I need to get more weed, but my guy is dry right now and I have nobody else to go to...

I need to get more weed, but my guy is dry right now and I have nobody else to go to. I'm white as fuck so I don't really know how to go about these things, any advice on how to procure some of that fine jazz lettuce?

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Grow your own, you lazy fuck. It's a motherfucking plant that only needs sun, water and a nice soil, ffs

It's a little more complicated than that. Op will have a bunch of males if he listened to you

>I'm white as fuck so I don't really know how to go about these things

Nnnope, that's just you. Get off social media and stop making excuses.

Go to the weed store.

I barely use social media? People jump to assumptions a lot...

Not an option with my living conditions, you stupid fuck

>download massroots
>download wickr
>make accounts
>check massroots local feed
>message dealers on wickr

Really? Because that sounded outright Twitter addict level.
Maybe you should consider the implications of that.

You're joking, right? Let me clarify my question. How do I ILLEGALLY buy weed?

No, I'm posting on Yea Forums. What the fuck are the implications?

Be canadian.
I just legally bought 7g of high quality cush for 46$.
Finally being a fucking leaf is paying off. If we can also vote out our POS of a prime minister in a few months an elect conservatives, maybe our country will start sucking a tiny bit less.

Really wish I could get the fuck out of Florida...

>that fine jazz lettuce
>i’m white as fuck

Will check this out, thanks.

What are the implications of you 'thinking' in the same ways that a mindless Twitter poster does, saying the same things that they do?

If you need that explanation, just remain as you are

your naive faggot muslim cock sucker president :D


When I got to college my first year I literally just walked around asking people. It’s awkward but it’s the only way I can think of

Beware of some fake spam accounts on massroots. Should be easy to tell the difference

It's prime minister, not president.
Other than that, you're 100% right.

You have obviously never grown weed you fucking moron. Its QUITE bit of set up if you dont live in a legal state and have to grow indoors.

Well duh there's a lot of implications for thinking a certain way, but I'm just making a joke about how I'm a middle class clean white man who hasn't delved into the wacky world of drugs that much, and that fits with the stereotypical view of "nerdy white man". It's self-depreciating humor, not me actually believing I'm like that because I'm white. You seem like you jump to conclusions about people a lot, I've learned over the years that people are a lot more complex than, for example, a couple of twitter posts, no matter how empty and bland they may seem. They're human, they work pretty much the same way as you. They have lives, they have value, just not in the same ways as you would appreciate.

Or you're just shitting around on Yea Forums and you're not as much of a dick as you come off of from 2 posts.

Im not OP but you're retarded lol

I'm already awkward, so I'll probably fuck up

I know this sounds sus as fuck, but if you live in a suburban/close to a city check craigslist by searching terms like 420, mj, gas shit like that. I know craigslist gets a bad rap but I haven't been butt fucked yet

Well I'm in Orlando so I'll definitely find something, just don't want something too sketchy like some crackhead trying to make a quick buck trying to sell me shit quality weed at premium costs. I could haggle but its not worth my time.

>I haven't been butt fucked yet
The prospect doesn't seem to stop you from trying again.

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Remain as you are

How many dicks would you suck for a like?

>but I haven't been butt fucked yet

Don't lose hope

Nigger i’m also a leaf and you pay your 1/8th way too much
Also, the fact you said 7g instead of 1/8 makes me think you might be from Quebec, amirite?

It’s Saturday go out to some night clubs and bars tonight, find someone who smells like weed, and ask if they are selling.

Also congratulations on being white

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And I was hoping for more conversation. I hope I at least made you think a bit about yourself and your own influence on the world. If you're actually like the way you sound you seem pretty troubled and not that fun to be around. Go get high or something, chill out and appreciate this overall shitty but sometimes beautiful world we live in.

Or keep trolling on Yea Forums because I'm definitely feeding you but its fun

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I sure reckon I am!
Believe me or not, I was paying almost that much for very average stuff before. And it's not like I don't know people either, I've been around the block a few times with lots of people, literally for decades.

Ew I hate the town, but its a good idea as a last resort.

