How bad is LSD for you?

how bad is LSD for you?
Done it once, want to make it a bi-weekly thing maybe even weekly. will it effect me long term? or whats the worst that could happen

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You can get permafryed

The scary thing is that drugs - and i mean any drug - make you less in touch with reality. That's their point.
That leads to a very suble but terrible outcome. Many druggies become sub medicore loosers.
Of course there's always the few shining examples, but reality shows again and again that people who don't feel like facing reality end up getting caught by their shitty decisions when they're older.

Being productive and hard working is a pain in the ass, but it is an investment.

Now answer the question to yourself: "Do you want to do good when you're 40 or don't you care to struggle from one job to the other?" because that's what it boils down to.

My suggestion is to keep drugs at an absolutely necessary minimum. Once a month should do for anyone to keep you entertained.

I assumed you're older, so hit me with that real life advice.

Been in a situation where I smoke weed 4/5 times a week but I dont see myself getting where I want to be or plan to be, but at the same time i feel like finding myself first, get my shit together and experience my youth for what it should be and have fun. LSD / other drugs are used to reward myself for doing stuff I feel like i succedeed at.

Drugs are a way to stroke your reward center without doing anything. Using drugs as a reward diminishes your enjoyment of your own life accomplishments because you end up only doing things in order to justify your drug rewards.

Not at all. LSD has zero negative effects on the body. Unless you get a psychosis which can be extremely bad. But its really rare.
You can't take it weekly. You build up an immunity too quickly.
There arent any negative long term effects from LSD.
The worst thing that can happen is that you get something else. Worst case is a lethal research chemical.

its not something to be abused. its like the least addictive drug. idk why youd want to make it a habit. personally i trip on acid maybe 3-4 times a YEAR. you can microdose from time to time but if ur dropping often shit will catch up to you eventually.

try shrooms maybe. lsd is more of a party drug than shrooms. lsd is meant to be an introspective drug. closed eye trips are superior to freaking out over ur smart phone or whatever bs humans created.

maybe youd like adderall more??

I've heard that an entire trip lasts 8-10hrs. And then the after effect (the "hangover" so to speak) can last for 2-3 weeks after. So basically you're either permanently high on LSD, or you're "hungover" high until it leaves your system. Idk if it'll affect you long term, but there's no way that can be good on your cognitive function. That's just what I rationalized. I've never done it. Btw, how can you keep a job (or a relationship) if you're constantly high on a hallucinogen?

Look up Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder.

Well there's a time for everything including being a stupid teenager, so if you're reasonably young take your time and explore your options. You now have the chance to create great memories to talk about when you're older. To do stupid or straight out dangerous things. Go experience life.
It's just that in my personal experience it was never the things that revolved around drugs that got me further in finding myself. Actually it was the opposite. Video games and weed held me back a couple of years and it was almost always the times when i did something together with others to get me where i am now.
I have gotten confident, successful and sportive. I'm kind and have accepted my own flaws as part of myself. I always aim for the coolest shit i can pull off at the moment and then i try to do it. That is tedious, often revoltingly hard but worth it because in my experience some very tough years made me a better person.
If i had smoked weed at this time span it would have layed a comfortable blanket over my grief and had made me feel better about myself preventing personal growth.

TLDR; In my experience drugs make you comfortable with being an under achiever. They don't make happy, they are just fun - for a moment.

I plan to try shrooms actually, just got to find them first. On lsd i usually just go for walks and explore lol

try painting, learning an instrument, writing, etc.

creative outlets

if you plan on ABUSING acid that is. thats really the only good outcome you can have from it otherwise youll just fry urself in the long run. trust me. i painted and drew so much just to keep a grasp on reality because i was too paranoid to take a walk outside

its possible to learn an instrument while im high? that sounds actually fuckign amazing ol

Stay away from that shit bro, if you must do it do not do it regularly. It straight fucked me up. I used to take acid every Monday and I am now riddled with anxiety and struggle with trusting and connecting with people. I had a lot of bs going on in my life at the time and that surely made things worse but honestly that shit fucks with your brain. It's fun tho but don't let the fun fool you. Think of it this way you have no clue what's gonna happen, one time I was tripping it was bad to begin with but long story short my cousin got in a motorcycle accident and I had to go sit in the ER waiting room not knowing if he was gonna live or die and I'm sitting there tripping balls.

You will become more rational, open and caring. Everything the establishment doesn't want you to be.

>without doing anything
If you thing doing psychedelics is a breeze, you've clearly never taken them. It takes courage, a cool head and an open mind. It makes demands on both mind and body. At the end of any trip worth a damn, you'll be exhausted.

You build a tolerance if you keep doing it, LSD molecules are too big for your brain and block them. If you do LSD again the next day or two it does literally nothing for you. Just look up tolerance and times, so you can enjoy it properly

>want to make it a bi-weekly thing
You can't do it back to back like this and if it's not microdosing it is a retarded idea.
Your stupid is showing pal.

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1. you will get permafried
2. you will lose all your short to medium term memory and become schizoid-tier for a year or so until you finally recover

My experience with acid is that ive had it pretty much once a month for the past year and its great but recently i had a trip, it kinda went downhill which was a first for me but it made me realize that i need to sort myself out so ive cut down on drugs and ive started going to the gym.10/10 would do again

i bet u are addicted to drugs too, just u don't call them like that. Television, coffe, smartphone internet solcial network, alchol, work. So better abuse what is "legal" then take a psycho active substance that can rise your conciusness and quit the bulshit evryone live without knowing. Reality, what is reality?

i did it maybe once every other week in high school years ago and i was pretty mentally fucked for about a year after it, but then everything returned to normal. i would say it was worth it but i wouldn't do it again, and wouldn't do it if you have work to do that requires your brain to be functional as well as possible

a drug by definition is something that induces a change in your body or a high. coffee is a drug. other shit, while they are addictions that can impact your body since you are a lazy fuck, aren't drugs.

Neither of those are real things. Stop being a faggot. I've done hundreds of hits of acid, you'll be fine. The only cause for concern is if you have a family history of schizophrenia, in that case I'd be cautious with psychedelics.

LOL nigger I've done acid, and if that's what you took from the experience, you've done it way, way, way too often.

i dont really mean permafried as in frying your brain, but permatrips are real and well-documented. acid flashbacks are also real though in my opinion dont impact anyone negatively. acid has also been proven to disrupt memory, but it is never permanent. your brain will fully recover within some months to 2 years. there are people who have taken thousands of hits that are fully functioning members of society, but even though its possible, it still has undocumented effects. its not something you can just overload yourself with and come out perfectly fine

>Being productive and hard working is a pain in the ass, but it is an investment.

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Well don't take a tab weekly bi weekly you're going to get a fast tolerance.

So developing own skills is jewish? Working out is jewish? Making money is jewish?
Fuck, maybe i'm a jew.

i had the best time of my life when i started to do drugs from OP, which meant that i stopped indulging in consumerism and started self improving. lsd/mushrooms/pedro etc are not what you think- if you do them you might just understand.

I'm not sure about lsd precisely, but i've seen enought people fuck their lives up over weed, mdma and cocaine to formulate a good pattern.
You know i like rave music and raves, but i seem to be one of the few sober people there.

you are retarded like all the other people who say "i took psychedelics and now im woke"

Do people actually fuck up their lives over weed though?