Why do wage slaves make excuses instead of their own businesses?

Why do wage slaves make excuses instead of their own businesses?
>you need to start with money
I didnt
>you need to have a degree
>i didnt
>you have to be lucky
Hard work isnt luck

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Why the FUCK have you not joined this discord already?


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As a wageslave, here are my reasons:

1) too lazy
2) social and financial retardation
3) more risk (even if you do put in a lot of hard work)

I'd consider a life of waveslavedom a worse risk

Why do arrogant cunts assume everyone else has the same ambitions as them?

Business owning is white people work. Us darker skinned brethren don't get the same privileges you white assholes have.

Same? More like none at all. Considering wage slaving your entire life isn't an ambition whatsoever.

Did you just assume my race?

Only white people can start businesses without cash, so yeah, no shit.

You can have ambitions outside of finances.

Get yo cracker ass to bed, whigger.

Yeah and that's the point of life. It makes no sense to me that people wood waste away all their years making money they could be making passively if they just tried

Yeah sure, why don’t millions and millions of retards that has no fucking experience whatsoever start businesses left and right
Who’s going to work for all of them if everyone has them
Implying also that none of them will ever bankrupt
I know this is b8 but fuck sakes the b8 threads these days
I can’t even fucking believe how lame Yea Forums is nowadays
Good fucking thing they removed those goddamn faggot perks
What the fuck?
Likes and fucking cancer emojis?
Fucking hell

And how do you make your money?

Sure, but it's highly contextual.
You can accomplish your goals without running a business.

I started an online skateboard company. I didn't even have to take out a loan because I earned enough working at a movie theater which anyone can do

You can also accomplish your goals without wasting away a huge chunk of your life doing something that's essentially pointless considering the fact there's a way around it

How much profit do you make? I was thinking about making a Keyboard company.

Look at it from my perspective. All I have to mention is starting a business in your triggered to high hell. This is not the first time I've seen this. It's like every wage slave I talked to has a mental wage slaving illness where they have to prepare actually produce the excuses and avoid any thought of getting out of wage slaving. It's literal insanity

Oh, you agree with me!
If someone can accomplish their goals without starting a business (wasting a huge chunk of their life) then why bother?

Nigger do u even fakie nollie?
Yeaa das rite u’s a fake ass poser
I guess u rock dem thrasher hoodies and ankle cuff chinos with ralph lauren snapbacks NYC style?

>why do people try to feel okay about what they have to do

Hmm yes, this very study, much deep jealous comparison, so taunt

Not much. 9k in profits per month is are average for last year. I'm just glad that I don't have to have a job

lol what makes you assume i’m a minimum wage worker
Why do you fucking have to make a point of talking about them in details as if you knew better or whatever?
Why do you fucking care if this isn’t b8
Seriously nigger, fack off

How long when everything was all said and done did you start making passive income? 9k per month is still a better wage than most people make.

In other words
"I convince myself this is what i have to do"

Reminder that his personal experiences will not necessarily be anyone else's experiences in business.

I know, I'd at least still want to know what it was like for him.

I want to start a business and I have several ideas that I have planned initial stages for. Some are more plausible than others.

Right now I have a young family to provide for and I don't want to risk the relative comfort I provide (90K USD/year and rising) to fulfill my ambitions at this stage in life.

Of course I could spend the odd hours of the night making some progress right but I enjoy those hours for myself.

We weren't profitable for four months in. Sales steadily went up over the course of four years and we only recently hit 9k

Not OP but also a multiple business owner.
You're being plenty reasonable. In the end, it comes down to whether or not you'd rather keep that time you have to spend it with your family or w/e, or sink it in to building a business and potentially have more time with family at a later date.

It's whatever makes you happy

k then wtf was the point of your post?
>hurr i can has business but family needs me
>look guise, look at me, hey!! Hey listen! Look! He..GUIIZEEE! Hey look! Am very respectable and LOOOK! honorable providing man heyy!! Please notice me!!!!!

I agree. Unless you’re a rich Jew who can buy a rental property to make your money back within 10 and sit on the monthly rental payment.

Or again a rich Jew who deposits $1m into no risk capital account where you make %3 interest so you’ll monthly receive $30k prior to tax.

Either way Jews are still good at stealing our shekels haha

How much branding did you get, how long did it take before people started even noticing your business?

was just responding to the posted question.

kind of funny how hard you got triggered by that. did you just want me to commiserate with you and revel in self pity?

if everyone made their own business, who would work for those businesses?

i hope you're pretty enough to be this stupid lolol.

Google advertising was an absolute godsend. Right after we started putting ads on Google we immediately became profitable. I don't want to sound like a fanboy or anything but I genuinely believe we might have failed if we couldn't use Google ads

I got an idea for you. Simple eBay account where you sell ‘hard to get overseas’ items from USA. Charge %40 and be generous with the postage price. Lots of people doing it and it sounds reasonable.

I'll need to remember that if I ever want to really put in the work and make a keyboard company.

>He thinks he isn't lucky


I can't talk world-wide, however the majority of businesses in Australia are sole traders.

And they’re rip-off. Had a plumber plug a leak up the solar water heater for $250.

When you start a business you are taking a risk. It doesn't take 100% effort to be successful it takes 5000% Your business has to consume your every thought and action to make it.

I prefer the steady income of a job and not having as much responsibility when I clock out then I don't have to worry about work until I clock back in

You definitely should. I wish you the very best of luck Yea Forumsrother

There will always need to be someone to a shitty job. Why do you mock people stuck in that position instead of becoming an anarcho-communist and working towards creating a better world for everyone?

Tonight on A Current Affair. A tradey scammed pensioner $200k for fixing something.

100% true

Ty ty.

It's good to have nothing but luck isn't it? There's absolutely no skill at all involved in starting a business. It's 200% luck. The system is incredibly fucking unfair and needs to change. Business owners should be forced to to pay for people unable to be so lucky.

These are completely irrelevant to my point.

without the so called wage slaves you wouldnt even get shit to buy...be grateful. otherwise arrogant wealthy people wouldnt get their shit cleaned in their office

Just consider for a moment that you're insulting me and anyone else who started a business successfully without luck....

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>who started a business successfully without luck....

Look at it from my point of view. It's either wage slaving luck or theft in your mind. That's crazy and it would force you to wage slave no matter what

No one should have to work. That's slave bullshit and the human race is beyond that.