There are people who think this is a person

There are people who think this is a person.

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It is a person fucking shnut

Don't try, democrats don't like facts. They like to be angry and edgy

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damn i want one of these for my Terrarium

Simple.. just define person. What makes a person a person? I'm sure it's not the fact that it came out of another person (I take a shit every day), or a heartbeat (animals have heartbeats and they're not much different from a man made combustion motor), or the fact that in the right conditions it could have become a person (every sperm, protein, fat molecule could eventually become a person). Is it consciousness? Intelligence? Emotion?

You know humor is tied to reason? Knowing that, the fact the left can't meme. Or even steal actually funny memes right, from the right for that matter. Makes all the more sense. Not that I'm insinuating you buy your own bait. Just commending you for the depth of your larp, that you capture the absence of humor and reason.

There are people so opposed to taking responsibility for their own actions they refuse to understand that this is a person.

>There are people who believe rightwing concern trolling
Threadly Reminder: Conservatives actually hate children.

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Conservatives will never answer the question of what makes a person a person.

>There are people who think elective abortion is "healthcare"

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It is, but it is o.k. to kill it if it is defective, why let it suffer as a degenerate cripple?

Btw (You) are now on the list, (You) are welcome!

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Youre moving the goalposts way waaaay far away from the real pro lifers. They are more concerned with late term abortions which by now are basically babies being aborted AFTER THEY OUR BORN...and the woman can just say she is depressed or something and they will kill the baby AFTER ITS BORN. Seriously youre a retard.

Go back to plebbit friendo

You have no idea what you're talking about. Do some research before you run your mouth. Seriously, go out and research your claim

I can back this guy up, maybe you should do your research. It was literally referenced in the SOTU

I don't know what stupid fucking world you live in where doctors will kill a healthy baby post birth. Most states won't do it after a so many months unless it's gonna kill the mother. Which would kill the baby anyway.

The thing in OP's pic is akin to getting rid of a tapeworm.

Americans : if you are not rich they let you die in the street but they make lessons to the world about "values".
Start to car about your people and dont let them in the street like in India and maybe rest of the worls like us in europe will start to listen...

melted grape gummy bears mmm yumm

>There are people who think OP is a person.

Know what would be great?

If all abortions were like this, foetus still alive attached to placentas. There were scientists that were able to incubate chicken eggs, where they removed, Removed the entire shell, and grew the yolks in plastic.

Think they also just did this with a goat.

If they could remove the human babies successfully, insert them into plastic bag incunators, and raise it to a newborn status, and then adopt them out to childless couples who desperately want to start a family, it could work.

This. People who want it banned in the first trimester are kinda like the flat-earthers of of the abortion debate - there's really not a lot of them, and nobody is particularly concerned with what they have to say.

Current discussions of abortion revolve mostly around the Right saying, "Alright, but surely there's *some* point before birth where it's no longer okay, right?"

The mainstream Left, ironically, has slid into what is essentially a Fundamentalist position. They've fixated on "HER CHOICE" as an object of religious furor, and actively resist any inquiry (and denounce any heresy) that may lead to asking questions about reasonable limits.

The fact that it's a person. We don't concern ourselves with the definition, we just look at a person and know what it is without doing any mental gymnastics due to our insatiable bloodlust.

>oh you dont want to murder children
>why do you hate them

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Because it's obvious to actual people, kid. Go be a heartless monster somewhere else.

This world:
Get your head out of your ass

For me, if the fetus cannot survive without the womb with only food and water, it is still not alive yet.
It's just on life support. If the mother happened to die the fetus would too.

>babies are tapeworms

what does it make a difference? My wife is 20 weeks pregnant and he was a baby from the moment we found out he existed. There will never be another answer, He had his own DNA from the start, he was his own being the moment that egg and sperm split. Tell me why this would be considered life on Mars but on earth is just a cluster of cells with no value? The left pretends to care about those who are the weakest in society but yet champion the killing of the most vulnerable among us. Why? Why is it good too kill something that needs your protection? Seems cynical in my eyes?

fake and gay. why are conservatives so easily baited?

>Progressives look the other way while Muslim migrants systematically abuse children by the thousands
>Haha but those damn Conservatives, am I right? Who do they think they are, having doubts about whether certain public-funding programs are the best thing for kids? Their hatred of kids is so disgusting!

So pulling the plug on anyone on life support, regardless of their mental status, without their permission is okay, too. Got it. I'll be sure to put pro-murderers on that shit before killing them so it's okay.

