This fucking thread again. Ask a 36 year old kissless virgin anything

This fucking thread again. Ask a 36 year old kissless virgin anything.

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cmon niggas

Have you ever been close to sexual activities? If so, name them all.

I have never been close. There is not a single occasion where a girl was showing interest in me.

What was high school like for you?

is your name jon reed?

if so, go to bed you faggot NEET

Can you describe your appearance to me and be completely honest?

Escorts, user. We've talked about this.

It was alright. I wasn't super popular (even though some of my best friends were) but wasn't bullied either. I got drunk every weekend. I was outspend academically. It was probably the best time of my life.

Not even once? Are you sure a girl wasn't interested and you were just too thick to realize it?

Not Jon, sorry.

180 cm, 72 kg. Pretty athletic body. Babyface (people usually still think I am in my mid 20s) which starts to get wrinkled without ever passing through a decent adult stage. Hitler youth haircut, roman nose. Overall average looking.

Do you go outside much?

There was never a situation where I though (hours, days, years) afterwards: "Oh, she was actually onto me". So either I am still to thick or it never happened. I also asked friends (some of them female) to tell me whenever they notice something. Never did.

Yes. But being outside or being around people doesn't necessarily mean you can connect with people.

>Not Jon, sorry.
oh ok.

well, if you hear that fat autistic faggot on this site you tell him to quit shitting up the place and to get a job or jump off that bridge 6 blocks from his house. it's walking distance ffs

Have you ever been disgnosed with Autism or a disorder of sorts?

Do you feel like some part of your youth was wasted by not forming intimate romantic and/or sexual relationships?

I've been diagnosed with depression. If I am autistic my psychiatrist never brought it up.

Kind of. Even though - as I said above - my teens were looking at it retroactively the peak of my life. I had friends, I went to parties, I was good at school.

Do you particularly care about having sex?

How did things turn out after that?

I care more about having some kind of relationship.

When I was in my teens, I of course though that everything would get better when in university. But instead it got slowly worse. I still went to parties every weekend in my early 20s, I was among the best in my bachelor and master course. However, I noticed that I slowly lost pace to my peers socially. They all matured, got into sexual relationships and moved on with their lives while I was kind of stuck.

Stuck doing what? What are you up to nowadays?

how does it feel to be like the 60% of all humans that ever existed?

Citation needed.

While people were maturing socially, I didn't. At least not as fast as other people.

Today, most of peers have careers, homes and families. I've been moving around endlessly and now I am back in my home country and essentially unemployed.

What does that have to do with not getting your dick sucked?

do you actually even care about having sex or just a gf at this point? if you do why not just hire a hooker?

At this point, the idea of losing your virginity must be intimidating, ya? If you met someone and things ended up at that point, would you feel inclined to warn them? Or just fake the bravado and pretend you know what you’re doing? Does the compounding anxiety around sex make it less approachable as the years go on?

Also, why no pay prostitute?

not OP. sticking a dick in a cunt is no rocket science user.

>implying you can lose your virginity at age 9

A) You can
B) How was that implied?

bro i know 5th graders who were dead ass being passed out by football teams. shit is fucking nuts

You asked what I am up to nowadays. And that is the status of my life at the moment.

I care more about have a gf or at least having some kind of meaningful sexual relationship (even ONS can be meaningful since they are based on mutual attraction). I don't hire a hooker because it's fake.

>At this point, the idea of losing your virginity must be intimidating, ya? If you met someone and things ended up at that point, would you feel inclined to warn them? Or just fake the bravado and pretend you know what you’re doing? Does the compounding anxiety around sex make it less approachable as the years go on?

I don't think so. Worst case, I fuck up completely and never see her again. Even if that would happen (or even if would chicken out beforehand or didn't manage to get an erection), it would still be huge triumph for me since it would be the first time in my life I actually have the opportunity to have sex.

living in pakistan is one hell of a rollercoaster ride right?


You're psyching yourself out. Everyone who hasn't gotten laid thinks it's the pinnacle of life when in reality it's just another thing to do to pass time. Stop hyping it up so much in your head and do what you feel is natural

west virginia but close enough

wish you all the luck fren, i hope that someday you'll find someone.

