Why are so many people afraid of socialism?

why are so many people afraid of socialism?

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Other urls found in this thread:

mises-media.s3.amazonaws.com/Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth_Vol_2_3.pdf
books.google.co.uk/books?id=kewLQwngUSkC&q=passed through&redir_esc=y#v=snippet&q=passed through&f=false
as.wvu.edu/history/Faculty/Tauger/Tauger, Chapter for Roter Holocaust book b.pdf
medicc.org/resources/documents/embargo/The impact of the U.S. Embargo on Health & Nutrition in Cuba.pdf

That's one of the purrtiest pussies I have ever seen

because it fundamentally doesn't work

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labia removed, looks unnatural tbh

Because last few times it was implemented 100 million people died.


They affraid that they earn more money than they should and that socialism somehow gonna make them earn less. But thats untrue (unless they are upper class douches or billionaires), socialism won't magically implode economy in their country.

ok so, you admit that the idea of it is good, but the execution is poor?

They never got a real chance tho

Because socialism as an ideology has no coherence beyond what's called "socialism", and the only thing all "socialist" governments have in common is that they killed or enslaved millions of their own people.

ikr? if only it had been tried already so we knew if it worked or not

Or so capitalists backed media wants you to believe.

Socialism works just as bad as capitalism

If you don't combine the two to create a fair market with priorities on consumer rights you create a pile of shit.

Ahh, so YOU know real socialism, not everyone else who tried it, that wasn't real, if only YOU were the one running things, then YOU would've brought in the utopia because you're so much smarter than everyone else that tried!

Go neck yourself

socialism, not communism/facism labeled as socialism.
no wonder you people believe the propaganda. you can't distinguish between the truth and the lies. you just believe whatever you're told.

however, socialism in the wrong hands(like those in power now) is easily abused, especially when the population is a bunch of media tweaked monkeys.

US is socialist? ....

Ntg but: the idea is debatably good (though there are many points to be ring against it), the execution is impossible. It literally can't be done.

I dunno but maybe they don’t realise the level of socialist policies in place in the majority of first world capitalist countries.

Because Americans are fucking retarded. The don't realize that on a planet with finite resources and major unbalance of wealth, a planned economy is the only way to ensure survival. The US and western all lies have slaughtered millions of people themselves in recent years. They are so fucking far gone in what they believe, what they think socialism is vs the reality is retarded .

Because it is no longer socially acceptable to walk around talking about how black, gays, or Hispanics are ruining our way of life. So the new Boogeyman is "socialist liberals"

>Socialism works just as bad as capitalism
i agree, but just to argue i would say capitalism works 'better' than socialism, because capitalism legalizes all its 'problems' so 'its ok'

Who calls it that?

>It literally can't be done.
it can if you start promoting correct virtues as attractive

Because Socialism is evil, and anyone that thinks otherwise is an uneducated dipshit that doesn't know their history.

>killed or enslaved millions of their own people.

Why do all you fuckheads say afraid? Don't you understand that most people of working age realise it's a flawed concept, grow the fuck up, move out if your parents, work and pay taxes for a few years then come back you fucking pleb

That won't work as a significant part of the population doesn't give a shit.


afraid? Not afraid, its just that socialists tend to be the dumbest motherfuckers on earth, thinking that "THIS TIME IT WILL WORK".

Literally 220 mil people dead after this stupid idea, people converted into grain, for what? For beurocrats telling you how to live your life? For a fascist system? You get NOTHING back, unless you of course join these useless old men who rule over everyone else.

And this I guess concludes it, useless people (socialists), that cant succeed in the capitalist world or do honest work, want this fascist system, so that they too can be mediocre, useless components in a beurocratic system and rule over everyone else :)

Socialism is really a dumb, unethical idea.

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Venezuela would like a word with you

it creates sissy faggots who listen to and are lead around by women.

i wouldnt say afraid, but aware of and reluctant to join

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source on the millions of deaths?

where do you get that statistic of 220 mil? give me a source so i can read more

That's exactly the voter base they want to tap.

For me personally, it's because I like food.

sissys or people who actually want to see the world change for the better?

because successful people require government less than unsuccessful people
therefore, if socialism works, it defeats itself

it would work if you make these qualities attractive, right now we are promoting sociopaths and if you would tell people from hypothetical 'outside' that sociopaths/psychopathic qualities are being promoted here they will look at you lil weird- yet it was done, it was done very well and on grand scale...

In the same way as flying using just my arms is a good idea, but in practice it won't work.

>Non-Americans have never heard of outer space
Explains why you've never been to the moon.

kek- i guess no problem because its legal under capitalism

because millions die every fucking time

How is anything you said relevant to anything I said?

>Literally 220 mil people dead after this stupid idea, people converted into grain, for what? For beurocrats telling you how to live your life? For a fascist system? You get NOTHING back, unless you of course join these useless old men who rule over everyone else.
wow yeah government that doesn't reward people form not respecting its virtues.... how... unfair

Most people of working age... You live in your mom's basement video gamer.
Socialism will prevail regardless of what you think, if you disagree you are a retarded yank pig dog. It's always the fucking yank, brittish right wing retards who think they know what's best for the world. I read some arguments on the Internet and now consider myself an expert on the topic of managed economies. Go back to fucking school retard.

"Socialism paves the way for communism" , Im paraphrasing but I believe Lennin or Stalin said that.

You can take communism out of socialism, but you cant take socialism out of communism. Its an unethical idea, a stupid one which we all know doesnt work, yet you cretin fucktards think we should implement it once again.

How fucking delusional can you be? If you now claim to be so damn read in on communism and socialism. Why havnt you studied how the systems were implemented and the results of it?

You pro-socialists never talk about the actual results of socialism. Never. That alone is enough evidence about how fucking stupid you people are, and how delusional you are.

Go back into the warehouse and start packing boxes onto carts, your shift is waiting. You stupid cretin fuck, you will never be nothing

yeah, that sounds so gay it makes you gay just by saying it

Because they dont want their money stolen, their country bankrupted or face being thrown in a re education camp for thought crime?

sissy faggots who actually dont do anything but protest and complain, who would rather use government to control MEN to enact their will- meanwhile exhibiting signs of mental illness and delusion

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Not a single person arguing against socialism here knows what it is, fucking hilarious.

The European Union is an example of socialism & capitalism mixed. Nothing good will come. Capitalism is not godd but socialism i worst...

Because multiculturalism is oppressive and is necessary in the US for socialism to function.
Humans are tribal and inherently distrustful of other races. You need thousands of years to breed that out of us before socialism would work properly. Either that or a means of giving everyone on the planet free energy (and we all that will never happen).

you said socialism bad cuz:
>killed or enslaved millions of their own people.
US biggest capitalistic system on the planet that literally forces other nations into capitalism:
>killed or enslaved millions of their own people.
nothing to see here folks, everything working as intended

low tier bait, come back with something better kid

It would not work. There are too many people content with doing fuck all and cashing in benefits. Also too many people hungry for power and ready to promote their friends inside the state hierarchy so that they can in turn be promoted by said friends.
Basically the problems of today which will not go away if you enable them to grow limitlessly which socialism is all about unfortunately.

The actual results of socialism are roads and fire departments and medicine for poor people, at least in the us.

