Who is your favorite US President except for the last two?

Who is your favorite US President except for the last two?

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Ross Perot

Hillary Clinton

Alexander Hamilton, Ben Franklin and Patrick Stewart, in that order.

Andy Sixx

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Three best, no particular order:
Teddy Roosevelt

Three worst, no particular order:

I'd modify that "worst" list:

FDR for fuckin' sure. New Deal and all the bullshit welfare plus Social Security which turned out to be the biggest rip-off of wealth in history.

Bush for sure - 2 USELESS wars, trillions of dollars wasted on shit, and bailed out the big banks with billions more. He sucked major cock as a president.

Wilson, meh, WWI and Leage of Nations, I dunno, he was kinda weaksauce.

But Johnson - THAT motherfucker with the "Great Society" an expansion of Welfare AND blowing up the Vietnam War unnecessarily was some grade-a bullshit. Only good thing Johnson did was keep pushing NASA to get to the moon, other than that, he was a disaster.

3 dumbest, no particular order

I was going hard against FDR's internationalism and I see Wilson as a foreshadowing of it. They were almost the OG neocons, slaughtering Americans and foreigners alike in needless wars to advance elite interests. I'm not too against the New Deal: it was what was needed at the time and the WPA was a really good thing if you ask me, America's answer to the public works projects of the Axis. If Huey Long or Charles Lindbergh had implemented the New Deal I'd have no complaints against them as presidents.

I'll give you that Johnson was exponentially worse than Wilson though. Hart-Cellar got passed on his watch too.

Three BEST Presidents - and IDGAF what you think these are by far the best in the last 50 years:

1) Nixon: Yeah, I know - but Nixon was the one that actually ended the Vietnam War, sparing countless thousands more American soldiers. People forget that Nixon almost won the whole thing too, with the Christmas Bombing campaign. Lee Duc Tho (the North Vietnamese negotiator at the Paris Peace Talks) told Kissinger later that they were ready to "sue for peace" when that was going on.

Nixon also opened China, which, from a humanitarian point of view, wound up saving the lives of millions of people. People used to starve to death in China on a regular basis - people today forget that - Nixon opening the West to China allowed them to actually work to make goods to sell to the USA and the West and gave them needed $$ to live. In that way, Nixon is probably the most sacred man who ever lived - if you consider saving the life of your fellow man a metric to measure greatness by.

2) Ronald Reagan: Reagan took the USA from its decline after Ford and Carter, and almost single-handedly defeated the Soviet Union and ended the cold war. He also promoted the "Star Wars" initiative which the Lefties mocked, but which created most of the modern day products we use today - stuff that no one thinks about, but tech that had to be invented to satisfy the goals of shooting down ballistic missiles. Reagan shepherded in the biggest economic expansion of the USA until :

3) Donald Trump: Trump is only 2 years into being President, but he is actively doing several great things: a) Restoring the USA Manufacturing base after it being decimated by Obama and Bush. b) Restoring USA dominance in world affairs, and c) Exposing the "woke" movement as being just another commie plot. The man is going to be one of the greatest ever known in history.

These are indisputable facts.

Nice to run into an educated user every now and again.

I'm gonna have to disagree on Reagan. I know it's conservative orthodoxy to venerate him, but he did a pretty big amnesty and if I recall NAFTA was his idea as well. He was "okay," but by no means excellent, as Trump is. Nixon, however, was a top tier president.

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I don't hate FDR because he was popular. I hate him because he was a warmonger who got American sailors killed so he would have an excuse to prosecute his pet war alongside Stalin and Churchill.

The Cold War thing I think solidified Reagan. If you're an ancient fucker like me, you remember just how dangerous that whole time was from 1960 onward. If he did nothing else, that would have made him a top 10 contender, but he also pushed the Star Wars thing, which gave us all kinds of tech, plus expanded what would become the internet.

Yeah, but Englishmen would all be speaking Kraut if it wasn't for Roosevelt, no?

Instead they speak Arabic and Hindi. On balance, I think it wasn't a fair trade.

made me kek. That is true.


That's fair. I think he was definitely a good president, even for his faults.

Good to see some folks recognize Nixon tho. He got a raw deal because of Watergate and the coverup.

People forget that "greatness" can be exhibited in flawed people. Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence while fucking Sally Hemmings out back in the Slave Quarters.

One thing does not necessarily negate the other.

FDR. Pretty much the entire middle class his his policies to thank for their lives.

Reagan was the worst. That's when the top 1% started sucking up all the wealth. And he tripled the debt. Refitting the battleships was cool though

You have to look at it from Reagan's perspective: The existential threat facing the USA was Soviet hegemony and the threat of global thermonuclear war. So his ending of both of those was his singular mission.

And don't forget lots of "middle class" folks got paid by Rockwell, Northorp, Boeing, Electric Boat Works and Newport News Shipyards to build all those boats and planes and subs.

