Don't see the point

Don't see the point.

Relationships are just traps.
Jobs suck the life out of me. They all felt so wrong. You basically live just to slave away MOST of a day. I don't want a job to define my existence. Fuck this system and fuck you humans for reproducing. Idiots.
My hobbies died too.

So... I guess I'll be leaving soon.
No reason to live. I don't want to get another job. I don't have a future. I don't want to be with anyone. I don't have hobbies anymore.

I literally have nothing. Assisted suicide should be a thing. It's better to get rid of people with shit genes in general.
This world needs eugenics. It's a win-win.

Kill off the miserable and let only those that can adapt and strive survive.

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Other urls found in this thread:

You're complaining about not having a hobby, but you have enough control over your life to kill yourself. If you have enough damn time to think about such nonsense, come to Yea Forums or /tg/. Hell, you can make religion or politics a hobby. Come to /pol/ and enjoy anger with the rest of us.
No one wants to get a job. EVERYONE wants to wake up, eat a coffee cake, take a bath and then take a nap. Being an adult means you do it because YOU HAVE TO.
You also need Jesus. Stop whining. Your life is too precious to bitch like a girl on facebook while you're on Yea Forums.

I don't want to be an adult. Shit is overrated and not worth it.

Fuck you, yes it is! As an adult, YOU GET TO DEFINE YOUR DESTINY! Do you want someone to hold your hand and choose your life's path for you? Stop being a little bitch. You're just bored.
The best way to start a new life is being needed BY HELPING OTHER PEOPLE. Find a place that needs someone, and there, the beginning of purpose. Then you go from there.

If I find out you honestly killed yourself I'm coming to find you, electro-shock your body back alive then killing you again with a turbo donkey dildo that my ex-gf would love.

Nope. I don't like people. That won't make me feel anything.

Look. Long story short, eugenics should be a thing. People like me should be given the option to die as peacefully as possible.

You need to "FEEL" something to help someone? What are you, a girl? You do something to help someone because they need it, not because you want feeewings. Dude...

And you just want a quick out. Life is hard. It's stress. Stress and heat turns a lump of crap coal into a diamond. Men become diamonds. Be that diamond.

>You need to "FEEL" something to help someone? What are you, a girl?
And what are you, stupid? Why the hell would I do something that wouldn't make me feel something? That's retarded, dude. That's literally why anyone does anything.

>You do something to help someone because they need it
And why would I care what others need? I don't.

I don't want to be a "diamond". That's not how you become "something great". That's just your philosophy and I don't see things the same way.

You are making a mistake by trying to help me. I'm really here just to rant and vent. Not to try to be persuaded away fron suicide.

Later, fag.

You are a selfish lazy narcissistic who wishes everyone would cater to his needs. I would tell you life is worth living if you looked for reasons to live and theres always something new on the horizon even if something you once loved isn't as good anymore. I would but I doubt you want to hear it. Otherwise you would realize the only thing making you miserable is yourself and that is what you really hate

Inb4 the same attention fag writing these threads every day if you are legit.

I used to be like you here is my advice.
> Keep searching jobs untill you find one. I was lucky to find mine at 22.
> Hobbies died? Because you grow up? Get new once!
> Commitment is not the same as trap. Stop haning on MRA forums and you will see that.

Nope. What makes me miserable is how life truly is pointless.
Again, eugenics should be a thing.

Dude thought about it and made a decision. user isn't wrong anyway. It's set this way because people created it this way.

Do you think people going out to work need to feel when they work at the grocery store, or at the construction site, or working in a freaking coal mine? NEVER, and I mean NEVER let your emotions guide you. They can be tricked. When you're in a good situation and you're enjoying something, consider it a fringe benefit. Women and wusses get led by their feelings. You have a RESPONSIBILITY to yourself. That's what a man does. That's what a woman does. Get a job. Help people. Feelings aren't the goal. A DAMN JOB WELL DONE IS THE GOAL.

You're not here to rant and vent. You want attention. What did you expect to happen? Yea Forums is a cold place, but eventually you're going to run into someone like me that takes your whining seriously. If you want to make depressing dire posts about ending it all, pretend you're a girl, GO TO FACEBOOK OR /R9K/, and farm attention there.

Think, dumbass. I'm not getting any positive feelings from trying to help an user. I'm doing it because it must be done. SOMEONE has to tell you to grow up because all the "lol kys" isn't going to satisfy you.

My word, you sound like a boring girl who gets bored all the time and announces it and expects guys to come running to entertain her. Why? She's empty herself. If she had anything inside, she'd find purpose and entertainment. Sheesh.

Don't want another job. They all suck.
You can't just "get a hobby". Not how it works.
Relationships are traps. You need money for them. If you have kids, that's even more sunken money. Once you have a a relationship/family, you can't really just go off and kys anymore because you are now trapped by the commitment you have made.

Commitment = trap

thank god i wasnt born with your fucking brain

>NEVER, and I mean NEVER let your emotions guide you
That's hilarious. Literally everyone works because they are in FACT motivated by emotions (i.e. they have a desire to survive and/or take care of their family).

>Help people.
Don't care about people so no.
>Feelings aren't the goal.
Yes they are. Happiness is literally the ONLY real goal. Working just to work is fucking stupid.
No, because I don't see myself as a robot.

If not meming:

The human brain is very weird. I've gone through what you've gone through. But I came to a conclusion: do what you want, because your happiness is the most important. I'm a very isolated person, but I really like cooking, particularly meat. When I felt that way, I just leaned in on my love, now I use food as my art and my calling. When I get good enough, I want to open a restaurant and sell this stuff to people. I think one of the best things is making something you love and seeing others have the same smile on their faces eating it that you have making it. Even if you have no calling, go searching. Leave society for a while if you need to and pull a Chris McCandless or just go in the woods for a while. You got this man. From someone once where you are, I believe in you

Yep. My life is complete shit. Count yourself lucky for not having shitty genetics.

...Ah, i get it now.
You're a millennial. I give up. There's nothing to save here. Moving right along...

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1. Millenials get paid 20% less than boomers did in the same age when taking inflation into account

2. Millenials pay more for college when taking inflation into account

3. Homes are 3x more expensive than it was for boomers of the same age when taking inflation into account.

4. Millenials are more college educated than boomers

5. Millenials have higher barrier to entries than boomers faced

With all that said, boomer, my problems have nothing to do with this. Bringing up that I'm a millenial is pointless and stupid.

Kill yourself quickly then and decrease the surplus population you delusional idiot

I'm actually a lot younger than a boomer. Anyway...

1. Jews

2. Not having some damn sense and not putting yourself in debt to a liberal college system that over charges. Go to a trade school. Hell, piss off the world and make your own cheaper school. I'm not kidding. Innovate.

