Eat my shit Yea Forums YLYL thread the other ones are either dead or cancerous

eat my shit Yea Forums YLYL thread the other ones are either dead or cancerous

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check the flags.

Don't feed the retards

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OP, I have to say... this is the worst YLYL thread I've ever seen.

Can we just chalk this one up as a loss and move on?

Right? I've never been for votes or likes or anything here, but sometimes a thread just needs too be euthanized

>this is the worst YLYL thread I've ever seen.
You've obviously not seen one of the many started by the dumb faggot that obsessively posts pictures of the guy with the shooped-on swastika. Count your blessings.

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He's in danger

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First would be the induction stroke, to draw in oxygen.....

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Pit bull: Fuck the lightbulb! I'll eat the baby then rip the flesh off your bones!


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>induction stroke

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