You have 10 seconds to prove you are NOT American

You have 10 seconds to prove you are NOT American

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Other urls found in this thread:

But I am though.

im white

I can eat with a knife and fork without chopping everything up into baby sized chunks and then feeding myself like I'm a two year old.

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I never seen a Black man

fuggin brexit mate

I'm American as fuck. super proud too.
keep hating on us bro, we're busy winning

I have healthcare

I depend/ed on USA for my freedom even though I like to talk shit about USA because I am jealous and insecure.

i am an american nigger

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Today I walked.

I am either a shithole country or allied with (while still subservient to) the USA
>change my mind

how would you even know americans can't

My country accepts all sandniggers

>Live in third word contry
I already won

you sure are

Because everyone knows that Americans can't use a knife and fork, how do you not know that?

I think about Americans 24 hours a day and am so jealous of them, I make hate threads about them on a Japanese owned American anime website

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I can say "Cunt" and "Twat" without it sounding forced and weird.

There are plenty of reasons to hate on Americans but if you choose obesity you've obviously never actually been here. Our numbers are super padded by spics and niggers. White people are generally super clean and healthy here. The exceptions are the Midwest and the deep South but most of the population is on the coast. That'd be cherry picking.

I have a functional healthcare system

I've been loads of time to the US, and white people are fat too. Sure, it's mostly poor people which obviously includes nigs and spics, but there are plenty of poor white people and fat white people.

Switching hands makes you not shovel your food like a fat fuck.

Except switching hands and using the fork as a spoon, LITERALLY makes you shovel it, while euros keep the tines facing downwards.

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I had hamburgers for lunch
I can't afford insurance
I'm overweight
I'm unintelligent
I have slow internet
totally not american

because i don't give a shit about how americans eat. who the heck even reads the wiki about that crap. you just confirm their belief that everyone is obsessed with anything they do or can't do. i hope your joking, you fucking faggot.

You sound Australian

I boil my water in an electric kettle

>you're obsessed if you ever seen an american eat
Nice coping mechanism you have there, faggot.

Went outside and didnt got shot

1 km = 1000 m

I shit in a hole in the ground

kek winner

>prove you are NOT American
I have a mud floor in my house and ride a mule to school for 4 hours

I'm allowed to bring my own candy to the cinema.
I don't clap when the movie is over.
I don't think two bags of carry ons are a human right.

your the faggot posting a wiki article about how murricans eat. your the one feeling superior about being able to use a knife. end your life.

That photo was in England nigger

i didnt take take a mix of 3-4 psych meds on a daily base for the past a decade in attempt to fix my pathetic and unsustainable lifestyle (see op pic)

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I don't wear shoes indoors.
I can use a fork and knife without butchering the food.

Vittu saatana

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>your the faggot posting a wiki article about how murricans eat.
You literally asked "how do you know" and now you're just upset because even fucking wikipedia knows.... Piss off, you butthurt little faggot.

Where are all you non americans from?
We are anxious to know what part of the queens realms you are subject to.

Jag är inte amerikansk din jävla amerimutt

>American education

Is op implying an oxymoron question??? If you're not in America you can't make posts on the interwebs

>this is what americans believe

Voted for Trump.

Wait a minute....

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that's right, i asked how you knew. you posting a wiki link as the answer made me kinda think, that you googled how americans eat and then read the wiki aout it. you fucking retard.


When people make fun of me for being retarded I don't think they're secretly jealous

Trop d’islam dans mon pays ... mais St Tarrant nous guide

we don't believe in believing

Ants > This retard

I know because I've been to the US many times, and seen many American movies. I posted the link because you seemed to believe I was lying. And then you got told and now you're butthurt about being proven wrong.

Go cope somewhere else, I'm done with you.

What about jeebus?

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Im not American because where you're born isn't who you are, it's the wake of human destruction we leave that barely makes us Earthlings.