3. Jews

4. Learning from liberals how to be depressed, hate Trump and be brain washed isn't an education. Hitler's nazis and Stalin's commie thug were educated to do all sorts of things bad. It's what you're educated with that determines new pathways.

5. Pretend you're a black tranny woman from an Indian reservation who don't need no man.

You sound bitter about having to self-actualize; take initiative.
[spoiler]Why the hell am I still here?[/spoiler]

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Stop asking why. Start asking why not.
It's as simple as that.
You've realized there's no goal.
Now allow yourself to realize that that means no failure, too.

It's kinda scary to live a life without any authority telling you you've done it right. But that's also where the fun begins.

I remember when I first thought about reality too.
Cheer up bud. You aren't breaking new ground and it's not all bad. Shit has to suck or other shit won't be good.

Retard. It's a lot harder than you think, fucker, which is why I think assisted suicide should be a thing.

"Jobs suck the life out of me"
"My hobbies died too"

Solution: Quit your fucking job and take a hike across China. Vlog your shitty existence. No job and now you have a hobby.

Don't do this.

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boomers never had to face the challenge of outsourcing. both manufacturing and product development have gone overseas. boomers created this mess we are in. they thought other countries would return the favor after we educate them and let them see our trade secrets. i remember growing up and seeing my dads company give plant tours to chinese engineers. those engineers were not immigrants. they came under some shitty deal to learn our processes in manufacturing to take back to china. now they have what they wanted our boomer generation expected to see an open market in china. nope. did not happen.

TERRIBLE counter arguments. My point was boomers CLEARLY had it easier.

Again though, extremely terrible attempts of a counter argument
For instance. I have an associates and need 1 yr to finish a bachelors. Literally never was I "brainwashed" to believe a certain political view. That's 100% BULLSHIT.
The rest was so incoherent, it would be literally impossible make a counter-argument. Jews? Pretend to be a black women? Wtf?

And again, to not change the subject, mentioning I'm a millenial is damn stupid and pointless

Hey user.
Keep trying to adapt. Life is an amazing thing. My mom and sister both committed suicide, (My sister about 4 years ago, and my mom in January 2018), my father is in jail, and my nephew died last December. If I focused on these things, I know I would have "been a hero" by now, but instead, I focus on how to do the maximum good for this short flicker of life we have. I left the buisness world, and now work for a non-profit in a vacation town restoring coral reefs. I adopted a child, I volunteer on the weekends, and I have found my own reason to keep going. Don't give up, user. You are stronger then you think.

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Definitely won't. Don't know why people choose methods like those. I plan to eventually jump off this one bridge. I lack the nerve for now.

Go back to video games and jacking off.

>TERRIBLE counter arguments. My point was boomers CLEARLY had it easier.
Whine, whine, whine. You know what life is? Life is your temptations, trials and tests. It's YOUR CHALLENGES. That's why it's called YOUR problems because they are YOUR PROBLEMS TO SOLVE. You don't give up and be a bitch.

Calling you a millennial is because a lot of millennial wusses are just that, wusses. Instead of actuating change in their life, they just want things handed to them. A lot of employers complain about the work ethic and character of millennials. You sound like one of them.

You complain about something. Someone tries to edify you to help you out of your doldrums. You find more excuses not to be a man.
Happiness is three things: something to love, something to look forward to and something to do. Problem: IT'S YOUR PROBLEM TO FIND THOSE THINGS. People can't do it for you. And if you're in a place where nothing "thrills" you with feewwwwings, what you do is just work and do things and in your spare time EXPLORE THE FREAKING WORLD. It's pretty BIG and you might find something you never thought possible. Damn it, in the age of the damn internet, you can't spend a few weeks just looking at some things you never thought possible?

What do you expect to happen with your life that would not make you feel and act this way? Are you a Disney princess with an exposed midriff singing about "I want more" without actually doing something? Are you wanting a princess charming to carry you off to happy land where everything is like Willy Wonka's chocolate factory or something? What did you expect to have happen?
You're a free moral agent. Damn it, act like one.

Fucking faggot. Just jump off something high head first. Stream it too so you contribute something to the world for once

>Calling you a millennial is because a lot of millennial wusses are just that, wusses
Back that up with stats

>A lot of employers complain about the work ethic and character of millennials.
Your point? And again, what percents?

>You find more excuses not to be a man.
Definition of a man is subjective.

>Happiness is three things
Those things are your opinions. I live by another standard
You are also assuming I somehow represent all millenials.

>Stream it too so you contribute something to the world for once
Why would I want to give retards like you any kind of entertainment?

>Back that up with stats
Hell I can't. I only hold that opinion because of the countless people I have heard saying the same thing, so it's all anecdotal.

>Definition of a man is subjective.
I'm pretty sure a completely healthy man giving up his life because he isn't on the fewwwings train every day, and won't take initiative to change the things in his life he doesn't like pretty much makes you a child-man. Children depend on others 100%. A man does depend on others, but he's the sole arbiter of what direction he goes in life. If you can mock a hillbilly for dating his sister, or a street thug in Detroit for being on crack, you can mock someone with the ability to do something and then offs himself because wah.

>Those things are your opinions. I live by another standard
Oh shit nigga, now I need to know what your standard is. Tell me. Let me see if it's superior and worth promulgating.

Millennial here. After my 32th birthday last October I realize what you say it's true.
Relationships fucking sucks, but also give life a purpose to begin with.
You don't need to work to live.
Take what I do for example.
I have to sit in a dull place from 9:00 AM until 16:30 PM (I know, it's a pretty short and good time)
The work is dull as much as the place, the people who work there and the purpose I am fed with everyday. Tasks are meaningless as my existance would be if I identify myself with my job. For 1200€ per month (yup, europoor cuckslave here) I got to do that. Yup. Sucks. At least they pay holidays and ill periods. It's just boring. I can cope with this.

It's better than anything. Better than most people have. Learn to limit your desires, so you don't have much to run for.

Relationships are toxic by default, it's true. There is the chance to be a cuck, there is the chance to really fall in love and the chance to start being dependant from a person you need to be happy. That also sucks. I'm totally dependant by my girlfriend from this point of wiew. Relationship is extremely toxic. We are not happy persons to begin with. Sometimes is more depressive than it would be being alone.

What of it, I don't care. Again, reduce your hope and expectations. She loves to suck my balls. Most people never even experiences what it feels like. So, until it gives me a purpose and some random happy moments, I'll take what life gives to me.
In the meantime, should I meet a person I am more attracted to, I would try the new sensation and go for it, until I get bored again. Everything is ultimately boring, everything fades away.
Life has actually no different purpose than make you experience some things before you fade away along with the memories of you being existant after you're passed out.

I'll never understand suicidal people. I'm sad, I know I'm sad, but I would never go. What could I miss?

Honestly I just want to know you did it out of sheer contempt for you existing at all

Either way just don't let the door you on the ass on the way you parasitic scum

Wilderness survival. Try it... only return to civilization when you're at your absolute limits. Learn to survive without a job, other people or the ease of modernized life.

