My girlfriend and I reconnected months ago. She has had to distance her self from her Ex. However...

My girlfriend and I reconnected months ago. She has had to distance her self from her Ex. However, lately she still keeps going back and discussing personal things about her with him which sends serious mixed signals. It makes me jealous as fuck that she is doing this and I'm not sure how to take this. Like, why the hell do you feel the need to still open up to him when you are opening up to me? I feel like walking away to get her fucking attention on the matter. I'm not going to compete for her attention at all. Either I am the priority with her or it's nothing at all. What does Yea Forums think on this?

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Dude stop leading yourself on. Man up and face the reality of the situation. She is dragging you through the mud and treating you like a pussy. Don't give her a chance she isn't loyal. It's time to move on.

Dump her. Sounds like a confused thot to me. You can find better

this is a tough pill to swallow but you are right. Fucking just pisses me off. Do you think its intentional or do you think that women just cant let go of the past? This guy abused her physically and emotionally. I treat her so damn good and yet I fee like everything I do is over looked when she does this stuff.

This is what is so difficult. I've known her for over 10 years and we were so good together.

Kill your emotional side, dump that bitch, hit up the gym, get a good office job, make her come back begging, say no to her when she does

good point you brought up. She is loyal physically. But emotionally she isn't being loyal at all.

She's probably still fucking him, bro.
Especially if she doesn't want you around when she's talking to him.
Bet if you go through her phone you'll find nudes she sent to him or them sexting.

Drop the bitch, bro. it's not worth it.

My cousin used to do this to guys. It was sad as fuck watching her story change from the same 3 dudes each week. She will 100% fuck around if you try to keep in touch. It's also a little bit of both most likely. But I'd lean more towards intentional. She isn't a dumbass so don't give her that pass. She knows what she's doing.

You're a stupid pussy and she is making you her bitch and dominating you just like she wants to

You will (-will-) be discarded when (-when-) she gets bored

Well I am already active in the gym and I do have a great job. You have good advice. It blows my mind that women would throw something so good away... especially if there is a history with each other.

I know she isn't fucking him. Just trust me on that. All of her time and where abouts are accounted for. She works with him at the same place and thats the only time she sees him.

>This guy abused her physically and emotionally.

How do you know that?

Because she said so? Because her friends said so?

I bet that claim has scored her lots of sympathy and attention from you and from other people, hasn't it?

By claiming that, consider what she has to gain. And what does she have to lose?

Yeah just dump her bro, there are way better women out there. Respect yourself and dump her

See, that's the thing... I think you are right. How could anybody be that dumb???? How could she not see what that does to me in my mind. Talk about a total mind fuck!

Maybe her ex's were better at fucking. Step up your fucking game. Or get rid of her if she can't stop bringing up the past.

My girlfriend did this shit at the beginning of our relationship since we started dating like a week after her break up. I was just up front with her and basically told her if she doesn't get over them eventually , I'm not gonna waste my time. Relationships are rough but you just gotta make a decision. You either can accept the drama or you can not , it's up to you.

I appreciate your feedback but this isn't a dominating issue for her. I think she feels the need to keep expressing herself to him for some form of obligation or affirmation. ITs fucked up because the guy abused her in the past.

>How could she not see what that does to me

She sees perfectly well, you naive fool. She knows. But you're not her, so it doesn't matter.

mutual people we know have confirmed it including her family. Too many people know about it in too much detail

Do you REALLY know all of her time is accounted for? When she "goes out with friends" do you really think that's what she's doing?

The bitch wouldn't have a reason to keep going back to him if she wasn't still emotionally or at least physically interested in him.
I bet you top dollar that she's getting dicked by him behind your back.

Well said user! It's good to know that someone else has experienced this before in the past. I'm not going to take this anymore. I'm suppose to see her tomorrow so I'm just going to lay it out there for her.

>mutual people we know have confirmed it including her family.

So, other people who are close to her and will naturally side with her. And how do they know that? Again, because she told them so?

>Too many people know about it in too much detail

Because she told them so

Consider what she stands to gain, and that there is nothing to be lost there

It would take too much time to explain but yes I do know for a fact that her time is accounted for.

So she just text back that she felt the need to share information with him because it had to do with his opinion from the past. Fucking ridiculous. That tells me she feels its okay to have him involved in her personal thoughts

insane man!

OP. She's playing both sides right now, she can't choose between you or him. Just fuck her regardless of what her choices are, and when you are done with her just dump her.

Ok. I do not disagree with you user. I agree she is playing both sides. Do you think its on purpose or incidental? If on purpose, why would she do that? What is there to gain on fucking with someone is so so nice to her?

Shes playing both sides because neither of you are a definitive choice. You must he clingy or doing something that makes her feel like she needs to confide in someone else. Keep fucking her, dont be vindictive about it but you need an edge over the ex.

If it goes on much longer id split cuz that fuckin drama is crazy and nobody needs that.

How old is she user, sounds like something a fucking 15yo would do.

If shes over 21 than leave cuz shes too old for that kind of drama

Love you like a brother user! You are a wealth of good advice. I'm going to do just that. She is not worth me losing my mind over.

She's fucking him at work. Move on op. Cold turkey

she is over 30

you will just have to trust me that I have all her time accounted for.

>What is there to gain on fucking with someone is so so nice to her?
Personality means nothing fag. You need to realize that women don't evaluate things logically, they operate at a baser primal level.

She's playing both sides in the same way you apply to two jobs and don't accept the lower paying job until you get rejected from the higher paying one. You're plan B. If you were plan A, she wouldn't be talking to the other guy. The only way out is to tell her to knock that shit off or you're gonna dump her.