Why don't you drive a manual like a real man?
What are you, a fucking soyboy?
Why don't you drive a manual like a real man?
What are you, a fucking soyboy?
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I've got better things to do while driving.
such as sucking dick?
I'd hate to care ya fucken loser
The same reason I don't play a harmonica while I'm taking a shower.
are you scared? scared of stalling the car? if you be stallin' your new name is Comrade Stalin
cuz you can't drive stick
you be Stalin
I do and I'm american. Only way to enjoy driving.
Because only true faggots think they can outshift an automatic in 2019. You fucking dusty motherfucker... dont buy any green bananas.
didnt know a requirement to driving was being a drag racer
>Riding a horseless carriage like a dainty dapper danny who can't even control a proper buggy let alone mount a saddle
>Thinking you are a real manly man.