Why are Atheist unable to define there own belief system?

Why are Atheist unable to define there own belief system?

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Because they have none, dumbass

Why do Christians need to constantly validate their own religion?

Because OP can't even get quads.

says the man who cant explain Atheism without talking about God.

Because Atheism is really just Nihilism.

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Atheism is not a guide to morality or philosophy, it is merely a rejection of the idea of divinity, or any type of supernatural explanation for the universe, existence, or the significance of sapience.

2/10 i replied

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its the same definition as not believing in unicorns or fairies

nice try baiting buddy, i know you arent this dumb

He's been doing it for years. Guaranteed replies.

Do you bleieve in atoms?

I believe in your mom.

me too

sure we can, I just don't believe there's a god out there, and it's okay that I don't understand how things came to be.

Atheism is the lack of a belief system.
Please fuck off and be autistic somewhere else.

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how can you say that when there are so many evidence to thee contrary

Like what?

look at the world, who made it?


Isn't the absence of a belief system also a belief system itself? You're adhering to your beliefs in the absence of religion, which in an odd way, is kind of a religion.

What makes you think someone made it?

The world has to have a designer. I will tell you when I started believing. I looked at the tide, the tide goes in then goes out. Never a miscommunication. You can't explain that!

No. The guy you're replying to is wrong because every thinking human necessarily has some beliefs, but saying that a lack of religion is a religion is retarded.

ayy lmao

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Damn, that's some round-about thinking. Great job gaslighting on the response. 2/10

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Well yeah, pinhead. But you can't explain how these processes were made in the first place.

That's called an argument from ignorance user.

why are you tards replying to this dumbass bait thread?

why do you care so much

Is that Karl pilcington?

Designer has to have a designer who made world. I will tell you when I started believing. I looked at the tide, the tide goes in then goes out. Never a miscommunication. You can't explain that!

ive seen miracles every day

Your right dude. Cant explain where it all came from. Pulling some shit outta your ass that was written by some dudes in the desert 2000 years ago is somehow better than not believing in anything until we have a better understanding.

Prove it

Jesus was middle eastern and would've identified with modern day ISIS. Prove me wrong

Jesus was more like a dirty hippie.

i told you this a while ago and Charley shut the fuck up.

Oceans spanning beyond my sight and a million stars way above them at night. We don't have to be high to look in the sky and know that's a miracle opened wide.

While awe inspiring, that's just nature, not a miracle.

Plant a little seed and nature grows. Niagara Falls and the pyramids. Everything you believed in as kids. Fucking rainbows, after it rains There's enough miracles here to blow your brains.

Again, that's all nature, not miracles.

Well except the pyramids. Humans built those.

Miracles each and everywhere you look and nobody has to stay where they put. This world is yours, for you to explore It's nothing but miracles beyond your door


ayy lmao

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Why should they even have to? Just because a bunch of schizophrenic people wrote a book and claimed we were all made by a sky daddy doesnt mean atheists suddenly have to explain why they're normal.

>Do you believe in God?
>Then what are you believe in?
>No I mean what higher forces do you believe in?

No you guys are just unable to gasp what it is to not cling in a fairy tale in a world of science in 2019. I would say that should be classified as serious retardation.

Isnt your life meaningless when you dont believe in anything?

Also, how can you have any morality when you have no guidance or standards?

Lol nah Jesus would have been a migrant...
Wait there are thousands of migrants named Jesus

>Isnt your life meaningless when you dont believe in anything?
Ayy lmao, he didn't say he didn't believe in anything.
>Also, how can you have any morality when you have no guidance or standards?
If you need an old book to figure out morality, you have problems.

Why is op atheist towards the Roman pantheon? Does he not know that without Poseidon he'd have no water to drink? Maybe he should stop being edgy and sacrifice some lambs instead.

Why do you keep photoshopping your mom, that's disrespectful

>Needing moral support from thousands of years old fairy tale
You do you. The basic "meaning" of life is born live breed die.
Meaning is a jumper you have to knit yourself.


why are you Atheists so angry all the time

Believing in something doesn't make it a religion.

Believing in gravity doesn't make you a religious person.

Also lack of belief isn't proof of belief. If I don't believe the Patriots are going to win the Superbowl next year that doesn't mean I believe some other team is gonna win it. Better yet I can just reject all interest in the who is gonna win all together! Apatheism.

Saying something don't make it so sadboi

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Because theists hack us to death with machetes in broad daylight.

I know the feeling, I would jerk off waiting for replies when I was heavy trolling like a year ago

>Oceans spanning beyond my sight and a million stars way above them at night.

>so illiterate he thinks there aren't oceans on other planets and that the stars aren't made of the same chemicals he can buy at home depot

This post is incredibly stupid.

Because religions are one major thing keeping society back from curing anything and improving quality of life. Also greed and ethics.

This post is incredibly erotic

Dude, have you seen another alien race flying around?? Seems pretty miraculous to me.

why is it always religious people shooting up schools and crashing planes in to buildings and riding car bombs with go pros strapped to their heads?


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Time to get off of the computer

That's the miracle of slavery

let me know when we've searched even 1% of the night sky for life.

Do you lose your car keys and only look at your hands before declaring their not in your house? Because humans have only searched something like 0.0000001% of the night sky and yet you are already declaring there's no life on even 1 of the 1 trillion planets out there.

Has another alien race seen us flying around?

>T. Hasn't figured out that space is big

Even I have trouble visualizing how big the observable universe is. Here is the Drake Equation:

"Two months later, Harvard University astronomy professor Harlow Shapley speculated on the number of inhabited planets in the universe, saying "The universe has 10 million, million, million suns (10 followed by 18 zeros) similar to our own. One in a million has planets around it. Only one in a million million has the right combination of chemicals, temperature, water, days and nights to support planetary life as we know it. This calculation arrives at the estimated figure of 100 million worlds where life has been forged by evolution.""

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Ni66a if keys were popping up every so often in my house for a long time before I even moved in then losing a few shards before disappearing, you'd think I'd see pile of metal in any direction I looked, aside from my own asshole.
You don't deserve those numbers,
They would have made their presence know due to the extreme amount of tech they have being able to hide themselves. I would think there'd be a difficult to bridge gap in knowledge. For God's sake we sent a gold disc with our history out. Why don't we see things like that flying everywhere?

Yeah and that disk hasn't even left our solar system.
Weak bait 2/10 cause I replied

It always intrigued me that in the original Dune books, humanity has spread out through the universe but had never found other intelligent life. We can speculate on the odds, but we could still be a statistical fluke, a tiny spec of light in a sea of darkness. Nobody has any way of knowing.