100% socialism would be bad, because letting the government run everything is a good way to run everything into the ground. But pure capitalism is a fucking nightmare too.


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Not poster but he probably added up all their own people that USSR, China, Cambodia, etc killed along with all those around the globe and all the foriegners they killed in wars, Korea, Vietnam, Countless central American firagos etc, just guessing though but it would add up to a lot

i'm serious though, if you believe this stat so blindly, don't you have a source for it? also, if socialism killed that many, how many did capitalism kill?

Most of the time, so-called communist systems failed because of two things

1) Corruption
2) Foreign interference (embargos and the like), because non-socialist countries (or, at least, their governments) are afraid of what would happen if a socialist system was shown to work.

Don't forget that the governments in most countries are made of people who profit from the current system, and that it would likely ruin them if capitalist countries turned to socialism.

you under estimate power of mass control, look at Muslims they willing to blow up for their beliefs... ofc the current generations that were corrupted by money and selfish success will not recover from it, but it is possible if you start changing it through generations.

This is how i feel about National Socialism, Hitler never got a real chance

>because non-socialist countries (or, at least, their governments)
you mean jews

Scialism says: this is banana 15cm no longer no shorter and will be replacement for cucamber from now.
Scialism says: this is yours sport and family car it names Trabant.

yeah he did and he fucked it all up during invasion on USSR

fire department
>The earliest known firefighting service was formed in Ancient Rome by Marcus Egnatius Rufus who used his slaves to provide a free fire service

>4,600 years ago, demand for building stones for pyramids and temples led to the opening of many quarries in the low cliffs near the Nile River. To make it easier to transport the heavy stones from one of these quarries, the Egyptians laid what may have been the world's first paved road.

public medicine was personal medicine

the result of slavery and capitalism are what created roads, medicine, and especially the fire department.

Communism will always fail because of one thing and one thing only, Human beings are greedy bastards and communism can only work if everyone is a saint or the population is lobotomised

First of all, that's not America's own people we're talking about. Second of all, name any instance of the US adjusting another country's government and I can explain how it was necessary for their strategic interests. Third of all, none of this is relevant to my point anyway because I was talking about socialist countries doing it. Just because a capitalist country does it doesn't mean it's right.

The average length of life increased in the USSR over its tenure, so too did the quality of health care, want to go find some of your made up "facts" that prove that wrong?

To blow yourself up you just need a small amount of people. To establish working socialism while not being a dictatorship you need almost everyone to be in on it.
Also what you are suggesting already made it a dictatorship with an expensive (and in the long run corruptible) control apparatus.

He should count all the people killed by capitalist countries since the fucking war of independence in Netherlands 1568.

This is really stupid. Do you know what socialism is? It is required for communism.
More importantly if you are concerned about corruption and bad leaders why would you want the power to be less decentralized and controlled by your glorious leader. Corruption is a problem in every country around the world and socialism has ABSOLUTLEY no checks on this problem.

Because it always end up in starvation, genocide, mass murder and a complete lack of freedom.

The best explanation ever :-)

i mean what? he was on top of the world and then lost since he was shit lol

it might work if we stop promoting greed and thievery

I respectfully disagree. You do not need everyone to be a saint, but you DO need to prevent a few fuckers from abusing the system.

This means that a lot of information needs to be public (no "government only" data, especially for day-to-day work), in order for people to be able to investigate and check that there is no corruption.

If the people have the power, in general, and not only by electing representatives, but by being able to act on a day-to-day basis (if needed), then you won't see oppressors and exploited masses.

You'll only see masses self-regulating.

ok we're getting somewhere...so basically the idea is fine...but people are the problem. good to know we solved this, case closed

Because it always leads to the death of millions of people.

Finally someone to blame for all the worlds ills, LETS NUKE HOLLAND

What stupid filter does she use that makes her face look so unnatural?

I Think moses had a go at that. How did that plan go?

I agree.

so does capitalism?

because socialism is retarded does not work and the faggots that pursue that when shit hit the fan always blame that is not true socialism
>check venezuela

Sauce: the 20th fucking century.

you DO need to prevent a few fuckers from abusing the system.

and now life gets interesting, how, re education camps, gulags, firing squad and who decides who the fuckers pissing in the soup are, oh let me guess a self appointed commisariat

>First of all, that's not America's own people we're talking about.
yes we are, it sends thousands of its people abroad to fight for oil and money while providing them with little to no assistance when they return and are unable to serve... millions have perished for profits in the US. And look at the working class in the US, they work jobs they hate for years because they feel forced to do so by capitalistic concepts.... again these are all 'ok' because they are defined as legal activities... same with corruption becoming 'lobbyism'... capitalism is cancer because it promotes the wrong virtues

>Free fire service
That nigga charged money up front to put out fires.

Having built a paved road literally means nothing, because it was built and maintained for the purposes of private enterprise, not for public use.

What does
>public medicine was personal medicine
even mean?

It was only fairly recently that governments started spending money on public works, police and fire fighting. Slavery and capitalism made good shit for the people with money. Everyone else had to fucking deal. Do you want a world where you have to bribe the fireman to rescue you from a burning building, or where you have to rent the asphalt machine and pave all of the road between here and where you work to make sure you can drive there every day?

nice feet tho, if you're into that

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They're not afraid of it, it doesn't work.

foot post was reply to here

>you need almost everyone to be in on it
i agree, but i wouldn't say its impossible, its difficult and would require way different approach but it is possible

>would rather use government to control MEN to enact their will
Maybe because they aren't terrorists?

Ministerstwo Edukacji Narodowej?

Yuk. It's like an unhealed wound.

personal medicine as in it was shamans, royal attendants and sadists playing surgeon on the peasants who started surgery and medicine.

it was only recently did we have more than a few major cities (outside of China) with populations in the millions which required government to manage, and for parasitic types to begin to extract money from the residents.

You're just one of those regular dumb idiots aren't you? Not one of those smart idiots I keep hearing about on the news.

any of these morons that site European countries that have it working for the time being aren't aware of all the worthless spics and niggers that are in the United States that take advantage of what social programs that off no less full-blown socialism they would drain the system

>yes we are, it sends thousands of its people abroad to fight for oil and money while providing them with little to no assistance when they return and are unable to serve...
Thousands is a lot less than millions.
>millions have perished for profits in the US
Clearly you know something I don't about American history. Tell me all about the pervasive famines and political executions in America.
>And look at the working class in the US, they work jobs they hate for years because they feel forced to do so by capitalistic concepts...
Is wanting to feed yourself a capitalistic concept? If so I have no problem with that.

And this is STILL all a big non-sequitur because no matter what bad things the US does it still doesn't excuse what socialist countries did.

because they are bluepilled brainwashed boomers

leftists are completely capable of being and are terrorists, they have the highest rates of mental illness among the population. That mental illness translates to harassment, stalking, begging, pleading, attempting to emasculate and control people, pedophilia and rape- just like youre trying to lie right here

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What's "unnatural" about being white, you neo-Nazi mongrel?

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Why do you talk like a retard?

Because it fails. And only weak people "work" to achieve it.

But that contradicts your previous post where you claimed they are incapable of taking matter in their own hands.