2. Still subjective.
3. It's irrelevant to mention. Plus, I have a feeling if I do, that will become the focal point when to really shouldn't be since it has nothing to do with my post

This is the best response to a suicide thread that I've ever seen. Nice one user mate

So your saying you’re saying you lack the meaning? Well maybe you should off yourself, you are probably one of those weak minded, shit genes guy? You again it yourself.

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>Still subjective
Well I can certainly say it's a hell of a lot better than considering killing yourself. Seriously, is this thread a joke at this point?

>It's irrelevant to mention. Plus, I have a feeling if I do, that will become the focal point when to really shouldn't be since it has nothing to do with my post
Bull. You confessed you wanted to die because reasons. People addressed those reasons. You whine. Something is missing. You're not happy with life. You don't want to do something about making your life better, so you voice your desire to kill yourself. Knowing who and what you are can better help someone trying to reach you.
Help me to help you. Help me to help you.

What makes you so special? You act superior. What makes you amazing? Or are you just delusional?

>You again it yourself.

Attached: Spongebob-172a-tongue-falls-off-clip.jpg (640x360, 44K)

1. Yes
2. Not bull. My definition of a "man" is 100% pointless for this post.

Dude, if you want to help me, let's try to get a law passed for assisted suicide.

This topic ain't about me now is it? And even if it was I wasn't angsting over having to work for a living in the easiest cushiest time in the history of humanity

>Not bull. My definition of a "man" is 100% pointless for this post.
Well my definition isn't. Clearly your definition means you won't work to fix your life, and you want~~~
>Dude, if you want to help me, let's try to get a law passed for assisted suicide.
Nigga please.

What do you think is going to happen to you if you get some mook to kill you for you? What will change?

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So... you think you are superior based on absolutely nothing. Gotcha.

>What will change?
I'll finally not have to deal with a shit existence.

You dumbass. It's shit only if you let it be shit. How do you think the rest of the damn planet manages to go through life, find some rays of sunshine from time to time and actually make and maintain civilization?
Also don't you know there is a real thing called hell? You're probably not religious, but just consider this: scientists know the center of the earth is A BIG BALL OF FREAKING FIRE- molten hell. So, yeah, I wouldn't risk it. Better to work your problems through instead of giving up.
The man who is a success is someone who got up after being knocked down that one last time, refusing to give up. Don't give up. You haven't even tried to think outside the box yet.

You are in negative numbers by comparison. Besides you want to die right? If anything I'm supporting your decision

>You are in negative numbers by comparison
Comparison to what? You never answered what makes you such an "amazing" and "superior" human.

I can certainly understand the desire for suicide. Life can be a real bitch. I've adopted stoicism as a philosophy to live by. I'm still learning, though. Taking things a day at a time. I think what is most important is a sense of transcendent purpose. Not relationships. Though, I suppose both can be the same thing for some people.

Anyway, suffering doesnt come from losing. Merely the desire to win. If that makes any nuanced sense.

I never asked that fucking question you did because you are such a pussy that you are whining over having to earn a living like every human on Earth. If I need to justify questioning you then I'm fucking awesome because I make a living and genuinely enjoy being alive while handling all the bullshit life throws at me. You can't. Fuck you

Look, idiot. You were claiming you were superior.
You were acting condescending and now you are trting to avoid backing up what makes you so damn "amazing" probably because you're full of shit. Even at my worst, you are probably even worse than me. Meaning, I think I should die but you should too.

>making a living
That's not really anything "amazing". If that's really it, you really aren't superior at all.

He's amazing compared to you. Like he said, "I'm fucking awesome because I make a living and genuinely enjoy being alive while handling all the bullshit life throws at me."
Let me put into perspective for you. Take a little four year old kid. You show him a basketball and what the game is about. Now you might be a sucky player, but you can get the ball up toward the net, and sometimes make a basket. The four year old is so physically weak that he can't even get the ball that high. So, the person who sucks is amazing compared to the four year old because of ability.
That guy is doing what you refuse to do, thus compared to you, he's amazing. You're a four year old. What's worse, you don't even see that you have the ability to grow up and find meaning in life.
With all the people not telling you to die, plus some epic responses from one user around here, seriously, what the hell, dog?

>That guy is doing what you refuse to do, thus compared to you, he's amazing
It really isn't. He's gloating just for liking his life and surviving. That doesn't make him "superior" by any means.

By your logic, if I like my life more than anyone else likes theirs, that makes me superior to all humans. Stupid logic.

And you don't even have the most basic thought processes to ask him what he likes about his life? Also asking about handling the stuff in his life? YOU KNOW, LEARNING FROM SOMEONE DOING SOMETHING YOU AREN'T, because wah, you want to throw away a precious life away expecting things to get better once you're dead.

Dumbass. His superiority comes from doing what you refuse to do, and accomplishing it. Hurr.

Seriously, are you a girl? is this a troll? I haven't met someone without some of the most basic thinking skills like this before.
"What are you doing in life? I might like to try that because hurr, my life isn't all that great."
A man is only inferior if he lets himself be inferior. You want help from others to off yourself, but if they offer help to avoid suicide, and improve your life, that's too tough. There needs to be a Disney princess like you.

>And you don't even have the most basic thought processes to ask him what he likes about his life?
How the fucking hell is that relevant at ALL??? Idiot. I swear.
>Also asking about handling the stuff in his life? YOU KNOW, LEARNING FROM SOMEONE DOING SOMETHING YOU AREN'T, because wah, you want to throw away a precious life away expecting things to get better once you're dead.

They will be better that way as I can't break-even, retard.

>Dumbass. His superiority comes from doing what you refuse to do, and accomplishing it. Hurr.
So "persevering" makes him superior? That's stupid. That's nothing special.

>Seriously, are you a girl? is this a troll? I haven't met someone without some of the most basic thinking skills like this before.
Ditto. I have btfo'd you this whole thread yet you keep coming back for more

>"What are you doing in life? I might like to try that because hurr, my life isn't all that great."
Okay, you really are retarded. Why the fuck would I ask irrelevant questions like that?

>A man is only inferior if he lets himself be inferior. You want help from others to off yourself, but if they offer help to avoid suicide, and improve your life, that's too tough.
It's not about it being "tough" jackass. It's about weighing the pros and the cons of life.
If there is a net loss and not a net gain, that makes life worthless. THINK. I know you struggle eith this but THINK about life like a scale, fool.
If it's more bad than good and if you have enough common sense to see it won't get better (and don't bullshit me that it can as that's a retarded cliche), then life isn't worth it. Use that tiny brain of yours and think about it next time.

