Ask a psychologist anything.
Ask a psychologist anything
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Ever fucked or sucked off a client?
Ever had any CP related patients?
I redirect those to a specialist if that's the main issue they want to deal with, but yes, I've worked with that.
And by CP I mean cheese pizza of the special kind.
I have a wife and 3 kids and I want to be a normal husband and just come home every night and be happy with what I have but I can't stop fucking other women and thinking about fucking other women all the time. It's been like this for years.
What's the best technique to control anxiety?
Not OP, did the same thing.. You family life is just tasks, and not fulfilling.. Did the same thing, you subconciously try to live life, and go for the extreme to live to the fullest, Sex is the easiest way.
I want to chop of my dick. I don't want to be a woman either but I feel it unnecessary
Not OP but benzos help for about 2 years until they max out your dose then they stop working then you have a mental breakdown when you stop taking them and might die. then the cycle starts over again
How did you get over it?
What schools of thought do you subscribe to?
The least you can do is tell your wife. She has the right to choose whether she wants to stay with you or not. Moreover, if you aren't actually happy with your wife, you should consider separating.
Benzos are not good for long term use like that. Who the fuck prescribed you them for that long?
Finding the cause and dealing with that. Dealing with anxiety directly is just a temporary solution that rarely works.
This is terrible advice. You are a retard.
I like the no-nonsense approach best, but I inform myself about everything. So cognitive-behavioral most of the time.
>This is terrible advice. You are a retard.
I never said you would like my advice. I insist: she has a right to choose whether to stay with someone who betrays her or not. It would also not be ideal for you to live in a lie for years to come. This never ends well.
Im a cannibal, or I’d like to be. Right now I’m limited to blood because one of my tenants entered into an agreement with me, however I know that someday I’ll advance and begin consuming the flesh as well as the blood, but I feel this will involve an obvious escalation I don’t find appropriate.
Both my parents loved and supported me, I’m relatively spoiled from an upper class family. Socially I’m fine, and have never had trouble with girls.
Why was Freud so right?
>Why was Freud so right?
About what?
Drink period blood, my man. When you level up, you'll evolve into an abortion doctor.
Thoughts are thoughts and not betrayals.. you're either not op or not a psychologist.
You probably suffer from schizotypal and have a set of unusual beliefs due to it, which includes your blood consumption and other weird deeds based on weird believes.
Fucking other women than your wife when she doesn't know is betrayal.
Most girls I’ve been with didn’t mind me eating them out at that time but one thought it was weird.
Not OP but had this trouble with my wife and fixed it.
You're lacking in bond and connection. Likely with the kids and work you haven't really done anything together in awhile. You need to go.out and have a blast together.
As soon as I dl tinder because I'm "just curious what's out there" and "just want to see who I can match with" as I tell myself it's a red flag to organize a date night.
Gets my head back in the narrow fast and improves our love.
I must know what the deal with airline food is
I misread it. I didn't see he was doing it, just thinking about it.
Yeah fuck you man.
are you employed?
I’m a regular functioning adult. Early twenties, own a house, passed all army prep and am enlisting this year.
When I was younger, like, 11-13, I experimented with porn when I was first given unrestricted access to internet and it probably messed me up a bit but I doubt it made me schizo
What advice would you give to someone who is aspiring to become a psychologist? What was the road to becoming a psychologist like?
Porn doesn't cause mental illness. Schizotypal people generally function OK. It's not schizophrenia. If you want to eat flesh because of unusual beliefs, look into it.
About everything. Thots, feminists, trannys.
It's my professional opinion that her dad was diddling her.
I cannot stop excessively daydreaming to the point where it’s seriously impacting my life. I’ll be so concerned with my daydreams that I slack on real world responsibilities and relationships and I look forward to bus rides/sleeping so I can escape into my dreams. It comes and goes but is a pretty consistent problem. Have you seen patients with that before/do you have any recommendations to curb it?
I might be schizoid well almost sure I have schizoid personality disorder. What do I do?
>What advice would you give to someone who is aspiring to become a psychologist? What was the road to becoming a psychologist like?
I'd say go for it.
You do 3 years or so of a Bachelor, then 2 in a master program, where you specialise, then postgraduate training in whatever you want to specialise in. Literally dozens of different jobs in psychology, from teaching to advertising, to therapy, to neurology, research, etc.
You're projecting memes on Freud's work. Freud was not right about everything. If you want to narrow it down to specific topics, I'm all ears.
I read it a bit but I don’t think it suits, I’m rather average beyond that. I don’t vote, go to bars on weekends to meet people, party and make the occasional joke about eating people.
When I was a kid I busted up my mouth real bad and ended up drinking a lot of blood waiting for the ambulance to arrive, that’s the closest I can see to a cause.
Other than that, blood is delicious so I enjoy it whenever possible; I assume flesh is the same but as said I cannot risk that without escalating, and I would need to know the person was clean anyways.
Different fag
Freud was the Charles Darwin of psychology.