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So you know how ALL Americans eat right? What country do you live in?


ants have money and own a device to browse the web? damn son where you live

Ey i don't gotta worry aboot being no gosh darn american

Facing the tines down is literally inefficient and pleb tier. But it's probably fine for the 2 beets you have for dinner boris.

>So you know how ALL Americans eat right?
what is statistics

ALL niggers aren't violent murderers, but most violent murderers are niggers. It's a fact.

>I know because I've been to the US many times
see, that would have been an acceptable anwser. i really talked myself into a rage with you, you fucking ass.

I'm 5'3".

Maybe you should try a beet instead of eating a whole cow for supper? I think that would do wonders for your weight and diabetes.

I can't eat without tortilla

You will notice that the aussies and the brits will NEVER admit to being from those countries and all Americans are proud to be a part of this great free nation we call THE UNITED STATES.
The constitution wins. Flawless victory.

Hes right though. If you need to nitpick their eating style, they probably dont sound too bad. Maybe talk about their need for sugar in everything, or the rampant nigger infestation, or even how they treat obesity as a disability and not just neck the fatties.

If you can't deal with autism on Yea Forums, you really are on the wrong website.

I have a provincial health card.

No they probably dont have any of those things but how does those things make you any better than ants? They have their entire colony and a job to serve... One single ant has done more than you in your lifetime. Finland if you must know..

Provide link that's not wiki.
I've never been asked by anyone how I use a knife and fork.

I've never seen an american clap at the end of a movie or plane ride. And I've been to all 48 continental states and the movies hundreds of times. Is this a meme?

the person running my country is also a dispicable cunt but everyone agrees even her party

bitch, i am the autism on Yea Forums

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I haven't either.

>obnoxious fatties making noises and shoving food in their fat mouthes are okay, you're just obsessed
Their eating style is relevant to their general lack of manners and obnoxious behaviour. It's how they get away with their "fat acceptance" bullshit. Americans always believe they can behave badly because they believe they are go-getters living the american dream.


>>seen many american movies
Oh lawd, this nigga thinks movies are real life. You probably think all american kids get new cars at 16, or that all college kids are just drunk frat partiers.

They don't clap at plane rides, but they do clap at the end of movies.

And where are you from so we can tell you what you believe?

im not fat

>Provide link that's not wiki.

Here's a training video for americans travelling to europe

I have a brain

Spoken like the true third worlder you are.

What? Where? When?

I don't have to worry about my kids getting shot at school.

I weigh 67kg.

>we're busy winning
Last time I saw a burger winning was when Trump won the presidential election.

The batman shooter was literally shooting people when they were clapping at the end of the movie. Where do you think the "burgerclap" meme came from?

You've literally never met an American have you? None of what you said applies beyond the stereotypical trailer trash in the deep south.


2 + 2 = 4

Oh that's proof then. Pack it up america. We're all done here.
You see how all brits and aussies avoid this question at all costs. Skim right on past it BRUV. we know where you're from.


Lol wut?
Sure there are rude Americans but asians and Hispanics are by far the rudest people, followed shortly by french.

love it ty


>You've literally never met an American have you?
Of course I have, you're just failing to realize that Americans in general have a bad reputation abroad. They are generally known as fat, rude and loud.

riiight, first of all Hispanic and Asian aren't nationalities.

and the French one is because they hate racists.

Well, asians and hispanics are subhuman retards. Sure, asians are the worst. But among westerners, americans are the worst followed by ruskies and then the french.

And yet you pack like sardines in a can to see Americans perform, watch American movies, listen to American music,drive american cars and you refuse to admit you live in the realm of a queen.

I've never had a taco bell, wendys, or McDonalds.

French are huge racists, well more like xenophobic, they hate anyone not french. You speak German? May as well have killed their dog. Also rude as fuck, no concept of a mental filter on what they say.

