What is Yea Forums's opinion on eugenics

What is Yea Forums's opinion on eugenics

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Genetics for people who don’t know about DNA.

do speak you speak English?

Unethical. Immoral. When do we start? Retards have no place in our society and anyone who would hold an elitist view of their own genes would have to prove it on the molecular level. Natural Selection is the course of nature, Selective Evolution is the course of science.

Excuse me? what?

There should be a simple test. If you fail you are sterlized.

Do you speak English?
Eugenics is simple genetics for people who don’t know about DNA.
Idk how much more clear I can be.

man you are really doubling down on that with no explanation. you seem like the perfect example of why we need eugenics.

Eugenics got a bad rap because when it was started genetics were poorly understood. With our current knowledge we could start eradicating genetic disorders, improve intelligence, or a million other things.

atleast you get it

it'll work

>Implying it would be used to make humans better.

Cmon user, tptb can't have that.

>Selective Evolution is the course of science.

Which is always hugely flawed and influenced by the current political climate and other trivial shit.

Kill the poor

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Our current knowledge of epigenetics tells us that the cancer epidemic has been caused by letting people breed past puberty.
Would eugenics include outlawing sex with anybody over 14 to end cancer?

if everything were perfect and humans could avoid feeling superior to one another, then i believe eugenics could be used to further improve and evolve humanity. could be amazing
unfortunately, humans are fucking shit. and the implementation of eugenics would be horrific. people have/would suffer.

you cant make me

The least intelligent are the ones having the most offspring. This will get out of hand quickly. The elites will be forced into a pre-emptive strike. The survivors will wish they had died.

CRISPR is needed more than ever to fix all the mental problems that are popping up due to the scum overtaking the pond.

That's just a tool, to a greater plan.

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yeah here's to hoping we can reverse skin discoloration and the unusual ape skull shapes too

i agree. fucked up nazi fetish.

At some point we are probably going to need to apply it at some level to prevent illness from spreading, since modern society has basically killed natural selection for humans.
Obvious ethical problems aside, if it is done, whomever is in charge will fuck it up. That power will be abused without a doubt.

Eugenics isn't always about cleansing or getting rid of people physically but staying away from from fucking mental defectives right?

No, eugenics wouldn't outlaw sex. History proves that men and women are going to fuck no matter what the repercussions are. It would probably have some form of mandatory sterilization for most men however, as only the ones with the most positive traits will be needed for sperm. Females could still be useful past their prime thanks to in vitro fertilization. It's my understanding that having ovum removed from females at a young age for later use or zygote intrafallopian transfer from a healthy donor avoids the risks of epigenetics.