>Leftists are government slaves.
>Leftists are rebels.
Choose one.

Are you really this retarded or are you just taking classes?

This is the promise of socialism:
> everyone happy and productive working hard for the greater good
> anyone who doesn't want to work or can't doesn't need to, see previous point
> everyone gets everything they need to be productive and happy
> nothing interrupts this.

This is the reality of socialism:
> psychopaths promise all that free shit above
> some believe it. these are the useful idiots.
> some don't. these are the doubters.
> most don't give a shit and keep living their lives.
> socialism comes.
> the murders begin. that's the 10-25% of useful idiots and doubters. they die in the first wave.
> the psychopaths, there are a couple thousand of these, take all the nice cars, houses, private islands and jets
> the rest of the remaining living population gets to live in abject poverty, starving and being literal slaves.
> this socialism lasts for a few years.
> communism comes.
> all that above shit? it gets worse.
> starvation comes.
> riots. revolution.
> "that wasn't real socialism."

No socialist/communist (they're really the same type of person) will ever be convinced by rational arguments. They are either useful idiots who'll never change their minds, or psychopaths who'll never admit the truth, because they want to have all the awesome free shit and slaves that socialism/communism brings.

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>Is wanting to feed yourself a capitalistic concept? If so I have no problem with that.
salves get fed too... so i guess its ok because they were feeding themselves.
>millions have perished for profits in the US
>Clearly you know something I don't about American history. Tell me all about the pervasive famines and political executions in America.
no famines man, just wars that only put money into the rich, but hey thats ok cuz its legal- btw no socialist system advocated famines- these were done by dictators... which is exactly opposite of socialism.

The main reason is because they are too stupid to understand that it will benefit them.
The people they listen to (the rich) tell them that it would make them poorer and they believe it, like the sheep they are.
These are the same people who think their feelings are more valid than reality.

mostly americans think that cause they're stupid americans
usually bring up venezuela
never mention denmark lol
you're not gonna be venezuela or kill 100mil people because your country is not a shithole (even if it appears like one)

Oh ya, I bukake all over that bitches face.

So the reason it won't work is because of a bunch rich douchebags?
Sounds like everything else in life.

Because it doesn’t work in the 21st century you wanker

Because socialism turns into communism which turns into starvation

It happens every time

The only successful countries with socialism still have a free market

It's a good idea but it's a fairy tale

You can't help everyone it's impossible

The number of times the word "retard" (or "retarded") was used in this thread so far.

>use government to control men
one of the things the government is for is to have the monopoly on the use of force. if they control the use of force- physical and provable, then they dont need to spread propaganda about race-mixing, reparations for slavery, 36 genders, patriarchy

its nor contradictory, they are running concurrently. no one said they are government slaves- these lefties WORK FOR THE GOVERNMENT, in jobs that are hard for them to get fired from. Theyre in the armed forces.
they use government as a vehicle for job creation, which is why they want socialism, for the government to have the monopoly on the jobs, taxes "means of production", diversity

what are you, a fucking Swede> get the fuck out of here faggot

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Because for every liberal saying, "Hey, Germany is doing pretty well with universal healthcare" there's a conservative saying, "I don't want another Venezuela."

Cute pusspuss

Listen here you nigger
Denmark is socialism propped up by capitalism
Look up the economics of Denmark and it'll say it goes by a nordic social model,where It's practically 5% socialism, and 95% capitalism

so again, nothing wrong with the idea...it's the execution and human nature. i think we're done here

>salves get fed too... so i guess its ok because they were feeding themselves.
Good thing workers in capitalist countries typically get more than they need to feed themselves.
>no famines man, just wars that only put money into the rich
Would you believe me if I said several times more Chinese people were killed during the Great Leap Forward than Americans in all of America's wars combined?
>no socialist system advocated famines- these were done by dictators... which is exactly opposite of socialism.
You lost me there, I have absolutely no clue what you're talking about.


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None of these were problems in 95% white America.

>he thinks that the stated reason of "bringing democracy to X" isn't just a patriotic lie to get the people on board
>he doesn't realize that it's all about exploitation and the rich getting richer
>he doesn't want to talk about the many times that China, the Soviets, etc, did this exact thing

In my perfect system nothing bad ever happens uwu

Have you ever been to the rural south?

All this type of discourse proves to me is that a attempting to collocate everyone's ideology under one banner and being accustomed to a life one was raised, is a type of dissonance that we are obliged to fight and bicker about. I for one, opt out of this chaos and choose a life of obstruction. Neither of your views are worthwhile, and your voices are tiny insignificant high pitched vibrations that end at your ethernet ports. Get out. Absorb some sunlight feudal masses. Stop being retarded.

>itt: a bunch of americans angry at socialism causr of few examples of it going bad because they like Stuff
socialism + free market = happy people and success
instead of looking at shitbucketa that failes like Venezuela, look at someone succesfull like Denmark for inspiration.
you could learn a thing or two from the danes

>what are you, a fucking Swede> get the fuck out of here faggot
It's okay to be white.

lol ok, buddy

>why are so many people afraid of socialism?
Why are you a reta...Oh you are another asshole that thinks socialism means free shit for you.....fucking historically illiterate moron.

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this is why an AI leader would be perfect

there you go, op

try to implement that in the usa and see how capitalist they think it is

we've been over this. the idea of socialism is fine, it's the execution and human nature that ruin it.

Always one of these idiots who bring this up.

How many defenseless third-world shitholes does NATO have to sanction and bomb into the Stone Age before people realise that Socialism doesn't work?

such as me

agreed, roll on skynet

What you just told people to do is exactly why socialist concepts were invented.

Yea, but they're alive to say it. Those hundreds of Millions who died under socialism can't.

Yeah. The whole mass-murder genocide thing really isn't terribly important.

Why do people obsess over that? Minor thing. Just ignore it.

Because yankee propaganda, socialism does work

equal number of deaths under capitalism, don't be fooled

When will people stop pretending Communism is a political system, iti is NOT, It is a totalitarion quasi religious cult, You go through the teachings and laws of militant Islam and replace the word Islam with THE STATE and Allah with Marx and tell me what the difference is

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>we've been over this. the idea of socialism is fine, it's the execution and human nature that ruin it.
No you rotten brained dumbfuck liar "we" HAVE been over it and it fails everytime you have no right to steal others labor and money because your lazy freeloading ass thinks YOU can better spend MY money fuckface. And like a typical empty headed leftist you just don't want to work. Communism is always pushed by societies losers because they are lazy worthless fucks.

>why are so many people afraid of socialism?

Because it sucks and is just a smokescreen for tyranny and oppression. Its a lie used to get people to willingly subjugate themselves.

Get fucked you stupid fucking idiot.


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Right. Don't they know that the 100 million murdered people is a FEATURE of socialism, not a bug? That's the intent.

Murder the unbelievers, and the world becomes a better place.

A final solution. Weed out the lessers!

Anyone who can't see this is an idiot. Idiot I tell you.

