Bored train driver, on a break, AMA
Bored train driver, on a break, AMA
Do you like the movie Unstoppable?
How do I become one?
How's the pay?
Ever want to derail a train for fun and or be a hero
Yeah, it was fun to watch, especially liked the fat fuck chasing the train, but it made me wonder why the engine didn't have a dead mans switch like ours do
Depends which company you work for, passenger services can be £48000 to £96000, freight can be up to £120000.
After your application there's interviews, psychometric assessments, medical assessments and more interviews. Train spotters tend to get weeded out early on, and they like you to have a strong maths and mechanical comprehension
Nah, that tends to end badly for the chap sitting in the front...
How do you stay focused? Also do you have to do a lot of early or late shifts?
I talk to myself a lot when I'm driving, otherwise I get distracted.
Yeah, 3am book ons, 4am book offs and night shifts
What was your last incident with passengers? What happened
how often do people lie down on the tracks to get suicided
I dont deal with passengers, so nothing that really jumps out. Watched a drunk guy try to climb out of a drop window on a 125 a few weeks ago.
Think it averages out at 1 fatality every day and a half across the uk, but not many of them lie down, most of them jump out in front of you at stations
Your jobs sounds depressing but the pay suits it. What do you do outside of work?
1 death every day and a half? That's crazy for only 60 million people. I just assumed it was one every fortnight or so.
Has that ever happened to you?
It can be pretty horrible some times, especially when the people running the franchise are doing a shit job at it, but the guys you work with are sound.
The railway staples, play football, drink beer, pretend trains don't exist.
That's just the suicides, not the guys who've been hit by accident
Okay let's have a talk
- Did you ever had sex on the train ?
- Fuck co worker in train or station
- Saw people fucking ?
- Flashing penis or boobies ?
- Do you like your job ?
- Are you a train maniac, like pictures of trains in your room and stuff ?
- Masturbate on trains models ?
Not on the train or in the station, far too much CCTV.
Conductors and TEs see it a lot, usually in the disabled toilets.
I've had tits flashed at me a few times, usually by drunk middle aged women.
I like my job, good pay and 4 day working week.
I hate trains.
I've never had a model train, but if that's something you like to do, I won't judge. Much.
Interesting fact that you dislike trains.
Why you dislike them and how did you end up on this job ?
Do you maibly work urban or rural routes? If that's the correct term idk?
See people racing to make it across uncontrolled crossings? Either on foot or in a vehicle?
Had no feelings good or bad towards them initially, they were just useful for getting about. Left the army, needed a job, wages were so much better, got it.
After working on them, you spend your work time on them, you start to hate spending non work time on them
I do both, and you see people doing it all the time. I watched a double decker bus race me to a half barrier crossing once, the barriers were down, but he went through anyway, reported it and got told it's a common occurrence
Going back to one of your answers before. My GF and me also fucked on the disbaled toilets. Not too many people were on train tho. We did it one and it was fun.
We are decent people with decent job as we both have a Phd. Do you think we are animals or scum ? (We both live in france so sorry for my bad english.)
Most passengers are fine, and good on you for getting it on in the toilet, hope you had fun.
It's the ones who, literally, go into the toilets and shit on the floor, or break windows and seats that annoy me. The company doesn't give a fuck, it costs them nothing to fix cos they claim money back for vandalism, it's the other passengers they're fucking up, trains get taken out of service and then stuff is short formed, or just cancelled.
whats your phds in? did you cum in your gf? pics?
I'm not OP but am the parent of a disabled child. My son was needing the toilet, we waited patiently outside but too late, he shat himself. The door opened and a couple came out looking sheepish, he was even still tucking his shirt into his jeans.
My son was crying. The woman walked off but the guy looked like he was embarrassed to be caught out. I stopped him from walking past, asked him if it was worth it? He didn't even look at me, just head down saying nothing.
I reached down into my sons pants, - yeah I can't believe I did this but I was so fucking angry- grabbed a chunk of slimy warm shit and wiped it on the guys shirt. It plopped down the front and left a trail down to his jeans. Told him to go fuck himself.
