan I will NEVER try it and NO ONE can make me there is no joy in veganism

Vegans are just all around better than you. Quit your whining you beta cuck.

I said SOME of the best foods ever. Learn to read you dyslexic troglodyte

>you're up late, don't you have school in the morning

Fuck you vegans eat cum and call it tofu

The dude who plays Jay actually looks like hes smoked two pack of cigs a day for the last 30 years

You will be vegan or you will be dead. Your choice.

No...you ahould

>so airtight they can't biodegrade
who the fuck are you? Dee Nye the science guy?

kevin smith hasn't done anything worthwhile since clerks fuckin bitch just riding his nerdy ass semi-famous wave with his hockey jersey ass losing weight like some insecure fuckin goof

He had a fully blocked heart valve you beta... and literally could of died on the spot but didn’t.
Kevin clearly used to get like shit and said in a video he used to drink like 2 gallons on milk a day.
Of course you are gonna change your diet after nearly dying... for fucks sake.

I won't especially not to being vegan

When you age a bit you'll realize... The only celeb who's diet you should worry about is Andy Sixx... Your throat is in for a rude awakening kid

And yet, he is still better off than you ever will be...

you sound like a desperate faggot.

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Im gomma raep u irl