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No. The problem is that the good parts don't scale well to a complete system. You can't blame execution when the result is inevitable. Gravity always pulls towards the greatest, closest mass and combining government and industry always leads to inefficiency, waste, and corruption.

power consolidates, thats just a fact of nature. look at all the mega conglomerates now.
you need to be constantly stiring up the pot so that big bubbles dont form OR if they do form you cant bail them out once they go down the shitter, when something gets too big it inevitably becomes inefficient and sluggish. let big businesses fail so that better smaller things can take their place.

also venture capitalism is cancer

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Americans are afraid of socialism because of massive brainwashing during the war. They're the most brainwashed country in the world.

>jewist-atheist idealolgy

faggot confirmed

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Yea no shit.
The argument is over used far too much. People use it like a trump card, a final rebuttle. Its not, because under, literally any other social, economical, and political ideaology has killed billions before and after socialist states were attempted.

So what's the argument other than putting a death toll on war, famine, and global pressures?

"A implies B" is the the same as "B implies A".

You need to learn to think better.


Because govt is full of retards.
When you have limits on what they can do and how long they can stay it limits the damage they can do.
When they control everything, then they start giving themselves life time positions.
The damage can’t be limited to a few years and you get a Venezuela or Cuba type situation.
One asshole and his sycophants ruining a country for decades.

wow, an article made entirely out of cliché propaganda.

we have socialist policies in place that shit only hurts us as a country.
america goes socialist, the rest of the world crumbles. name me one major company that has come out from anywhere other than America

Except Communism is not a political system, it's a socio-economic formation (system) where access to control over land and fixed capital is not based on private ownership.

If you think you childless heathens have little investment in this world... imagine how an AI would feel.

Because it thinks that there is always just one plan, one thing to do, one approach, and everything else is a failure. Its literally the village idiots though on how to run the village. But we dont live in villages any more, we live in complex societys, where the ideal behaviour is to explore all roads simultanously and watch those who are to expensive fail early, fail fast and still remain open to be tried again.

Thus, strange things happen, the system explores multiple options and produces results. Of course, capitalism is also not liked by the capitalists, who like to turn it into a aristocratic nightmare- because they fear competition.

Of course the village idiots do not like this whole affair because they think they should be in charge of all things. Capitalism has no real friends.

the dictator of Venezuela is a piece of shit who starved his people. it's not socialism it's totalitarianism under a false pretense. that's why his own people are trying to overthrow him and establish a democracy.

venezuela is doing great thing for their people, sadly some countries won't let that happen

god you're dense

do you ever think about why your greedy ass wants so much or thinks you deserve more than anyone else?

if you're given enough to live the same exact life and everyone else can too, what's the problem? are you a control freak? do you need to feel power over other people?

>a religion of peace
I think you mistook Islam for Judaism.

Well duh. That's like saying, drinking sewage isn't such a bad idea if you remove all the bacteria, dissolved solids and other toxic chemicals in there.

the dictator of Venezuela is a fine dictator as far as dictators go, how can people just ingnore the economic sanctions from the usa literally causing starvation?

yes but the communists party fields candidates in elections as if they are a party, while the majority of voters are sadly so dumb they dont realise if they were voted in they would never leave

>meduro eats a snack in the middle of a conference while his people starve
great things for his people indeed

Typical idiot narcissist look you duplicitous piece of shit, if you can't argue your point you think attacking a random article makes you erudite? You are a fucking joke and your loser parents should be shot in the face along with the evil spawn they sired and unleashed on an innocent world.

>but by being able to act on a day-to-day basis (if needed)

Bobby O-rourke, is that you? Sorry, I just assume it's him when I see something so vague as to be a waste of breath to say.

that's literaly how proper sewage works

Moa for example would have culled off the enemies after the civil war if he was communist or not. The great leap forward was more of a social revamp. Just so happened he used communism to get it done. He could have called himself a fascist state, but that was out of style.

the idea works just as well with judaism, Believe or else we will kill you

Because we’re not losers taking from the system and giving nothing back. Socialism requires everyone to contribute. You socialist fucks are just lazy.

Are the moment a small proportion of the population are very poor and the majority are comfortable. Under socialism everyone will be equally poor except the very rich who will hide their money off shore or in gold assets. The country will eventually fail which will result in mass starvation and death. Capitalism doesn't have the same level of damage to the population.

Who the fuck are you, why are you defending that piece of shit article and what's your actual argument?

not quite, i mean everyone is railing on socialism when in fact they should railing on the execution and human nature which ruined every attempt

Are you retarded? Pussies come as innies and outies

>Socialism requires everyone to contribute.
>You socialist fucks are just lazy.

Choose one

he's been treating his people like shit and going against the wishes of his people for a long time now. it has nothing to do with us sanctions. he's corrupt as fuck.

Wait, I thought the Jews promoted liberalism. What happened to your red pill?


Only works with a single culture and everyone agrees. You lazy shits will ruin it all

that happens to be untrue

The boring argument of the lefttard every time socialism fails.
Ha ha ha I knew it you are a fucking child who is also a fucking loser, are you in the west? The richest civilization to ever exist in history? And you are too stupid to do anything for yourself so you have been reduced to begging for handouts while acting like you are a fucking genius. You are a joke.

Except Communism doesn't worship the state. The goal of Communism is the destruction of the State.
Marx calls for concentrating all capital in the hands of the State in the Communist Manifesto as an accelerationist policy meant to destroy the state as quickly as possible. The logic is that the purpose of the State is to control markets. Markets can only exist with competition, so as soon as all markets and capital monopolised by the state itself, competition will cease to exist, and markets will also cease to exist, which means the State will cease to exist as well.
This is a process called "withering away of the State".
Lenin tried to do this after the Russian Revolution, but the USSR reintroduced the market system and private property in 1924, and there was never total monopolisation after that.

It's easier to corrupt and capable of far more suffering in much less time than other systems. It has a dreadful track record. It's being championed by the most naive/stupid and misguided groups of people in the world. The reforms necessary to fully change our current systems to suit socialist policies and ideals would require superhuman effort and any mistakes would be disastrous for many people. The system as a whole flies completely against human nature. The only way to hold socialist systems together for any amount of time is through extreme oppression of the middle and lower classes (the ruling classes won't oppress themselves obviously). That's just a few reasons off the top of my head. Hope it helps you.

Socialism is against human nature

tell you what, if socialism is that bad why dont they just let cuba and venezuela go to shit on their own instead of doing everything in their power to break their economies for decades?

well realistically trump is keeping oil prices down not just for us. but at the same time who the fuck is stupid enough to make oil deals many years into the future and not diversify their economy?

European leaders are literally committing genocide to their own citizens to prop up their socialist policies. Fuck socialism.

>the dictator of Venezuela is a fine dictator as far as dictators go, how can people just ingnore the economic sanctions from the usa literally causing starvation?
You are fucking lying...prove what you just said you fucking worthless idiot. Go ahead I'll wait, find a peer reviewed article PROVING American sanctions are why Venezuela's economy failed. You have the entire internet at your fingertips so PROVE IT ASSHOLE. Nobody gives a fuck about some thirteen year old minds opinion.

that literally makes no sense?

i'm saying the system gives you everything you'd want, you have freedom, and then when we run out of resources we colonize another world...

its meant for robots

If Socialism is against human nature, then why was every early human society socialist and based on direct distribution of resources by a tribal chieftain?

Better is a very subjective concept. Read some Nietzsche, pleb.

So... for us?

