Sup Yea Forums my french teacher is a big feminist she claims that women are as smart as men tommorow's class is about...

Sup Yea Forums my french teacher is a big feminist she claims that women are as smart as men tommorow's class is about the same topic, help me destroy her with facts and logic!

Attached: FB_IMG_15543188287887765.jpg (714x976, 262K)

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If men are smarter than women you shouldn't need any help.

What it is is that men are over represented in both sides of the spectrum.


>actual chalk board
>bare floorboards with gaps
what third world shithole is this?

>she claims that women are as smart as men
They are

Case in point: OP is fucking stupid

Remind your FRENCH teacher that she should stick to her fucking subject of teaching FRENCH. If she wants to teach women's studies, that's a different class.

Violence is the ultimate arbiter. Her feminist (which is actually communist) rhetoric can't shield her from a mouth full of broken teeth. The only way to speak to a commie is to beat them. They are animals, treat them as such.

Attached: dabbinonfoolz.jpg (1920x1080, 121K)

probably Russia or some other middle-eastern shithole country

this guy get its

this guy gets it too

this guy also gets it

Among the top 10 things women have invented are chocolate chip cookies.
By all means I'm not dogging on cookies, but they don't exactly rank with flight or computers.

Also if women were any good at this shit they'd develop their own ways. Instead they're like that younger brother that keeps tagging along and wants to play too.

Why not? She's not exactly some renowned philosopher with her own revolutionary ideas. She learned her talking points from other people.
Asking for help is not a sign of weakness or ineptness. Society is literally built on all of us chipping in one way or another.

Noble prize

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So you're saying whether men are smarter than women is immaterial to a debate between individuals, each of whom, as an individual, could be strong in any trait independent of the norms of their gender? So men may be smarter than women, but that doesn't matter?

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Ann Tsukamoto is one of two people who got a patent in 1991 for a process to isolate the human stem cell. Her work has led to advancements in comprehending the blood systems of cancer patients and could eventually lead to a cure.

Attached: Screen-Shot-2015-10-02-at-15.21.50.png (627x419, 30K)

Yeah. They teach french in russian schools.

Post hot teachers




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Go and watch some jordan peterson and ben shapiro, that will teach you enough

tell her : "ecoute moi bien grosse folle que tu es, non seulement tu dis de la merde mais, si c'était hypothétiquement vrai, cela aurait fait bien longtemps que les femmes auraient acceder aux rangs les plus élevés de la société. Tu ne me crois pas ? Tu adères donc a des idées de la théorie du complot patriarcale, tu es aussi dangereuse que les plateux ou autres idiots dans le même style. La seule différence réside simplement dans le fait que ton prisme politique populiste est le plus accepté et le plus largement aimé dans notre société."


Ptdr du calme avec tes mots compliqués random

d'accord user, tu crois être quelqu'un alors qu'au fond t'es juste un fils de pute du 18-25 qui découvre Yea Forums. Aller va, retourne poster tes risitas et sucé El Pueblo.