Dude j’paye mes onces 99-160$
Pis j’le fais venir de BC mon shit
Les prices montes jusqu’à 230/once dépendement des sortes
Ya du hash
D’la wax

Commande ton weed en ligne pis arrête de gaspiller ton cash

>hope I at least made you think a bit about yourself and your own influence on the world

You made me think that you find value in the common ignorant masses of indistinguishable filth, in their endless chorus of vacuous mewling You made me think that you are indeed their equal. Lowest common denominator.
What else is there?

J'ai pas d'intérêt lol. J'me fume pas plus qu'un 3.5 par mois et demi / deux mois. D'ailleurs, quand je vais à la sqdc, je met un chapeau, des lunettes et je paye cash ;)

>J'ai pas d'intérêt lol. J'me fume pas plus qu'un 3.5 par mois et demi / deux mois.
K sauf que t’as toujours l’option de commandé en plus petite quantité, c juste que tu vas pas payer de shipping si tu passe une commande de plus de 99$(en tk sur le site que j’deal avec)
>D'ailleurs, quand je vais à la sqdc, je met un chapeau, des lunettes et je paye cash ;)
Pour quel utilité? C legal dude, j’pense qu’le monde en arrière du comptoir en ont rien à battre de toi qui vient acheter une .5 lol

Doubtful. Look at Scarborough, ON. You will have to kick out a lot of former terrorists.

>le monde en arrière du comptoir
Non eux-autres me dérangent pas. Le pot ca va pas nécessairement être toujours légal. J'aimerais mieux que ça soit pas marqué sur du papier que j'ai ai acheté.

Oh don't worry, I'm planning on moving to the US at some point. Luckily I'm white. If tRump takes control and kicks out all the muslims, I don't care if he's an asshole, fucks his underage daugther, or attacks fucking mars with his space force, I'm in.

>Le pot ca va pas nécessairement être toujours légal
Tu peux tu m’expliquer d’où c que tu vas chercher ça?
La promesse a étéfait avant même que Trudeau se fasse élir
Ça l’a eu ben des processus d’être voté au sénat pis de toute la marde legal en arrière des implications possibles
En plus de toute les investisseurs “anonyme” qu’y’ont versé des millions

Lache de t’faire peur man, le gouvernement sont pas assez cave pour crisser le couteau dans une vache à lait avec autant de potentiel pour générer du revenu qui vont d’une manière ou d’un autre pas le réinvestir sur les infrastructures, éducations et blah blah blah blah se le crisser din poche

>La promesse a étéfait avant même que Trudeau se fasse élir
Si ya pu changer la loi, la loi peut être renversée.
De toute façon, c'est pas le canada ma pire crainte pour le canada.

It really depends if you live in a big city or not. I just download Whisper and ask if I can get dealers numbers. I've had good luck aside from the weird "escorts" that message me saying they're ready for "pick up"

Try hitting up a skatepark, I've been able to get weed from random some kids there in the past.

>Si ya pu changer la loi, la loi peut être renversée.
Imagine l’outrage pis les possibles manif et émeuthe que ça pourrait générer
Pis ça d’avoir à combattre ca risque de générer des fonds tiré directement de nos poches ce qui va juste envenimer la situation
Sérieux man t paranoïaque va te fumer un doobie :p
Toi pis moi on est en train de vivre se que nos grand parents ont vécu dans le temps de la prohibition
Est-ce que l’alcool est sur le bord de virer illegal? Combien de millions que tu penses qui sont gaspillé sur des cas médicale qui implique un abus d’alcool par années?
Essaye de faire une parallèle avec le weed
Le gouvernement sont la pour te calisser un baton dans l’cul pis faire rouler le cash par toute les calisse de moyen possible
Entre toi pis moi, ça arrivera pas
Pour toute la marde pis les pertes d’argents impliqués, tes peurs sont non fondés
>De toute façon, c'est pas le canada ma pire crainte pour le canada.
Les esti d’immigrant pis les deals et alliance faite en arrière des rideux?
C la même calisse de choses à chaque élection de jumper de libéral à conservateur avec les mêmes calisse de rhétorique à chaque calisse de fois
Esti que l’Québec va jamais changé sa réputation de paresseux chialeux à la grande yeule qui calisse jamais rien pour règler fuck all

Move to Washington. Taxes are high and a lot of people are faggots or assholes, but great hiking, legal weed and concentrates, and cheap subsidized housing, if you can get on a waiting list and don't mind waiting two years.