>complaining about a social/economic theory being applied to humans
>solution is to remove humans from the equation

yeah if things were that simple, we wouldn't have this discussion. So what do you want to do, rail against humans for acting the way they do? Millions of years of evolution has made humans behave the way they do. A new social economic theory isn't going to change that.

Socialism has a lot of qualities that sound awesome. The reason for the knee-jerk reaction to it is not because it sounds nice, but because of its execution. Remove the biggest factor against its success and you remove all incentive to have it in the first place.

Capitalism works because its predicated on the fact that people are selfish and work in their self interest. That's a natural law and anything else isn't natural.

google yourself, try to break free from the brainwashing.

>it was only fairly recently
you're just making shit up man. First user gave legitimate first established times that this was the case - you just based shit on what you think instead of actual facts. There have been public services forever.

If not, and I am wrong, explain "fairly recently"

Unless you live in poverty then you will be brought down by socialism you little shit

Try reading throught the hasidic jews 613 commandments and see how liberal they are

My arrgument is you are a dumbfuck trying to say Denmark is socialist when the fucking Prime Minister gave a speech in America explicitly stating America IS NOT a fucking socialist country. You being a fucking know it all somehow missed it, yet here you are arguing a fcking lie like you know something the fucking prime minister of Denmark doesn't. I am fucking sick and tired of psuedo-intellectual idiots online. Internet Phd's who don't even read they just spew their shitty OPINIONS online ad infinitum ad nauseum.

At least he can type ‘é’ in “cliché”.

That makes him’st patrician in my eyes.

He's right though. Socialism requires everybody to contribute but those who scream the loudest for socialism are the most lazy, unproductive people. They're heavily fixated on the aspect of equalness because in their head, since they're below the median, they know it will improve their quality of life at the detriment of others. If those people were at the top of the chain, they'd have second thoughts.

Those who scream the loudest for socialism/communism are not selfless individuals, quite contrary. They're just salty losers who want to steal from others to enrich themselves.

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Not really afraid once you get old enough. It’s more just tired of hearing the same old shit again and again.
>Why don’t we try socialism? It’s great!
>you mean like how (insert Cuba/ Venezuela/Cambodia/Vietnam/North Korea/Uganda/USSR/some other country that went full-on socialist) went socialist?
>No way! we’ll do it better than they will! Like Sweden!
Except it never happens, because it can’t happen. It was disproven theoretically in the late 1920s, and then verified in 1930s USSR and again in 1950s China with the massive famines that followed mass socialization in both cases. The economy always collapses because that’s the only thing it can do.
The only way to get ANYTHING to work in those situations is to do what the communists did-find the people who have no problem killing anybody for any reason, put them on your payroll, and set them loose on everyone who doesn’t toe the line exactly, nobles and peasants alike. After you purge the fuck out of them, then you can make some things go until you run out of money to steal. It still won’t work in the long term, but you get more time and won’t get any rebellions anymore until the whole thing collapses of its own accord.

Really, the only countries that make it look like socialism works are the ones that don’t use it. And Sweden isn’t socialist. In fact, they went from much more socialist than they are now to nearly full-on capitalism in the late 1970s after languishing in poverty for 30-plus years. What you’re seeing in Sweden now is just capitalism with a cushy government health plan and no niggers to fuck their society up.

you see, because when the hunters came back with some big game, they may have passed out their resources but they gained reputation.

capitalism has done more for internationalization and diversity than any other system

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The communist doctrin is our god and mark is its prophet pretty much sums up most grass roots communists belief

Disagreeing with ANYTHING Marx/the state says is doctrine is apostacy and earns a one way ticket to a gulag if you're lucky

Google whats is going on in Venezuela.. they are on Socialism

Because they're sociaphobic

>Lenin tried to do this after the Russian Revolution, but the USSR reintroduced the market system and private property in 1924, and there was never total monopolisation after that.

And we are back to the all Humans are GREEDY BASTARDS argument

Capitalism is responsible for as many deaths as socialism, no one is pointing that out?

is everyone's greed and self-interest is satiated they don't need to fight anymore, that's the idea

>no niggers to fuck up their society

seems like they're working hard at changing that.

did trump give bernie a nickname yet? might i suggest "breadline Bernie"?

Denmark is not a socialist country. Your idiocy enrages me to the point of brain fog.





stay fucking stupid...

google what 'murica is doing to venezuela. Imagine any capitalist country surviving that.

cite your sources.

bread line is best line

If you system is designed to work within human society, but is thwarted by human nature, then that is a problem with the system.

>Your idiocy enrages me to the point of brain fog.
you must be real smart

you left out the scapegoating that happens after socialism takes over so that the sociopaths can remain in power while explaining why things aren't any better

I believe the Mafia have a similar system

Americans are the only people who call it socialism anymore. It comes from the 1960's when america was in conflict with Cuba and Russia and the media used the word socialism as a buzz word. The rest of the world just call it social responsibility now. America is a bit behind the times

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on Yea Forums?
good luck

Uh... I don't know how to tell you this, but it makes an appearance when she's aroused. No arousal, no clit show.

>Judaism is a far-right racist doctrine.
Are you trying to say Judaism is actually good???

brainwashing so good it can't be undone


Except it always does, every single time, just like the economists said it would.

mises-media.s3.amazonaws.com/Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth_Vol_2_3.pdf

why denmark (and many other EU countries) are not worth comparing to the US

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Mmmm... I love my brainwashing.

Nom, nom, nom.

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the same people calling social responsibility are the ones with homosexual pedophiles in government, and women engaging in micegenation with rapist migrants (of whom it doesnt work for end up fleeing to America)

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I like how you're passionately constructing an argument out of completely unrelated anonymous posts in a shitposting thread

America's demographics resemble more along the lines of mexico rather than Japan or Sweden. Too many dumb parasitic 'niggers' to have any sort of high quality, universal health coverage.

you may not be aware of this, but there is currently a severe shortage of doctors and nurses. Right now, the USA has a crisis in the number of doctors and nurses. This problem is only going to get worse as time goes on, notwithstanding any changes to the current system. Now pile on a bunch of 3rd world niggers and the system will collapse entirely.

Frankly, I'd love to shove a bunch of you niggers onto medicaid and call it a day. When you don't get coverage and hospitals won't help you, I'd say, "but you've got free health coverage, why are you complaining?"

Just fucking die already. I hate all of you.

You are a fucking liar Venezuela had free reign for years and then collapsed from corruption. Where did all that oil money go? It was stolen by people like the assholes arguing for socialism in this thread. A bunch of poorly educated assholes who couldn't run a lunch shift at McDonalds acting like they are they paragons of virtue and intelligence that can redesign society from the ground up based on nothing but their own narcissism
and greed. You are no more resistant to the moral hazards than any other group of arrogant thieves trying to hijack governments through out history.

I'll just leave it here.

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Of course it is. The reason the alt-right was trained to hate them is because of leftist liberals from jew-york. Historically, Jews are very conservative.

Haven't you wondered why Trump supports Israel but shits on western europe?

Universal Healthcare isn't socialism it just makes sense. It's cheaper overall for everyone and basically takes health care away from the insurance companies. And seriously what downside is there to seeing a doctor for free...sounds like that shit should be in the constitution

Agreed. I guess they too have to learn the hard way.