>You're not allowed to ban murder unless you solve homelessness


Would you be willing to offer your time and money to care for that child. You should consider the financial, mental, physical, and other statuses of the person with a coming child. To them, abortion could be the best they can offer to the child. Sometimes adoption isn't an option.

Don't try to understand a leftard, you'll just break your brain and become one of them.

It's CGI fucking shnut

>th-this person is too expensive
>better murder them because there is no other solution haha its whats best for the child- er i mean fetus haha mmm delicious baby blood

So does that mean any baby after 6 months that is still in the womb should not be aborted because they can basically live without the mother.

Honestly it is. If my mother, grandmother, whatever is on life support, just fucking pull the plug. They will never function again. They will never be okay again. You're just prolonging the inevitable. What could they possibly do to enjoy their life as a vegetable. Sometimes they can't even think anymore. Just pull the plug.

You're in for a real shock when you finally piece together the fact that you're in the "Ban it at the point of fetus viability" camp - and that to modern Progressives this basically makes you a woman-hating Fascist like the rest of us.

Well, at least you're a consistent villain.

There are people who call this "Women's Health Care"

Fucking burn them alive and you can cut some meat for your burgers too.
Or make a soup.

Attached: Human foetus dish.jpg (750x585, 91K)

Easy for you to say but you're not understanding me. Think of a homeless person in this situation, a fucking drug addict. People with no friends or family to be offered help. A woman who used to have a loving husband but is now to afraid to do anything about him. There are many different situations in which that child will have a life of suffering if it is born. Stop being a cock sucker.

Your knowledge and understanding of the medical field reveals the depth of a highschool philosophy class. Please tell me how the fetus, mother relationship is parasitic in nature. Sprinkle a little orange man bad in there for me.

I think you got the wrong guy. I never mentioned parasitic.

Cool. Women are shit anyway.

Anecdotal, most abortions are done because "mud depression". That had to account for .01% of abortions, and in that scenario adoption is a very real option. And hey, if we transferred all the money I spend on abortions and birth control on women's shelters. That woman could get help. But no, kill the baby. The baby is the sin. Here's what's evil
>fatherless households
>the idea that murder can abolish your mistake

Too many fucking liberals calling a fucking fetus a BABY. Fucking libtards. A fetus is NOT a baby.

Sooo... kill them? Don't even try to make their lives better, no, that's too much work. Just kill them? Seems perfectly reasonable and not at all insane or evil even a little bit. News flash, kid: all lives have their share of suffering. Probably because barbaric acts like baby murder are still encouraged. But no, you're probably right. I'm the cocksucker for not murdering innocent people because their lives MIGHT be a little rough.

You didn't, i'm making fun of you and your blind pocket holding of your substitute teacher with a bachelor's in philosophy.

Faggot go eat your kale you flat earther vegan bitch

Libs think that thing is a baby. Its not.

And as we see here, the liberal in his natural habitat.

>mad because emotion isn't combating reason

Conservatives think they know what Libs think. When they do not.

"You're not a human until you're in my phonebook." - Bill Hicks

Hey man. If you've ever suffered a serious spinal injury with no way of getting better, with no way of enjoying a simple walk, no way of jacking off to porn, carrying your children, living with them, sharing a laugh with your friends at bar, all because you're bedridden and need some machine to keep you alive, I'll be sure to leave you there for the rest of your life. Have fun.

ya but if u dont let her have an abortion, she will suffer academically, financially, or socially

better to kill the fetus than have the woman suffer

So you admit you're a lib who thinks that THING is a baby???

>killing yourself at the first sign of spine trouble

>let's make abortions illegal so the poor can breed even more
Conservative logic.

>murder is better than a little 9 month booboo and signing some adoption paperwork

Everyone, we should have gathered a mob and killed Stephen Hawking. It was impossible for him to get value from his life.

I'm liberal and Don't think it is a baby yet. Pretty sure that's a conservative christian thing to think, hence why they think abortion is bad because that thing has a brain and soul etc..

Aliens have rights too.

>but lets murder kids lol
Sociopath logic.

some women dont wanna see someone else raising their child

better to just chop the fetus up and dispose of it

I'm pretty sure you lack both a brain and soul, can we abort you?

Very good point

How many aspiring mothers would carry that booboo for 9 months, just to reverse the abortion and have a chance at having their own baby.

Please see the work of Jonathan Haidt (himself a particularly open-minded Liberal).

Conservatives are actually far better at understanding Liberals than the other way around. The tl;dr is that all a Conservative has to do to think like a Liberal is just remove some of the moral considerations they think are important from the equation - it's subtraction, and it's pretty easy. To think like a Conservative, a Liberal has to do the opposite, and *add* moral considerations that normally never even cross their mind, which is extremely difficult.

