In what conspiracy theories do my fellow Yea Forumsros believe in ?

In what conspiracy theories do my fellow Yea Forumsros believe in ?

>pic semi-related

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give me psychedelics so that i can understand the picture.

Im not sure if 911 wasnt staged. Thats all.

I think the twin towers and especially tower 7 collapsed mainly due to a design flaw that is present in a lot of skyscrapers nowadays.

I mostly follow the joke theories like Wyoming and Australia not existing.

Care to expand on that user?

Skyscrapers at that height are designed with really cutting-edge technology that ends up being reproduced in other buildings and proliferates that way. The reason for this is because building the tallest buildings in the world is kind of a showcase for the state of the art of architecture, there were undoubtedly some revolutionary design elements that needed to be created for that project. And whether cheaper or lighter or better in the wind or for whatever reason, those design elements are probably in a lot of other skyscrapers today. The WTC should have been able to withstand that.

Post moar images like op's to look at in psychedelics.

Jesus was a human/ alien hybrid

The Earth is hollow.

Yeah a mainly a design flaw and a little plane or two just to top it off

Jet fuel can't melt steel beams, user.

Anne Frank faked her death and escaped to South America

The moon is flat, and the moon landings were staged by Stanley Kubrick on Mars.

Erdogan is the antichrist

Astana, Kazakhstan will be the capital of the new world order

JFK, RFK MLK, MKULTRA, 911......

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That's not a conspiracy, he openly admits it on TV

Eugenia Cooney isn't anorexic - she's an ancient Sumerian death-god


None, because I'm not stupid.

Conspracy theorists are retarded and/or mentally ill.

Do you mean this literally or do you mean this is a conspiracy theory you believe in?

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Also, Mr. Kubrick was behind a lot of other things, including directing my dick in your girl's pussy.

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your picture is part of the conspiracy. It's a satanic psyop

Yeah, I've seen this poor performance, even Kubrick couldn't rescue this

How much time do you have lol
One I believe in is the 13 Bloodlines thing. Another is the Great Alien Deception

Also the Frankists are a cult in the Illuminati, but the Illuminati want to destroy the Jews

is the moon flat, but the earth round? can i believe that the earth is flat and the moon round?

If the moon were a ball like the earth, how comes we only ever see one side while the earth is turning? Open your eyes.

oh my eyes are open. never believed in all that "tidal locking" or "basic newtonian motion" bullcrap

Broadly speaking, I am inclined to reject anything that every gets labelled as a "Conspiracy Theory".

I favour drawing my own conclusions from the hard facts and dismissing all other retard opinions that conflict with those hard facts.

Your pic related is just a load of ill informed gobbledegook.

said the guy that believes in the russian collusion

: nice trips, but with reference to
> "said the guy that believes in the russian collusion"
..... I am afraid you must be confusing me with someone else. I have never asserted anything regarding a so-called
> "... Russian collusion" [with my upper case emphasis of a sovereign state's name, in accordance with the accepted English syntax.

The conspiracy theorists who worship Tesla usually have no interest whatsoever in electricity or physics. They would be championing Thomas Edison if he wasn't so mainstream. They're only interested in going against the norm so they can call people sheeple and feel like they're special.

> "... and feel like they're special. " ;
..... as in the euphemistically named
> "Special Needs Education"