>America's demographics resemble more along the lines of mexico

No. It would cost so much that it would ruin the whole thing. Also regardless of how you'd do it, the mechanism is susceptible to corruption.

I'm the guy you replied to.
Most communists are retarded because they believe that communism can be "implemented" as a matter of direct policy or decision.
It's based on Lenin's idea that societies can "skip" socio-economic systems and go directly into communism at pretty much any time they want, and that this can be achieved by a ruling "vanguard party". It's total horsecrap in theory but it helped to politically legitimise Lenin's team and give them political power to establish the USSR.
Of course Communism can only work when society reaches a stage of technological development where the production of goods doesn't require human labour. Otherwise any attempt to "wither away the state" will only produce a new state to replace it instantly in order to control the labour market (which is still necessary because technology isn't advanced enough yet to produce anything without human labour).
When human labour is no longer required to produce goods, there will be no labour markets, and the state will no longer have a purpose, at which point it will be replaced by something else.

Communism is essentially just a kind of anarcho-techno-libertarianism.

I love how American's will pay taxes for libraries they never use but something like Health Care they get all mad...yall crazy

But socialist country shouldn’t need to depend on trade with capitalist countrys!

Why can’t they survive with trade from Russia and china? Why are the people in Venezuela going without food and other basics?

literally quoting an EU marketing program designed to attract wealthy people back to the EU


Because I worked for everything I have, and don't want faggots and niggers to take it.

>But socialist country shouldn’t need to depend on trade with capitalist countrys!

Any country that depends on trade with capitalist country cannot be socialist by definition.

>homosexual pedophiles
Wait, I didn't know Catholic priests were gay and progressive.

Let Google and Amazon take it instead.

>Atheists of Jewish decent promote liberalism.
>The morons of the world think Jews are liberal.
Have you ever read the Old Testament?

Communism and Socialism are 2 different things bro

You know who has universal healthcare? Venezuela does. Do you want your country going that way?

Nice summary.

the fuck kinda stupid are you?


If you are arguing for socialism you are all the same asshole to me. Trying to pretend to be a paragon of virtue and morality while being a corrupt piece of shit. That is socialism in a nutshell. Are you really so fucking stupid to think the dregs of society are the best people to run society? That's just fucking stupid. Socialism is supposed to be a workers revolution, remember? But the commies in Americsa hate the working class they just want to use them to cravenly seize power, the same fucking bullshit you always get from leftists
> I'm obviously the smartest guy in the room I just told you I was So now I get to run everything based on my 12 years of basic education. What could go wrong? I am sick and tired of listening to the lies of pseudo-intellectual freeloaders trying to justify a handout by perverting Marxism which is a stupid ideology of a fucking Trust fund baby. I wonder why he, of all people, devised a philosophy of living off of other people's sweat...

Attached: Screenshot-2019-4-4 Danish PM in US Denmark is not socialist.png (846x697, 547K)

OP or the pic?

You know who has universal healthcare? Every other developed country in the 1st world..lol


1: chgs.umn.edu/educational/homosexuals.html
2: ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10005261
3: jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Holocaust/homo.html
4: holocaust-education.dk/holocaust/sigojnerne.asp
5: books.google.co.uk/books?id=kewLQwngUSkC&q=passed through&redir_esc=y#v=snippet&q=passed through&f=false
6: archive.freecapitalists.org/forums/t/26853.aspx?PageIndex=1
For more information on Rummel, see: crappytown.com/2011/12/why-rj-rummel-shouldnt-be-taken.html
7: Le Monde, 14 November 1997
8: llco.org/mim-review-of-the-black-book-of-communism/
9: Getty, J Arch (Mar 2000), “The Black book of Communism: Nazism & Communicsm have the same totalitarian roots” (text), The Atlantic Monthly (Boston: Hackvan) 285 (3): 113.
10: as.wvu.edu/history/Faculty/Tauger/Tauger, Chapter for Roter Holocaust book b.pdf
11: huffingtonpost.com/2014/01/23/obama-drone-program-anniversary_n_4654825.html
12: thebureauinvestigates.com/2014/01/23/more-than-2400-dead-as-obamas-drone-campaign-marks-five-years/
13: telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/syria/10588308/US-secretly-backs-rebels-to-fight-al-Qaeda-in-Syria.html
14: theblaze.com/stories/2014/01/22/british-paper-u-s-is-secretly-funding-syria-rebels-fighting-al-qaeda/
15: globalresearch.ca/america-is-loosing-its-covert-syria-war-us-sponsored-al-nusra-rebels-defeated-by-syrian-armed-forces/5334827
16: thenational.ae/world/syria/cash-boost-for-syrian-rebels-to-pressure-assad


if the only reference you have to child sex and homos are Catholic priests, youre a retard. The government allows those people to work within their borders. It starts with the government

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17: time.com/24077/syria-death-toll/
18: reuters.com/article/2014/02/15/us-syria-crisis-toll-idUSBREA1E0HS20140215
19: zerohedge.com/article/us-purchase-oil-libyan-rebels-thus-funding-flickers-al-qaeda
20: nytimes.com/2011/05/06/world/africa/06diplo.html?_r=0
21: reuters.com/article/2011/03/15/us-libya-usa-assets-idUSTRE72E79X20110315
22: huffingtonpost.com/2011/09/08/libya-war-died_n_953456.html
23: cbsnews.com/news/us-libya-death-toll-as-high-as-30000/
24: america.aljazeera.com/articles/2013/11/28/sri-lanka-startscountingthecivilwardead.html
25: warwithoutwitness.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=298:death-toll-at-the-end-of-the-sri-lankan-conflict-was-30000-to-40000-gordon-weiss&catid=38:reports&Itemid=61
26: theguardian.com/environment/earth-insight/2014/mar/20/iraq-war-oil-resources-energy-peak-scarcity-economy
27: cnn.com/2013/03/19/opinion/iraq-war-oil-juhasz/
28: marxists.org/history/etol/newspape/socialistvoice/defendiraqPR67.html
29: news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2013/10/131015-iraq-war-deaths-survey-2013/
30: psmag.com/navigation/politics-and-law/better-stab-estimating-many-died-iraq-war-68419/
31: huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/15/iraq-death-toll_n_4102855.html
32: huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/30/afghanistan-war-death-toll_n_1926668.html
33: costsofwar.org/article/afghan-civilians
34: costsofwar.org/article/pakistani-civilians

What ever did insurance companies do wrong that a government hasn't done the same? Insurance companies have low profit margins. There is no efficiency gains switching from insurance to govt.

The only reason you people think universal healthcare saves money is because you look at those countries with it, see the numbers on spending % of GDP and say, oh well gee, I guess they know what they're doing, let's do it! Yet the first thing that would happen if we adopted that system is the endless bitching about how certain things aren't covered, endless lines, and rationing of care. You idiots think the only thing stopping you from unlimited, high quality care are evil insurance companies. Trust me, if you think insurance companies are bad, wait until you deal with govt. bureaucracy. Govt. is the least accountable, least flexible, least yielding. They do not give a fuck, EVER.

Do you honestly want DMV healthcare?

