why should i not kill myself /b
Why should i not kill myself /b
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Just do it. Waste of space. Youre nothing.
stream it faggot, and you better make it entertaining
because there are degenerates to kill
if you are going to kill yourself
buy the biggest assault rifle you can
and shoot up the pride parade in nyc
as the cops come
blow your brains out
you judge whether life has worth.
if you cant handle a little uncomfort, youre not cut out for it.
tell me your preferred suicide method? it tells a lot about you. mine is building drop, or one last climb on a big thing like a mountain or famous building (no safety)
i would probably blow my head off, no time to regret the decision
ah...so youre the mental toil kinda guy
take therapy and breakdown everything. take pills to stop the sad you keep fueling with your self hate and pity and you make your days managable again.
if youre gonna kill yourself, at least be certain. you are scared. therapy, get some.
because you can only do that once, so where is the fun in doing something just once?
I’ve never understood suiciders.
This is literally all there is.
No god or gods, no after life, no rebirth.
The coincidental structure of the neurons in your brain are what comprise who you are, any spirit that may exist beyond that isn’t you and isn’t this.
You’re down? Take stimulants.
You don’t see the point? Drop everything and leave town to travel the world, if you don’t find anything worth living for out there, then you can always fall back on the suicide thing
Some girl broke your heart? Realize that there are only so many distinguishable personalities and body types. You can find a copy or even a better version of her if you look hard enough
You feel alone? Start talking to people, just in general everyday life. Try to be relatable, try to connect over seemingly mundane things- more people than you can count are going through the same shit you are
You’re mentally weak? Steel your mind
You’re physically weak? Start doing cardio, drop the sugary snacks and drinks and do body weight exercises
You hate yourself? Drop your bullshit pride and see yourself for who you really are. Façades and masks make you a liar and a piece of shit. You are the person that thinks what you think when you’re alone and likes what you like. That’s you, not some bullshit persona you picture yourself as
You’ve done something you can’t get past? You have to forgive yourself and remember that you were doing what you thought was right at the time
Life isn’t hard. Work on what needs to be fixed, leave if you have to and search until you find what life is really about
magic is real as hell