My dream is that one day me, my wife and our Black Bull are taking a walk when a racist white man comes and unleashes a torrent of bullets at my wife and our Black Bull.
I jump in front of the bullets, they mortally wound me because I am a weak white male but give the Black Bull time to rush the racist and wrestle the gun away from him. Enraged, the Black Bull beats the racist white man to death with his own gun.
My wife is aroused by the sheer masculinity of the Black Bull and they start fucking there right on the street in front of me, while I slowly pass from this world. My last glimpses are my wife orgasming as my Black Bull cums inside her, and then I ascend to Cuckhalla.
It’s just so wild to me people are paid to race B8 cuck shitpost like this and come up with this shit
Julian Turner
I hope your black bull gets pissed and kills you and your wife one day
Tyler Turner
really, REALLY makes me want to leave b
like for real, this place is fucked
Brandon Thompson
faggot shit tl;dr sage
Henry Johnson
I wonder what kind of degenerate takes his time to write these posts.
Poor lad
Michael Kelly
dude, get mental help.
Benjamin Russell
actually lol'd
Brayden Mitchell
Honestly, this is just a long running /pol/ raid. Ever since they made themselves believe that they got Trump elected, they've been telling themselves they can start a race war and get Trump reelected...
James Miller
My dream is that one day people stop fucking baiting this and posting traps >tfw my dream will never happen
Juan Smith
Kevin Cook
My face when that was my exact reaction mixed with some chuckle because this is obviously b8 Also this So fucking much
Austin Hall
Well, where else would we autists leave to?
Joshua Cruz
There is zero evidence of that and they post this kind of shit on /pol/ too, they just actually delete it there. This is from the left and it's paid psyops or just anti-white racist trolling.
Jordan Bennett
really at this point all wh*te cucks have lost their women to a more dominant species of human: the Alpha Black male.
Ethan White
There are no 'white cucks', it's just terrible niche porn used for racism.
Hunter Cox
>got subjugated by every group of people they met yeah sure