All right, I gotta confess, you're too myopic for me to help. There are people, RIGHT NOW who are going through enormous suffering. The germans put poles, russians and jews and such in damn camps and ruined their damn lives. A lot died, but others survived. And you know what, they did what life does, it always finds a way.
You're literally saying you don't have the ability to take the heat in life that we all do, and make that place for yourself, that little nook in the span of the universe that is yours and yours alone because wah, you don't want to suffer.
You suck at pros and cons. Just face it. The biggest pro in life is that your life is your own for the most part. Sure crap happens to us all, but how you respond to is determines who you will be. You don't have to be remembered for it, but you do have to be held responsible to yourself.
Clearly you're not religious. This line of thinking of yours is so wrong, it's not even troll worthy.
Also "it won't get better..." you little bitch. Seriously you're a little bitch. You're placing the blame on everything and everyone else in life. Stuff happens to us all. Again, it's how you handle it. You control you. You don't control the universe.
No one was put into this world with a guarantee that everything was going to be as safe and happy as a pre-school for tiny kids. If things won't get better from the outside, you show who you are by making your life better from the inside out.

If you do kill yourself, and you end up burning for the rest of eternity in the flames of hell, you'll remember ever damn word people said in this thread for the rest of whatever and how you chose to murder yourself because hurr, reasons. Damn you're thick. You even want your suicide handed to you by someone else. Weak.

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If suicide is that hard for you, you would just do it. You want attention

>If suicide is that hard for you, you would just do it.
Don't you mean WASN'T, idiot?
It is hard is my point which is why assisted suicide should be a thing.

God damn dunno what my brain was trying to do. Let me try that again. If suicide was something you wanted to do it wouldnt be that hard you just want attention. There thats better

If you want to kill your self, do it slowly like the rest of us by drinking, doing drugs, and having unhealthy eating habits.

Corrected what i was trying to say. But no it shouldnt. If you wanna die so god damn bad pull that god damn trigger yourself you excuse for a human being jesus h christ im tired of people like you.

>All right, I gotta confess, you're too myopic for me to help.
That's rich coming from someone so dense
>There are people, RIGHT NOW who are going through enormous suffering.
>The germans put poles, russians and jews and such in damn camps and ruined their damn lives. A lot died, but others survived.
Irrelevant. Just because others "have it worse" doesn't mean jack shit. By that logic, if I chop off your arms and legs, you can't bitch because "others have had it worse"
>And you know what, they did what life does, it always finds a way.
Don't care
>You're literally saying you don't have the ability to take the heat in life that we all do, and make that place for yourself, that little nook in the span of the universe that is yours and yours alone because wah, you don't want to suffer.
Wrong, illiterate dumbass. I spelled it out for you. I can't BREAK EVEN. I DO have that ability to continue. I DON'T have the ability to create a NET GAIN. Learn to READ
So dense

And you spent the entire thread kvetching, and not asking a single person how to get a net gain. You can lead a dumbass to knowledge, but you can't make him think.

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Just end it OP do a flip when you jump

>You suck at pros and cons. Just face it.
Nope. 100% logical.
>The biggest pro in life is that your life is your own for the most part.
Subjective. That's your OPINION.

>Also "it won't get better..." you little bitch. >Seriously you're a little bitch. You're placing the blame on everything and everyone else in life.
Shitty counter-argument. I have enough brain cells to use foresight (unlike you). I can EASILY imagine various scenarios and not ONE leads to happiness. So stupid.
>Stuff happens to us all. Again, it's how you handle it. You control you. You don't control the universe.
Coping just "to survive!" Is retarded. Living "just because" is pointless. You are too dense to get that

>No one was put into this world with a guarantee that everything was going to be as safe and happy as a pre-school for tiny kids.
Some are (rich people) but again, irrelevant.
>If things won't get better from the outside, you show who you are by making your life better from the inside out.
So vague that it makes no sense.

>If you do kill yourself, and you end up burning for the rest of eternity in the flames of hell, you'll remember ever damn word people said in this thread for the rest of whatever and how you chose to murder yourself because hurr, reasons.
Oh well
>Damn you're thick. You even want your suicide handed to you by someone else. Weak.
How is that "thick"? Try to make sense.

Just tell him to do a flip. Maybe he will get the balls to do it

Do a flip when you jump

Ditto. Tired of retards like you too that think "people should just live for no reason at ALL!!" And people who say "dur hur it's so easy!!! Do it yourself!!".

Very uneducated. There are 25 attempts per every 1 success of a suicide.
It's not as easy as you fucking think.

Yup like I said

A stupid lazy weak narrcisitic pussy who got so butthurt that everyone didn't come running to coddle him for wanting to die. Thats why you got so angry at me earlier because your whining somehow turns into a problem about me. Your pathetic and deserve to wallow in misery of your own making. Kill yourself

>and not asking a single person how to get a net gain
Maybe because it's different for everyone making it a stupid question???
Retard holy shit.

I'll do 2

Do a barrel roll.

Attached: puta.gif (320x414, 1.84M)

I'll do 2

Oh i dont care if you want to find a reason to live i dont care if you ever do it. Its a survival instinct thats why its so hard. But for you to ask another person to assist you in you dying is god damn retarded go to a cartel member and pick a fight. Piss of some gang members. Find someone who likes to eat people and have them do it, but assisted suicide unless done medically is fucking retarded and so are you for suggesting it

You're too much of a failure to even kill yourself. You just want attention.

>A stupid lazy weak narrcisitic pussy who got so butthurt
That projection!
>that everyone didn't come running to coddle him for wanting to die.
Didn't want that actually. Assumptions assumptions.
>Thats why you got so angry at me earlier because your whining somehow turns into a problem about me.
Notice how you started causing first, retard? I got mad because 1) you started cussing at me 2) you repeat the same shit I've already addressed
>Your pathetic and deserve to wallow in misery of your own making. Kill yourself
Kill yourself too for having down syndrome. You're literally retarded.

I mentioned eugenics. That means you should die too. You are WAY too stupid to have kids.

Not causing

I'll do 2

Do a flip.

(In all seriousness, find a hobby that you enjoy and fuck the opinions of everyone else.)

>Oh i dont care if you want to find a reason to live i dont care if you ever do it. Its a survival instinct thats why its so hard.
Exactly, dumbass.
>But for you to ask another person to assist you in you dying is god damn retarded go to a cartel member and pick a fight.
To NOT die peacefully... ya, That's smart. Holy shit, do you hear yourself?
>Piss of some gang members. Find someone who likes to eat people and have them do it,
Read above. You're an idiot. The whole point of an assisted suicide is to die PAINLESSLY. Rip brain cells.
>but assisted suicide unless done medically is fucking retarded and so are you for suggesting it
WHAT makes it "retarded", dumbass? Explain.

OP is hopeless do a flip is the best advice

If you cant overcome that survival instinct then you dont want to truly die thats why its retarded retard

Nope. Just venting for no reason other than because I'm pissed.

