Gay stories thread

gay stories thread

>be me
>be OP
the end

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>be me
>identify as gay
>have numerous romantic relationships with men
>enjoy sucking off men
>enjoy receiving anal sex
Am I gay?

you never specified your gender

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I did, I said I identify as gay

gay is not a gender

Did you or your partner ever say no homo?

Dubs of truth but we got ben sharpio here slamming down facts because fuck your feelings

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We are actually both lactose intolerant and don't drink milk at all, homogenized or otherwise.

Sounds kinda gay but okay

if anyone has group experimentation stories please share, those are the best

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Only done group stuff twice. Once was me fucking a guy in the ass while he sucked off some other guy, the other was me getting fucked in the ass while his wife watched

Everything is a gender if you want it to be

it is now


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alright im done meming

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Bump because fuck autistic Hitler.

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ever thunk he just spams because it was dieing and hope it so people will continue to post more gay stories so he can jack off?

Nah, he was sagebombing the thread.
Honestly you fags should do what lolifags and shotafags do and ignore the spammers. They always get tired and leave after not getting any attention.

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my gay threads have been bombarded with scat all week and that hasn't worked at all. pretty sure it's the same guy who spams uncle adolf

Is this now a shota thread?

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He's too old (15yo) for my taste, but I'll allow it.

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Drawing a 12 year old and calling him 15 doesn't make him 15 nor does it make him not a shota.

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is this thread happening?

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Good night.

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