Our healthcare is expensive for a myriad of reasons and trying to address those issues by themselves will piss off people like you who thought you could have your cake and eat it too.

That's a bullshit you dumb ass faggot American.

35: cbsnews.com/news/mexican-drug-war-toll-47500-killed-in-5-years/
36: worldsocialism.org/articles/economic_causes_of_the.php
37: socialistworld.net/pubs/gulfcrisis/c5.html
38: msuweb.montclair.edu/~furrg/gulfwar1.html
39: msuweb.montclair.edu/~furrg/gulfwar2.html
40: old.post-gazette.com/nation/20030216casualty0216p5.asp
41: globalresearch.ca/gulf-war-syndrome-ptsd-and-military-suicides-u-s-government-s-message-to-america-s-vets-drop-dead/20186
42: globalresearch.ca/us-sponsored-genocide-against-iraq-1990-2012-killed-3-3-million-including-750000-children/5314461
43: wars.findthebest.com/q/65/2021/How-many-people-died-in-the-Iran-Iraq-War
44: news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/4260420.stm
45: kurzman.unc.edu/death-tolls-of-the-iran-iraq-war/
46: mattsteinglass.wordpress.com/2008/06/20/vietnam-war-killed-38-million-vietnamese-not-21-million/
47: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnam_War#cite_note-USd.26w-19
48: amazon.com/A-History-Laos-Martin-Stuart-Fox/dp/0521597463
49: nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=10086&page=102
50: globalresearch.ca/agent-orange-continues-to-poison-vietnam/13974
51: rense.com/general77/hdtage.htm
52: cbsnews.com/news/how-many-americans-died-in-korea/
53: history.com/topics/korean-war
54: onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1747-7093.1999.tb00330.x/abstract
55: books.google.com.tr/books/about/The_Cuban_Revolution.html?id=r0GHscf95qQC&redir_esc=y
56: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9110916
57: medicc.org/resources/documents/embargo/The impact of the U.S. Embargo on Health & Nutrition in Cuba.pdf
58: muse.jhu.edu/login?auth=0&type=summary&url=/journals/logos/v003/3.4hidalgo.pdf
59: www2.bc.edu/~kearneyr/pdf_articles/pl86217.pdf
60: informationclearinghouse.info/article4068.htm

>And seriously what downside is there to seeing a doctor for free...
Making doctors slaves should be in the constitution? You really want to create a shortage of doctors huh asshole?

one leads to the other. Venezuela is really communist. They just say socialist to remind people of what's to come if they try to bring socialism to the USA.

Marx knew that capitalism was the bridge to communism .. he even says communism may never manifest into what he proposed. Theres more to his ideas than just the manifesto

Just FYI, it's in the billions...people need to stop using the death toll as an excuse

Well thanks for all the pro socialist arguments, on behalf of the future Fordian Utopia, we thank you for paving the way for totalitarianism, now isn't it time you Epsilons took your soma ration

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Hey, I'm not the one saying there shouldn't be any restrictions on how corporations use their money and capital. If Google wants to use their money and power to force you to part with your property, then that's what they should be able to do. And if you disagree, you're a socialist who wants gulags and niggers to get free shit.
who the hell are you to tell google how they use their money? they earned it fair and square.

How would paying every doctor make them slaves? Under universal healthcare doctors are paid immediately. They don't have to send anyone a bill or wait to be paid

>I love how American's will pay taxes for libraries they never use but something like Health Care they get all mad...yall crazy
Enjoy drowning in debt. That shit only works in small homogeneous countries fuckface.

It looks like you're citing a bunch of sources of deaths caused by everything but capitalism.

what are you even talking about?

maybe read one of them?

Why don't you ask them. How many opted out of taking patients on Obama care? Force them to do it they will leave. Are you going to arrest them and keep them here by force? To work for whatever the government allows them to make, when they can go somewhere doctors aren't shat on by freeloaders and can make good money.

Actually accusing your political enemies of paedophilia is hardly new, The Nazis did it all the time in their rise to power, as did Stalin, its a common ploy

>Socialism =/= communism
Just like HIV =/= AIDS.

Limited socialism can work. But unrestricted socialism lends itself to communism too easily.

Universal health care. You will have people going to the emergency room to get splinters out. It is cost prohibitive.

We already have a severe shortage, he just wants to exacerbate it.

I've waffled for a long time on whether to be a doctor or medical researcher. The biggest problem I have is that not only do I not want to be a slave to the govt. but I hate the entitlement people have. I kinda just want a lot of people to die a miserable death because they deserve it.

In the UK we do

holy shit this is hilarious. That's not how it works

>.but people are the problem

Correct. With the State being the absolute authority and required
widespread trust in it's authority it only takes one entity to
completely ruin the whole system.

It's the benevolent dictator dilemma. Technically a ultimate authority
who makes empathetic decisions for the benefit for the people is a very
efficient system.

Realistically the benevolent candidate was shot and replaced 6 months
ago and anyone associated with him was sent to the Camps.

And yet people fly from all over the world to get the best health care in the US’s profit driven healthcare system.

Do you know who travels to countries with universal healthcare?
People who can’t afford to pay for anything!

Ooh...something I can get behind.
Yes, I agree.
We should defund and shutter public libraries. Especially if they are as unused as they are these days.
Spending money on places where nobody goes even when it’s free to get in? That's the definition of insanity. Time to sell the books off, knock down the buildings, and put up something that your people will actually use.

Yes, the Old Testament is right-wing extremism. What's wrong with it, are you liberal now?

The manifesto was written by an inexperienced, young Marx at a time when industrial capitalism was only just coming into being and he hadn't developed his ideas to a deep level.
It's the 19th century equivalent to a /pol/ post.
"Capital" is his main work of course, but when people think of Marx and Communism, they usually think of the Communist manifesto, which states that everything should be handed to the state, and when you try to explain anything, they will quote the communist manifesto at you and tell you marx was a statist. It's difficult to explain Hegelian dialectics and why making the state everything is equivalent to making it into nothing.

>Doctor normally earns about $150K per year
>Struggles to get paid
>Come around and suggest govt. healthcare
>Promise to get paid immediately
>Ends up earning only $70K per year.

fuck that

It wasn't just the republicans don't let that asshole blow smoke up your ass.

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it also morphed into drug rehab, IVF, sex changes, you fucking name it, at one point boob jobs because having flat tits were a cause of depression

I read about a dozen of them.

british NHS I should have said

and like your examples, HIV eventually leads to AIDS...socialism leads to communism.

Why the fuck would I sign up for such a horrible system? It's like california decriminalizing infecting people with HIV because it's "treatable" now. Man, fuck that shit.

They "accused" because its a common practice among "jews" and degenerates and drug addicts and prostitutes.

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Right you and Marx are just misunderstood geniuses...Typical arrogant bullshit from a narcissistic leftist.

>it can if you start promoting correct virtues as attractive

And there's the problem, who decides what are the "correct virtues?"

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Utter fucking bullshit...

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Is this like how Allah kept changing his mind as mohammed got older and starting contradicting himself in the Koran?

The real question is, who has more pedophiles: gays and Jews or patriotic Christian people?

