Do you guys think we could make up some fake sexual orientation that’s really stupid and get tumblr users to believe it?

Do you guys think we could make up some fake sexual orientation that’s really stupid and get tumblr users to believe it?

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Isn't that what they're already doing over there by themselves?

Let's do it, we should call it dronosexual.

What’s it about?


Yeah, but the goal is to make actual tumblristas belive that they identify with our fake orientation.

good idea. we then nned to define Dronosexual

They could be men who act like women that still like woman perhaps?

probably already exist ( sry for bad english baguette fag ) we need smth more specific

Let's make being a furry a sexual orientation.

No, that’s not good enough.

An orientation that is only attracted to plants

That’s dumb enough that it might just work.

an attraction that is attracted to actual annimal
which would be gay annimals
like dolphin or even dragons
thats good right ?

dronosexual means being attracted to amazon workers who worked on the amazon drones

Dronosexual sounds like a sexual attraction to people who never stop talking

No it have to be a thing that could work. You know some of them are actually indentifying as Vampires and shit, so a sexual orientation toward Gay Asgender Dragons could really be a good idea

Maybe something to define feminist men who like watching their wife's fucked

its called a cuck

Already exists. It's called dedndrophilia

People who like machinery, like the kind that gears and stuff like that.

why not just make it seem like that is a growing trend?

I like that idea

already exists my dude i dont remember the name but there are ppl atracted to robots and gears

good idea i think we should go with this

People who have constantly changing orientations maybe?

Female who dresses as a male and is attracted to animals

This. We'll call it farm-kin

So should everyone get on the lgbt thing on tumblr and post selfies hanging out with their plants saying stuff like “me and my mate here chilling #dronosexualpride” or some shit

I think what is saying is it isn't about being attracted to the drones, it's about being attracted to the specific people in the shop that assemble the drones. Someone make the account and gib login, I like the idea.

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you flip the genders and you're just talking about a /btard

bit more subtle than that i'd say. set a date to be world dronosexual coming out day




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or dendrophile coming out day, whatever we're going with here

men who want to dress as women dressed as men. you can add many layers

being sexually aroused by sugar

like people having sex and eating sweets to intensify their orgasm ... I would believe it if I read it ... and I just made it up.

we could call it sweex and the people who are doing it identify as sweet-sexers.

user is on to something

hey, I can see how women will fall for it.

wrapping dick in sugar and feed it to the dog, and when he's dead fuck him

We have to be an army. shouldn't we ask for /pol/ ?

Ok I think this is the best one I’ve seen so far.

> Salix-caprea-philia

..... the paraphilia in which your sexual orientation ensures you are only ever turned on by goat pussy willow, while you have got morning wood.

wanting to fuck machines


too much. keep it simple so a community can grow around it. once it's big enouht there will be plenty of perverts among the herd.

like your sweeto-neko-dogo-philes

>summer post

Already a thing.

first we would have to make up a gender of wich the likes even sjw havent thought of yet and then find a sexuality to go with it


2CH IS RAIDING,-11014,0

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Be X who identifies as Y but still acts like X and is attracted to Z

Narcistosexual. A person who is attracted to only pleasing himself herself whatever, and expects everybody to please him. Lets make them show the world how self centered they are.

i mean that already exists the term doesnt exist but most teenagers and rich young adults nowdays are like that

to be a faggot atracted to faggots who are not really faggots

Man who identify as a woman that identifies as a man.

Get out Jotaro, you're underaged.

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Man who identifies as a woman who identifies as a man.

How to we spread this?


We all need to pick one thing and stick with it. The sugar on seemed the best so far to me.

I'm down for Dronosexual Pride Day. Just say the word

this. its too disorganized right now, but sugar actually seems like the best bet

Oh gosh diddly darn the resolution oh gee willikers that man sure is the BUTT of the JOKE now fellow poster let us frollick in his folly

>jotaro is 17

yep, let's go for it

I like the dronosexual thing. What if it's like something everyone says they are, but nobody can deffine.