"Attention" won't fix me so why would I want it? Especially from retards? I just vent in a place like this since it's anonymous.

You really think I posted here to get advice?

>I mentioned eugenics. That means you should die too. You are WAY too stupid to have kids.
Eugenics. You want people to listen to you wanting them to kill themselves, but you're not strong enough to make your way in life for durr, net gain.
Go have sex with an ugly, tattooed, morbidly obese feminist and let her be on top. Stream it and at least leave as shamefully as you've been acting in this thread. Grow up.

>If you cant overcome that survival instinct then you dont want to truly die
Your body fights you on it. Fucking THINK

Attached: suicide_booth_by_r_w_shilling.jpg (1011x756, 263K)

>everyone works because they are in FACT motivated by emotions
>I say something is a FACT so it is
Speak for yourself, pussy faggot. Altruism would not exist if you were right. Just because you look at the world through shit lenses, that does not mean the world is shit.

>dur hur g-grow up!!!
Shit counter-argument. I guess you admit defeat and realize you're full of shit.

And the people that do successfully commit suicide? They fought the instinct AND WON thats it you cant fight it youre too big of a bleeding vagina to do it if you can overcome that instinct you dont want to die

ANYTHING a person does is in FACT caused by emotions, you complete and utter dumbass.

If people had 0 emotions, they wouldn't have the motivation/incentive to complete a task. Holy shit, you lack the brain to even see that much.

>They fought the instinct AND WON
Doesn't mean I should have to do that too, fucking retard.

You're the one whining you want to kill yourself and can't find durr hurr NET GAIN in life. You didn't even ask for that. You'll be dead roasting in hell, and I'll be hanging with my friends, watching animu and playing video games, and worshipping God. So yeah, sucks to be you.

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You really are stupid as fuck. Suicide attempts could easily get botched and you end up as a vegetable at worst case scenario.
You're a true idiot. I shouldn't HAVE to jump off a bridge, hang myself, etc. just to be able to leave, dumbass idiot.

>Doesn't mean I should have to do that too, fucking retard.
Cause you're such a special snowflake that you don't want to be held up to the same responsibilities and trials in life as everybody else.

OP is an entitled littler shit that can't deal with reality.

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>durr hurr NET GAIN in life.
Durr hurr r retarded, right? Okay, what the FUCK is retarded about wanting to die for not being able to obtain a net gain?

Stupid fuck. Without a net gain, there's literally 0 purpose.

>You didn't even ask for that.
And this is why you're retarded. I literally addressed that abive already, but I'll say it AGAIN. Asking others what makes their life worth it is FUCKING POINTLESS as that would be different fro EVERYONE. Jusy because person X finds a reason doesn't mean the same reason will make me haopy too. Holy fucking shit. You have to be trolling

>you don't want to be held up to the same responsibilities and trials in life as everybody else.
I should have to WHY?????

I can, dumb bitch. My main issue is not beung able to get a net gain from life, retard.

Your too fat to do it aren't you? Leaving the house is too hard. Fingers cant fit around a trigger too many stairs to hop off a building. You are begging someone else to do it

You shouldn't have to pumpkin. Just walk into traffic. You fat little pig

Dude, I have been reading through your posts in this thread. I have lived through many of the same "existential" issues you are facing now. Based on many of the replies you have made in this thread I can sum a few things up for you. You are not an intellectual. You seem to be trying to display some intelligence through your responses, but they are mental masturbation. What you are saying are not enlightened or new ideas. You were GUARANTEED 100% brainwashed in school regarding certain things. It is not that they lied to you, it is that they presented HUGE fields of information, and only gave you one sides perspective on so many things that you took that sides views as FACT. You talk like a woman. If I never met you and we never brought up gender I would have thought you were a woman just based on your thought processes, your ability to hamster your own ideas to reaffirm them, and you deflection of responsibility to anyone but yourself. Take it from a 35 year old man who has lived through some things. I am being genuine.

"This is what I want out of life? Can somebody help me do it?"
And that's too hard for you? Why do people go to school if not to achieve progress in their lives? Why do they do to trade school? Why do people learn how to play a sport or video game? How helpless are you?

>Your too fat to do it aren't you?
Projecting hard I see. How much do you weigh since you want to bring up weight?

>Leaving the house is too hard. Fingers cant fit around a trigger too many stairs to hop off a building. You are begging someone else to do it
Projecting. It really is sad.

Projecting again. Stop eating your big macks so much

Also, the point is to die painlessly. Retards. So many retards that can't understand that despite how clearly I've stated this.

Here you to OP:

Everyone point at the weak stupid pig child and laugh. Just like when he was a little piggy

>You are not an intellectual.
1. Never said I was 2. How the fuck do you"become"an intellectual? Wtf?

>You seem to be trying to display some intelligence through your responses, but they are mental masturbation.
Buzz words. That's like saying "ur words dumb jus cuz"
>What you are saying are not enlightened or new ideas.
Never ever said they were
>You were GUARANTEED 100% brainwashed in school regarding certain things.
Such as? Talk about projecting lmao

>It is not that they lied to you, it is that they presented HUGE fields of information, and only gave you one sides perspective on so many things that you took that sides views as FACT.

Again, SUCH AS? You say bullshit without backing it up. That makes you look like a complete dumbass.

>You talk like a woman.
And you talk like a faggot (see what I did there? Probably not)

>If I never met you and we never brought up gender I would have thought you were a woman just based on your thought processes, your ability to hamster your own ideas to reaffirm them, and you deflection of responsibility to anyone but yourself.
Stereotyping women like crazy first of all. Also, more buzz words. Why buzz words? You aren't backing it up with direct quotes from me. Idiot.
>Take it from a 35 year old man who has lived through some things. I am being genuine.
You're 35 and have shit reasoning. I pity you.

>getting a degree is the same as succeeding at suicide!
You're a fucking 100% certified retard.

Okay. Let's see. Do you believe the terminal ill (those suffering from cancer that cannot be stopped) should be forced to endure it and not opt out for an assisted suicide?

Yes. Yes you do. Your logic is saying "they should kill themselves instead of getting spoonfed!". Saying otherwise would be a double-standard.

>I have no argument so I'll just call you piggy!
Is it summer already?

>Examples? Oh, I don't have any
Shitty argument a little kid would make.

It does if you wanna die you worthless pile of dogshit

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No it doesn't shit for brains.

You deserve to be bullied and your shit argument needs to be mocked

Come on now you are going to kill yourself so why do care so much?

Ok but what about wanting nothing more ?

>You deserve to be bullied and your shit argument needs to be mocked
I have been destroying everyone. I'm the one doing the mocking, fool. I know, you lack the brain to see that

>Come on now you are going to kill yourself so why do care so much?
Doesn't make sense. I care about logical arguments. Being suicidal or not have nothing to do eith that. You are trying to connect 2 ideas that have nothing tk do with each other.