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>You asked what I am up to nowadays. And that is the status of my life at the moment.
Nah, wasn't me. Point stands though. Stop pretending like you care about love and get your dick sucked. And yes, you ARE pretending.

We're these girls? Tell me they were girls.

i fucked up, i meant cant

i know very well that 4th-5th graders can give up the v card

they were chicks yeah. the rumor was they werent fucking but she was blowing them all off one by one lol

my middle school gym teacher was also NOTORIOUS like school wide known to be a molester and fucked nearly any female student that was friendly with him. shit made for good jokes. he almost fucked my mom too dude. he instead raped her drunk friend.

I always would day dream about like having a lot of money and taking perma virgins off of Yea Forums and flying them out to a nice place where I can teach them how easy it is to be confident and shit. It tears me up thinking how people obsess over stuff like this. There is a lot of life to live women are only a small part of that.

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>Stop pretending like you care about love and get your dick sucked. And yes, you ARE pretending.

If I had the opportunity to have my dick sucked, I wouldn't say no.

OP here. It is not that the rest of my life is much better.

>clean up /hygiene
>dress normally
>hit club

You have that opportunity every time you have $50 in your pocket.

Yeah that's usually the case for people who exaggerate women. It's like projecting all of lifes woes on the fact that you haven't caught tail yet.

I learned young that if you want someone to love you , you gotta learn love yourself first and that truly means accepting and liking yourself for who you are. It's easy once you get the hang of it. Should you find it too hard to like yourself try working on yourself.

hookers arent worth user

Did all that hundred of times. As I said above, I went out every weekend during my 20s.

What do you think you did wrong?

>you gotta learn love yourself first and that truly means accepting and liking yourself for who you are.

That gets harder every year. I would say however that I was pretty confident and even cocky in my early 20s. Didn't help me much.

Do you have an argument to back that up? Because an 8/10 escort a month (sometimes two at a time if it's a special occasion) is plenty to sustain me. I would never fuck such attractive women otherwise.

Could be different people. I'm more of a love guy. Don't like lusting over hoes.

user how many goals have you accomplished in your life? make getting laid a goal. man can achieve anything and there were many a man before you who thought they too were ultra fucked until they actually put the time in to appeal to women.

u gotta have a winners spirit

Something which wasn't even on your list. I didn't manage to appear attractive to the women I approached.

Your list made it seem like just being drunk in a club is enough to get pussy. But that is the say part.

>user how many goals have you accomplished in your life?

Can't think of any. At least not long term goals.

>until they actually put the time in to appeal to women

Could you be more specific about that?

Well naturally women too will be hammered at the club and that's why it's easier but my take on not being appealing to women has to do with how you act. Women don't care about looks. They can say all the dumb shit they want I've seen some disgusting motherfuckers cop high tier ladies and that shit had me scratching my head. It's about acting comfortable around yourself and others. If you act like someone who treats themselves with respect women will see that and assume that you are worthy of equal respect from them. Most of this is based of personal experience so sorry if it is hard to understand.

tl:dr feel urself they feel u too

So... You're retarded.

It's very similar to playing a hard game. First you suck ass and don't understand anything but through multiple attempts you will eventually know the system like the back of your hand. People literally learn from failing. You will never nail something first try. You have to go into something and learn from the experience. Any time I ever fucked up with a chick I never took it out on myself I just thought about what I can try next time based on how the situation turned south.

I thought something like that would come from you. I'm pretty sure it has to do with how I was raised. To each their own my man. No sweat off my back.

On a scale of 1-10 how happy are you

>They can say all the dumb shit they want I've seen some disgusting motherfuckers cop high tier ladies and that shit had me scratching my head.

Me too. And usually, these guys are great to be around; they are smart, witty, funny and eloquent. I am none of those things.

Well clearly it is, or you wouldn't be posting on a Bangladeshi robot forum about it.

>It's very similar to playing a hard game. First you suck ass and don't understand anything but through multiple attempts you will eventually know the system like the back of your hand.

There is a ceiling to skill level though.

>You will never nail something first try.

Again, this depends on personal talent. Some people will nail something first try and some people will not even be close after hundreds of tries. If you are 150 cm, you will never be good at basketball no matter how hard you train.