>Actually accusing your political enemies of paedophilia is hardly new, The Nazis did it all the time in their rise to power, as did Stalin, its a common ploy
Except "pedophilia" didn't exist back then... It's a 21-st century invention. Back then, sex with children was only as wrong as any type of sex outside marriage.

her pussy looks like it isn't there

Healthcare does? Isn't the whole south homogeneous for that matter?

>>Ends up earning only $70K per year.
we can't have doctors starving like that

You're barking up the wrong tree. Marx was wrong in the manifesto and I'm neither a leftist nor a communist. Typical dismissive, conceited "red-pilled" "anti-leftist". You're the reason why I'm not anti-leftist either.

Let me know when we can start smiting people for sins again.

>not sure if sarcasm. do you really think it's right for doctors to make $70k per year? I know in other countries they do that, but what about here?

I'd rather have socialism for all rather than socialism for the rich

The reason it doesn't work is because it is the antithesis of freedom. It's a power grab by losers, always that's why it fails always. Look at AOC, she has experience as a fucking bartender but she thinks she can redesign the entire world. The insufferable arrogance of you fucking pompous twits.

Fuck your opinion, go get a Phd if you think you're so fucking smart.

>water is wet
>gonna need a source on that
How would you even begin to answer that query you queer?

Source: 20th century

Oh goody!!
When the master AI comes in line we can reintroduce socialism and then it will work.
Then we can all be equal slaves to our machine masters!

>I'd rather be raped in the ass then fucked in the mouth

Making statements nobody gives a fuck about.

whos going to hand out the fruits of their labor voluntarily?

Smart enough to own a house and a business something you are obviously a failure at so you want a shortcut out of your burger flipping career. Tough shit go earn your way loser.

For the majority of the twentieth century, which unlike, I suspect most of the posters here, I grew up in, Knobbing children was pretty much fucking frowned upon everywhere!

Just the Dunning-Kruger effect on display. Why else would the most unproductive, useless people be screaming for complete systemic overhaul in the name of 'fairness' unless it would directly benefit them?

No, more like how scientists reconsider their theories when new evidence comes along.
Marx admitted he was wrong and said "I am not a Marxist" in reference to people who were calling themselves Marxist and using his older work. Also Marx never asserted that his work or ideas were divinely inspired, eternal or infallible. Another difference is that Abrahamic religions are metaphysical and assert that reality and God are eternal and unchanging, whereas Marx's method was dialectical and materialist, and presupposed that reality constantly changes and nothing is permanent. So changing theories to correspond to a changing reality is a natural process.
Islam does not admit the presence of contradictions in the Quran, whereas contradiction is a fundamental part of dialectics.

Just because you're too fucking stupid to acknowledge what is actually going on doesn't mean I'm wrong. Offer a legit counter point boyo

Just fake it asshole.

>being this lazy

Once we all get the control chips implanted in our brains

AHEM....socialism. I do not think it means what you think it means...

exactly, socialism is for losers, they dont understand that even if we do inact socialism, when the money dries up, they are the ones that will be executed

I am. Also, needs hair on that pussy you pedophilesA pussy without hair is like a fast car without paint. Sure it drives wel but something something.

What is 'actually going on' has nothing to do with what we're talking about. We're talking about economic systems, not how our govt. is perverted by special interests, lobbyists, etc. Socialism for the rich is just one of many problems we have. Entitled sponges such as yourself is just another in the long list of problems we have.

What a stupid post that shit doesn't support your statement. Fucking pointless idiotic data dump typical asshole.

I'm glad you support Judaism now. :D

>trolling this obvious

i was just pointing out that the people redistributing the wealth will eventually take for themselves till they become the rich

Because, and correct me if I'm wrong me browsing Yea Forums at 10am, the whole system is stacked against us, the poor. The point of the matter if that there's no middle class, or for that matter any middle ground and that's completely bonkers.

>Smart enough to own a house and a business
OMG, you must be a genious

or starve. what ever.

I was reading a post about an Army veteran saying that while Iraq was a waste of time, we should definitely invade Venezuela to 'help the people' because they're being oppressed and they don't want to live under this govt. However, here is the best part. While the people in VZ don't believe Maduro is effective and they want him out, if you ask them their thoughts on Chavez, they still think of him as a saint and effective. These fucking idiots are beyond help and I hope they continue to starve. They just cannot put two and two together.

>Look at AOC, she has experience as a fucking bartender
And that's what actually makes her qualified to run the country.


Do you think these lazy minded freeloaders ever read Huxley? I personally read it twice.

No you are just a confused arrogant asshole.

The system is always going to be 'stacked' against you. Ever play the game Rust? I haven't, but I've seen videos of it. The first thing that happens when you enter the game for the first time is you get chased by a bunch of other starving people whose sole purpose is to kill you. You literally wake up in this game and the first thing you're doing is trying to run away and not get killed.

I'd say that game is caricature of what life is like. Nobody said life was suppose to be easy. But nonetheless, life has never been this easy in history of the world for humans.

So much stupid in this post I can't even

>lazy minded

there is a reason they scream the loudest for the dumbest of ideas...

Universal healthcare don't be a snarky faggot you dumb cunt, and no the south isn't homegeneous idiot.

America and all wastern countries should keep out of every other countries business, Just let the fuckers get on with it, you cant force countries to grow up it takes centuries, hell I still have serious doubts about the USA (actually, no I dont, I know the USA is a bunch of children with nukes)

Attached: molymeme.jpg (720x533, 33K)

Ok, sure, as long as we agree that I'm not a leftist.

>Knobbing children was pretty much fucking frowned upon everywhere!
Once again, knobbing ANYTHING was frowned upon. Nobody singled out sex with children. "Pedophilia" is a 21st-century invention.

It's an ideology with an unreasonable base. It assumes I want to be equal with everyone in the world. I don't give a shit what happens outside of my town (Or state during elections). I just want to have food and eat. Only people without real problems in their lives think socialism fixes anything.

>inb4 this post goes over extremely well with all the participants of thread.

What shithole do you live in where nobody uses libraries?

yes, thats why im against US intervention in Venezuela... but it might bolster our relationship with Brazil

also its why i cant blame other states for hating people that move in from California. we fucked everything up here now we gotta deal with it

parts of the country want to, but then you have activists who scream for intervention.

I think our track records shows that we have no business in intervening in countries with IQs less than 100. We were lulled into thinking we knew what we were doing due to the success of S. Korea and Japan but the fact is, those people are smart. The countries we're failing in, avg IQ is less than 90.

These countries aren't going to see us as prometheus but instead as oppressors and invaders. They're too stupid to teach through direct example and control.

it's like when ebola spreads through africa. We cannot directly tell the people not to do certain things to prevent spread of infection. Instead, we have to work with chieftains, let them make up their own hocus pocus crap and explain to the village people why they can't do certain things. They respect the chiefs, even if they really are ignorant retards.

And their combined population doesn't equal the US.

Presidential erections.

China. China. China.

>holy shit this is hilarious. That's not how it works
Fucking incels...that's exactly how it works.

incel < excel < Duracell

is the Chinese healthcare system any good though?
i mean everything in that country is fake so i wouldn't be surprised if the healthcare is fake too

Who would want to go through years of medical school and the hell hours of residency, and payng piles of money to do so, to come out on the other side and make less than a plumber?

It's getting better ;).