The first of your list sure, but
>american music
Lol no, who listens to "nigguh nigguh nigguh yo ooga booga where the white wimmen at"?
>drive american cars
Looool, nope!

so do i, and i'm american, and i don't have to wait seven months for an appointment and i don't pay taxes out the ass

French are very rude indeed. But they're not loud and obnoxious, they just refuse to speak to you and huff off visibly upset.

I have poor hygiene and my neighbor is muslim.

No, but you need to tip for everything instead.

I am an AMERICAN and I am PROUD! Fuck you eurotrash and aussie mother fucking losers. Have fun defending your pansy ass faggot countries without the help of our soldiers on the front line for you cowards. Oh and btw how does it feel not to have Trump as your leader? Bet it sucks you commie loser faggots. Eat shit and die.

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Bad temp because they dont give a shit about whatever third world customs you have or whatever shitting street you call home is called. We literally have television shows where people earn money by spending a couple weeks where you shitters live. We laugh about how you seethe over us and yet have to carry my luggage for a dollar a month.

gets life information from the internet, not actual, personal life experiences, you sure you're not american?


I like trump

so do i you fucking twat of a cunt

You're on Yea Forums too, buddy. It's not like you ever left the basement either.

>Went outside and didnt got shot

because your country dosen't allow you defend yourself if you need to, good luck with calling the police when some nutjob is shooting up your mosque

>go outside
>"stop resisting" bam bam bam
>muh guns for self-defence

i can post videos and not get arrested, proof i am an american

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They should probably just leave us alone.

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I'm American but I know Brexit is a pile of shit, ya got some immagrant issues, and article 13 can suck a dick.

Active /r9k/ server, no normalfags allowed:

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Only because our schools fail to teach us about these customs. We literally wee taught 5000 years of history in a month.

Bitch who does that

It's Brakevan. Not Caboose.

It's Colour. Not Color.

It's wagon. Not Car.

It's Carriage. Not coach.

It's motorway. Not highway.

It's chips. Not fries.

It's crisps. Not chips.

It's Gray. Not grey.

It's bi. Not pan.

I love how people post about Ameridumdfuckistan then some Amerifuck posts a reply that just shows how fucked Americans can be.

Shit is just too easy!

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I've reported this thread to scottland yard so I hope all of you posting here are allowed to post the offensive things you've said. They told me they are grabbing ips now.

cia niggers

>be me
>go outside
>get stabbed by Paki
>wait 10 months for medical care
>blade had broken off inside me
>sent to prison for possessing knife

I cant post memes because article 13
I need to pay to post links because of article 11
I need a permit to masturbate.
Yeah man Europe is the SHIT

I can drink water from the tap without first having to burn off the hydrocarbons bacause some corporation paid local officials to pass laws that corporation wrote to allow fracking in my backyard.

"Whoo Hooo! Capitalism!"

kek, good one

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Syökää kalakukkoa saatanan sammakot

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i like fishcakes

I can't decide which colour to have my tyres.

I don't measure my culture based purely on its ability to market food products.

i weigh less than 400lbs

>It's Gray. Not grey.

You nearly snuck by us you fat Amerikike.

Yum kinder surprise

its all fun and games until Americans get picked on. kek

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I know what halušky s bryndzou are..


oh that sounds so good

Not sure where this comment came from.. If anything id imagine the insult would be the opposite, because Americans eat huge portions as opposed to other nations.

What does the portion size have anything to do with the chopping size?

Most tools who shit on the US empire are former imperial powers themselves. We're literally a former colony that overpowered the largest empire in history. Now the UK is a vassal to the US. It's pretty wild how history turned out.

Everyone wants to hate on the number 1 nation, meanwhile your second option is authoritarian China, whose government would track down and jail probably everyone here. Lol

i live in canada

i can say shit about my country’s leader without being beheaded

No we dont.

Yea Forums is illegal in my country

Imagine being an American and being so poorly educated that you think America has an empire.