So retatds call themself it, but dont understand it the slightest.

Your idea sounds good too.

>Someone make the account and gib login
just made one. here you go nigger
email: [email protected]
password: 1aegah1251305

Stfu Tyler.

please be careful with this it is highly sensitive


I like the coming out as dronosexuals on a particular day idea I think they may fall for it easier than with the sugar thing.

Yeah, I feel you. No homo.

Don't we already call that personality type "Tumblrinas"?

Bump again

so it seems the final decision is Dronosexual, people who are sexually attracted to sweets etc., whats next?

we should make it someone who is similar to pansexual, meaning they can be attracted to anything, but instead their attraction is based on something other than their body, something they totally cant control but must prescribe to regardless of how they feel, hence the "drone" prefix

i showed this to my grandma and she had a heart attack

How do we spread this shit.

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Let's first establish a date that is rather soon that is not already a known date. Let's begin by spreading it around Yea Forums, /pol/ and maybe your local discord.

it has to be an inside joke, where actual intelligent people can look and know that it's bullshit instantly, but some naive dipshit online can look at and cry because of how hard it aligns with their, "special" and "unique" life
like this

To be fair, I am not creative enough for this bullshit.
But whatever you come up with, tumblr will eat it up anyway.

plz no, we don't need more fat women having justification to eat more processed shit

Attraction to drones?
Be careful. This may remind them of attack helicopters, some tumbltards are wary of them, believe it or not.

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I like dronosexual, it kinda sounds like people who are attracted to aliens or something, but i also like the sugar idea

Do something productive or maybe even nice with your time. We’re all just stupid assholes trying to make it in the world.

We could base it off of Drone bees, their only function is to reproduce and don't do any work. So A dronosexual is someone who believes only in reproducing with a " Queen"

That's golden

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Holy shit, this is it.


Ok, this is epic

Turning Tumblr into a Hive of NEETs... I like it

Sheer brilliance. I expect to see this on Reddit tomorrow.

alright everyone let's take a vote to decide the definition of dronosexual

1.) sexually aroused by sugar

2.) doesn't have a definition and we have a dronosexual coming out day

3.) or only reproducing with a "Queen"

narrowing it down, I vote take off 2


I vote 3

1 is dumb, as the name doesnt fit at all
2 has the most potential
3 seems like the best plan we got rn

I made a tumblr account and called it

Op here, I like 3 and I think we could use a coming out day

three it is, what date? i know nothing about bees but i feel like it should be related to them in some way, and beefags here

alright 3 and a coming out day sounds good. It would help dronosexuality catch on.

dronosexuality coming out day should happen on a weekend.

queen and we have a coming out day

Redditfags gtfo, you'll mess with like 12 people, nobody cares any more

August 17 ? It's National Honey Bee day aparently

let's do 3 because it's fucking amazing but I think we should also have a date

Really? i feel like it should be on a Monday, since thats when most people go to work, and we're talking about worker bees here. maybe the first or last monday of every/some month

Is next Saturday to early for everyone?


Yes, this will do

1, definitely. All the fatties will dentify as Dronosexual

i'm down

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we should all go on tumblr and start teasing dronosexuality coming out day by telling everyone what dronosexuality is about and to come out on that day if you are one.

good idea, but we have to spread this first, /pol/, the rest of Yea Forums when we actually have a solid plan, hell even /r9k/. five random accounts talking about some stupid sexuality isnt gonna do jackshit

Should I say this on Tumblr once we get help from /pol/ and the rest of Yea Forums?

"Alright everyone, I'm a dronosexual I will only reproduce with the finest of all people, join me on dronosexual coming out day April,14 to tell the world who you really are."

Has anyone checked to make sure dronosexual isnt already a thing?

I have.

I wouldn't say "finest of all people" maybe something more like superiors idk. I feel like that would scare away a lot of the body positivity freaks. Anyways, how about the "subs" are called Drones and the people getting worshipped are Queens or Kings

Yes, say it, I will give updates on the SJW that I now.