>oh nooooooo a woman doesnt want to see her kid with someone else
>better fucking rip the kids limbs off and throw them in a trashcan

Not on Earth

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I'm not a soy boy anyways. It's no wonder asians have tiny dicks

Your claim requires so many mental loops to jump through that you might share brain cells with a seal. There are plenty of alternatives mentioned in this thread alone. You can't win.

Stay mad.

An embryo isn't a kid retard. It's not even conscious you fucking mongoloid. But sure, let's make the poor breed even more so the genotypic intelligence of the population will fall even more so we can enter the stone age within the century. Brilliant.

>conservatives have more morals than liberals

Uh in what planet/dimension?

Science is better than looking at the pile of gel and claiming that it can think.

>share brain cells with an ass

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He was able to survive without artificial lungs fucktard.

Here try this test.

Sup been a while
Been on here since 09.
Used to be super edgy with this shit now it bothers me since having my first born, ima go hug my son and my fiance have a good day

But the "STOP TRYING TO BAN IT WHEN IT'S MOSTLY NIGGERS AND POOR PEOPLE DOING IT YOU RETARDS" angle represents an entirely different set of justifications than anything that's normally discussed in these debates.

I don't even necessarily disagree, but come on man, that's pretty clearly "Justifiable, palatable purge" logic rather than the normal "It's not murder because reasons" talk.

You're the one mad here
>foster care
"But so many kids are already in the system!"
>transfer funding from abortion and birth control to the systems designed to help mothers, adoption and foster systems, and father figure programs
That was before he found out his future was hopeless, by your arguement he should have offed himself. Retard

I meant he didn't need life support to function as a cripple. Besides, he was lucky to be extremely smart. Any other person would have killed themselves.

I stand corrected. He did need life support. Bit you're still a faggot.

Crazy how even when you're verifiably wrong, you're still right. Almost like i'm talking to a wall.

>in what planet/dimension?

Go listen to some Haidt talks about Moral Foundations and find out. It's not like I'm sending you down some kind of Creationist rabbit-hole, he's a renowned and famously Liberal/left-leaning psychologist.

>conservatives have more morals

In a technical sense, yes. Haidt will do a better job of explaining than I will, but it's actually perfectly logical: Conservatives essentially operate on all of the same axes of morality that Liberals do, but then add Loyalty as an extra variable in ways that Liberals often struggle to get their heads around.

Maybe. But hawking was a special case. He had the money to continue living. The average Joe would have died long ago

Loyalty doesn't mean shit in morality. That's more subjective than morality is, even. Of course that would be a damning factor.

"Well if you complicated it times a thousand you'll see that, actually, liberals are less moral"

>Get directed to the work of a distinguished scholar *in your own camp* with something to say that will expand your understanding of the ways Conservatives and Liberals relate to each other.
>Ignore it completely, fixate on a perceived insult to the effect of "liberals are less moral", and fling shit (while, ironically, asserting "Loyalty doesn't mean shit" in precisely the way that the work you're being directed to already predicted you would)

Look asshole, this whole little tangent only even started because you asserted that Conservatives don't understand Liberals. All I did was point out that this is a verifiably false statement, as shown by the work of a thoughtful Liberal psychologist, and suggest that you maybe expand your knowledge on the subject since it might really interest you and make you a more conscious and thoughtful person.

Do you want to learn something today, or do you just want to roll around in your own ignorance like a pig in shit? Are you a human with a working brain, or just an obedient little Prog robot on a search & destroy mission who's scared a little education might start fucking with your programming? Choice is yours.

I'm not the guy you've been talking to.
I chimed in with that.

And of fucking course they understand, were all human and based on the same thought patterns.
The only difference really is, who is your villain you like to dehumanize?
Anyone born anywhere but where you are, speaks another language, follows another religion, has another skin colour?
Or the guy I just described?

Who's your dog?

>I chimed in with that.

So you saw a conversation where somebody was actually directing people to an influential scholar, and figured it was the perfect opportunity to inject your own shit-brained, half-baked, completely uneducated guesswork in a place where there was *already* a retard involved actively trying to dumb down the conversation with ignorant shitflinging?

Have you considered the possibility that "non-toxic" doesn't mean you should actually eat the crayons, and that they all taste the same because the labels on them aren't marking flavors?

>There are people who think this is a person.
That hand looks white which = person in my book.

They dumb.

you people are so stupid lol