I agree with all of this. Fuck all of you baby bombers. Don’t do if though OP. I feel similar and my tech support job just makes me feel worse. Maybe you need to drop everything, drive to another state, and start fresh. Leave it all behind. Once you’re dead it might be boring, that’s how I think about it anyway. Fuck some bitches before you move, then forget it all. Some people here do actually care about strangers. I’m part of the 1% on Yea Forums.

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To rephrase 2. Replace what I wrote with:
"How the fuck was I TRYING to become an intellectual?"

Well anyways, I have already clearly addressed all their points.

Nobody agrees with you piglet and everyone has mocked you over your weakness. Mommy isn't here to call you her special little guy and give you tendies

Kill yourself. Do it. Cone on faggot

Fuck boombers. I can’t wait until they die. My grandma is one of them. I don’t even give half a shit anymore. The old have to die to make room for the young. If we want to blame anyone it’s big pharma for keeping them all alive waaay past their useful age. Just sucking their government money away and into their pockets. That’s the only reason I kind of like that we’ll never have social support systems ever again, because then the boomer problem can’t happen again.

>Nobody agrees with you
Irrelevant, sheep. Majority opinion =/= the winner of an argument

That's like saying if 90% of people on this thread believed 1+1 = 54, then they would be "right". Not how it works.
>and everyone has mocked you over your weakness.
>Mommy isn't here to call you her special little guy and give you tendies
I can make my own tendies tho so it's fine

>Kill yourself. Do it. Cone on faggot
I will eventually, faggor. You should try it too. You obviously don't have much of a brain. That means you have shit genes. That means you shouldn't reproduce and spread your shit genetics.

Thanks for the advice, schlomo

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Think this one suits OP better. Whiny little emo that he is.

>I can't make an argument so here's a personal attack!!
>kek, sure showed him

Most of the botches are survival instincts kicking in which comes back to my original argument. Some people botch it because theyre stupid. Either way if you dont research it figure out best way and overcome the instinct you dont want to die

I'm done with you. Go wear some skinny jeans, listen to some My Chemical Romance and pretend you know all there is to life.

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Can't make an argument with an illogical fucktard. I'd be dragged down to your level and beaten with experience ;)

Yeah it does. You wanna die so bad pull the trigger. Or admit youre to weak to even do that

Your poor little fat fuck ego is all bent out of shape. Too weak to live to cowardly to die but when faced with it you lash your little hooves out RRREEEing at everyone. Its absolutely pathetic

Shit argument and you know it. Get btfod.


>you don't want to die
>I can't read your thoughts, but I CAN pick baseless assumptions from my ass though!

Don't like your boyband so no.

Your entire post can be summarized with "Nu uh". If I had hours to spend explaining all this shit to you fine. Do you expect me to break down all of the things that you were taught in school as FACT that are in fact bullshit without going over any of the subject or points 1 by 1? Use logic, that is the number one thing to being a man. Trust in the logos. If you have to do mental gymnastics to make your ideas fit with reality, they are probably bullshit and you are lying to yourself. I was trying to give you genuine advise above and here, but you will probably just discard this as well. You are combative in the way you view any responses trying to help you. You are FORCING arguments with people giving you good advise. Above all else you lack one of the most fundamental traits I do not see taught in modern education nearly enough: HUMILITY. The basic concept behind "hey, maybe the people I interact with know more than me about some things, and I should LISTEN rather than ARGUE.". Or just continue on being a miserable cunt, your choice.

I AM too weak to do it myself (for now). I shouldn't HAVE to do it myself just to opt out of life, faggot.

That's literally your response to every critique you've had posted at you. So I propose this, let us talk as civilised individuals.

You want to end yourself, but don't want to suffer, correct?

Psych bachelor getting trying to get into the doctorate program but sure buddy a a barrel roll fag

>Your poor little fat fuck ego is all bent out of shape.
Projecting so hard
>Too weak to live to cowardly to die but when faced with it you lash your little hooves out RRREEEing at everyone. Its absolutely pathetic
What are you talking about? I have brough it uo countless times that yes, suicide is indeed difficult and that is why assisted suicide should be a thing... are you really this fucking stupid? Genuine question.

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Top fucking kek. How delusional are you?
>I have been destroying everyone. I'm the one doing the mocking, fool.
>thinks making a thread crying about the state of the world and how he wants to off himself is "destroying everyone"
You are being a giant fucking pussy. You are complaining like a girl about everything. Some faggy grimdark perception of the world. Real men showed up and dropped a few red pills you couldn't handle, so you started crying more. Ridiculous levels of delusion.

Well suicide is killing YOURSELF. Having someone else do it is murder

>your argument comes down to "nu uh"
Not my fault you can't comprehend what I'm saying
>If you have to do mental gymnastics to make your ideas fit with reality,
I don't though. The fuck are you talking about?
>they are probably bullshit and you are lying to yourself.
They aren't though
>I was trying to give you genuine advise above and here, but you will probably just discard this as well. You are combative in the way you view any responses trying to help you. You are FORCING arguments with people giving you good advise.
It isn't "good advice".
>Above all else you lack one of the most fundamental traits I do not see taught in modern education nearly enough: >HUMILITY.
You want schools to teach retarded bullshit like that? What the fuck. Also, how the fuck is that brainwashing? You said schools brainwash but NEVER explained how. Hmmmmmmm
>The basic concept behind "hey, maybe the people I interact with know more than me about some things, and I should LISTEN rather than ARGUE.". Or just continue on being a miserable cunt, your choice.

Why would I take useless advice?

This world may be a farce, but the anime is pretty good.

>That's literally your response to every critique you've had posted at you. So I propose this, let us talk as civilised individuals.
Well, dumb fucker, I don't just say "wrong lol btfo". I actually back it up. I quote POINT BY POINT and explain WHY it's bullshit, fool.

>You want to end yourself, but don't want to suffer, correct?
Yes... I've made that so obviously clear

Doesn't erase the retarded assumptions you make, "buddy".

I'm pretty fucking sure I know myself better than you know me. Don't give me that horseshit of "but I study psychology so I automatically know more about you". That's complete ignorance.

>Some faggy grimdark perception of the world. Real men showed up and dropped a few red pills you couldn't handle, so you started crying more. Ridiculous levels of delusion.
None of this was an argument. You basically just said "lol u pussy. Real men cope with life".

I already addressed coping with life isn't the god damn issue, fucking retard. It is the fact that I can't obtain a net gain.

Wooooooooow talk about down syndrome

Lets analyze what we want

I think you are pathetic and I get off on bullying you. I despise you because you are a parasite and also too weak to kill yourself. I find value in you by mocking your plight and enjoying that you suffer

You are weak. You want to argue that taking care of yourself is too hard so somebody should also kill you. However you are so filled with self importance and entitlement that you demand others do all the work. You get angry when mocked because you see yourself as a special person that should have been given an easy life of pleasure and luxury.