How should I word it?


not but here are something like:
>hey everyone, I'm not sure if you guys have heard about this, but ((some date)) is national Dronosexual Coming Out Day! I'd love fore our community to grow, so please try to help out by spreading our message: us Drones only feel fulfilled when pleasing our Kings/Queens! We are completely dependent on our superior, and live to please them. Can anyone else relate? I'd love to meet other Drones, and look forward to community growth!


not bad, how many shitposters can we get to do this though?
this is gonna take a little while to get off the ground

based. Dont forget a bunch of hashtags

OP here, I can go full plebbit mode and make a discord.

is that someone who wants to fuck a drone

Fucking let's go be degenerates dude

fucking retard, did you even read anything other than that reply?

Got a really old meme for

Attached: is-mayonnaise-a-gender-no-tumblr-mayonnaise-is-not-a-17411896.png (500x962, 237K)

Join here faggots

now that the faggy discord is made, advertising has officially begun. make a new thread with the core principles, this one is a bit unfocused. go post in /pol/ because we WILL need their help

I was just thinking of this.
It's already well established that all of the sexualities invented by tumblr are retarded and that they'll readily sponge up anything else that we invent.

what if we create a sexuality that offends them, but that they'd have to accept?
e.g. nigger-sexual -- a person that sexually identifies as a nigger or only has sex with niggers

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to build off this idea we have people do blackface and say " i identify as a nigger" or somthing


>wow they're saying mayo is actually a gender hurr hurr how stupid GOT EM GOOD

What a fucking desperate retard. You know that's not remotely what they're saying. Fucking playground logic. Put a bullet in your brain, you're no good to anyone.

That's already a thing.
It's being attracted to smart people.
which is obviously retarded because being smart as fuck definitely hasn't gotten anybody laid

I think we honestly cannot do this shit and hit the mainstream. But we could shut down an already existing tumblr gender by making Yea Forums a "community space" for said gender and identifying as such.

Then tumblr would have a fuckin meltdown over "da nazis" appropriating their oh so beloved identity


bumpy bump

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You guys clearly are just fucknoobs subjecting yourselves out of jealousy, stupidity, and foolishness to the socially constructed rules culture and society want you to follow. Get woke you fucking stains.

who invited this cuck?

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And you're different how?

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Op bump. Remember to join the faggy disc to keep this organized

I'm honestly so tired of all the invented bs I've found in art school

This is good. In like 2 months maybe to get the word out to other anons.


Right here.


Reading further down. The thing with bees. When is the queens birthday?

When is the queens birthday?

The queens birthday if its soon enough.


"A Token of My Extreme", by Frank Zappa, is a song on the 1979 concept album Joe's Garage [Part II]. The main character from this triple-album rock-opera has his mind messed-up by Lucille then "finally does something smart" and "pays a lot of money to L. Ron Hoover and the First Church of Appliantology.

yeah, call it "homosexual"

That's great!

see post 796889435

I'd totally get behind this.

one more bump

can someone link to the /pol/ thread plz?

Joe, doubting his sanity, asks 'mystical advisor' L. Ron Hoover what his problem is and is told that he is "a latent appliance-fetishist." Joe asks if it is time "to come out of the closet," and is told that he should "go into the closet". "The Closet" turns out to be a bar in Los Angeles, where he can have "a lot of fun" achieving sexual gratification using machines. The "machines" at The Closet are household appliances with marital aids stuck all over them. Joe is informed that the best appliances speak foreign languages, which leads to the next song, "Stick It Out".

bump again

Fucking genius



final bump

What if we just DON'T define it.
And then if you don't know what it is you're ignorant.
Like we just start posting a bunch of vague shit about how Dronosexuals are discriminated against.

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I like this


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this will be like stage 2, when we've defined it for like 3 people and we will have developed a sense of gatekeeping, like oldfaggotry

Fucking a lot of asexual people


>Get Woke