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>possibles manif et émeuthe que ça pourrait générer
Dude, y se rappeleront jamais de la date ou de l'heure. Je serais surpris qui se rappelent d'aller pisser.

>Est-ce que l’alcool est sur le bord de virer illegal?
Ca devrait l'être.

>paresseux chialeux à la grande yeule
Belle exemple avec ce post >.

>Belle exemple avec ce post >.Ca devrait l'être.
D’accord la dsus

Euh t'est ok pour l'alcool mais pas le pot?
C'est un non sens lol.

You're one of those people in the ignorant mass of filth, just a different one that you're talking about. You don't think so? Who are you? What have you done in the world? What is your career? How have you helped the world? Are you someone like Albert Einstein or Mozart or Socrates who's ideals and work have remained timeless? Who do you think you are, really? You're easy life is only possible because of the effort from everybody before you, no matter how small they were in the world.

Watch or read Mob Psycho 100, One was really on to something.

J’pense que t’as lu mon post à l’envers
Je suis pour le pot
L’alcool peut disparaître pis ça m’ferait pas un nano pli sua poche

>Are you someone like Albert Einstein or Mozart or Socrates

A secretary, a hack minstrel who died of syphilis, and a pederast hippie?
No, these plebians are nothing

Shutting down portions of the government is really fucked up. Not a lot of countries if any countries at all do this and usually have fail safes to prevent them. A lot of people lost their jobs, or were temporarily out of one. TSA agents were so understaffed that a dude with fire arms was able to make it to Japan, a potential terrorist on a no fly list got through security and entered the US, and then after repeatedly saying he would own the shut down, after he saw the damage he was causing however, he blamed everyone but him. In my eyes in betrayed the American populace, even his core constituents were back stabbed and then he threw another group entirely under the bus. And this is totally separate from the other seedy shit he has done, like threatening his old university Wharton's with legal action if they released his grades during the 2016 campaign. Wharton's released a statement confirming he had done this and they were confused, as they adhere to the law closely and would never release grades without consent of the student himself. Trump's a Self Proclaimed Genius so why does he need to sue people over his grades and what is he hiding?

C'est ce que je dit, ton argument est mauvais.
Il faut les 2 illégals ou aucun. Si on fait les lois selon nos préférences, c'est pas des lois impartialle.

You mean you think they're nothing. That's your opinion, but the fact is that Einstein's work is still largely relative today in the field of physics, Mozart's music is still appreciated today, and Socrates's ideals and beliefs are still widely taught and appreciated today. They're influencing the world even when they're dead. And I was asking you those questions, they weren't rhetorical. Share with the group man, what do you do? What have you done?

>Share with the group man, what do you do? What have you done?

Pic related

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L’alcool draine l’économie avec toute les cas de personnes qui se ramasse à l’urgence à cause des abus
Le pot a jamais amené personne à gaspiller une cents du système de santé qu’on paye toute de nos crisse de poches à chaque paye pis en plus pourrait générer des millions et des millions à chaque année sans perte du côté du système de santé
Je sais pas c quoi ta logique en arrière de tsa mais whatever ya rien a argumenter à ce point la

Pis g même pas effleurer le sujet du crime organisé...

Le poumons du système des personner un droit qu’on plus pas abus
Le pis avoir à l’urgence à dépendre du système du côté qu’on pas avoir à chaque en pas c quoi ta logique poumons perte de pot a jamasse à l’urgence à cause d’authorité CALISSEMENT arbitrais amené perte d’authorité qu’on paye pot a jamasse d’authorité quoi ta logique anner devrait pas avoir à gaspillions pas amené personner un droit qui des abus
Le pis amené perte de THC j’veux enboucannée santé qu’on plus pot a jamasse d’un

>Le pot a jamais amené personne à gaspiller une cents du système de santé
Cancer du poumon, maladies mentales, etc. Exactement comme l'alcool avec les problèmes cardiaque, le foie, etc.

Pense y même pas, si t'essait contre eux, t'est mort.


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