doll thread
Doll thread
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Greeeeen Apppleeee
baby Gamora or Orion slave girl
Why is your doll green? Ever thought of getting a refund?
Have any pictures of you fucking it?
cuz I like her being green
no, she will stay a virgin, too cute to fuck and rip her pussy it's too tiny
sad i'd be fucking it night and day. where do you buy one of these?
catdoll company, 108cm miss Q, coco head, 800 dorra
others fuxk them with no problem using lots of lube, but i dotn want to damage ehr
she is only 108cm
Holy shit
we are invading the Earth, take me to your leader
Dont want to damage her
In case you gonna return her and demand the doll with correct skin color right? How long is the return policy?
i dont think there is one
Why is Gamora?
better than Shreak
baby She Hulk
I wanna see your cock in that pretty little mouth...
the mouth doesn't open wide enough to put a cock in, i and the face gets all distorted, it aint pretty
user what the fuck
but i agree, her little mouth is sexy
Gamora as a baby
To be honest. Other user is right you should get a refund. She would be so cute with white skin and not with this toxic skin
but I LOVE my little green Gamora.
she gets daily protein shakes if youknowwhatimean. she needs her protein
she LOVES the taste
That doesn't make me feel better
Oh no you didnt
hey, even alien girls need their protein
why not?
Catdoll is racist, there's no black dolls
sure there are
she is the same doll as mine, except brown
black enough for you?
Why the FUCK have you not joined this discord already?
Fuck off with your discord, I hope someone trolls your channel.
Catdoll is racist, there's no hispanic dolls
ask them to make you one
why did you kill me, daddy?
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Any pictures of her feet? I'd love to get one in blue but I'm curious how the coloration does on extremities.
More?? but not in that chicken suit
Those nails... Ugh. As a femanon, I'm highly disgusted. (But I like dolls of this kind)
>fucked, sucked and rubbed the pigment off my doll over the past few years that I had it
>time to go back in there
naturally it is instinct to go for a light tan because of my gyaru hentais, but god damnit im scared
worst case scenario you just redo it.
note to fucking self, some makeup pigment has fucking glitter in it
Does it take a few applications or sitting? while the camera left nipple is slightly more defined its still not what I was aiming for
>apply pigment
>dripped baby oil
>used paper towel to contain drippage on the nipple
>waited maybe 5 minutes
>started wiping in to the center of the nipple
you are a child molester.
you shouldnt need to apply oil after the pigment, if anything i think that removes it.
with the area fresh and clean(oiled/dried, no powder yet) apply the makeup.
well shit i think I got ahead of myself. that jar makeup is more gel like and im letting that sit for a time
yeah im not to familiar with that stuff myself since mine done require redos being silicone.
i think with the gel stuff you would essentially paint it on in a thin layer?
Where is alien doll?
nigger loli is cute
more like this please
I mean I admit I have an awful pedo-foot fetish, but this is just so fucking cute
her little outfit is just... I want to hold her and snuggle her so godamn bad
also the figurine is cute af too
nigger-chan is cute; what's wrong with her hands?
thats what they do when packing to help prevent dmg. that pic was either taken just before shipping or just after recipt.
What do their feet feel like?
Serious question, this is very important to me.
Are they soft and child-like?
Nah you can literally feel the metal frame and its cold as steel
pretty unrealistic. a hard plastic/metal plate with TPE around it and wires in the toes
fug.. guess i'ts off to plan Yea Forums then... thank god I teach at an elementary school
I mean at least you can take nice foot-fetishy pictures that look real nice I guess...!
jesus fuck burn it
you know it amazed me that no one is making them more realistic. everyone goes for the cheapest metal skeleton structure
Weird, the nipple I cleaned real good to get the glitter off of it is not taking the pigment at all now, however the other nipple which I just wiped off with a microfiber cloth (no oil or anything) took the pigment with one application.