I lived in L.A. at the time, and even little old Todd Shipyards in the harbor got bank to build some Frigates. Lots of jobs in an otherwise depressed area.

Bush and Clinton come along, and poof - Long Beach Naval Shipyard = Gone. El Toro Marine Base = Gone. Battleships = Gone.

Reagan had a 600 ship Navy. That's down to what? 300 or so now?


>people actually believe this

Your country is doomed and you deserve every bit of shit you will get in the next few decades.

Which actually work, provided you don't do what Bush, Clinton, Bush II and Obama do - allow the 1% to export all the middle class jobs to Mexico and China and Indonesia.

Whatever country you come from will be gone first, bud. The world cannot exist without the USA, and that is what we call "a fact"

Oh I think the 600 ship navy was great. We caused the Russians to spend themselves to death trying to keep up. Kind of like we're doing to ourselves now.

His tax cuts are my main issue. That and running for reelection with Alzheimer's.

They have never worked. Economic growth is created by demand for goods and services.

Go to Indonesia if you can, anons.
Go to Bali
See all the shops selling Nike shoes for $2
Remember Nike sells them to you for $120
See kids running up to you begging for money
Buy a one hour massage for $5
Get 4 girls to massage you for $20
$10 more, and they'll blow you and fuck you

As you're getting blown and fucked for less than the USA price of those Nike shoes you now have in your suitcase, remember how Phil Knight is a Billionaire and friend of the Clintons. There's your "woke" politics right there. Keep the brown people in poverty so they'll suck dick for $5 as long as our buddies get rich.

Everything I just wrote is absolutely true. Go to Bali and prove me wrong.

That is like saying a sandwich is made out of peanut butter, and forgetting to mention the bread.

The Bread is Manufacturing. Demand without the ability to produce makes most people irrelevant, and that tends to be the middle class.

The rich just have their products made by the cheapest labor in the world - wherever that happens to be this decade - the poor are always poor, that never changes because a certain % of humans are just worthless anyway - but the great Middle - that is the group that gets squeezed. The people who actually BELIEVE there is a "proper" way to live a life. And if they can't get jobs, then the entire structure will come down.

You wouldn't be alive without FDR, you stupid fuck. You literally own him his life. Shut the fuck up, you nazi brainwashed fuckface.

Yeah, Hitler would have killed everyone but I'm the brainwashed one. Fuck you, fuck Churchill and fuck FDR.

Unless your grandparents were of pure race, you wouldn't exist without FDR and Churchill today. What is so hard to understand about this? Hitler needed to be defeated for being evil.

Churchill and FDR literally saved the world from a 1,000 years of darkness.

You're a disgrace.

I'm not even big on Hitler's race shit, since I find it to be overly mystical and reductive. It wasn't our concern though. Hitler wants Europe to be filled with European people? Who fucking cares?
Condemned it to, more like. But that's even doing them too much credit: they weren't absolute evil, they were just retards advancing the cause of internationalism.

>Who fucking cares?
Are you actually that retarded to think he would stop just in Europe? It is clear to me now that you have absolutely zero idea how world geopolitics work. You disgust me greatly. I will ignore all further replies in order not to go insane.

Imagine unironically deifying two objectively bloodthirsty warmongerers for winning a war they started.

William Howard Taft. Went on to become Supreme Court justice.

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Yeah lmao Hitler would have conquered the entire world and made everyone into clones of Dolf Lundgren. Please do ignore me, I'm not interested in trying to get through to someone who's actually bought into WWII as a creation myth. Feel free to continue believing a painter espousing a racialist strain of fascism was literally Satan on Earth.

It's amazing he's still alive.

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>And don't forget lots of "middle class" folks got paid by Rockwell, Northorp, Boeing, Electric Boat Works and Newport News Shipyards to build all those boats and planes and subs.

So trickle-down economics. Gotcha.


Teddy Roosevelt

Did Badass stuff as a Rough Rider, and Cuba Libre is probably my favorite drink

>Proposed to my GF (unplanned) while we stayed at his suite in Glenwood Springs where the 'Teddy' bear was first made

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>Keep the brown people in poverty so they'll suck dick for $5 as long as our buddies get rich.

The underrated thing that they do in the US as well is convince poor whites that they're somehow better off than the blacks, and get them to fight to keep themselves down, effectively.

That was the genius of the Confederacy in the Civil War - they convinced poor whites that ending slavery would screw them by flooding the market with cheap labor, so a bunch of stupid poor whites took up the cause even though they'd never be able to own a slave.