That doesn't mean you can never be them. The reason they are those things is because they are confident and feel themselves. They are happy and spread happiness therefore attracting people to be around them. I had a group of friends in highschool and using a very simple wingman system we made an entire lunchtable of women fawn over us. Be energetic and be loud. Idk bro if you don't think your cut out for it then get over it.
Look at all the married mofos or people who do have sex committing murder or who are serial killers. Look at all the people just as miserable who do have significant others. Women aren't the point you just see them as a forbidden fruit you want to taste. Find out what makes you happy and build a life around what sustains that happiness.

do i need to point out the hypocrisy

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I don't think I can change your mind man. If you truly believe you have failed the genetic lottery and that fate has doomed you to eternal self deprecation then suit yourself. I do recommend maybe distancing yourself from those world views and all the "black pill" garbage this place spews out. Even if it is true(which I don't think it is) it's only going to make you feel worse which is just counter productive.

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Yes. I've had my dick sucked by two 8/10 women at once. You have no argument.

>The reason they are those things is because they are confident and feel themselves.

Not really. They possess a sense of humour and charme. Being confident and outgoing is secondary. A confident and outgoing autist will not be perceived as a social butterfly but as a creep.

That's very cool user. I'm putting it on the fridge right now. You telling anonymous people on Yea Forums about you getting your dick sucked definitely doesn't make you look insecure.

>If you truly believe you have failed the genetic lottery and that fate has doomed you to eternal self deprecation then suit yourself.

This is a realisation which came very late in life for me. It is based on my personal experiences, however flawed.

I'm speaking from experience and actually being in those situations. Most women have dog brain charm is just about smiling at making eye contact with them lol

this guy could get laid but instead choice to save the white race

u have a choice too user

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You're missing the point. There is no reason to waste your time complaining on Yea Forums that you haven't been laid in 18 years when that shit is just there for the taking!
I am neither attractive, nor interesting, but at least I can say I've fucked grade A pussy, because I wasn't too stuck up to call a whore.

This is a good addition. But it is not enough. You need to be able to hold a conversation and make her laugh. Image just standing there smiling at her.

I'm not complaining about that. I have been laid and can get laid whenever I want'. U have me confused my man.
if u dont need to be here u can leave bro. u act like u have something to prove u just look goofy

Clearly by "you" I meant OP. Not my fault you jumped in

You can't hold a convo ? Bring up music. That shit is 100% easiest way to get into a convo. Making her laugh also just boils down to say epic lol random shit that she wasn't expecting. Idk. I really can only recommend just talking more people and practicing being a part of society. I wish you luck user but my morning tirade on Yea Forums is done.

You can be happy that you exist. A lot of matter exists in the universe that doesn't have the chance you do. Focus on being happy, maybe see a counselor. We all go through rough patches homie.

thats it. im cumming in your mouth right now man

Have you ever tried to get rid of it?

>mfw she finally suck my dick

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>You can't hold a convo ?

No. Can't even have an interesting combo with my own family.

>Bring up music. That shit is 100% easiest way to get into a convo.

As soon as this topic comes up, I forget all I've ever known.

Yes. Unsuccessfully.

lost it at 15

What is the most you have done, the furthest you have gone?

An hero. Save yourself 50 more years of agony.

Most I have done is approached girls. Either in real life (parties, clubs, bars, activities) or online. I got three numbers in my life, never had a date.

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Whats your opening line?

In real life? "Hi". Everything else sounds fake.

I've been on Yea Forums long enough to remember when the neckbeard was 30 and the wizard was 40.

Surely you have something beyond Hi...

I don't.

So if you are at a party, you walk up to a girl and say "Hi"?

Yes. She says hi back. I introduce myself and ask about her (occupation, interests etc.).

Have you tried 'Who do you know here?" "What are you doing here?" "Whats your story?"

have you ever considered selling your dick to the Chinese? I hear they grind up white dick into a powder then snort it. They believe it will give them a bigger, stronger dick. Seeing as how you aren’t using yours, it’s a good opportunity to make some money

Kekked very hard

Yes. But that usually comes up later in the conversation.