Why do you use Reddit?

Why do you use Reddit?

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Good tank pics

amateur porn


I dont

To larp as an incel or nazi

to check what they're thinking about the latest vidya and stuff

I don't use it, and probably never will.

>no free speech
>no shitposting
>getting cucked by nazi mods
>downvote gangs (leaving opposing views buried/irrelevant/invisible)
>no (you) and retarded comment layouts in general (literally you don't know who's talking to who)

i only ever used it for r/watchpeopledie and a few fan subreddits. i barely use it now that WPD is banned.

WatchPeopleDie is banned now, so I don't use it.

same, I think something else came back, but I just leaved reddit and I'm better now.

Use it for niche hobbiest communities, internet resources and some product reviews. Hate the website now

What's reddit?

It got banned? Thought it was only quarantined.

Pretty sure that subreddit was just a bunch of Yea Forums anons anyway

Wasn't there for quite a while though.

I dont

Because Yea Forums is boring now its been overtaken by redditfags spamming porn threads. Even though Reddit unironically is better source for porn.

Reddit is cancer but it's not as cancerous as Facebook

Yeh facebook groups is next level

Because Yea Forums has been on a downward trend for over a decade and now it's pretty much just same softcore fap material beg threads day after.

>no shit post
are we in the same dimension?