Just caught these guys

Just caught these guys.
What do?

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Shave them?

Got any balloons?

Free them inside your house

Whatever you do, wear gloves.

Clean your house you filthy slob

Drown them unironically

Training them to steal your neighbors money for you

Drug em make them fight

Buy a cage and keep them as prisoner pets or relocate them to your neighbors house. Dont kill em, have you ever seen fivel goest west?

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sexually pleasure them with your mouth

Space program

jew propaganda

Free them; become the rat king

Leave them in a slippery bucket until one of them gets eaten alive. You then perform live dissection on the winner with an exacto knife.


You said rat king. I think he should free them after he attaches them to their tail. Idk if it’s possible to tie their tails.

Release them, you hateful nigger

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I agree with this.

Stick in pooper. Roll!

Stop using sticky traps and catch them with your hands like anyone who isn't a bitch.

Or go back to your buttfuck party with this faggot

It's funny because the mice act like jews

play a song

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Vegetable oil will free the mice from the traps without injuring them, it dissolves the glue. Try not to get too much on their fur. Free them outside away from your house and don't use sticky traps in the future.

You know that scene on Game Of Thrones where Cersei got her revenge on the Sand Snakes by having them both chained in the same cell, kissing the daughter with poison on her lips, and then telling the mother that she'd watch her daughter die and rot away for years as punishment?

Step 1 - find a Cersei Lannister rat and train her to put poison on her lips.

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>Give them a bath and then decapitate them.
>Flay the top layer of skin and make sure there is no fur.
>Cut out the meat and fat around the organs. >You can take the liver and the kidneys, but trash everything else.
>Soak the meat in lemon juice and coconut oil and leave it in the fridge overnight.
>Make several deep diagonal slices in the meat, only going halfway through.
>Fry the meat on medium-low heat for 15 minutes turning ONLY ONCE 7 minutes in.
>Fry the meat with vegetable oil in a pan
>Sprinkle whatever herbs you want, and it goes great with egg and cheese.
>When it is done, sautee it in lemon juice for about 2 minutes, one minute for each side.

What shit hole are you from?

This shit is why I keep coming back to this fucking board.

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that's the recipe for ratitoue

This nigga living in the wasteland. What the fuck.

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oil 'em up


Use soap to free them from the glue trap, take them to a wooded area and let them go. You will be rewarded with karma bucks.

Use soap to free their lails, then pin them to a wall, and see how long in takes until they rot enough to fall off

This, then give them prison tats.

>Put em in a cage
>bath em with acid

Make sure to use gloves when puting em in the cage so u aint get no desease

OP here...

All i had was maple syrup and i thought that would fhelp free them but instead just got more sticky so i threw them in a bag and tied it and hopefully they will die without scaring them or whatever i feel bad

Superglue them

Make a video about it for the youtubes


OP you fucking retard.

Find where they live and shit all over it and eat their food.

you know, to euthanize a rat you just have to grab it by the back of the head, and firmly pull from the base of the tail. May not be better than releasing them, but removes unnecessary suffering.

lame waste of rat dubs

>first person to get dubs
>its OP
Either way, you can save them. Another user mentioned being able to use vegetable oil to release them. If you dont have vegetable oil, go out and get some. Or just use another type of oil, maybe. You can still be a good guy. I believe in you. Post more so we know what happens

Put the hamster in your anus. Enjoy

Cut the trap out around their feet so they have to walk around in little mouse shoes

Ow, stop using sticky traps, user!

Drowning might be faster than learning a new skill like that.

I feel like sticky traps are really inhumane for anything more intelligent than a bug. They’ll break their legs trying to get away and just be miserable for the rest of their life until they die of dehydration or something.

Stickty traps are fine indoors when monitored

Throw them at your neighbors' house

Throw them in a box, wait till one eats another. Set free and enjoy your rodent eating friend.

What’s your preferred way to euthanize the animals that get caught in them? Genuinely curious.

This is my preferred method.

Mercilessly burn them alive! Leave not a single limb unburnt!

Put them in boiling water and post video

I skin and stuff them.

Strap em up an blowtorch em each facing eachother

if in the UK where did you get those traps? can't find them these days