He just noticed some shit about brains no one really thought of and extrapolated and practiced in a field of his own creation.
He revolutionised the way we think about and approach psychology, but overtime we found he was wrong about a lot of shit. About all he got right was the very basic "brains are tangible mappable and predictable. Also past experiences affect now behaviour".
His conception of basal instincts of self-gratification as motive.
any books about seduction ?
You've taken why anyone behaves in any way, and the way you even behave, and you've projected it onto imaginary internet groups you dont like as a means of justifying your distaste because "a smart man from 100 years ago agrees".
His statements on the subconscious covered a lot more behaviour than gendered or sexual ones... They also covered things like hatred and us vs. them thinking. So if your argument is they're being primitive, so are you by singling them out and being madsies about it.
Post more of you
>He just noticed some shit about brains no one really thought of and extrapolated and practiced in a field of his own creation.
That's not exactly it.
Freud didn't analyse brains, champ.
That's saying nothing.
Just a piece of paper on which is written, "Reading books about seduction isn't sexy."
I'm not the other guy. Answer my topic, fucktard.
Is ignoring childhood trauma really that harmful? It works pretty well for me.
In love with a woman who's married, but who's made it 100% clear her husband is not who she belongs with, and that she's very unhappy, even to the point of cutting herself, and has also made it clear has feelings for me, and we have this obsessive connection towards each other. Her first relationship physically abused her, and now her husband is mentally abusing her by threats of suicide and harming himself when she tries to talk about divorce. We spent a night together, and felt like we both had an amazing time, and felt like she saw she could potentially find happiness with me. The last thing we talked about was she felt like she needed to give her marriage one last 100% before she ended it. I guess now I'm just confused as to why she would want to drag it out any longer. And I'm also afraid she'll slip back into the state of mind she was in before we became a part of each others lives of "this is good enough, at least he's not physically abusing me." Do I just give her space while she figures things out? Do I completely block her out, or do I still let my feelings be known to her?
How do I get my ex to love me again? We are friends but because I fucked up 2 years ago and hurt him he doesn't love me at the moment.
Hi, im considering suicide. My psychiatre doctor know about this, but he have me in ass. He dont care and i dont know what to do. Wanna take pills rn
I suffer from clinical depression and anxiety. I was diagnosed at 15 and have been struggling with it all my life. I'm in my 30's now.
Here is a list of some of the medications I've been prescribed over the past 15 years or so and didn't work:
I've also tried therapy with 3 different therapists including a cognitive behavioral therapist and none of that helped. I still get random waves of depression and anxiety and have panic attacks often. I think about killing myself multiple times a day because of this.
What do I do?
Not OP but it seems like she's just looking for a way out. I've been there. What I would do is message her every couple weeks or so to just say hi how are you doing or send a funny meme etc.. you get the idea. Basically so that you're not talking all the time but she still thinks about you from time to time.
I haven't had sex in nearly 10 years.
Is it true that "if you dont use it, you lose it"?
Yes. Your dick is going to fall off if you don't start fucking women asap.
for god's sake man just hire a prostitute
Why the fuck do people put pineapple on their pizza?
They don't actually like pineapple on pizza. They just do it because it's "different" and they want to be a snowflake and annoy other people.
No cash.
Unless I can charm a prostitute into fucking me for free, but I dont think that's how it works.
I like the pineapple on pepperoni pizza because of the strong contrast in taste. The sweetness of the pineapple really adds to the taste.
Just go to a bar and hit on random women until one of them says yes.
That's just called a one night stand.
Look at this fucking snowflake.
Ive started having really bad anxiety whenever im in a situation where im not in control, so like on plane rides or stuck in traffic.
I dont know what caused it but I think it might be because I started doing MDMA last year, I only do it once every 3/4 months though and this started during a period where i hadnt done it for 3 months. Is it the MDMA making me feel like this or am i just fucked?
How gently hint people that you don't want talk with him?
Explain this shit.
What is the core root cause of the mental condition known as Conservatism? And why do they always end up supporting barbarism?
I second what this liberal girl said, exlain to your wife that we are horny fucks , sex is our greates weakness, its very hard for us to fully control and we do stupid shit if we just let go...
sooner or later you gonna get cought and is gonna be 10x worse...better to be separed and still talking to each other instead of being angry at each other.
Living in mostly solitude makes that difficult. Not to mention, I'm in a dry county(yes, some states still have those).
I dont get anxious, and I'm a generally likeable human being. I've just lived in and out of mental hospitals for my entire adult life. The girls are easy, but they're fucking nuts and most of them arent in the least attractive.
I may hire a prostitute sometime, but fuck. I need what little bit of cash I make. How much do they usually charge?
What can you do when you are in love with a girl but she has a thrauma which causes her to be feared of starting serious relationships with anyone?
Have do a psych for a law enforcement agency. Any advice?
Could you help this guy?