Trying to form political opinions while not knowing the meaning of simple terms is presumably how you end up electing a senile con-artist.

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I got to survive school

Kind of like all the anti american posts you start. I get it.

>not fat
>don't drive a car to the mailbox
>have healthcare
>know three languages
>don't put ranch dressing in my coffee

What's kind of like that? How?

The American really doesn't know how language works, they just come up with what they think is a retort and don't care for whether it makes any sense in context.

They're merely Ron Burgundy saying "When in Rome".

>But for real i'm white
So that's enough proof i'm not american

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I do not have packages stolen from my porch because they get delivered to me and not left on my porch.

American movie and American actor reference.

are you dumb? American burgers are bigger than your head and we eat them fresh from the drive through window, no knives.

Deny that I am from the greatest nation of all time? Sorry, can't do that, mate.

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I finished eight tenths of my school year without a single gun entering my school.


Yeah, you just use a fork to shove the *whole* sausage down your throat like the cock you wish it was.

I have basic geography knowledge and like, I'm smart actually

This is a frankfurter.

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I’m not afraid of getting shot when I go to school

debatin an egg, bacon and black puddin butty for scran tomorrow since i'll be hangin

balls are proof.

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I dont spend more time with my pals than my wife playing with penis shaped weapons that ejaculate when short I am not a faggot

I have no idea how tall 5'9 actually is. I'm 173, does that make me manlet?

you're afraid of being shot after you leave school

No debate to be have.

Got a sandwich shop near me that's started making breakfast pies. Full English in a fucking pie for three quid. Sound as fuck.

I weigh less than 300lbs

How much is that in stone?

it'd be a shame not to have one i guess

sounds fuckin sweet that haha

Hah, there's another good one.

I once bought a laptop from the manufacturer and had it delivered to my door. I didn't have a credit card at the time, but no problem: I paid for a $2000 computer in cash at my door.

I'm not stupid


I can speak English, Dutch, German and a bit of French.

its a good thing europe doesn't practice circumcision.
it will make it easier for their women to accept the replacement population

>I am getting fucked in the ass by china

It's amazing how you fucking idiots never get that it's about poverty and not the race. It's the poor people who are fat. It's the poor people who commit the crimes. Yes many spics and nigs are poor, which is why the statistics look like they do. But it's because they're poor. And since poverty is an integral part of the USA your argument is invalid.

noone's getting arrested. this is not america

6 hands and four stone guv bruv.
Oi catch a flippy in the paddy boot to the paddy bricks top for a pint of ale and a frogging lads manchesta United oioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioi
Marmite and God save de queen

If you have not joined the best Yea Forums discord in the world yet you are gay. You dont wanna be gay do you?



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Makes me want to get a dick tattoo of an eagle killing a bear while I eat a BigMac and take a dump on pictures of commie 3rd world shitskins.

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Metric system


Americans lock up more of their citizens than anywhere else in the world and then brag about their freedoms.

They are just that stupid.

You mean peurofectioun, ignoramus .
Pip pip

Sorry we aren't a tiny country with a tiny population full of cuck willing to let shit skins do whatever they want.

I didn't go bankrupt when someone called an ambulance on me

See, when you talk to an American like this, they aren't really responding to what you say. They're just spewing noise.

Talking to Americans isn't really a conversation, it's more a p-zombie thought experiment.

13% 50%

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>11 million beaners doing whatever they want at your expense
>40 million niggers

You are right about two things. You're not a tiny country with a tiny population.

Water boils at 100°C.

you just visit /pol or stormfront or any alt-right web site and that is all you are going to hear from an American, it's like free thought is not in their DNA

Are you even allowed to speak what's on your mind in your queens kingdom?
Are you even allowed to be here?
See when you talk to a serf about freedom, it is confusing and frustrating for them to try and comprehend. They are unable to understand america and therefore they hate america.
Stop trying to make America one of the queens realms. We left that kingdom and killed the serfs that came to try and take us back. FREEDOM feels so fucking nice.