Go read a book about Nixon and the Vietnam war he used it as a political tool. He could have ended it years earlier but knew he would not get credit so he let American and vietnamese young men and women die just for his ambitions

That pretty fucking evil yo

Right. England invaded Poland. Idiot

Reminder that there were race riots in the North because blacks were acting as cheap dumb labor. Reminder that not long before the Civil War was the revolution in Haiti wherein free blacks commanded a slave rebellion that ended with the brutal genocide of every white and eventually mulatto person in the colony. Reminder that Lincoln and Jefferson knew the only solution post-slavery was separation, but instead of taking that route Congress enforced kakistocracy and shored up racial resentment by denying white Southerners the vote.

Racial conflict is both one of the primary drivers of history and the result of ludicrous mismanagement, often for the benefit of capitalism (never forget that the Civil War was essentially a war between a capitalist society and a feudalist one).

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Let's be honest if your are not in the top 1% of americans Reagan was a terrible president for you.

There is a reason we have been on the decline since the 80s and its because of policies Reagan enacted

Reagan destroyed Soviet Union and saved the Republic from communistic invasion, you uneducated pig. Without him, we would have Putin nuking entire Europe, instead of Putin being so cucked he's even afraid to take more than Crimea.


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This fucker is the worst.

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The Pope did more to end the Soviet union than Reagan did. And it would have collapsed under its own weight eventually.

Because he didn't burn the south to the ground completely. Should have given the slaves their 40 acres and a mule too

that's ok, they still ended up with 40 (oz) and a drug mule

>black privilege

wealth can NEVER trickle up.
because the poor can't create wealth .
it always comes from up down wether it be upper or middle.

that's just reality that people with a inferiority complex need to get over with.

There's only one choice, TR.



Washington. He set the standard. We have strayed very far since then.

user knows his history. Guy was horrible, criminal and, oh yeah, a faggot.

The guy who split the republican party allowing Wilson to win giving the jew bankers their central bank and impoverishing America?

This whole "Top 1%" bullshit has to stop. There has ALWAYS been a "Top 1%" - it is now a dogwhistle for the "woke" generation who (stupidly) think they have magically discovered all the answers (just like EVERY other generation before them).

Reagan's rebuilding of the military had direct effects on virtually every single industry in the United States. Steelworkers got jobs and raises, Machinists were busy making parts for B-1 Bombers, EVERYONE made money - even the bankers and Wall Street brokers (who always make money, even when they lose if a Bush or a Obama are President).

Crushing the Soviet Union yielded all sorts of benefits, by the way that affected tens of millions of people. East Germany was just a shithole, and is now a thriving part of greater German, as were Ukraine, Hungary, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Czech, you name it. All those countries are doing better now than when under the Soviet umbrella.

Anyone who lives in Zagreb and is trying to decide if they want the new Samsung or Apple phone should drop to their knees every morning in front of a portrait of Ronald Reagan.

I love me some Lincoln, but just imagine how wonderful our country would be if he did forced repatriation of all negroes to Africa after the end of the civil war?

Could you imagine - from sea to shining sea - not a single nig-nog to bitch about how "I gots get me mah obamafone"?

It would be glorious.

Funny Valentine

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Ever thought about how Lincoln sounds like a loli? Think about it. Think about what does it mean.

>they already get unearned money from the government
>it's called wellfare
>and they still bitch

>Nixon was the one that actually ended the Vietnam War,

Not really true. Peace talks during LBJs term were purposely sabotaged by Nixon. He had the "Dragon Lady" as she was called be a back channel, and said if the North kept fighting for a lil while longer, he'd cut a better deal with them when he was elected. LBJ knew this, Nixon played politics when asked on the phone about it (it's recorded), and it worked - Nixon used the failure in Vietnam for a lot of publicity.

You are right about China though, he did open that up and forge relations with them. And that was good because it isolated the USSR, and depleted them of a huge ally.

Though lately China has been more of a concern and more aggressive to us than Russia overall. Look up "One Belt, One Road", their claim and military build of the S. China sea, and their theft of Naval underwater drones - to their corporate espionage of trade secrets from farms in Utah growing GMO crops worth billions of dollars.

what you mean user

Calvin Coolidge

Holyshit youre dumb

Lmao you have to be trolling, reagon almost had nothing to do with the fall of the soviet union, and reagon and trump are god awful presidents

Favorite? Lincoln because I'm not some overcompensating moron. Get over yourselves, he freed the slaves (motives matter little, he fucking did it). But most importantly? He submitted to a popular election in the middle of a civil war. FUCKING BADASS. What a true American. Not like no 3 term having pussy like FDR or some future America president who will seize on some terrorist bs to hold the office forever.

Worst was the LAME DUCK number 15 who was before him. I don't even want to type out his stupid name, I'll give the same effort in typing his name as he gave in keeping his party/nation together.


>which actually worked

man, you sure showed whats-his-name

Well obviously Buchanana, I know he was a terrible president but I can identify with him and isnt that all that matters

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I disagree

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