Sleeping/passed out girls

sleeping/passed out girls

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good one.

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any ass view?

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any toys?

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that’s adorable

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I detect rosanna here!
More ?

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No idea who that is

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That bitch ded lul

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Too soon dude

Too soon

No really, why does she look dead as fuck in the first one

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What is the fucking story with this bitch?

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Too soon

any naked ones?

So you don't know either then

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Kekles and sheklez

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omg dude keep em' coming

noo nigga, that bitch is fucking dead im telling you

Seen one dead body in my life, and that's about what she looked like. Probably is dead.


Shes past her prime

Lmao surely is

I mean, shit, i usually dont complain but - lmao she's clearly been dead for like a few days.


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gf asleep

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passed out? more like passed away

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Nice bod

Go on good Sir

dead? naaaaah
just a filter
she's wearing makeup too

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You have no idea

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I'm starting to get an idea, keep posting

Eyes don't go grey when your dead

Eyes lose their color once you die. So does the skin, it become really pale. And she just fucking has a dead look lmao

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Pants down

She'll be ok, she just need a splash of cold water and a slap on the face.

I'd say like more than 12 hours.

step sister

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got kik?


12 hours?
probably but i mean she wouldn't be that pale anyways, how do you think she died? i'd say poisoned or smth

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I dont have anymore of her asleep


Someone posted this a few months back, anyone got any more of her?

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NEWFAG ALERT cant triforce i repeat cant triforce

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Then post her woth cumshots.

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Shes the patron saint of lurk moar newfag

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Keep em coming!

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Fine ass. More!

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Your cum?

I like her

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Good little slut.

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Any cum on her face?

Any pussy close ups here?

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Active Yea Forums server:

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Nice. Keep going

can show you my sleeping wife's pics on unsee if interested, she's 26

yes sir!

/50e34fcc/ here

nice. any more?

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