1+1 = 2

Europe is lucky they don't have niggers

All our terrible "crime" and "murder" statistics that Europoors complain about is all inflated from blacks

Attached: 1538328526487 crime statistics black people.png (1370x3313, 259K)

>doing whatever they want.
And that's why out prison population is so high. Try and keep up nigel

Yes to both questions.

Notice the American has not been able to rationalise the brute fact that his country locks up more of its own people than North Korea or China, it just continues to shout and scream about how much freedom it has.

The American is not a naturally curious type and so doesn't really understand the rest of the world or its country's place in it.

I think guns are dangerous and knives should be banned

Name one country better than us.

>we're busy winning
at what?

>he gets it

I'm not American but what's wrong with wearing shoes indoors?

i didnt get shot at school today.

how is it America's fault that their citizens who make their own decisions get in trouble? 13% 50%

England, Australia , wales

Even when the American tries to pose a solution to the problem, it fails to understand any of it.

It tries to defend itself by arguing that its population is entirely lacking in intelligence, as if their entire purpose in this thread hasn't been to deny that.


thatd be proof that you arent european, also using shit format of time lol eurotards

he's a euro with no life. paay him no mind

this is retarded

butthurt euro

this is retarded

And once again, talking to the American is more like dealing with a simple p-zombie than having a conversation. It acts like a person, it uses all the language, but it clearly lacks real sapience.

make that this is really retarded

I drive a Falcon ute.

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they do have muzzies and trucks

wow you seem bitter about something?

This coming from a serf in a kingdom. Lmao

I mean for someone who claims to have it better and to be better than me you sure seem mad.

See how it uses a question mark for something that isn't a question.

thats why they so mad

It acts like it's involved in the discussion. It throws out its little phrases like "you mad bruh?" without any heed to the context.

Canada, New Zealand, France, Germany, Norway, Denmark..........

You do know that a prison is a place where they take away your freedom, so if you put more people per capita there than anywhere else then you are the least free country.....fuck the Jew overlords really cucked the entire country while telling the population they were giving them surprise education is always kept to the minimum

no actually I asked a question.
hense the ?
so what are you mad about?

your reply lacks content

god you're an asshole

I drive a SAMSUNG.

so fucking American
assumes anyone they argue with online must be European because Europe is the only other "country" they know other than the USA

I get that you're trying, but think about it a little harder. Use your words. What are you supposed to be asking there? How is "you seem bitter about something", which is clearly a statement, turned into a question simply by the punctuation?

Are you asking if I seem bitter? How do I know how you perceive me?

You have to make sense, you little p-zombie you.

actually its the most likely

No that would be the USA or China the two countries that spew the most amount of shit into the atmosphere than any other country.

oooooohhhhh fuck....go look at the stats for countries connected to the internet for the actual most likely

Do you even understand per capita?
The USA has THE HIGHEST incarceration numbers PER CAPITA than any other nation.


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still showing bitterness.
so whats the problem.
I'm here to help

you really need to think a little more before you post

someone else who is retarded

weak and predictable

they are more like parrots than zombies, zombies don't say anything, while parrots repeat any shit their owners(Jew Overlords) say....and will keep repeating the same shit no matter what you say back to them.....yes definitely a country full of parrots

My weight starts with a 1

weak and predictable



I have a nagging desire to exterminate all of the countries around me except Spain they cool


The queen of the comin wealth is literally crowned on Jacobs stone. You literally fly the union jack or the union of jacob flag.
Your queen is the queen jew and you don't even know it.

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yeah think about how so few niggers managed to cuck all the white people and turn them all into niggers, dirty people who throw all their rubbish and pollution into other people countries, thieves who are always looking to steal from their neighbours......a continent with more niggers than Africa and that's a fact. And worse still most of them have white skin, like the worst horror movie you could imagine, niggers with white skin.