This justifies things in my mind. You provide entertainment with suffering and then you die. I would like to hurry it along though as you existing consumes resources better spent on literally anything else. Its why I encourage you so much. I'm willing to bet that is the only real encouragement you have ever gotten. I'm probably the closest thing to a Father figure you ever had

Assisted suicide is administered "by the taking of lethal drugs provided by a doctor".

That's the definition of assisted suicide.

Here you go OP. Painless suicide.

Attached: painless suicide.png (598x784, 12K)

No but from what im readingnive got a good bead on you

OP is a retard who can't face the most basics of life even when he has a crowd of people encouraging him to live.

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Indeed by a doctor when terminally ill. Are you terminally ill? No? So youre a crybaby who cant do it themself

Coolio! Just wanted to clarify that. You're chatting a lot of shit, so just wantd to make sure.

So say that you do end up offing yourself, via whatever means that fit you're very specific criteria. What'll happen to the corpse? Who is going to move it? Who is going to bury it? How will those people be paid?

If you w ant to actively off yourself with the assistance of other people, they are gonna want to get paid for the job. How will you fulfill that requirement?

I think you are pathetic and I get off on bullying you.
Ditto, dumb bitch. It's a 2 way street.
>I despise you because you are a parasite and also too weak to kill yourself.
>I find value in you by mocking your plight and enjoying that you suffer

>You are weak. You want to argue that taking care of yourself is too hard so somebody should also kill you.
Yep. People with terminal illnesses have the option. I should have the option too even withiut a terminal illness.
>However you are so filled with self importance and entitlement that you demand others do all the work.
Yes. I am entitled to a peaceful death. But also, retard, it's not like I'd want it for free. I'd pay for the cost of the drugs and whatnot.
>You get angry when mocked because you see yourself as a special person that should have been given an easy life of pleasure and luxury.
Huh? 1. Everyone gets annoyed at being mocked, dumbass retard. See? You probably got mad reading that, huh, cunt?
As for "pleasure and luxury"... what the flying fuck are you saying? I never said I was entitled to that, you dumb bitch. Stop putting words in my mouth.

>This justifies things in my mind. You provide entertainment with suffering and then you die.
Kind of like you, minus the dying (though you should definitely do it too for lacking brain cells and being an idiot degenerate overall).
>I would like to hurry it along though as you existing consumes resources better spent on literally anything else. Its why I encourage you so much. I'm willing to bet that is the only real encouragement you have ever gotten. I'm probably the closest thing to a Father figure you ever had
Looool you're trying to get under my skin here but it doesn't make sense. Father figure??? Really man? That didn't make sense at all.

Still doesn't change the fact your assumptions were off

The point I was making is it isn't considered murder.

Can you try to stay focused on the point, shithead?

I literally don't care what you think to the point I'm not reading your response. I want you dead and I will keep encouraging you

The only thing that can stop me is the Captcha which is too much effort on a sad sack like you

>So say that you do end up offing yourself, via whatever means that fit you're very specific criteria. What'll happen to the corpse? Who is going to move it? Who is going to bury it? How will those people be paid?
I don't care. Let them throw my body down a sewer or turn it into ashes.

>If you w ant to actively off yourself with the assistance of other people, they are gonna want to get paid for the job. How will you fulfill that requirement?
Oh idk.... with fucking money????? When the hell did I say it should be FREE?

I feel you, man.
Maybe you'll find some calling in life which can be parlayed into a career that provides your life with meaning. And maybe you'll find a significant other that's above and beyond all previous gals, with a compatibility and mutual understanding that provides stability.
New beliefs, new hobbies, new friends... things can get better.

college education = liberal

>boo hoo I can't read
That's pathetic

Look... I think college is a bullshit requirement emplpyers created for their jobs, but with that said, calling colleges "a place where people are brainwashed" is fucking stupid. Instructors usually are not down to earth and just teach the classes without getting personal.

But youre not terminally ill so it is murder critical thinking is a must

>I don't care. Let them throw my body down a sewer or turn it into ashes.

There are a fuckton of laws in most civilised societies forbidding that. So you gotta pay to have your corpse to be disposed of. Side affect of being in this culture.

>Oh idk.... with fucking money????? When the hell did I say it should be FREE?
You never said that you would have to pay for it.

So lemme get this straight, you want to have someone help you die, and get rid of your corpse, all without contributing towards the cause. Correct?

Why are you to weak to die? Is it insecurities or cowardice?

Shit meant

I love welfare, all you cucks slave away while I work 10-20h/week just to amuse myself... life is beautiful

As with everything its not really what you know its who you know.

It is a must and you need it. Literally the only difference is that the terminally ill die sooner than they were supposed to.

At the end of the day whether terminally ill or not, it's the same fucking idea, retard. A person is helped in getting their life ended by a doctor. Grow a brain.

If you want to say it is murder if you're not terminally ill but not murder if administered to the terminally ill, that's called a double-standard. THINK next time (ya, that ain't happening)

1. Oh well. Not my problem if I choose to die by jumping off a bridge.

>You never said that you would have to pay for it.
I never said it should be free either

>you want to have someone help you die, and get rid of your corpse, all without contributing towards the cause. Correct?

What do you mean by "contributing without a cause"? Be more specific. You're not making sense.

>insecurities or cowardice?
It's called survival instinct, dipshit

Never said it wasnt a double standard and thats an assumption on your part. I believe its wrong even when terminally ill. But since its all done with semantics youre still an idiot end result is the same but the intent changes and thats the part that matters now what you could be doing is instead of making a thread about it. Get over the survival instincts learn the best way to kill yourself and do it instead of bitching pissing and moaning

I agree as 70-80% of jobs are obtained through networking (aka cronyism/nepotism)

With that said, even with connections, employers still tend to ask for a degree at the least for decent paying jobs.

Excuses I ain't surprised though you seem to inept to pull it off

>1. Oh well. Not my problem if I choose to die by jumping off a bridge.
But you're already stated you don't have the gall to do so. Invalid reponse.

>2. I never said it should be free either
Endless loop. Disregarding.

>3(?)What do you mean by "contributing without a cause"? Be more specific. You're not making sense.
The cause being you wanting to kill yourself with the assistance of another person. Are you that drunk?

So in an ideal society, you would be able to walk into a hospital or some such and request suicide, correct?


Hey user if your gonna off yourself because your miserable, do us all a favor and take someone that makes a lot of other people miserable with you on your way out.

>thats an assumption on your part.
What part?? Quote me

>I believe its wrong even when terminally ill. But since its all done with semantics youre still an idiot end result is the same but the intent changes and thats the part that matters now what you could be doing is instead of making a thread about it. Get over the survival instincts learn the best way to kill yourself and do it instead of bitching pissing and moaning"

It's fucking stupid how you advocate suicide (even for the terminally ill), but in the same time say "assisted suicide is wrong".

