Hunger games first 24

Hunger games first 24

Attached: a perfect picture.png (800x512, 861K)

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The Entire Population of North Korea

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Yuh spongewear

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Courtyard Droll

Attached: cd (2).png (161x250, 1K)

The Arbiter

Attached: Engel.jpg (1920x1080, 1.21M)

Quattro Bajeena

Attached: Quattro Bajeena.png (375x375, 118K)

Mao Mao

Attached: 122.png (260x300, 55K)

Why the FUCK have you not joined this discord already?


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cause fuck you thats why
get out of here discord shitter

Alex is already warmed up

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A Helling Lovecat

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The Great Leader

Attached: Great Leader.jpg (820x450, 62K)


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same poster?

hit or miss

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Even if it is at this time we are unlikely too get 24 different people.

Governor Steve Bullock

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Attached: reggie.png (319x341, 127K)

Because I'm not that much of a faggot.

2 more

NPC #56789654

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did scatfag get banned?

The Speckled Horseman

Attached: horseman.png (145x173, 51K)

Idk, but I would try not to beetlejuice him.


Attached: Frank.png (260x290, 60K)

okay, nice trips by the way

cutest of cutes

How are we looking? Ready to start!? Time travel code incoming.

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Also, I'll fix your name alex.

So fucking close Frank.


Its "Time" to roll!

Attached: rigsjudgingyoass.png (902x824, 296K)

Looks good.

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Everyone in my country is ready.

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Goodluck Megumi!
District 6 got this

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Quattro is good to go

Lookin' good.

And with that we begin!

Ready yes, but are they ready against their will supreme leader?


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You too, let's do this!

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Alex is gonna power bomb the fuck outta everyone

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Alex doesnt like any of this at all.

Courtyard droll travels to pirate code and then to hell code.

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What are you trying to imply?

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Nuh.. Nothing.. Don't send me to reeducation camp please.

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schrödinger's smoll?

Attached: 43.png (207x351, 53K)

>Master of time
>small girl dies in his vicinity
checks out

It seems that I am in India.

looking good..

Attached: reggie3.jpg (2400x1600, 579K)

Thank you friend, have you been well?
schroeder's smoll

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Well atleast someone is feeding the north koreans.

The ringing in your ears will stop when your head stops being a head.

Alright hellcat, you broke the rules. You know what we have to do.

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>MFW Seeing the fossils of my one-night-stand

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The Regginator strikes back.

Alex please, you aren't trained to do that.

I guess she missed.

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Those bastards, we'll see who's the real bitch when the only food they have is soylen green.

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Que the sad violins, the idiot sandwich and the aw hell

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What can I say?

Attached: reggie6.jpg (1160x653, 613K)

ive been good, yes and you?


f hit or miss

aw hell

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RIP district 6

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Aw hell.

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I guess they did miss, huh?

tick tock or tik toks for that last one?


Of Many Faces? Been a while(I think).

Sorry bullock, it seems you're destined to lose. Better try to hard to man up before the last slide.

Mao Mao and the supreme leader turn their future tech into a machine for evil... but why?

a moment of silence for the bonietis victims of the future

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Ditto makes his return

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i would NEVER

what do you mean user? im clearly ginko

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>but why?
To show them who the real bitch is.

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The great leader nearly changed the future, but the wrath of Nintendo scared him off.

Bad ending Mao Mao, would you like to load a previous save?

Ganta is not a very liberal thinker.

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Eh. Not like I own the character or anything.

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Another one bites the dust.

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That makes a fair fight

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I think I have killed myself more times than I actually have been killed by someone else.

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That too.

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>not like i own the character
can we copystrike this guy????

>clever comeback

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Omnomnomnom dodos

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That better not mean some thing lewd Rigs and Ganta.

Congrats Alex! You solved the mystery from slide 1!

and pop goes the Reggie.

RIP leader, the people will never know your last words.

Attached: 12.jpg (670x1110, 194K)

>clearly ginko
>changes avas
which is it?

I quite enjoyed it, not going to lie

Attached: reggie4.jpg (1280x719, 78K)

i thought this was common knowledge

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>went out like a bitch
i mean its not wrong

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Quattro squad is coming in. Thought isn't it a pretty big liability to risk your ancestors lives like that? If one of them dies I'm sure you do.

Hey, wheres hunter..?

Your people are selling off your old possession great leader

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Well fuck

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To remember him.

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What kind of trap is dangerous enough to take down an entire nation?

Yeah.. lets head back to the future Saiki

Don't forget to carry the 1

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Come on, Mr. Bullock! Pull through!

More dead than living, but we're not done killing yet

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He just wanted borgar

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So where you been man? Took a break from HG or put the Of Many Faces persona a way for a bit?

a pretty damn good trap

>tfw I installed those traps

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The end draws near! The time travelers head for their final destination, only 1 is making it there unharmed. Place your bets!


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there are places where the many faces thing aactually applies, so i went to wreack havoc over there. you still reeling threads?

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Stephen Clark Bullock, the 24th Governor of Montana, will pull through, as always.

Quatro and his army of boomers/zoomers

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Me of course

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Mr. Bullock, the other member of District 10!

Can you name your files LITERALLY ANYTHING else?


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RIP Bullock.. the tombstone predicted this.

Maybe if he hadn't gotten so ahead of himself.. eh? Eh?

The supreme leader always gets the last laugh.

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Nah. Haven't been able to host as Id like to latelty. Plus hard for me to come up with ideas to keep things fresh.

Those pesky americans don't want to share that kind of technology with us.

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Placements coming in.

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>dies in space
fitting end

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The power of pun grows stronger.
Thanks for hosting

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Oh well, thanks for hosting but I'll just go back in time and - OH SHIT LOOK! A GIANT CRAB!

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Thanks for hosting

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GG, ty for the host Mado.

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I always believed in you Kusuo

21st place...shame.
Thanks for the game, Mados.

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oh well, shit happens
tell them you will give them anime gfs in exchange

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Thanks for the game Mado

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This was entertaining, thanks for hosting

but you havent seen the last of Quattro Bajeena

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>Quattro Bajeena
whats next? quattro bobs?

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Thanks for playing. Always fun to host for you guys.

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I just hope I don't kill myself next game.

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Virgin Islands