So, actually punishing criminals is a bad thing?

What cucked nation are you living in these days? At least until your invaders take over, that is.

white people are fat as fuck here you delusional /pol/nigger


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wanna try that again sport


I finished college without a dept.

too late fuckwit, you have so much in "coming" with niggers...kek

I am and damn proud of it

its an english muffin

you had one job.
also its called uni

Why is everything super with burgers?

Mate, I'll punch you right in the gabba.

Triple digits IQ

Dude seriously this thread has been great fun and I really do hope you are a happy slave but I'm not arguing freedom with a subject to a crown anymore. You are lucky that we even respond to you at all. No tiny island inbred will ever get me to not love our Constitution and our freedoms that come with it. I know you don't understand and I almost feel sorry for you. Good game and good luck

why are you so bitter is you life is so better?

I don't have a fat nigger nose like Trump and most Americans and none of my ancestors fucked niggers.

you ever see a 10 seconds thread about europe?
thats because we don't care about europe

>queen of the comin wealth
She is not the the queen of the "comin wealth".
She is its head. There are countries in the commonwealth in which she is not even their queen.

this is retarded

oh fuck Americans
Tiny Island? I presume you mean the UK.
But I don't live in the UK.
But you never asked
You just assumed
You are a dumb assuming fuckwit like most Americans. You just go to your book of parrotry and choose something from the book of parrots and just repeat it like a parrot would, while hoping you will get a reward.

A nation of imbeciles who behave just like parrots.

did you just call the queen mum a shit head?

Pay attention and follow the links and you will see how unnecessary and irrelevant your post is.

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Ok I'll ask. Where are you from?
>Inb4 anywhere but australia or the uk.

so why are you so bitter?
you claim to be better than me but dude the anger...

oh look an intellectual parasite

1.State gives us pension
2.Alcohol and cigars are sold at every corner store on street.
3.I've never seen beef jerky
4.You can buy phone SIM card anonymously (NO-ID)
5.Post-communist buildings everywhere

pretty much just described america


1.Wrong, there are no separate liquor stores in my area, minors can easily buy alcohol and cigarettes without ID
2.It's very hard to anonymously buy a phone sim in US
3.US capitalism doesn't guarantee you a retirement pension

My BMI is within normal range.

you must live in a third world country

so is mine

Look like a spic to me...

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Congrats on living in a civilized country, then.

>very hard to anonymously buy a simple card
Eurocuck detected. You can literally buy pretty paid throw aways at almost every store including gas stations and super markets

What area? This should be good nigel... I mean bro

1Gbps cheap internet, there's no shitty monopoly like your Comcast, we got many providers with healthy market share and competition, providint the fastest coolest internet (not like your crappy Comcast)

I'm an american

I'm not bitter, just resigned to the fact that I am having an argument with something that has the intellectual ability of a parrot.
You know at first you think like wow this is amazing this thing speaks my language but after a while you realise that it is just parroting a load of crap it overheard from its Jew Overlords.
You are without a shadow of doubt incapable of free thought, you just say the same repeated shit that has been said by someone you met in /pol, stormfront or fox news because it seemed to work there so why bother thinking for yourself...America fuck yeah

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Fast internet motherfuckers!!!

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Where did comcast touch you nigel?
Here you are using your super fast, much better than any americans connection yo shit post on Yea Forums about America.

nigel or nigger?make up your mind you fucking retard

Fuck you must be the fastest meme in the West, people on /pol and Facebook must bow down before you.

You see in the English language the order of the letters is important

Nigel, nigger, it's all the same. If you're a slave you're a slave. Doesn't really matter to a free man what your queen calls you

american detected

is she with a muzzie tonight?

I don't live in a country with a sizeable Muslim population like the USA, 3 and a fucking half million of them. Fuck you are going to be eating curry before your sister marries a beaner.

I know how to use subjunctive verbs.