My girls got sepsis. Been in the hospital for 2 days now

My girls got sepsis. Been in the hospital for 2 days now.
Went in with low blood pressure and a heart rate of 137. She's stable now. They still have her in the ICU and they're doing an IV of antibiotics but she's still got a road ahead. How fucked is she guys? Is she pretty much in the clear at this point or should I still worry like a mother fucker?
Pic unrelated.

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close your hand around her nose and mouth until the end. cum on her face and never look back.

>asking for medical help to Yea Forums

Can't you ask her family what's her prognosis?

do you have any fuck buddies you can hit up while you're waiting to find out if she lives?

Need to know more details.

Statistically speaking, she has a better chance of living than dying. Barely.

Depends. Let's see her tits.

Are those the only symptoms? She wasn’t in septic shock? As long as it was the early stages she has a good prognosis. It’s the later stages where organ and tissue damage is possible.


They said it was pretty serious when she had gone in. She had a major infection in her chest. They think from her nipple ring. She's young, 20, and was in good health.
I don't think she was in septic shock though. I know it was serious enough they are looking into tissue damage and watching for organ failure. But she's being treated for cellulitis to be more specific.

Not asking medical advice. Use your context clues, bro. Then repost.


Her tits swollen from an intention. I don't even wanna see those tits right now.

Eh probably fine. Sepsis in and of itself is serious just because of the potential for it to become life threatening. If all she has is cellulitis and the high heart rate she will probably recover. The life threatening part is when tissue and organ damage happen due to dangerously low blood pressure which is why the heart beats so fast, but 137 isn’t dangerously high. I wouldn’t stress bro it sounds like it was found and treated early. Just don’t go too far into the WebMD rabbit hole for your own mental health (as a hypochondriac I can confirm this is good advice.)

oh course they're going to do all of that shit. that's how they make money and stave off lawsuits. doctors only make money when people are sick or they can convince people they could be sick.

Also don’t worry about the shit you can’t control. I’ve had many friends and relatives who have had various health issues and dwelling on that shit doesn’t do any good. Just be there for her and support her and hope for the best. Good luck.

The antibiotics should kill the sepsis before it damages tissue or organs in her chest. Heart and lungs are probably in the most danger. Ill pray for her my man. Not that she needs it's all I can do.

>that's how they make money
The absolute state of American """""healthcare""""".

thank your orange president

Dentists try to pull that shit too.
Wanted to pull my wisdom teeth b/c the crowding could lead to pain. Never pulled them, have rarely felt any discomfort.

this is simply capitalism
live in post communist country, this started being a problem when we "reformed" our healthcare
free market only works, if you assume consumers are perfectly informed, if this was true, we wouldn't need doctors (and a lots of other professions) in the first place

It's pretty serious user. My oldest daughter died from it 3 years ago. Not much you can do except let the medical types do there thing. The biggest thing is having competent ICU staff that doesn't fuck off on shift. A patient can de-compensate pretty quickly with Sepsis. It doesn't take long for a fever to spike and the patient can be lost. My daughter was 31 when she died.

Prepare for the worst, expect the best. Good luck to you and your girl, user.

Freedom isn’t free.
Neither is the free market.

>Dying from being a trendy retarded attention whore with piercings.
Kek - well deserved.

Let us know what fucking her corpse is like