Are you mentally retarded? Of course you are.

Also, semantics? It's the same fucking idea, brainlet. You can argue stupid as fuck technicalities all you want, it doesn't hide the fact the ideas are basically the same.

Yes... I've fucking stated that already.

The absolute state of Yea Forums

I am done with you.

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I'll admit i was wrong misread you win that one. Oh i dont advocate suicide if you wanna do it do it faggot dont bitch about it. Im tired of crybabies like you. Oh i wanna die so bad. Oh life sucks so hard. I should just end it. Either do it or shut up fag. And being technically correct is the best kind of correct

>But you're already stated you don't have the gall to do so. Invalid reponse.
Not true. I've stated above I might get the nerve eventually. Valid response. Not only that, but even if I didn't, I was answering your hypothetical scenario, shit for brains.

>The cause being you wanting to kill yourself with the assistance of another person. Are you that drunk?
No, the wording is complete ass, idiot. "All without contributing towards the cause" doesn't make fucking sense.

But you are basically saying "you want someone to help you die all while you stay there and not do an of the word for it".
Uhhhh, no fucking god damn shit? That's the whole fucking point to an assisted suicide.

>So in an ideal society, you would be able to walk into a hospital or some such and request suicide, correct?
Yes. Possibly with some restrictions (for example, years of mental health problems as one criteria)

If hell is so real where the fuck is heaven

*any not "an"

>I don't advocate suicide
>learn the best way to kill yourself and do it!
Yep. Mentally retarded.

Again, assisted suicide should be legalized. I shouldn't have to jump off a bridge, etc. It really shouldn't even be an argument. The person wanting it should pay for the services and that's that.

Between a paid of double D cups. Where do you think it'd be, genius?

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Not "word"

Im serious i dont but ive read the thread you dont want help so i wont bother with that just do a flip

I admit I have an ulterior motive for being in this thread. I know this will end up in the archives and I plan to refer people to said archives to show how pathetic and entitled people like you can be. Its not often they put the full spectrum on display and many people think the millennial crowd are just getting a bad rap. I can happily use you after death to give testament to how these people think and the insane demands this crowd will make.

This is exactly why we need to marginalize these idiots. This is how they think act and demand to be taken care of at your expense. Don't give these fucks a single inch dont let them have access to power. This is the fecal matter shat out when shame eats too much stupidity

Attached: 1553559820141.png (500x541, 153K)

>I swear I don't advocate it...
>uhh, do a flip!

If you want help I'll help you but dont tell me you just wanna die. Do you want honest help or not?

the most ignorant post i read on on Yea Forums today- grats

My point. Do. A. Flip

i'm not even OP, you are an idiot lol

>refer people to said archives to show how pathetic and entitled people like you can be.
Pathetic = subjective
entitled? All I'm entitled for is for an assisted suicide service that I can pay for. Yes, I DO feel entitled for that just as everyone is entitled to freedom of speech. It's something that should be a basic human right.

Also, ya, go ahead and use this when it's archived. People will point out how retarded you are for using a source that btfos you but if that's what you want, go ahead, faggot.
>Its not often they put the full spectrum on display and many people think the millennial crowd are just getting a bad rap.
This literally has nothing to do with me being a millenial, shithead. Lmao... this is so sad.

>I can happily use you after death to give testament to how these people think and the insane demands this crowd will make.
"Insane demands!!!!!"
All I'm asking for is an assisted suicjde service, retard. Holy shit, faggot.

>This is exactly why we need to marginalize these idiots. This is how they think act and demand to be taken care of at your expense. Don't give these fucks a single inch dont let them have access to power. This is the fecal matter shat out when shame eats too much stupidity

No stupidity from me. All I'm saying is assisted suicide should be a thing for all.

You're just a dumbass that doesn't like it "because it sounds wrong!"

Fuck out of here, moron.

No, I don't.

Look dude, there are scriptures in the bible about this. Everyone else here sees it.
>do not throw your pearls before swine
Basically, if someone does not want to be helped, it is impossible to help them. They will FIGHT you, rather than be helped. That is the position you are in. You really shouldn't be discussing this with anyone or making dumbass threads like these. You need to look inside yourself to figure out why you have so much self-loathing. Nobody can fix this but you.

Is this suicidal faggot still doing this?

Attached: 1.jpg (680x456, 83K)

>dont worry guize im not OP
Dont care do a flip

Then go do a flip by some hardcore drugs and OD go swim with sharks while bleeding quit bitching about it here


>I don't advocate suicide
>commit suicide
Biggest retard on this thread and that's saying something

If someone doesnt want help. Give them what they want see if it will make them happy

Doesn't change the fact you're a hypocritical moron

OP, what the fucks wrong with you? I'm fucking 23 and never got a decent job in my life, never bought a car, still living with my parents. I had to work for shitty salary 12 hours daily, I have no time for hobbies and for my shitty salary that's 1200$ monthly I traveld to the end of the country. but I'm not complaining on Yea Forums about my situation, I just shut the fuckin up and do my things to solve my fucking problem. Now I don't know if you're just a fucking bored inbred son of a motherfucker that's attention seeker, I don't know if your just a fucking 16yo sucker that follows the hype movement of other depressed fucks like him adoring xanxax and other shit like that, I don't know if you are standing against problem, man the fuckin up, go through your shit and shut the fuck up. Otherwise go and jump off a bridge, get passed over by a train, shoot yourself and make some space to other people you stupid whining cunt.

>stop bitching
>now here is my rant in where I bitch!

I bet your doughy and easy on the knuckles and would brag about how bruised my fists were getting as you bleed out

Also, faggot. You wrote a whole wall just to basically say you're a loser with no future and that you hate people that bitch which is what you just did. Wtf?

I used to do 17k pushups with 45lb in a month, 51k situps in a month, curl a 20lb dumbbell 1,800 times per arm in one single set (once every 2 seconds per arm for 1 hr), almost maxed the machines I used for 2 yrs (ages 15-16), curl 50lb dumbbells, hand stand pushups, Etc. That's just a brief summary. I basically did one of everything. Trained 2-3 hrs everyday for 4.5 yrs from age 12-16.5.

I don't do that anymore, but let's be real, have you done this? No, because you're a pussy.

OP successful role-playing and trolling people

Just saying, if OP is going to kill himself nobody cares, we also have problems

I'm not a loser since I don't go on b bitchin about my life and how much I want to suicide, you can go and suck some dick

I'm starting to agree with you. OP is lost. Fudge him.

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If that's the best you've seen it's a wonder more people don't kill themselves.

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I mean absolutely i never said i wasnt. The whole reason i got my pysch degree my best friend killed himself. I dont want other people to go to through what i did. But if someone doesnt want the help. You can only help those who help themselves so yeah only thing that will help OP be happy is death its gonna suck for those that know him but what can you do