How do you guys deal with severe depression? This shit is killing me slowly :/

How do you guys deal with severe depression? This shit is killing me slowly :/

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Kill yourself gingerly you massive faggot

drink kratom.

Litterally go to work go home repeat
Tried leaving the house for a month went out binge drinking, clubbing but big surprise it didn't change a thing


I'm contemplating suicide

find a job, talk to random people even if you dont know what the fuck to talk about, assist what ever fucking church you want so you can socialize, study etc
that if you are a poorfag obviously

Get with some people you can trust and talk about how you feel. You shouldn’t hide your feelings, resulting in you’ll just feel worse. Develop good habits and avoid negative ones. Going out on walks will take stress off, that’s something I’d do. I wish you the best of luck on getting out of your troubles, just never give up bb. I love you have good day

Just learn to accept it.

Don't glorify it, don't hate it.

Just let it be there.

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I don't. I just endure it. That's all you can do user.

I take concerta, it's the UK brand of ritalin. Basically just a slow release of a tiny dose of meth. Makes me feel good all day every day.

It's a struggle user that non depressed people don't get. They don't understand. They will say shit like "just go out and interact with people" or "change how you live". They don't realize how crippling it is. It never really goes away and there's not much you can do about it except endure it, That, and drinking alcohol. I do that a lot. I've gotten to the point where i just buy vodka and drink it straight since it's so cheap.

this guy gets it

phisical activity and being in good shape helps.
also do things that challenge your mind and force you to think about other stuff.
but in the end the best thing is being with people,in a church,gym,school,job or whatever.

Start projects or finish already begun projects.
Practice loving people by forgiving them.

How long has your depression sustained now?
Does it get better when you are doing fun things like meeting friends?

If it has taken a while and you don't feel improvement throughout you should go to a psychiatrist.

I'm bipolar but mostly chronically depressed. I started medical therapy for it about 4 years ago now and I'm much more stable now.

We had to try out a lot of different medications and they all took time to take effect, good or bad.

Get started on it as soon you can.
Depression takes a big chunk of your life quality but it can be helped, which can take a while.
I'm only functioning for half a year now maybe, but bipolar disorder is more complicated so don't fret, man.

Well we all keep looking at something we can't have..battle the envy.

OP here, i really appreciate all your advice, i guess i'll just have to find something to take my mind off things for the moment, maybe i'll finish a project or something

Forgot to add, to temporarily better your mood you should work out.
Especially cardio works well by giving you that "runner's high".

do something worthwhile

>increase your worth and you won't feel so worth/power less.

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Answer those questions, please.


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Won't you get used to it and have to keep on taking more and more?

Just keep hope that one day your "true self" will shine through and everything will be alright in the end.

Keep this lie until you die and you should live relatively happily as long as you don't face the realization you're an old useless faggot.

>using the most famous drepressant,to kill depression.

Well it probably began 3 years ago, I don't feel like this all the time, only when certain stuff related to my relationship happens.
When i'm out with friends i do feel a lot better but sometimes even that's not enough, often times when i feel like this i just shut myself in and get drunk and high and just waste my time on the web

That's right. I might fire with fire. I'm a fucking rogue, a fucking renegade

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When’s the last time you took out time for you

I've considered going back to alcohol. but that isn't a good coping mechanism it just makes shit even worse when you're sober.

Diversify your life with tasks that work toward long goals that support your values. Be kind whenever possible and practice forgiveness. Remember to be grateful for everything you can. Purge cynicism and look for beauty and fun.

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yesterday lol

> :/
How the fuck does a teen get depression?
Like, go have fun in school or something.

dont do alcohol :E fucked up my life even more

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Depression is your entire body telling you that your way of life is destroying you.

Change everything.

Start with Allan Watts lectures on YouTube.

or refuse to think in New ways and continue to suffer, your choice really

I’ll say this and take it with a grain of salt,

Depression is natural, it’s be weird for someone not to experience it. I used to have I think seasonal depression but I haven’t in years. Anyways. Don’t think that it’ll just go away one day, it won’t. When you dwell on it it gets worse. Just be you and do your thing through the days. You’ll get tired of feeling like crap and you’ll make an effort to “get over it” for a lack of better terms. But you won’t get to that stage till you’re ready. You’ll know when you are

Sounds pretty reasonable

Eat, sleep, drink, do drugs, play video games, browse Yea Forums, etc. The bog standard.

I've been trying to understand suffering for the last 5 years straight, studying different cultures, religions, practices and texts

as far as mental health goes, Eastern spirituality has the most useful ideas and tools imo. Western health is "take this pill and exercise". Eastern health actually helps you understand it. It helps you find the root, and gives you simple tools and ideas to challenge your perception and to heal.

I cannot recommend things like Buddhism and Hinduism enough. Allan Watts is considered the "bridge from East to West" as he has a phenomenal way of explaining their ideas in words that we can understand