I'm diagnosed ASPD, and I get confused sometimes because I actively am trying to better myself, feel more empathy, care about other, etc... But I can fake it pretty well but I only fake care. (Like how when you're looking at a foggy mirror, you can kinda understand what you're looking at but it doesn't really make sense and is hard to comprehend? It's kinda like that.) Point is I want to give a shit about other people because I feel super empty inside, but can't. Any advice?
This one personal you can reply or not. Kind if have urges of rage like a mental illness that could explode at any moment. Mother knows about it but don't have any medical care because of financial problems now.
same question as yesterday
27, never had a gf, zero friends, only acquaintances, extreme social anxiety, i feel like everyone hates me, can't make the voice that says im not good enough stop.
how do i fix whats wrong
can you really be in love with someone 800 miles away you haven't met in person yet?
How many pedophiles do you meet with?
What are your postnominals fag? I bet you aren't even an associate.
Come tortoise, standing still
Go hummingbird, my will
Come tortoise, stumbling blind
Go hummingbird, my eyes
Come tortoise, empty hand
Go hummingbird, my plan
Come tortoise, undefined
Go hummingbird, my mind
Come tortoise, letting go
Go hummingbird, I know
Come tortoise, come and die
Go hummingbird, my I
Goodbye, I
Goodbye, I
Bye, bye, bye
What do you think this means ?
Golden advice: volunteer as much as you can. Getting your name on papers or placements is all that matters pre doc.
Speak to actual verified psychologists/PhD candidates or go to your countries psychological society website and research practice pathways.
Also, clinical is for fags. I/O best division.
you are brainwashed
If trips, OP is actually a psychologist and isn't some senior year larping faggot.
Psychologist is a protected title bitch, I'm a PhD fellow, scholarship. Ill fuck you up.
We should ask you then.
I love my wife, why do I constantly lust after other women? I've come so close to cheating but I "chicken out" at the last second.
Daily reminder psychology isn't science, but interpreted statistics.
I didnt come here to do a Q&A, i came here to shitpost and gatekeep my fucking profession lmao
Have you met Uncle Dave?
why can't people realise Hitler was the good guy?
Boy are you fucking retarded? Physics isn't a science its just interpretative mathematics.
I am 22 years old, and i want to die since 10 years ago, but i stay alive for my family. What i can do to make it easier? I have a job, a appartment, and 1 year before i had a girlfriends for 3 years, even with her i wanted to die.
psychology and sociology are meme wannabe-sciences.
Easy fix bruh, just volounteer to help with a cause you find supportive for society, or find something in society that needs doing but no one finds time for.
Make sure you know it is doing what people want, no harming, and you cannot lie to yourself about that one. You know when you lie to yourself.
I started cleaning up the area i live in, once or twice a week. First just trash collecting, then cigarette buds too, and dog shits and icky stuff. Then i sent a request to the city to set up trashcans with ashtrays at busstops and other areas where people usually trashed.
My area is now a lot cleaner, i only collect trash once a week and people call me the clean kid. Im 30..
Sometimes they talk to me.
I got a dog.
And learnt how to take care of dogs. I now go regularly for walks with peoples dogs when they need to work late or something. I get invited to gettogethers, but i never came to one. Maybe one day i will.
I also set up bird houses together with a local wildlife preservation effort. I log which ones are used and by which birds. I now know a lot about birds. A year ago i was asked out by some of the older bird watchers. I couldnt make myself come, so now they have a friday beer when i come by sometimes to build and fix birdhouses.
I know that they do it just for me because they know im fucked up otherwise.
Im trying to learn social rules, it takes a lot of effort for me to be with more than 2 people at a time.
Maybe one day i will attend a gettogether.
Maybe one day i will be able to speak normally about the weather and not feel retarded.
I come here because I know that a lot of you are me, just different, but still same.
And all the biologists and chemists I know cant think critically for shit, are only capable of producing positivist scripted garbage reports and their stats are no better than mine.
z-z-zero out of t-ten right guys?
I get chemistry, it's all supposed to produce the same results with rare anomalies. But wouldn't biology produce some interpretivist data?
OP is a fucking fraud. He can't answer my post nor is it him in the picture
My case also. I'll just tell myself that it's still not that bad that I should leave. There's always some solution and I'm slowly pushing my boundaries. Not the ideal state - still losing the meaning of my actions but at least I'm trying...
>Ask someone who is taking Intro to Psychology at community college anything.
Why are Brie Larsons toes so ugly?
I try everyday to get a better life, but it's so difficult, the fight against me is terible.. Suicide is so easy..
Have you ever fucked someone who came to your session? How often do you do it? With how many? Do you fuck them out of pity or because you want to feel power or you fall in love?
Are boys or girls more fucked up ?
How can I stop thinking about kidnap women? I know it's wrong but it's like a deep pattern in my mind?
What type of psychology do you specialize in?
Straterra vs Adderall
Run.... don't walk, run from that crazy shit right now..
No cash....ok that's why you haven't fucked in ten years