Ideas on how to fuck with my sister? She’s gone for the day and I want to get back at her for just being a bitch to me 24/7
Ideas on how to fuck with my sister...
Cum in her panties
Yeah put some eyedrop solution in her drink. Cant taste it and she'll get sick as fuck
Post a picture of her room on /b
>oh wait...
Wipe your ass with them pillowcases
Post pictures of her underwear
Step 1 and 2 complete
Cum in her lotion. Or cum on her toothbrush. Also got a sister, mines is 19. Kik dialme1 op
Should take a few pair out and lay them out so we can actually see them. Stroke your cock with them.
Take a dump in her pillowcase
Or, since it’s flori, just get her hooked on oxys
>since it’s florida
I can’t fucking type
Take out the lacy one. And bras as well
Pic related, not op.
This one?
Any the light blue/turquoise one.
Some bras
Op, do you have kik?!
Reminds me of my sisters op.
how old is your sis and show us a picture of her
Picture of her from the wall
Poop in the closet.
> find her dildos
> shove them up your ass, one at a time
> return without cleaning
> eat an English breakfast
> wait 2 hours
> sit bare-assed on her pillows and fart it all out (while playing mobile games to pass the time)
> hope she gets pink eye
Pic of her? With the panties?
19 and she’s in a sority she’s home for spring break
Shit my sis is 19 aswell. Op add me dialme1 on kik. Make a fresh one if you want I can send proof, can take photos in her room also, and photos of her sex toys, creepshots and more
Right or left
More panties
I'll share pics of her on kik
If she has dildos put icy hot on them. Or microwave some eggs and put them in her room crack them a bit stank bomb
cum in her panties
Right Idk maybe next time I’m on b
More pics of her from the wall up
any dirty panties ?
Op I've got nudes. It's difficult to find real anons, atleast make a throwaway and add it quick. I've got videos of my sis playing with her ass and pussy. Fucking guys. It'll be worth your time.
>pic related
Turn all her pictures upside down and set something up in the closet so it falls out next time she opens it.
Grow up. Excel at everything you do. Create and build the kind of successful life she desires but will never have. Never lord it over her but silently revel in the knowledge she is forever inferior and her life is paltry by comparison.
Just imagine how much dick she's taking at college. No doubt she's had a black cuck pounding her whole she's pinned to the bed getting prone boned
change her light bulb to a high efficiency LED
"Black cuck" mixing your incel fantasies user
Post them!
You can believe what you want. I've posted to these threads for months now, and often get called out on them being bullshit. All I know is I've seen the videos my sister has emailed to herself with black guys. Her bf is black. And she chats to interracial couples on her Snapchat. Believe it or not it doesn't change a thing for me.
True sage.
Post pics
I'll trade with anyone who also has a sister. Not interested in posting identifiable pictures here, too risky
This. Of course if she's an actual psycho bitch, there's no harm in a little merciless satire.
More toys
How many does she have?
8, if you include the cock ring she bought.
Cover her dildos in somew hot sause, maybe add some chili to her shamoo or put some chili powder on her tampons/ pants
Op you still here?
Let's see all her toys in one pic