I think you are scum mate. Fucking scum.
have you ever hit someone? or hit a car?
and you are a fucking mental case. no wonder where your kid gets it from.
1 person, countless deer, sheep, cow, badger, fox, pigeon, gull, pheasant, buzzard, owl, bat, and a dog.
No vehicles unless you count an abandoned push bike?
Sounds good, how do you work up to the 125's etc, long service?
Went into the toilet and found there was no water for the sink, and no paper towels
how about another train? any yard accidents?
We defiantly had. Thank you.
I can imagine it's very upsetting finding shit everywhere...
Seems like a job I wouldn't mind doing tbh.
Have fun in your further life !
Try harder faggot. He was hit by a car on a school outing when he was seven. That kind of fucked everything up for him the poor cunt.
That depends on the company and/or your specific depot, a lot of them it's exactly that, you start in a starter link, you get all the shitty jobs and basic traction. Then based on seniority you get promoted into the next link, slightly better jobs, trained on more traction, and so on.
Other places they train you on everything, and on every route, and then you drive whatever you're booked to.
who tf screws in a bathroom on a train? they are gross and unhygienic af. that's low class man
Nah, yard movements are at 5mph...ish. If you hit something in the yard it'd have to be a bit like that scene in Austin Powers
it should have hit you both and then backed up and hit you both again.
My GF in psychology and me in biotechnology.
I'd came in her mouth and I will never share pics of my GF. I hate the whole idea and I can't understand why so many guys shows their lovely GF.
someone post that screencap of user "escorting" people to the other side
Sorry to hear this ofcourse, There were almost no people on our train so we didn't had this problem.
Maybe we are scum, but it was a lovely fuck.
Thanks for the info, this needs more investigation because it's something I've always wanted to do, is there an age limit to starting a career as a driver?
This really annoyed me, driver drive around the barriers, got stuck on the crossing, train hits ambulance, paramedic and doctor in back killed, driver survives. He does something stupid and the other two pay for it.
Good luck then, if you're interested go down to your local depot and ask to speak to their driver team manager or depot manager, and ask about book on, book off times, traction types, routes and how their depot works. It's the stuff they tend to want you to find out for your interview.
Not that I'm aware of, I heard that we were training g a guy who was 57 who had no railway experience, so go for it
Gotta go down and prep a train in 10 mins, you all have a good day
It's ok dude. Apology accepted. I'm just really sensitive about this shit. My kid didn't ask for his life to be turned upside down, and it pisses me off when people make it even worse for him.
Imagine being nine years old and having to shit yourself in full public view just because a guy couldn't wait ten minutes to get home to get his dick sucked.
How come you wankers go on strike so often then, eh?
What did you do in the army?
Expected the thread to have died while I was away, hasn't so I'll answer some more questions.
15 years in and never been in strike, so you'll need to clarify what wankers you're talking about, which company?
Royal engineers
>15 years in and never been in strike, so you'll need to clarify what wankers you're talking about, which company?
I just get pissed off when I need to travel but I can't because of some strike.
>Royal engineers
What stuff did you work on?
That's understandable, I'd get pissed off too, but you'd need to look at the labour practices of the companies involved and at the disinformation from them. Was recently asked by a family member why the guards were on strike, but they aren't. Turns out that because the RMT voted to withdraw overtime working, ie the guards stopped working their days off, the company was telling everyone they were on strike.
Right guys, I've been given the nod to go home so I'm out.
Fuck you florian
This guy gets onto your train. Do you worry that some kind of shit is about to go down?
See you later.
>tard-son shitrage
top keks
How much is pay, would you recommend it as a job that takes not much effort?
I wish that you were the one who was hit by the car you fucking idiot. Your son isn't retarded, it just learned the retarded behaviors from you.
He already told you, ya spastic nigger faggot maggot
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, champ. I think we can infer that you're a mart-sharting tard too. Were you proud when junior followed (through) in his daddy's footsteps?