Stop being racist to black people

Stop being racist to black people.

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Fuck you, nigger.

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as soon as niggers stop being niggers i will.

You should stop posting this cuck, cuck

Ill beat the shit outve you then your nigger boyfriend cuck

Pointing out facts isn't racist.
Treating an individual different due to their group is. Public or private policies that affects groups different due to race is racist.

fuck niggers
fuck sand niggers
fuck bean niggers
fuck curry niggers

Fuck off nigger, you're not my real mom!

Go fuck yourself you nigger loving kike

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This was put here to upset you. Why did you let it?

i know it's bait, fuck niggers
fuck niggers
fuck niggers
does that offend you faggot?

>This was put here to upset you
And why exactly would I be upset?
>Why did you let it?
I just shitposted out of boredom.

this, op just made a fucking fool of himself.
strengthens the fact that all niggers are retards.

Well, tell them to stop being niggers. I have nothing against black people. Niggers are the problem.

No one has to be upset to hate criminals.

All blacks are niggers but not all niggers are black.

youre probably some stupid bitch who threw ypuf life away fucking niggers now youre stuck in that lifestyle....

fuckin kill yourself

No, it offends you.

cringe and bluepilled, we all know that all black people are niggers and are of no use to society

if that's how you cope with it then believe that all you want, now get back to the cotton farm tyrone.

You're like a frightened child, gun in one hand, phoneposting with the other how much tougher you are than the lazy people you're terrified of.

keep grasping on straws nigger

Niggers should have been sent back to africa when slavery was abolished. Where would your race be then?

14/88 for ever.

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Stop being black people to racists then.



stop being black

Go back to africa if you love your culture of killing people starving to death who steal with machetes.

stop being black people to racists

why would i go to africa?
it's filled with niggers

hivemind of Yea Forums strikes again

I'm not racist, why would I be scared of ni- oh wait that's for homophobic

Its ok, this is Yea Forums you are allowed, in fact encouraged to be both rasict AND homophobic at the same time

>where would black people be if Europeans hadn't been systematically taking over their countries, enslaving their people, and taking their resources for centuries?

Sick rap playa'