Why does so many people don't like natural hairy pussies ? What's your opinion user ?

Why does so many people don't like natural hairy pussies ? What's your opinion user ?

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It just feels and smells unpleasant

I'm an old user and grew up with hairy pussies. I like them. The only thing I don't like is when they start growing out to the asshole.

Gross! You ever gone down on a hairy box? It’s very unpleasant rubbing your face against rough hair not to mention it locks in even the slightest piss or sweat smells. I found a dingleberry in all that hair once. All in all shave up! Nicer for all parties involved.

My gf has a hairy pussy, I personaly dont mind it but it can get smelly.

That's how I feel about shaved pussies, though.

Is the asshole fine for you here ?

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Uh yeah, cuz razor burn all over your face is so much better

When i first started having sex all the chicks were hairy I didn't know how much i didn't like it until all the chicks started trimming and shaving, it feels better clean shaven and i am not getting hairs stuck in my teeth and coughing them up all during the act - it also feels better for the grils as there are no pulled hairs during the act. it looks sexier too and just all around cleaner

You do know that anything hairy smells more because the odor gets stuck on the hair. It also gets sweaty very fast

Shaved vagina...razor burn on face

Do you know what these things mean?

Dude, you just had a gross bitch.

Somebody doesn't 69.

I adore it. The smell is part of the kick I get. Alltough its gotta be a good smelling pussy

I dont like oral in the first place

girl hiding in the bushes their giant clits and ugly meat
that's why

look homie its ok if hairy cunts are your fetish but recognize that large numbers of both women and men find it disgusting...not a big deal

Me neither, but you can still smell it. That's why most of the people avoid fucking hairy pussy

comes down to it not being the norm from the age of 11 watching porn it was hairless

Hairy or hairless, I just like a little grooming.


cause many people are brainwashed faggots. it's doesn't get better than an all natural woman.

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strawpoll.com/7er8prgz I made a poll

you do know that what you're saying is complete bullshit and that most people own a shower?

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Preach, brother.

I prefer the bush

But then again, I’m not a virgin....

that's literally the best part

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Hairy people sweat faster like I said. And showering every day isn't healthy. Why would it be bullshit?

> showering every day isn't healthy
How's mom's basement?

> hairy people sweat *faster*
What are you even saying you fucking tard jesus christ

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actually hairy people sweat less because the hair creates more space so the skin doesn't rub against itself nearly as much, also increased surface area makes it evaporate more quickly. stop trying so hard to defend your fetish, there's nothing gross about the natural state of the human body.

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More bush pics

No problems
I’m suspicious of people who get creeped by pubic hair

Fucking paedophilic ideology

Good lord, have you ever had sex? Have you ever even fucked a hairy pussy or do you just imagine how it might be like. I have experienced it and I know what I'm talking about. Now fuck off



Polls here are biaised. Of course, a place full of pedophiles will prefer "little girl like" pussies.

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Alright laddie. Just don't expect too much when you do it for the first time. I'm just giving advice and if you don't take it serious it's not my problem.

I've actually posted this poll around many places, not just Yea Forums. Discord, Steam, Telegram etc. I hope to get many votes for a more biased sample

There is a big difference between hairy pussy of someone who usually shave, and hairy pussy of someone who has never shaved it (Same difference with beard btw).

Once you've shaved it, it will more and and unpleasant when you don't shave it, while if you don't shave it at all, it's all soft.

It's shaving that making the hairs unpleasant

This isn't how hair works retard.

Saying that some facts aren't true because the truth bothers you may makes you win a presidential election, it won't make you win an argument.

This I like and is a turn on.
This I don't like and is a turn off.

People just need to wash up in general; wtf no shower before sex if you've been crotch trapped up all day ugggh gross

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>making the hairs unpleasant

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Research it bud. Hair is thicker at the root , so when you shave , yes hair might seem more rough but once it grows out , it will be the same as ti was.

You're just retarded.

For fucking I don't mind it much, but I like to eat pussy and being hairy complicated that. That being said I prefer a trimmed bush much more to a shaved pussy. Webm related.

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Whatever the girl likes is what I like. If she really wants to keep her bush , I'll just take a couple of hairs. Gives me an excuse as well to not have to keep my area all manshaved as well.

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Because razor company campaigns told told women to shave it because men do not like it After Howard Stern talked so much about how women should shave. He highly influenced the porn industry in the early nineties and they followed.

Hairy cunts aren't the fetish, that's the norm. Shaved pussies are the fetish.


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Just need a clean girl with soft pubes.

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She can sit on my face all day with her hairy vag.

You two are so fucking pussies. Eat pussy you fucking manlets.

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Now that is what a woman should look like.

I like it trimmed, though I prefer grown out than shaved.

Stunning girl... Bride material...

Wife went the natural route after having kids

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Crabs cant live on a shaved pussy.

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She's pretty perfect, yes. No idea who that is, though - maybe some streamer or whatever?

I'd say the norm are trimmed pussies. By that logic we'd all not cut our hair or trim or nails or whatever. Just because hair grows does not mean we need to let it grow incessantly.

Did a fair bit of muff diving in the 1980s. Nothing like going home on the bus pulling pubes out of your teeth.

that would be true if body hair grew infinitely like head hair or finger nails, but it doesn't. it will reach it's max length and then shed at some point.

Afaik head hair will also fall off eventually. It's either related to the weight of the hair or the age of the hair root or something. Then again I don't see what's wrong with wanting to take care of things instead of just not bothering.

All i ask is for my wife to keep herself clean and not let it turn into a wild jungle safari. Just keep it trimmed upon it doesnt have to be clean shaven, although I do find that hot.

old user here too. I dont like when it grows unto the inner things. That needs to get weed wacked even if the main bush remains.

My wife and I usually just do a #2 guard on the trimmers. No super hairy mess, maintains cleanliness, and isn't so short it's prickly. Best of both worlds.

>hurr fucking durr if you like shaved pussy you must be a pedophile!!1!

>why does so many people don't like

>inner thing

sorry was 'spose to be inner thighs

Yeah, my ex liked to sit on the toilet pruning with a pair or scissors so that it was fairly close cropped and all sides were trimmed so they didn't extend out of her bikini

the thing is pubic hair really doesn't require any "maintenance" so to speak and it doesn't get in the way of hygiene of any bodily functions. the fact that a lot of people think you need to trim or shave it is purely due to brainwash.

Or simply preference, but I get what you mean.


Oh my