I guess 1k-ish~ is around most are willing to spend. too bad people don't demand more, I agree.
the price isn't the actual problem. the problem is chinese are incompetent if it comes to making something new. they can just apply known techniques.
and no one showed them how to make it
Realdoll doesnt even do anything more than that and they are over 6k, "chinese incompetence" isnt the only problem with making feet/fingers
and as far as i know, even Sinthetics, which cost 25 fucking thousand still use plates in the feet and shitty wires in the hands.
could be some sort of residue preventing some reapplication. did you use the glitter shit on the nipple that worked?
also, oblig
are ther pics of doll in diapers
holy fuck
The fuck is wrong with you people. Feet are disgusting
no glitter on the working nipple. here is what happened
>start applying powder makeup
>glitter fucking everywhere
I know its a gyaru doll but fuck that shit
>start using a paper towel with some baby oil on it to wipe off said nipple to get rid of the glitter
>dried it up
>opened jar of gel makeup
>let sit on cleaned nipple
>wiped off after 5 min with some coloration
>decide to say fuck it and bring out my inner finger painter and do both nipples
>other barely touched nipple pigmented no problem
>first cleaned nipple having trouble taking pigment
I just reapplied to the trouble nipple and going to let it sit over night.
now im worried about the other dolls that might be this rough. wanted a nice pink butthole for another
too bad the sylvie user isnt on, he is pretty damn good at it by now.
hopefully letting it sit will help get it to set on that other nipple.
this is some sad fucking shit
honestly man why do u have to resort to dolls have you given up completely on finding a real woman? whats wrong why cant you get a real girl? have you convinced yourselves that a doll is better?? do you not have a penis??
>tits show up
>thread dies
every fucking time
>Are they soft and child-like?
please seek a therapist asap
jokes on you. i am a the-rapist
or the loli posters went to sleep
can u guys just post urself fucking the doll. also what do they cost
Are you encouraging OP to fuck kids? you stupid cunt
OP is a catdoll and runs 800-1200 or so.
doll mfgs
good mid teir dolls, priced 1-3k or so
aikodoll(US based, 60/80cm)
3rd parties(can be cheaper or more expensive, check with the mfg site)
It enforces normative values
It thinks that they exist
Lol, faggot.
How good are these dolls for cuddling? I wanna know because that's what I'll probably be doing most with it.
very expensive. but still cheaper than a woman i guess.
breddy gud
if your not concerned with standing or self supported poses, loose joints are best for cuddling.
fo sho
even a cheap $300 knockoff one usually lasts a year. ones on that list i posted generally should last 3-5yrs+
why would you choose a doll with a face of desperation? i mean, having someone looking worried around you will affect your mental health
disguisting lonely ugly pedo fags
not really sure how you see that as desperation, da fuck is up with your eyes.
what would you say is the expression in her face?
>if your not concerned with standing or self supported poses, loose joints are best for cuddling.
Dang, I really wanna slow dance with one and do some poses with it. How stiff are they exactly if I choose to not go with loose joints?
pretty flat and neutral, slight smile/smirk/crazyeyes depending on angling.
Fr ?
i guess it would depend on the mfg, catdoll actually offers 3 levels, loose/medium/tight(for standing specifically) while most just offer loose/tight.
loose can be anywhere from floppy to "will hold slightly, but cant support its own weight"
if you want to do poses, go for tight. its still pretty good for cuddling, you just got to arrange the cuddle pose first.
one thing to remember, tight will eventually become loose, but loose cant be tightened without surgery. one of mines knees/ankle went loose, but still has just enough tension to stand with proper positioning/support.
I wanna buy a doll myself but does that mean i must have given up on life first?
nope, its just a sextoy user.
Also I wanted to ask, can I keep a metal ring on one of the fingers? Or will it cause damage to the doll?
Not really. Its big and represents a female. So its hard to hide and because its looks female its like a replacement for actual fems
well i think she looks submissively worried. Like in your animes. To each their own i guess.
you can put a ring on it if ya want. make sure its a good metal and not something likley to leech into an oil based material or flake off. worst case it will leave a slight dent in the finger.
stop being so sexually repressed. a women that freaks out over a sexdoll but sees nothing wrong with dildoes aint worth keepin
its almost like interpreting expression is subjective to the experiences and bias of the observer.
But facial expresisons are somewhat universal and not so subjective. None the less, and this is without sarcasm or irony: you seem to be enjoying her so keep it up. Don't touch real kids tho, you know..
not sure why that would be a factor considering mine isnt child like nor are dolls people.
but hey, keep being a bigot
How often do you need to oil? What soap or shampoo can you use with it? How hard is it to clean if you nut in it?
me? non-oil.
