I have an idea for a movie plot. A white guy gets the power to turn into a black guy by saying NIGGER...

I have an idea for a movie plot. A white guy gets the power to turn into a black guy by saying NIGGER. To turn back into his white self, he has to say CRACKER.

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That's actually a good idea, would be funny to see him lose the power for some reason and he has to go around yelling nigger.

Why would anyone want to turn into a black guy?

I wouldn't watch it.

Stared out my window for a solid 3 minutes thinking. No reason at all. You are right.

fuck off fucking nigger

It’s like a better version of Shazam

does his dick get bigger tho?

>Why would anyone want to turn into a black guy?
go rob a convenient store,
grab the loot, run away, "CRACKER!" in the parking lot as the police are rolling up.
"you! good white man, have you seen a criminal darkie come through here!?!"
"he ran through the ally, officer"
get away with $90 and all the cigarette cartons you can carry.

I had an idea that there is an up and coming boxer, that is a bit of a pussy and accidentally climbs his way up the rankings ladder. He gets a title shot vs the big black guy.
The black guy intimidates him and tells the white guy he has to always address him as “the big bastard nigger”
This leads to everyone hating the white guy and also the film winning an award for most times a white person says “nigger” in a movie

Pitch that shit to jordan peele his racebaiting films are awful comedy is more his calling

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As a white man, why the fuck would i want to rob a convenience store and only get away with $90.00 and all the cigarette cartons I could carry? That sounds as stupid as most fucking niggers are.

To start the ethnic cleansing of America
it is easy
>race bait and beat up whitey
> they come looking for you
>join posse and shoot niggers
sooner or later both sides will have enough and start an all out race war, in the end one race will prevail. My wager is on the white race because niggers can not hold and aim a gun properly enough to hit the broad side of a barn from the inside.

One problem: the moment the white guy yells nigger, his I.Q. drops 30 points and he forgets how to become white again.

Wouldn't happen like that. You beat up whitey and people feel sorry for you and blame your socio-economic background. This happens on a day to day basis, another case won't make a difference

I'm laughing at how dumb this thread is filled with white racist morons. hahahahhahaha.

Like a racical shazam, but moves up and down society instead of being bullet proof and shit?

I have an idea as well.
It’s called “Rape Van”. Pretty much a dude with aids drives around raping random women in his van circa 1980’s. Horror thriller with some untasteful rape sequences! Including one where a chick will shit herself in an attempt to stop the rape! Main cop is a closeted fag as well just to add some more spice to it.

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Then I guess we will have to bump those numbers up a bit and start shooting whitey and carry on with the plan, but unfortunately like you said nobody gives a fuck because the ACLU would get involved and blame it all on slavery, depression, and socio-economic background and when they are done everyone will feel sorry for the guy with the super powers and all he will get is a room with rubber walls and a doctor who pretends to care along with a full regiment of anti psychotic drugs.
Just another useless super power on Yea Forums, after all I guess there really is no legit reason for anyone to even want the power to turn themselves into a nigger.

>Calling people morons and not refuting their points

your points are always so stupid its not worth refuting. because everything you claim is retarded shit.

I would not only watc this bit also jack off. And that's coming from a tech supportfag

Sure thing Fatbrains. Enjoy you reruns of Rick and Morty tonight.

Wow. White folks have literally succumbed to this type of thinking. I'm not actually not surprised, especially with all of the cuck and trap threads.

these white racists on Yea Forums are absolute dumbasses. they want you to prove how wrong they are. but it aint worth it. they seem to want to have small brains and be ignorant.