So whys the main stream/ hollywood pushing her so hard right now?

So whys the main stream/ hollywood pushing her so hard right now?
What’s their angle?

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They want fame to destroy her. They’re fueling the raging fire that brings all artists crashing down to hell.

Literary who

she's being pushed into confusing depths artistically, destroying her soul, she seems to have completely bought into her created identity when watching her interviews, who knows if she'll overcome it.


omg I'm so depressed, you guys. I's so randomly sad, coz the world... is like messed up, ya know. I'm just here to make my music and whatever... I have millions of followers but like I'm still sad(tm)

Transexuals are the new thing. He made a boring album but if you don't like it you're transphobic.


Le quirky depressed whore, so cool wow!!!

Just an industry plant.

He's ugly as fuck. Music is lame. Must have sucked miles if Jew cock to get his music promoted.


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That was before hormones . Still had his dick.

he's so much hotter than andy sixx. nice big fucking white titties.

Seems Yea Forums is pushing her harder than anyone. I've never heard or seen her anywhere except here.

exactly. Yea Forums is promoting her for some reason.

She's a dumb, ignorant, brainwashed, drug addicted, negrophile. That's why je... er, the (((main stream))) is pushing her so hard. That's how they want all the white girls to be. Women destroy nations. Welcome Introduction to eRality 101

They push Billie Eilish because she's 17 and Hollywood is all pedos.

Someone should tell his profile guy that Yea Forums is full of jobless incels with no money. They should post this young dude's pictures in nambla forums. At least those old dudes have cash.

Yes.. because at 17 you STILL do not know what's right from wrong and obviously are unable to determine just what you want to do.

>Hollywood is all pedos.
then I'm movin

i’m trying to figure out why people find her so attractive. A majority of my friends say how beautiful and hot she is, and i’ll admit there’s a few pics where she is somewhat attractive and she does have a decent body, but she’s always so fucking ugly.
I dont know what it is about her face that is just so fucking unappealing. Her giant nigger lips are overly pink for one. Big lips on a girl can be nice and all but hers are freakish and disgusting looking


Yea Forumstard with a music degree here. I listened to her album and watched the videos yesterday. 7/10, like 3 of the songs are pretty good imo, but the rest are adequate filler material at best. She seems like a cool person, at least. I think that's what most of the appeal is, and of course that's the ploy that the industry is using, but eh, nothing new.

She's loads better than Miley Cyrus or that bitch with the ponytail, so I'm alright with Billie

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Airbrushed. Tons of makeup. Just look at Lourdes , ugly as shit in real life. Can be made to look good in promo pics.

listening to her on spotify now, it is actually quite a good album.

Chick has a troll face. She looks like Cara Delevigne.

bad guy and you should see me in a crown are pretty bangin, and so is bury a friend, but I can't get over how she lifted the melody from People are Strange by The Doors

Big lips, big eyes, bedroom eyes, slight positive canthal tilt, cute button nose, decent body. Because she's hot.

This idiot is obsessed with her and creates this thread on Yea Forums every day

Big dick or small feminine penis?

Probably some dumbass shit about how we should all fuck niggers, live under Sharia law, abolish borders, embrace trannies, and work 60 hour weeks in service to the almighty poor victimized Jew caste.

Oh, slapping heavy meat against her thighs. And it's a very attractive dick as well. Pretty.

Let me guess you've never touched a woman and never worked a day in your life

And he somehow things it's all their fault

kindly fuck off back to /pol/ with the all the other inbred peasants

piece of shit

god i fucking love billie


It’s trash and she looks like a little boy about to fall sleep

>le pop music all sucks im so cultured! XD

>niggers on Yea Forums

not the first time Yea Forums had some obsessed nigger constantly making threads about a 6/10

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