Silicone maintenance is a bit easier than TPE that a lot of dolls are made of. I actually just use the same bodywash I use for any full body cleanings and use bleach/alchohol wipes for any spot cleanups/sterilization(dont use bleach/alch on TPE!). Cleaning after use is pretty simple as well, you can either take it to the tub and use a whole hose up the whooha and full scrub or just do this:
For TPE, you can use mineral oil in place of soaps most of the time, but you could still use a very gentle soap for full scrubs if you really wanted. Mineral oil has antimicrobial properties so it works well enough but it doenst have the same ability as soap to "bind" to filth and carry it off.
oh right, frequency of oiling for TPE dolls is roughly:
after washing with soap(it leeches some of the oil off)
every 4-6months or so depending on climate
whenever the material feels like its different/stiffer
Tits or GTFO
Post another pic but the with the elf doll doing that to you
aint nobody wanna see my wookie ass
Do it faggot
How does it feel to fuck one of these loli dolls and why are there no videos of it online?
because ppl cant stop "thinkin of da chilluns" and get all of them taken down.
it feels about like a souped up onahole/fleshlight but the full body part makes a world of difference
.fuk vids Toitoip: Horlicke: KLES: MikeySinner: (It seems all is data are in the search bar, is account gone?) :eek: Toxicnightcore: DarkDollfie: (Let's see if add me) Tenanmon:
HD&FHD VIDEO Download:
fuxin' tiny dolls vids(40Gbs total) 01: 02: Password for the last 2 mediafire: japan (must be typed in, not copied and pasted) dolls) karen-tpe-doll-gets-fisted-and-fucked
bend over
post one without the retarded elf ears
dont make me cut you
ty user
Could someone please post a gif/webm of them cumming on dolls? For a friend
I hope some one kills you, faggot
how much have you spent on the doll's clothing / accessories?
probably close to 800 or so for me, but i have a bad habit of buying decent quality stuff rather than raiding cheap places.
You mean the get worn out by the dolls?
Kek! You really are stupid.
Will it give you a better nutting experience when the dolls wear decent quality stuff?
not really, i just hate cheapo costume garbage. the stuff i get is usually made of material i wouldnt mind wearing myself.
not him, but you realize decent clothes feel better to the touch than shit clothes?
doll-bro, can you pour milk over them?
that sounds messy
So what happens when the holes wear out? I've seen a couple pictures and they seem pretty fragile and easy to rip/damage.
depends on the material type. my white one is an insert and silicone, so easy enough to swap out. the dark elf is a built in so im being a bit more careful, but its still pretty durable being silicone.
i havnt heard of anyone having any wear issues with TPE ones, but tears are somewhat common and it can totally wear out eventually.
that hole doesn't look that great compared to onaholes ive seen and used
yeah would you ever take an unholstered vagina and use it as a fleshlight?
its not, onaholes are far better but the full body makes up a huge part of it.
*scoots up to lou* I'm attracted to you~
Is this you?
Is she atleast somewhat natural heavy so it represents an entity when she rides you and not some balloon weight doll?
they seem hot af but id be far too lazy to properly take care of them
being able to dress them up seems pretty cool too
I demand pictures of the funni distorted face , parker!
> the mouth doesn't open wide enough to put a cock in
well that seems like a gross oversight
she weighs 50lbs give or take and is very light for the size.
per manufacture specs:
some quick weights of a few different mfg
Bel: 132cm 20.5kg TPE
DS145cm: 19kg (one of the lightest for its size silicones on the market)
Catdoll 108cm: 14.5kg TPE
THICC wmdoll: 163cm 49kg TPE
sanhui 168cm: 35kg silicone
Piperdoll 162cm: 42kg TPE
WM 108, Lcup: 21kg TPE
I feel you buddy. Imagine you finally nutted after 3 attempts and youre totally exhausted and just want to sleep and recover but then you have to clean it up afterwards and approximately 1 hour washing disassembling shrub her and so on
Where did you get it?
im already lazy cleaning my hip onaholes
I think i'll just wait for future sex robots that clean themselves
Where can I buy this doll??
you dont want that doll, its trash
like litterally, the asshat charges like 5k and the material likes to melt within a year. just get a catdoll instead
thats a catdoll
You got any more alien girls? Preferably Asari or Na'vi if they made them?
I will not shrub her. That's bush violence.
which one should i buy this one
or this one
would not smash. seriously that is the plainest janest doll you can get
u got so bored with that doll that u painted her green? geez dude u got a problem.
that one looks amazing
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